960 resultados para fluorescence microscopy


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In this paper, we report for the first time on the synthesis of ZnO nanocrystallites in conjugated polymer (PPV) nanofibers by the coupling of the in situ/blend methods and electrospinning. These composite nanofibers were characterized by fluorescence microscopy, atomic force microscope (AFM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectra, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD).


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A biodegradable amphiphilic block copolymer, PEG-b-P(LA-co-MAC), was used to prepare spherical micelles consisting of a hydrophobic P(LA-co-MAC) core and a hydrophilic PEG shell. To improve their stability, the micelles were crosslinked by radical polymerization of the double bonds in the hydrophobic blocks. The crosslinked micelles had similar sizes and a narrow size distribution compared to their uncrosslinked precursor. The improved stability of the crosslinked micelles was confirmed by measurements of the CMC and a thermodynamic investigation. These micelles can internalize into Hela cells in vitro as demonstrated by inverted fluorescence microscopy and CLSM. These stabilized nanoscale micelles have potential use in biomedical applications such as drug delivery and disease diagnosis.


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The self-assembly of oligo(o-phenylenediamine) (OPD) into 1-D nanostructures on a macroscopic length scale was found when they were transferred from N-methyl pyrrolidone to deionized water. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and confocal fluorescence microscopy were used to investigate the morphology of the precipitates. Results showed that large amounts of OPD 1-D supertructures could be obtained through the simple reprecipitation route, and the length of the fibers could be tuned from microscale to macroscale by adjusting the ratio of two solvents. X-ray diffraction patterns and UV-vis spectra revealed that pi-pi interactions between OPD molecules that facilitated the formation of 1-D structures became predominant when they were transferred from a good solvent to a bad one. Accordingly, a possible formation mechanism was proposed.


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The electrochemical behavior of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer on the glassy carbon (GC) electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The direct electron transfer of HRP was observed in the DMPC bilayer. Only a small cathodic peak was observed for HRP on the bare GC electrode. The electron transfer of HRP in the DMPC membrane is facilitated by DMPC membrane. UV-Vis and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy were used to study the interaction between HRP and DMPC membrane. On binding to the DMPC membrane the secondary structure of HRP remains unchanged while there is a substantial change in the conformation of the heme active site. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) was first applied for the investigation on the structure of HRP adsorbed on supported phospholipid bilayer on the mica and on the bare mica. HRP molecules adsorb and aggregate on the mica without DMPC bilayer. The aggregation indicates an attractive interaction among the adsorbed molecules. The molecules are randomly distributed in the DMPC bilayer. The adsorption of HRP in the DMPC bilayer changes drastically the domains and defects in the DMPC bilayer due to a strong interaction between HRP and DMPC films.


