995 resultados para forcellone,swingarm,analisi,motoveicolo,motorcycle
Il lavoro sperimentale condotto nell’ambito della presente tesi è stato svolto su un impianto pilota a flusso continuo con schema predenitro/nitro in scala di laboratorio, alimentato con refluo sintetico ed installato presso i laboratori della Sezione ACS PROT IDR - Gestione Risorse Idriche dell’ENEA (sede di Bologna). Le finalità della sperimentazione erano mirate ad una verifica preliminare sull’utilizzo di segnali indiretti, quali pH, ORP, DO, nel monitoraggio in tempo reale dei processi biologici, mirata alla possibilità di implementare un sistema di controllo automatico di un impianto di depurazione, capace di minimizzare i costi di gestione e in grado di garantire, in ogni caso, elevate efficienze depurative. Nel presente studio sono stati esaminati gli aspetti metodologici e tecnologici alla base dell’automazione di un impianto di trattamento di acque reflue, avendo il duplice obiettivo di garantire una buona qualità dell’effluente e un contestuale risparmio energetico. In particolare si è studiato un problema molto diffuso: il controllo della rimozione dell’azoto in un sistema a fanghi attivi con predenitrificazione per l’ossidazione congiunta di carbonio ed azoto, ponendolo in relazione con la variazione dei tempi di commutazione in un processo SBR. L’obiettivo primario della sperimentazione effettuata è stato quello di portare il sistema in un regime di equilibrio stazionario, in modo da poter definire delle condizioni di regime per le quali, ad un ingresso costante e noto, corrispondesse un’uscita altrettanto costante che mantenesse tali condizioni fino a quando non fosse cambiato l’ingresso e/o le condizioni al contorno. A questo scopo si è provveduto, in primo luogo, allo studio di un influente sintetico con cui alimentare l’impianto, di composizione tale da simulare in tutte le sue caratteristiche un refluo civile reale e, successivamente, alla valutazione di una configurazione impiantistica idonea per il raggiungimento dell’equilibrio dei processi. La prima parte della sperimentazione è stata dedicata all’avviamento dell’impianto, effettuando un monitoraggio continuo dell’intero sistema allo scopo di impostare i parametri operativi e in modo da ottenere condizioni stabili per effettuare le successive sperimentazioni.
Oxidative stress is considered to be of major relevance for a variety of pathological processes. Thus, it is valuable to identify compounds, which might act as antioxidants, i.e. compounds that antagonize the deleterious action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on biomolecules. The mode of action of these compounds could be either to scavenge ROS directly or to trigger protective mechanisms inside the cell, thereby resulting in improved defense against ROS. Sulforaphane (SF) (1-isothiocyanato-(4R)-(methylsulfinyl)butane) is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent found as a precursor glucosinolate in Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Although SF is not a direct-acting antioxidant, there is substantial evidence that SF acts indirectly to increase the antioxidant capacity of animal cells and their abilities to cope with oxidative stress. Induction of phase 2 enzymes is one means by which SF enhances the cellular antioxidant capacity. Enzymes induced by SF include Glutathione S-transferases (GST) and NAD[P]H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) which can function as protectors against oxidative stress. To protect themselves from oxidative stress, cells are equipped with reducing buffer systems including the GSH and thioredoxin (Trx) reductase. GSH is an important tripeptide thiol which in addition to being the substrate for GSTs maintains the cellular oxidation– reduction balance and protects cells against free radical species. Aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the ability of SF to induce the expression and the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes (such as GST, GR, GPx, NQO1, TR, SOD, CAT) in an in vitro model of rat cardiomyocytes, and also to define if SF treatment supprts cells in counteracting oxidative stress induced by H2O2 It is well known that acute exhaustive exercise causes significant reactive oxygen species generation that results in oxidative stress, which can induce negative effects on health and well being. In fact, increased oxidative stress and biomarkers (e.g., protein carbonyls, MDA, and 8- hydroxyguanosine) as well as muscle damage biomarkers (e.g. plasmatic Creatine cinase and Lactate dehydrogenase) have been observed after supramaximal sprint exercises, exhaustive longdistance cycling or running as well as resistance-type exercises, both in trained and untrained humans. Markers of oxidative stress also increase in rodents following exhaustive exercise. Moreover, antioxidant enzyme activities and expressions of antioxidant enzymes are known to increase in response to exhaustive exercise in both animal and human tissues. Aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of SF supplementation in counteracting oxidative stress induced by physical activity through its ability to induce phase 2, and antioxidant enzymes in rat muscle. The results show that SF is a nutraceutical compound able to induce the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes in both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Thanks to its actions SF is becoming a promising molecule able to prevent cardiovascular damages induced by oxidative stress and muscle damages induced by acute exhaustive exercise.
This study aims to show the scope of environment impact due to tyre treatments. The study scrutinises a firm’s case, Marangoni S.p.A, which is one of the first pneumatics treatments firm with emphasis on disposed and recostructed exhausted pneumatics. In particular those pneumatic’s treatments are two: reconstruction (30% of the whole amount of the pneumatics given) and incineration (70% of the whole amount of the pneumatics given). With LCA methods (EcoIndicator 99, EPS 2000, EDIP 97, IMPACT 2002) it has been possible to value the impact on the environments in terms of human health, ecosystem quality and resources. In addition, comparison with the principal process and subsidiary processes within the main one has brought to highlight how some results could be understood in different way. This interpretation should bring politics and socials network to take decision in order to save our planet.
La tesi presenta l'analisi del funzionamento di un inverter a tre livelli di tipo diode-clamped, confrontando tra loro varie tecniche di modulazione e valutandone l'efficienza (per ulteriori informazioni contattare matteo.toffano@gmail.com).
Impianto solare termodinamico a concentrazione per la produzione di energia elettrica.