966 resultados para fluorescence spectroscopy


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Desenvolvimento de metodologia para a determinação de aflatoxinas em amostras de amendoim usando espectrofluorimetria e análise dos fatores paralelos (PARAFAC). 2012. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Química) - Instituto de Química, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro, 2012. Neste trabalho de pesquisa são descritos dois estudos de caso que se baseiam na determinação de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 em amostras de amendoim, utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência molecular. O primeiro estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a metodologia empregada para a quantificação de aflatoxinas totais em amendoins, utilizando o método clássico de validação fazendo-se o uso da calibração univariada. Os principais parâmetros de desempenho foram avaliados visando certificar a possibilidade de implementação desta metodologia em laboratórios. O segundo estudo está focado na separação e quantificação destas aflatoxinas com a aplicação combinada da espectrofluorimetria e de um método quimiométrico de segunda ordem (PARAFAC) utilizando a calibração multivariada. Esta técnica pode ser empregada como uma alternativa viável para a determinação de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 isoladamente, tradicionalmente é feito por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector de fluorescência. Porém, como estes analitos apresentam uma larga faixa de sobreposição espectral e as aflatoxinas (B1 e G1) possuem intensidade de sinal de fluorescência bem abaixo das demais, a separação e quantificação das quatro aflatoxinas foi inviável. O estudo foi retomado com a utilização das aflatoxinas B2 e G2 e os resultados alcançados foram satisfatórios. O método utilizado para a quantificação de aflatoxinas totais apresentou bons resultados, mostrando-se como uma importante ferramenta para a determinação destes analitos. Alem disso, comtempla perfeitamente o que é requerido pela legislação brasileira para a análise de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, que tem como exigência em laudos finais de análise a declaração do somatório, em g/kg, destas aflatoxinas, ou seja, sem a necessidade de quantifica-las separadamente


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Visible upconversion luminescence was observed in Cr3+: Al2O3 crystal under focused femtosecond laser irradiation. The luminescence spectra show that the upconversion luminescence originates from the E-2-(4)A(2) transition of Cr3+. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity of Cr3+ on the pump power reveals that a two-photon absorption process dominates in the conversion of infrared radiation to the visible emission. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of two infrared photons produces the population of upper excited states, which leads to the characteristic visible emission from E-2 state of Cr3+.


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BCL-2 family proteins are key regulators of the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery, controlling the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) permeabilization (MOMP). BCL-2 related Ovarian Killer (BOK) is a poorly understood pro-apoptotic member of this protein family. It has been reported that BOK localizes predominantly (although not exclusively) at membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the Golgi apparatus. However, it is unclear whether BOK also operates at the MOM to promote apoptosis, as other pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family members do. Basing on the fact that the other two BAX-like pro-apoptotic members have been reported to oligomerize in order to induce MOMP, site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate two point mutations that predictably eliminated BOK’s oligomerization capacity. Then, the effect of such mutations on BOK’s membrane activity was examined using fluorescence spectroscopy.


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Amorphous SiO2 (a-SiO2) thin films were thermally grown on single-crystalline silicon. These a-SiO2/Si samples were first implanted (C-doped) with 100-keV carbon ion at room temperature (RT) at a dose of 5.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) and were then irradiated at RT by using 853 MeV Pb ions at closes of 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 x 10(12), 2.0 x 10(12) and 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2), respectively. The microstructures and the photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples induced by Pb ions were investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. We found that high-energy Pb-ion irradiation could induce the formation of a new phase and a change in the PL property of C-doped a-SiO2/Si samples. The relationship between the observed phenomena and the ion irradiation parameters is briefly discussed.


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Post-steam-treatment is a facile and effective method for improving the catalytic performances of Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts in methane dehydroaromatization under nonoxidative conditions. The treatment can enhance the stability of the catalyst and also give a higher methane conversion and a higher yield of light aromatics, as well as a decrease in the formation rate of carbonaceous deposits. (27)Al, (29)Si, and (1)H multinuclear magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis measurements as well as catalytic reaction evaluations were employed to conduct comparative studies on the properties of the catalysts before and after the post-steam-treatment. The results revealed that the number of free Bronsted acid sites per unit cell decreased, while more Mo species migrated into the HZSM-5 channels for the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalysts after the post-steam-treatment. In addition, the average pore diameter was also larger for the post-steam-treated catalysts, and this was advantageous for mass transport of the reaction products. However, a severe post-steam-treatment, i.e., with longer treating time, of the 6Mo/HZSM-5 catalyst will lead to the formation of the Al(2)(MoO(4))(3) phases, which is detrimental to the reaction.


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We explored the origin of power law distribution observed in single-molecule conformational dynamics experiments. By establishing a kinetic master equation approach to study statistically the microscopic state dynamics, we show that the underlying landscape with exponentially distributed density of states leads to power law distribution of kinetics. The exponential density of states emerges when the system becomes glassy and landscape becomes rough with significant trapping.


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Here, we report the first example that one enantiomer of a supramolecular cylinder can selectively stabilize human telomeric G-quadruplex DNA. The P-enantiomer of this cylinder has a strong preference for G-quadruplex over duplex DNA and, in the presence of sodium, can convert G-quadruplexes from an antiparallel to a hybrid structure. The compound's chiral selectivity and its ability to discriminate quadruplex DNA have been studied by DNA melting, circular dichroism, gel electrophoresis, fluorescence spectroscopy and S1 nuclease cleavage.