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Petrochemical plastics/polymers are a common feature of day to day living as they occur in packaging, furniture, mobile phones, computers, construction equipment etc. However, these materials are produced from non-renewable materials and are resistant to microbial degradation in the environment. Considerable research has therefore been carried out into the production of sustainable, biodegradable polymers, amenable to microbial catabolism to CO2 and H2O. A key group of microbial polyesters, widely considered as optimal replacement polymers, are the Polyhydroxyalkaonates (PHAs). Primary research in this area has focused on using recombinant pure cultures to optimise PHA yields, however, despite considerable success, the high costs of pure culture fermentation have thus far hindered the commercial viability of PHAs thus produced. In more recent years work has begun to focus on mixed cultures for the optimisation of PHA production, with waste incorporations offering optimal production cost reductions. The scale of dairy processing in Ireland, and the high organic load wastewaters generated, represent an excellent potential substrate for bioconversion to PHAs in a mixed culture system. The current study sought to investigate the potential for such bioconversion in a laboratory scale biological system and to establish key operational and microbial characteristics of same. Two sequencing batch reactors were set up and operated along the lines of an enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) system, which has PHA accumulation as a key step within repeated rounds of anaerobic/aerobic cycling. Influents to the reactors varied only in the carbon sources provided. Reactor 1 received artificial wastewater with acetate alone, which is known to be readily converted to PHA in the anaerobic step of EBPR. Reactor 2 wastewater influent contained acetate and skim milk to imitate a dairy processing effluent. Chemical monitoring of nutrient remediation within the reactors as continuously applied and EBPR consistent performances observed. Qualitative analysis of the sludge was carried out using fluorescence microscopy with Nile Blue A lipophillic stain and PHA production was confirmed in both reactors. Quantitative analysis via HPLC detection of crotonic acid derivatives revealed the fluorescence to be short chain length Polyhydroxybutyrate, with biomass dry weight accumulations of 11% and 13% being observed in reactors 1 and 2, respectively. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for medium chain length methyl ester derivatives revealed the presence of hydroxyoctanoic, -decanoic and -dodecanoic acids in reactor 1. Similar analyses in reactor 2 revealed monomers of 3-hydroxydodecenoic and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acids. Investigation of the microbial ecology of both reactors as conducted in an attempt to identify key species potentially contributing to reactor performance. Culture dependent investigations indicated that quite different communities were present in both reactors. Reactor 1 isolates demonstrated the following species distributions Pseudomonas (82%), Delftia acidovorans (3%), Acinetobacter sp. (5%) Aminobacter sp., (3%) Bacillus sp. (3%), Thauera sp., (3%) and Cytophaga sp. (3%). Relative species distributions among reactor 2 profiled isolates were more evenly distributed between Pseudoxanthomonas (32%), Thauera sp (24%), Acinetobacter (24%), Citrobacter sp (8%), Lactococcus lactis (5%), Lysinibacillus (5%) and Elizabethkingia (2%). In both reactors Gammaproteobacteria dominated the cultured isolates. Culture independent 16S rRNA gene analyses revealed differing profiles for both reactors. Reactor 1 clone distribution was as follows; Zooglea resiniphila (83%), Zooglea oryzae (2%), Pedobacter composti (5%), Neissericeae sp. (2%) Rhodobacter sp. (2%), Runella defluvii (3%) and Streptococcus sp. (3%). RFLP based species distribution among the reactor 2 clones was as follows; Runella defluvii (50%), Zoogloea oryzae (20%), Flavobacterium sp. (9%), Simplicispira sp. (6%), Uncultured Sphingobacteria sp. (6%), Arcicella (6%) and Leadbetterella bysophila (3%). Betaproteobacteria dominated the 16S rRNA gene clones identified in both reactors. FISH analysis with Nile Blue dual staining resolved these divergent findings, identifying the Betaproteobacteria as dominant PHA accumulators within the reactor sludges, although species/strain specific allocations could not be made. GC analysis of the sludge had indicated the presence of both medium chain length as well short chain length PHAs accumulating in both reactors. In addition the cultured isolates from the reactors had been identified previously as mcl and scl PHA producers, respectively. Characterisations of the PHA monomer profiles of the individual isolates were therefore performed to screen for potential novel scl-mcl PHAs. Nitrogen limitation driven PHA accumulation in E2 minimal media revealed a greater propensity among isoates for mcl-pHA production. HPLC analysis indicated that PHB production was not a major feature of the reactor isolates and this was supported by the low presence of scl phaC1 genes among PCR screened isolates. A high percentage distribution of phaC2 mcl-PHA synthase genes was recorded, with the majority sharing high percentage homology with class II synthases from Pseudomonas sp. The common presence of a phaC2 homologue was not reflected in the production of a common polymer. Considerable variation was noted in both the monomer composition and ratios following GC analysis. While co-polymer production could not be demonstrated, potentially novel synthase substrate specificities were noted which could be exploited further in the future.


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Cells sense cues in their surrounding microenvironment. These cues are converted into intracellular signals and transduced to the nucleus in order for the cell to respond and adapt its function. Within the nucleus, structural changes occur that ultimately lead to changes in the gene expression. In this study, we explore the structural changes of the nucleus of human mesenchymal stem cells as an effect of topographical cues. We use a controlled nanotopography to drive shape changes to the cell nucleus, and measure the changes with both fluorescence microscopy and a novel light scattering technique. The nucleus changes shape dramatically in response to the nanotopography, and in a manner dependent on the mechanical properties of the substrate. The kinetics of the nuclear deformation follows an unexpected trajectory. As opposed to a gradual shape change in response to the topography, once the cytoskeleton attains an aligned and elongation morphology on the time scale of several hours, the nucleus changes shape rapidly and intensely.


