962 resultados para forage grass
Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin that has relatively low acute toxicity. However, it is a potent oestrogen, interfering with the reproductive tract of animals. Among other effects, ZEN decreases animals fertility, and induces fibrosis in the uterus, breast cancer and endometrial carcinoma (Zinedine et al., 2007). Anti-mycotoxin additives (AMA) are defined as a group of products that, when added to animal feed, are capable of adsorbing, inactivating, or neutralizing mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. One example of these products are adsorbents based on yeast cell walls, a safe and beneficial animal feed additive (Abreu et al., 2008). When based on active cells, yeast based products also act as a probiotic, contributing to improve the general animal health because it stimulates their immune system and promotes the integrity of intestinal mucosa (Albino et al., 2006). Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from silage were tested for their ZEN removal capability. Their effect on - and b-zearalenol (-ZOL and b-ZOL) was also tested. Strains were grown on YPD separately supplemented with ZEN, -ZOL and b-ZOL, and their elimination from culture media was quantified over time by HPLC-FL.
El desarrollo de actividades industriales, contribuye cada vez más a la generación de residuos con elementos potencialmente tóxicos que en concentraciones altas (fijadas por ley nacional 24051) pueden tener efectos nocivos a la salud de la población y afectaciones al equilibrio ecológico y el ambiente. Hoy existen estudios tendientes a resolver la contaminación originada por metales pesados en suelos, mediante estrategias basadas en el uso de plantas que tienen la propiedad de acumular metales pesados; proceso denominado “fitoremediación” que consiste en la remoción, transferencia, estabilización y/o degradación y neutralización de compuestos orgánicos, inorgánicos y radioactivos que resultan tóxicos en suelos y agua. Esta novedosa tecnología tiene como objetivo degradar y/o asimilar, los metales pesados, presentes en el suelo, lo cual tiene muchas ventajas con respecto a los métodos convencionales de tratamientos de lugares contaminados; en 1º lugar es una tecnología económica, de bajo costo, en 2º lugar posee un impacto regenerativo en lugares en donde se aplica y en 3º lugar su capacidad extractiva se mantiene debido al crecimiento vegetal (Harvey et al., 2002). La fitoremediación no es un remedio para todos los suelos contaminados y antes que esta tecnología pueda volverse técnicamente eficiente y económicamente viable, hay algunas limitaciones que necesitan ser superadas como por ejemplo la falta de pruebas a escala industrial (Freitas et al., 2004). Para la realización del trabajo se utilizarán las instalaciones de la empresa FACSA S.A ubicada en Avda. De las Quintas y De los Hornos de barrio villa Esquiú de Córdoba, empresa operadora de residuos de plomo autorizada por la Secretaría de Ambiente de la Provincia de Córdoba. Se utilizarán dos hectáreas de terreno de la empresa en la que se acumulará un máximo 1 metro cúbico por cada metro cuadrado de superficie. Previamente al deposito de suelo contaminado, el terreno será impermeabilizado con suelo cemento y cal para evitar lixiviaciones de plomo y luego se cercará para evitar ingreso de personal no autorizado. En las hectáreas preparadas se aplicarán capas sucesivas de suelo contaminado con suelo natural en la mitad del terreno y en la otra mitad capaz sucesivas de suelo contaminado y suelo fertilizado con lombricompuesto, ambos sectores serán sembrados con pasto Rye Grass. Durante el proceso se medirá la concentración de Pb por FRX cada tres meses, en tres profundidades para cada preparados de campo. Las muestras serán compuestas y se corresponderán a un mínimo de 5 puntos para cada profundidad. Lo mismo se realizará para medir la concentración de Pb en el pasto. Las cosechas o cortes de pasto serán trimestrales y el pasto cortado se recogerá, secará e incinerará en el propio horno de FACSA S.A. Se evaluarán las siguientes variables. Salinidad: Se realizará antes y al final del año, tomando muestras compuestas de 100g de suelo c/u a las cuales se le agregarán 100 ml de agua destilada, se deja reposar y luego se toma la lectura con la ayuda de un conductímetro calibrado. Acumulación de Pb en tejido vegetal: Se considerará como variable principal la acumulación de Pb en tejido vegetal, ya que integra tanto el grado de absorción del metal por las plantas, así como el efecto negativo que las concentraciones excesivas del metal sobre la producción de materia seca. Para el estudio de esta variable, se captarán y prepararán muestras trimestrales. Secado y protocolo para el análisis de Pb por FRX. Pb en Suelo:Esta variable se examinará trimestralmente, mediante mezcla compuesta de cada sector tomada como mínimo en cinco puntos. Se tomarán muestras a tres profundidades distintas. Ph en Suelo:Se tomarán partes de las muestras para análsis de ph. El experimento culminará a los dos años con análisis de las 9 tandas de mediciones (La 1º corresponde a la determinación de la línea de base). Se realizará la prospección para determinar el momento de perfecta recuperación del suelo.