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In this paper, we present a facile one-step route to controlled synthesis of colloidal KMgF3 nanocrystals via the thermolysis of metal trifluoroacetate precursors in combined solvents (OA/OM) using microwave irradiation. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra, and photoluminescence (PL) spectra were employed to characterize the samples. Only through the variation of the OA/OM ratio, can the phase and shape of nanocrystals be readily controlled, resulting in the formation of well-defined near-spherical nanoparticles, and nanoplates of cubic-phased KMgF3, as well as nanorods of tetragonal-phased MgF2, and a possible mechanism has been proposed to elucidate this effect. Furthermore, all these samples in this system can be well dispersed in nonpolar solvents such as cyclohexane to form stable and clear colloidal solutions, due to the successful coating of organic surfactants (OA/OM) on the nanocrystal surface.


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Paclitaxel-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide (LA)) (PEG-PLA) micelles were prepared by two methods. One is physical encapsulation of paclitaxel in micelles composed of a PEG-PLA block copolymer and the other is based on a PEG-PLA-paclitaxel conjugate, abbreviated as "conjugate micelles" Their physicochemical characteristics, e.g. critical micelle concentration (CMC), morphology, and micelle size distribution were then evaluated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results show that the CMC of PEG-PLA-paclitaxel and PEG-PLA are 6.31 x 10(4) and 1.78 x 10(-3) g L-1, respectively. Both micelles assume a spherical shape with comparable diameters and have unimodal size distribution. Moreover, in vitro drug delivery behavior was studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antitumor activity of the paclitaxel-loaded micelles against human liver cancer H7402 cells was evaluated by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method.


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A novel fluorescent dye labeled H-shaped block copolymer, (PMMA-Fluor-PS)(2)-PEO-(PS-Fluor-PMMA)(2), is synthesized by the combination of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and anionic polymerization (AP). To obtain the designated structure of the copolymer, a macroinitiator, 2,2-dichloro acetyl-PEO-2,2-dichloro acetyl (DCA-PEO-DCA), was prepared from DCAC and poly(ethylene oxide). The copolymer was characterized by H-1 NMR, GPC and fluorescence spectroscopy.


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A detailed investigation on the adsorption behavior of Neutral Red (NR) molecules on mercaptoethane sulfonate-monolayer protected gold clusters (MES-MPCs) has been conducted by the spectroscopic method. It is found that cationic NR molecules are adsorbed on the negatively charged MPCs surfaces via electrostatic attractive forces. The absorption study shows that the optical properties of NR molecules are significantly influenced upon the adsorption. Based on the electrostatic adsorption nature and the excellent stability of MES-MPCs against the electrolytes, this association can be released by the addition of electrolyte salts, which can be monitored by both absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, dication Ca2+ is found to be more effective in the release of NR than univalent Na+. Moreover, the MES-MPCs exert energy transfer quenching of NR fluorescence by both static and dynamic quenching. However, static quenching seems to be the dominating quenching mechanism. Furthermore, this energy transfer quenching exhibits strong dependence of Au core size, and 5.0 nm MPCs show stronger ability in quenching the NR fluorescence than that of 2.7 nm MPCs.


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A simple method to disperse carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been achieved, which gives two photofunctionalized CNTs, hydrazine nanotubes (h-CNTs) and 1,3,4-oxadiazole nanotubes (o-CNTs). Results from FTIR, H-1 NMR spectroscopy and TEM observations showed that the functionalization was successful. The modified nanombes can dissolve in most of the nonpolar organic solvents and no precipitate was observed in the solution of the nanombes even after 2 months. The functionalized nanotubes showed photo-electronic properties, which is due to the attachment of the function groups to them as proved by steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. Both h-CNTs and o-CNTs showed good thermal stability below 300 C and might be used as functional materials.


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We propose an approach to integrate the theory, simulations, and experiments in protein-folding kinetics. This is realized by measuring the mean and high-order moments of the first-passage time and its associated distribution. The full kinetics is revealed in the current theoretical framework through these measurements. In the experiments, information about the statistical properties of first-passage times can be obtained from the kinetic folding trajectories of single molecule experiments ( for example, fluorescence). Theoretical/simulation and experimental approaches can be directly related. We study in particular the temperature-varying kinetics to probe the underlying structure of the folding energy landscape. At high temperatures, exponential kinetics is observed; there are multiple parallel kinetic paths leading to the native state. At intermediate temperatures, nonexponential kinetics appears, revealing the nature of the distribution of local traps on the landscape and, as a result, discrete kinetic paths emerge. At very low temperatures, exponential kinetics is again observed; the dynamics on the underlying landscape is dominated by a single barrier.


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We have developed a two-phase approach for the synthesis of shape-controlled colloidal zirconia nanocrystals, including spherical-, teardrop-, rod-, and rice grain-shaped particles. We found that the key factors for controlling the shape were the reaction time, the nature of the capping agent, and the monomer concentration. We have analyzed the morphologies, crystallinity, optical properties, and structural features of the as-prepared ZrO2 nanoparticles by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution TEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and UV-vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The possible nucleation and growth process is also discussed.