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We apply a coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI) to fluorescence microscopy. CASSI records a two-dimensional (2D) spectrally filtered projection of a three-dimensional (3D) spectral data cube. We minimize a convex quadratic function with total variation (TV) constraints for data cube estimation from the 2D snapshot. We adapt the TV minimization algorithm for direct fluorescent bead identification from CASSI measurements by combining a priori knowledge of the spectra associated with each bead type. Our proposed method creates a 2D bead identity image. Simulated fluorescence CASSI measurements are used to evaluate the behavior of the algorithm. We also record real CASSI measurements of a ten bead type fluorescence scene and create a 2D bead identity map. A baseline image from filtered-array imaging system verifies CASSI's 2D bead identity map.


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Mechanical stimuli are important factors that regulate cell proliferation, survival, metabolism and motility in a variety of cell types. The relationship between mechanical deformation of the extracellular matrix and intracellular deformation of cellular sub-regions and organelles has not been fully elucidated, but may provide new insight into the mechanisms involved in transducing mechanical stimuli to biological responses. In this study, a novel fluorescence microscopy and image analysis method was applied to examine the hypothesis that mechanical strains are fully transferred from a planar, deformable substrate to cytoplasmic and intranuclear regions within attached cells. Intracellular strains were measured in cells derived from the anulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc when attached to an elastic silicone membrane that was subjected to tensile stretch. Measurements indicated cytoplasmic strains were similar to those of the underlying substrate, with a strain transfer ratio (STR) of 0.79. In contrast, nuclear strains were much smaller than those of the substrate, with an STR of 0.17. These findings are consistent with previous studies indicating nuclear stiffness is significantly greater than cytoplasmic stiffness, as measured using other methods. This study provides a novel method for the study of cellular mechanics, including a new technique for measuring intranuclear deformations, with evidence of differential magnitudes and patterns of strain transferred from the substrate to cell cytoplasm and nucleus.


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Histopathology is the clinical standard for tissue diagnosis. However, histopathology has several limitations including that it requires tissue processing, which can take 30 minutes or more, and requires a highly trained pathologist to diagnose the tissue. Additionally, the diagnosis is qualitative, and the lack of quantitation leads to possible observer-specific diagnosis. Taken together, it is difficult to diagnose tissue at the point of care using histopathology.

Several clinical situations could benefit from more rapid and automated histological processing, which could reduce the time and the number of steps required between obtaining a fresh tissue specimen and rendering a diagnosis. For example, there is need for rapid detection of residual cancer on the surface of tumor resection specimens during excisional surgeries, which is known as intraoperative tumor margin assessment. Additionally, rapid assessment of biopsy specimens at the point-of-care could enable clinicians to confirm that a suspicious lesion is successfully sampled, thus preventing an unnecessary repeat biopsy procedure. Rapid and low cost histological processing could also be potentially useful in settings lacking the human resources and equipment necessary to perform standard histologic assessment. Lastly, automated interpretation of tissue samples could potentially reduce inter-observer error, particularly in the diagnosis of borderline lesions.

To address these needs, high quality microscopic images of the tissue must be obtained in rapid timeframes, in order for a pathologic assessment to be useful for guiding the intervention. Optical microscopy is a powerful technique to obtain high-resolution images of tissue morphology in real-time at the point of care, without the need for tissue processing. In particular, a number of groups have combined fluorescence microscopy with vital fluorescent stains to visualize micro-anatomical features of thick (i.e. unsectioned or unprocessed) tissue. However, robust methods for segmentation and quantitative analysis of heterogeneous images are essential to enable automated diagnosis. Thus, the goal of this work was to obtain high resolution imaging of tissue morphology through employing fluorescence microscopy and vital fluorescent stains and to develop a quantitative strategy to segment and quantify tissue features in heterogeneous images, such as nuclei and the surrounding stroma, which will enable automated diagnosis of thick tissues.