La introducción de nuevos recursos genéticos es esencial en la evolución de la agricultura destinada a la producción de materia prima de alta calidad. La evaluación de nuevo germoplasma, con el objetivo de su difusión comercial o incorporación a programas de mejoramiento, se realiza a través de ensayos comparativos de rendimiento en diferentes ambientes. Las forrajeras anuales de invierno son casi insustituibles para mantener la cadena forrajera en la región pampeana subhúmeda seca y semiárida. En la actualidad tanto triticales como tricepiros son alternativas muy promisorias para su utilización como doble propósito, así como para explorar la posibilidad de producir harinas diferenciadas para uso en la industria de la alimentación humana. En el país, los triticales se han difundido para pastoreo y se requiere de nuevos cultivares. Los tricepiros se trabajan exclusivamente en la Argentina y es necesario desarrollar germoplasma. Se planea identificar germoplasma superior mediante selección en introducciones y cruzamientos propios, ensayos comparativos de pasto y grano, estudiar la estabilidad citológica mediante análisis cromosómicos y genómicos y caracterizar líneas avanzadas por descriptores morfológicos.The introduction of new genetic resources is essential in the agriculture evolution, especially when high quality production is the main objective. New germoplasm must be tested several years in order to be part of breeding programs or to be commercialized due to environmental differences among years. In dry subhumid and semiarid pampeana region, annual winter feed crops are necessary in order to have forage production during winter. Nowadays Triticales and Tricepiros are promising alternatives to be used as double purpose for animal feed and fodder, as well as to obtain differenced flour to human food. In Argentina, Triticale has spread for forage uses and new cultivars are required. Tricepiros are sown only in this country; therefore there is a need to develop Tricepiro germoplasm. The outline includes: identify superior germoplasm in introductions and own crosses through selection; establish comparative forage and grain trials; cytological estability study using chromosomal and genomic analysis and characterize advanced lines through morphological features.
Asexual lineages can derive from sexual ancestors via different mechanisms and at variable rates, which affects the diversity of the asexual population and thereby its ecological success. We investigated the variation and evolution of reproductive systems in Aptinothrips, a genus of grass thrips comprising four species. Extensive population surveys and breeding experiments indicated sexual reproduction in A. elegans, asexuality in A. stylifer and A. karnyi, and both sexual and asexual lineages in A. rufus. Asexuality in A. stylifer and A. rufus coincides with a worldwide distribution, with sexual A. rufus lineages confined to a limited area. Inference of molecular phylogenies and antibiotic treatment revealed different causes of asexuality in different species. Asexuality in A. stylifer and A. karnyi has most likely genetic causes, while it is induced by endosymbionts in A. rufus. Endosymbiont-community characterization revealed presence of Wolbachia, and lack of other bacteria known to manipulate host reproduction. However, only 69% asexual A. rufus females are Wolbachia-infected, indicating that either an undescribed endosymbiont causes asexuality in this species or that Wolbachia was lost in several lineages that remained asexual. These results open new perspectives for studies on the maintenance of mixed sexual and asexual reproduction in natural populations.