To achieve these goals, three specific aims were proposed. The first aim was to develop an image processing method that can differentiate nuclei from background tissue heterogeneity and enable automated diagnosis of thick tissue at the point of care. A computational technique called sparse component analysis (SCA) was adapted to isolate features of interest, such as nuclei, from the background. SCA has been used previously in the image processing community for image compression, enhancement, and restoration, but has never been applied to separate distinct tissue types in a heterogeneous image. In combination with a high resolution fluorescence microendoscope (HRME) and a contrast agent acriflavine, the utility of this technique was demonstrated through imaging preclinical sarcoma tumor margins. Acriflavine localizes to the nuclei of cells where it reversibly associates with RNA and DNA. Additionally, acriflavine shows some affinity for collagen and muscle. SCA was adapted to isolate acriflavine positive features or APFs (which correspond to RNA and DNA) from background tissue heterogeneity. The circle transform (CT) was applied to the SCA output to quantify the size and density of overlapping APFs. The sensitivity of the SCA+CT approach to variations in APF size, density and background heterogeneity was demonstrated through simulations. Specifically, SCA+CT achieved the lowest errors for higher contrast ratios and larger APF sizes. When applied to tissue images of excised sarcoma margins, SCA+CT correctly isolated APFs and showed consistently increased density in tumor and tumor + muscle images compared to images containing muscle. Next, variables were quantified from images of resected primary sarcomas and used to optimize a multivariate model. The sensitivity and specificity for differentiating positive from negative ex vivo resected tumor margins was 82% and 75%. The utility of this approach was further tested by imaging the in vivo tumor cavities from 34 mice after resection of a sarcoma with local recurrence as a bench mark. When applied prospectively to images from the tumor cavity, the sensitivity and specificity for differentiating local recurrence was 78% and 82%. The results indicate that SCA+CT can accurately delineate APFs in heterogeneous tissue, which is essential to enable automated and rapid surveillance of tissue pathology.

Two primary challenges were identified in the work in aim 1. First, while SCA can be used to isolate features, such as APFs, from heterogeneous images, its performance is limited by the contrast between APFs and the background. Second, while it is feasible to create mosaics by scanning a sarcoma tumor bed in a mouse, which is on the order of 3-7 mm in any one dimension, it is not feasible to evaluate an entire human surgical margin. Thus, improvements to the microscopic imaging system were made to (1) improve image contrast through rejecting out-of-focus background fluorescence and to (2) increase the field of view (FOV) while maintaining the sub-cellular resolution needed for delineation of nuclei. To address these challenges, a technique called structured illumination microscopy (SIM) was employed in which the entire FOV is illuminated with a defined spatial pattern rather than scanning a focal spot, such as in confocal microscopy.

Thus, the second aim was to improve image contrast and increase the FOV through employing wide-field, non-contact structured illumination microscopy and optimize the segmentation algorithm for new imaging modality. Both image contrast and FOV were increased through the development of a wide-field fluorescence SIM system. Clear improvement in image contrast was seen in structured illumination images compared to uniform illumination images. Additionally, the FOV is over 13X larger than the fluorescence microendoscope used in aim 1. Initial segmentation results of SIM images revealed that SCA is unable to segment large numbers of APFs in the tumor images. Because the FOV of the SIM system is over 13X larger than the FOV of the fluorescence microendoscope, dense collections of APFs commonly seen in tumor images could no longer be sparsely represented, and the fundamental sparsity assumption associated with SCA was no longer met. Thus, an algorithm called maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) was investigated as an alternative approach for APF segmentation in SIM images. MSER was able to accurately segment large numbers of APFs in SIM images of tumor tissue. In addition to optimizing MSER for SIM image segmentation, an optimal frequency of the illumination pattern used in SIM was carefully selected because the image signal to noise ratio (SNR) is dependent on the grid frequency. A grid frequency of 31.7 mm-1 led to the highest SNR and lowest percent error associated with MSER segmentation.

Once MSER was optimized for SIM image segmentation and the optimal grid frequency was selected, a quantitative model was developed to diagnose mouse sarcoma tumor margins that were imaged ex vivo with SIM. Tumor margins were stained with acridine orange (AO) in aim 2 because AO was found to stain the sarcoma tissue more brightly than acriflavine. Both acriflavine and AO are intravital dyes, which have been shown to stain nuclei, skeletal muscle, and collagenous stroma. A tissue-type classification model was developed to differentiate localized regions (75x75 µm) of tumor from skeletal muscle and adipose tissue based on the MSER segmentation output. Specifically, a logistic regression model was used to classify each localized region. The logistic regression model yielded an output in terms of probability (0-100%) that tumor was located within each 75x75 µm region. The model performance was tested using a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis that revealed 77% sensitivity and 81% specificity. For margin classification, the whole margin image was divided into localized regions and this tissue-type classification model was applied. In a subset of 6 margins (3 negative, 3 positive), it was shown that with a tumor probability threshold of 50%, 8% of all regions from negative margins exceeded this threshold, while over 17% of all regions exceeded the threshold in the positive margins. Thus, 8% of regions in negative margins were considered false positives. These false positive regions are likely due to the high density of APFs present in normal tissues, which clearly demonstrates a challenge in implementing this automatic algorithm based on AO staining alone.

Thus, the third aim was to improve the specificity of the diagnostic model through leveraging other sources of contrast. Modifications were made to the SIM system to enable fluorescence imaging at a variety of wavelengths. Specifically, the SIM system was modified to enabling imaging of red fluorescent protein (RFP) expressing sarcomas, which were used to delineate the location of tumor cells within each image. Initial analysis of AO stained panels confirmed that there was room for improvement in tumor detection, particularly in regards to false positive regions that were negative for RFP. One approach for improving the specificity of the diagnostic model was to investigate using a fluorophore that was more specific to staining tumor. Specifically, tetracycline was selected because it appeared to specifically stain freshly excised tumor tissue in a matter of minutes, and was non-toxic and stable in solution. Results indicated that tetracycline staining has promise for increasing the specificity of tumor detection in SIM images of a preclinical sarcoma model and further investigation is warranted.

In conclusion, this work presents the development of a combination of tools that is capable of automated segmentation and quantification of micro-anatomical images of thick tissue. When compared to the fluorescence microendoscope, wide-field multispectral fluorescence SIM imaging provided improved image contrast, a larger FOV with comparable resolution, and the ability to image a variety of fluorophores. MSER was an appropriate and rapid approach to segment dense collections of APFs from wide-field SIM images. Variables that reflect the morphology of the tissue, such as the density, size, and shape of nuclei and nucleoli, can be used to automatically diagnose SIM images. The clinical utility of SIM imaging and MSER segmentation to detect microscopic residual disease has been demonstrated by imaging excised preclinical sarcoma margins. Ultimately, this work demonstrates that fluorescence imaging of tissue micro-anatomy combined with a specialized algorithm for delineation and quantification of features is a means for rapid, non-destructive and automated detection of microscopic disease, which could improve cancer management in a variety of clinical scenarios.


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PAWP, postacrosomal sheath WW domain binding protein, is a novel sperm protein identified as a candidate sperm borne, oocyte-activating factor (SOAF). PAWP induces both early and later egg activation events including meiotic resumption, pronuclear formation and egg cleavage. Based on the fact that calcium increase is universally accepted as the sole requirement for egg activation, we hypothesized that PAWP is an upstream regulator of the calcium signaling pathway during fertilization. Intracellular calcium increase was detected by two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy following microinjection of recombinant PAWP into Xenopus oocytes, bolstering our hypothesis and suggesting the involvement of a novel PAWP-mediated signaling pathway during fertilization. The N-terminal of PAWP shares a high homology to WW domain binding protein while the C-terminal half contains a functional PPXY motif, which allows it to interact with group I WW domain proteins. These structural considerations together with published data indicating that PPXY synthetic peptide derived from PAWP inhibits ICSI-induced fertilization led to the hypothesis that PAWP triggers egg activation by binding to a group I WW domain protein in the oocyte. By far-Western analysis of oocyte cytoplasmic fraction, PAWP was found to bind to a 52 kDa protein. The competitive inhibition studies with PPXY synthetic peptide, WW domain constructs, and their point mutants demonstrated that the interaction between PAWP and its binding partner is specifically via the PPXY-WW domain module. The 52 kDa protein band crossreacted with antibodies against group I WW domain protein YAP in Western blot assay, indicating that this 52 kDa PAWP binding partner is either YAP or a YAP-related protein. In addition, the far-Western competitive inhibition studies with recombinant GST fusion protein YAP and another WW domain-containing protein, TAZ, demonstrated that the binding of PAWP to its binding partner was significantly reduced by TAZ, providing evidence that TAZ could be the 52 kDa protein candidate. Mass spectrometry was employed to identify this PAWP binding partner candidate. However, due to the low abundance of the candidate protein and the complexity of the sample, several strategies are still needed to enrich this protein. This study correlates PAWP induced meiotic resumption and calcium efflux at fertilization and uncovers a 52 kDa candidate WW domain protein in the oocyte cytoplasm that most likely interacts with PAWP to trigger egg activation.