City Audit Report
La novel·la de Günter Grass Unkenrufe, que presenta una visió negativa de la reunificació alemanya en el marc dels conflictes ancestrals entre polonesos i alemanys, ofereix una gran quantitat de dades per a l’estudi del tractament traductor de la dimensió emocional d’un text. Partint d’una anàlisi exhaustiva de tota l’obra, el treball se centra en vint microsegments representatius d’un sentiment i una actitud que guarden correlació: l’enuig i la ironia del narrador envers la història fictícia de la novel·la i la real de l’Alemanya de finals dels vuitanta. L’objectiu és estudiar aquests dos aspectes centrals de l’obra a les versions catalana i castellana d’Unkenrufe i determinar, per mitjà de la detecció i anàlisi de les divergències d’intensitat, si les traduccions reforcen, atenuen o mantenen l’enuig i la ironia del narrador. Els resultats de l’anàlisi, que aplica eines lexicogràfiques i corpus d’ús de la llengua, apunten cap a una tendència del narrador de la traducció castellana a mostrar-se menys irònic.
Cite this as: J. Wassenberg, S. Nutten, R. Audran, N. Barbier, V. Aubert, J. Moulin, A. Mercenier and F. Spertini, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2011 (41) 565-573. SUMMARY: Background Probiotics have been associated with prevention and improvement of symptoms in atopic diseases such as atopic dermatitis. However, few studies exist that document their efficacy for upper airways allergies such as allergic rhinitis. Objective To investigate the effect of short-term oral administration of Lactobacillus paracasei ST11 on a nasal provocation test (NPT) with grass pollen. Methods Thirty-one adult volunteers with allergic rhinitis were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, based on two 4-week cross-over periods of product consumption (ST11-fermented milk vs. placebo), separated by a wash-out period of 6-8 weeks. Objective and subjective clinical parameters of NPT as well as systemic and nasal immunological parameters were compared between the two treatment periods (registration number: NCT 011 50 253). Results Subjects that received ST11-fermented milk had lower nasal congestion than subjects under placebo (visual analogical scale; P<0.05). Nasal pruritus followed the same trend. However, no significant change in combined nasal reaction threshold was observed between the two periods. IL-5 secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells and serum allergen-specific IgG4 were significantly lower in ST11-fermented milk group compared to placebo group. IL-8 and IL-10 secretion followed the same trend. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance Short-term treatment with ST11-fermented milk before NPT significantly improved a clinical marker of NPT (subjective nasal congestion) and down-regulated systemic immune markers (IL-5 from peripheral blood mononuclear cells and serum IgG4). These data strongly suggest that probiotics may down modulate key parameters of allergic rhinitis and warrant future evaluation in seasonal trials.
Audit report on the City of Blue Grass, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
ABSTRACT Dynamics of the restoration of physical trails in the grass-cutting ant Atta capiguara. Leaf-cutting ants of the genus Atta build long physical trails by cutting the vegetation growing on the soil surface and removing the small objects they find across their path. Little is known on the dynamics of trail construction in these ants. How much time do they need to build a trail? To answer this question we selected six trails belonging to two different nests of A. capiguara and removed on each trail a block of soil of 20 cm × 15 cm that included a portion of the physical trail. This block was then replaced by a new block of the same size that was removed in the pasture near the trail and that was uniformly covered by the same type of vegetation as that found on the block of soil that was removed. The time required to restore the trail was then evaluated by the length of the grass blades found along the former location of the trail. The results show that ants rapidly restore the portion of the physical trail that was interrupted, which suggests that they could also do the same after their trails have been recolonized by the vegetation.