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Using fluorescence microscopy, DSC and DMTA we have explored blends of a bitumen with a styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) block copolymer, and with blends of the bitumen with SBS and one or two homopolymers - a polystyrene and a poly(cis-butadiene). The SBS polymer was progressively replaced with quantities of the homopolymers both together in the proportions found in the block copolymer and then by each homopolymer separately. At low temperatures the blends are all softer than the bitumen itself, so the polymers plasticise the bitumen-rich phase, and above 50°C the blends' stiffness (E') falls below a plateau only when a critical proportion of the block copolymer has been replaced with the two homopolymers: this supports the idea of an extensive network created by the polystyrene-rich spherical microphases that is effective even when the polystyrene microphases have melted. In one polymer blend the stiffness rose as the temperature was raised above 100°C, suggesting the development of a mesophase based upon polybutadiene plus asphaltenes, in another E' was enhanced and E" remained constant as the temperature rose above 70°C, perhaps for a similar reason; in some loss process appeared and the stiffness fell as temperature rose; but in others a good part of the SBS was replaced by either polystyrene or polybutadiene without changing the appearance of a rubbery plateau, that is, without a diminution of the mechanical properties of the soft matter.


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Objectives; Antisense oligonucleotides (AO) downregulate Bcl-2 protein expression in various tumours if good target cell uptake is achieved. In this study, uptake of FITC labelled AO (FITC-AO) directed at Bcl-2 was examined in; (1) the RT4 bladder tumour cell line (2) normal pig urothelium and (3) human superficial bladder tumours. Methods; In the RT4 cell line, uptake of FITC-AO, FITC-scrambled and FITC-sense oligonucleotides were quantified by flow cytometry at 4h intervals over 24h. Uptake of FITC-AO was assessed in normal pig urothelium by flow cytometry after FITC-AO was infused for 1h. Uptake of FITC AO was assessed in samples from 14 human superficial bladder tumours which were maintained in an ex vivo model. In samples from 6 tumours, uptake at 4h was assessed using fluorescence microscopy. In samples from 8 separate tumours uptake every 4h within the first 24h incubation period was assessed by flow cytometry. Results; In the RT4 cell line the FITC-AO, FITC-scrambled and FITC-sense oligonucleotide uptake was similar. Disaggregated cells from the normal urothelium of the three pigs exhibited 33%, 46%, 51% of cells staining positively for FITC-AO as determined by flow cytometry. All 6 tumour samples had detectable intracellular FITC-AO by fluorescence microscopy at 4h. In the 8 tumours ,examined over the 24h incubation period, there was a range of percentages of positively staining cells. However, most tumours had a monotonic increase in intracellular fluorescence intensity that plateaued 16h post infusion. Conclusion; Antisense Bcl-2 oligonucleotides were readily taken up by superficial bladder cancer cells but the heterogenous uptake in tumour samples needs to be considered when assessing the bioavailability of these drugs.


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Novel surface-modified hydrogel materials have been prepared by binding charged porphyrins TMPyP (tetrakis-(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) and TPPS (tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin) to copolymers of HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with either MAA (methacrylic acid) or DEAEMA (2-(diethylamino)ethylmethacrylate). The charged hydrogels display strong electrostatic interactions with the appropriate cationic or anionic porphyrins to give materials which are intended to be used to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen (1O2) on photoexcitation and can therefore be used to reduce postoperative infection of the intraocular hydrogel-based replacement lenses that are used in cataract surgery. The UV/vis spectra of TMPyP in MAA:HEMA copolymers showed a small shift in the Soret band and a change from single exponential (161 ���­s) triplet decay lifetime in solution to a decay that could be fitted to a biexponential fit with two approximately equal components with ���´ ) 350 and 1300 ���­s. O2 bubbling reduced the decay to a dominant (90%) component with a much reduced lifetime of 3 ���­s and a minor, longer lived (20 ���­s) component. With D2O solvent the 1O2 lifetime was measured by 1270 nm fluorescence as 35 ���­s in MAA:HEMA, compared to 67 ���­s in solution, although absorbance-matched samples showed similar yield of 1O2 in the polymers and in aqueous solution. In contrast to the minor perturbation in photophysical properties caused by binding TMPyP to MAA:HEMA, TPPS binding to DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers profoundly changed the 1O2 generating ability of the TPPS. In N2-bubbled samples, the polymer-bound TPPS behaved in a similar manner to TMPyP in its copolymer host; however, O2 bubbling had only a very small effect on the triplet lifetime and no 1O2 generation could be detected. The difference in behavior may be linked to differences in binding in the two systems. With TMPyP in MAA:HEMA, confocal fluorescence microscopy showed significant penetration of the porphyrin into the core of the polymer film samples (>150 ���­m). However, for TPPS in DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers, although the porphyrin bound much more readily to the polymer, it remained localized in the first 20 ���­m, even in heavily loaded samples. It is possible that the resulting high concentration of TPPS may have cross-linked the hydrogels to such an extent that it significantly reduced the solubility and/or diffusion rate of oxygen into the doped polymers. This effect is significant since it demonstrates that even simple electrostatic binding of charged porphyrins to hydrogels can have an unexpectedly large effect on the properties of the system as a whole. In this case it makes the apparently promising TPPS/DEAEMA:HEMA system a poor candidate for clinical application as a postoperative antibacterial treatment for intraocular lenses while the apparently equivalent cationic system TMPyP/MAA:HEMA displays all the required properties.


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A cellular imaging system, optimized for unstained cells seeded onto a thin substrate, is under development. This system will be a component of the endstation for the microbeam cell-irradiation facility at the University of Surrey. Previous irradiation experiments at the Gray Cancer Institute (GCI) have used Mylar film to support the cells [Folkard, M., Prise, K., Schettino, G., Shao, C., Gilchrist, S., Vojnovic, B., 2005. New insights into the cellular response to radiation using microbeams. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 231, 189-194]. Although suitable for fluorescence microscopy, the Mylar often creates excessive optical noise when used with non-fluorescent microscopy. A variety of substrates are being investigated to provide appropriate optical clarity, cell adhesion, and radiation attenuation. This paper reports on our investigations to date.


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Cells subjected to various forms of stress have been shown to induce bystander responses in nontargeted cells, thus extending the stress response to a larger population. However, the mechanism(s) of bystander responses remains to be clearly identified, particularly for photodynamic stress. Oxidative stress and cell viability were studied on the spatial and temporal levels after photodynamic targeting of a subpopulation of EMT6 murine mammary cancer cells in a multiwell plate by computerized time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. In the targeted population a dose-dependent loss of cell viability was observed in accordance with increased oxidative stress. This was accompanied by increased oxidative stress in bystander populations but on different time scales, reaching a maximum more rapidly in targeted cells. Treatment with extracellular catalase, or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodinium, decreased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in both populations. These effects are ascribed to photodynamic activation of NADPH-oxidase in the targeted cells, resulting in a rapid burst of ROS formation with hydrogen peroxide acting as the signaling molecule responsible for initiation of these photodynamic bystander responses. The consequences of increased oxidative stress in bystander cells should be considered in the overall framework of photodynamic stress.