Erosion is deleterious because it reduces the soil's productivity capacity for growing crops and causes sedimentation and water pollution problems. Surface and buried crop residue, as well as live and dead plant roots, play an important role in erosion control. An efficient way to assess the effectiveness of such materials in erosion reduction is by means of decomposition constants as used within the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - RUSLE's prior-land-use subfactor - PLU. This was investigated using simulated rainfall on a 0.12 m m-1 slope, sandy loam Paleudult soil, at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study area had been covered by native grass pasture for about fifteen years. By the middle of March 1996, the sod was mechanically mowed and the crop residue removed from the field. Late in April 1996, the sod was chemically desiccated with herbicide and, about one month later, the following treatments were established and evaluated for sod biomass decomposition and soil erosion, from June 1996 to May 1998, on duplicated 3.5 x 11.0 m erosion plots: (a) and (b) soil without tillage, with surface residue and dead roots; (c) soil without tillage, with dead roots only; (d) soil tilled conventionally every two-and-half months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue; and (e) soil tilled conventionally every six months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue. Simulated rainfall was applied with a rotating-boom rainfall simulator, at an intensity of 63.5 mm h-1 for 90 min, eight to nine times during the experimental period (about every two-and-half months). Surface and subsurface sod biomass amounts were measured before each rainfall test along with the erosion measurements of runoff rate, sediment concentration in runoff, soil loss rate, and total soil loss. Non-linear regression analysis was performed using an exponential and a power model. Surface sod biomass decomposition was better depicted by the exponential model, while subsurface sod biomass was by the power model. Subsurface sod biomass decomposed faster and more than surface sod biomass, with dead roots in untilled soil without residue on the surface decomposing more than dead roots in untilled soil with surface residue. Tillage type and frequency did not appreciably influence subsurface sod biomass decomposition. Soil loss rates increased greatly with both surface sod biomass decomposition and decomposition of subsurface sod biomass in the conventionally tilled soil, but they were minimally affected by subsurface sod biomass decomposition in the untilled soil. Runoff rates were little affected by the studied treatments. Dead roots plus incorporated residues were effective in reducing erosion in the conventionally tilled soil, while consolidation of the soil surface was important in no-till. The residual effect of the turned soil on erosion diminished gradually with time and ceased after two years.
Selostus: Rypsipuristeen asteittainen korvaaminen pellavapuristeella lypsylehmien säilörehuun perustuvassa ruokinnassa
Selostus: Typpilannoituksen, kasvilajin ja lajikkeen vaikutus siirtonurmikon tuotanto-ominaisuuksiin Valkeasuon turvetuotannon jättöalueella
Selostus: Väkirehuun lisätyn glyserolin tai vapaiden rasvahappojen tai näiden yhdistelmän vaikutus maidontuotantoon ja pötsifermentaatioon ruokittaessa lypsylehmiä säilörehuun perustuvalla ruokinnalla
A major constraint to agricultural production in acid soils of tropical regions is the low soil P availability, due to the high adsorption capacity, low P level in the source material and low efficiency of P uptake and use by most of the modern varieties grown commercially. This study was carried out to evaluate the biomass production and P use by forage grasses on two soils fertilized with two P sources of different solubility. Two experiments were carried out, one for each soil (Cambisol and Latosol), using pots filled with 4 dm³ soil in a completely randomized design and a 4 x 2 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of a combination of four forage plants (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha, Pennisetum glaucum and Sorghum bicolor) with two P sources (Triple Superphosphate - TSP and Arad Reactive Phosphate - ARP), with four replications. The forage grasses were harvested at pre-flowering, when dry matter weight and P concentrations were measured. Based on the P concentration and dry matter production, the total P accumulation was calculated. With these data, the following indices were calculated: the P uptake efficiency of roots, P use efficiency, use efficiency of available P, use efficiency of applied P and agronomic efficiency. The use of the source with higher solubility (TSP) resulted, generally, in higher total dry matter and total P accumulation in the forage grasses, in both soils. For the less reactive source (ARP), the means found in the forage grasses, for use efficiency and efficient use of available P, were always higher when grown in Latosol, indicating favorable conditions for the solubility of ARP. The total dry matter of Brachiaria brizantha was generally higher, with low P uptake, accumulation and translocation, which indicated good P use efficiency for both P sources and soils. The forage plants differed in the P use potential, due to the sources of the applied P and of the soils used. Less than 10 % of the applied P was immobilized in the forage dry matter. Highest values were observed for TSP, but this was not reflected in a higher use efficiency of P from this source.