957 resultados para floating
The focus of our work is the verification of tight functional properties of numerical programs, such as showing that a floating-point implementation of Riemann integration computes a close approximation of the exact integral. Programmers and engineers writing such programs will benefit from verification tools that support an expressive specification language and that are highly automated. Our work provides a new method for verification of numerical software, supporting a substantially more expressive language for specifications than other publicly available automated tools. The additional expressivity in the specification language is provided by two constructs. First, the specification can feature inclusions between interval arithmetic expressions. Second, the integral operator from classical analysis can be used in the specifications, where the integration bounds can be arbitrary expressions over real variables. To support our claim of expressivity, we outline the verification of four example programs, including the integration example mentioned earlier. A key component of our method is an algorithm for proving numerical theorems. This algorithm is based on automatic polynomial approximation of non-linear real and real-interval functions defined by expressions. The PolyPaver tool is our implementation of the algorithm and its source code is publicly available. In this paper we report on experiments using PolyPaver that indicate that the additional expressivity does not come at a performance cost when comparing with other publicly available state-of-the-art provers. We also include a scalability study that explores the limits of PolyPaver in proving tight functional specifications of progressively larger randomly generated programs. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Defining the role of floating periphyton mats in shaping food-web dynamics in the Florida Everglades
Expansive periphyton mats are a striking characteristic of the Florida Everglades. Floating periphyton mats are home to a diverse macroinvertebrate community dominated by chironomid and ceratopogonid larvae and amphipods that use the mat as both a food resource and refuge from predation. While this periphyton complex functions as a self-organizing system, it also serves as a base for trophic interactions with larger organisms. The purpose of my research was to quantify variation in the macroinvertebrate community inhabiting floating periphyton mats, describe the role of mats in shaping food-web dynamics, and describe how these trophic interactions change with eutrophication. ^ I characterized the macroinvertebrate community inhabiting periphyton through a wet-season by describing spatial variation on scales from 0.2 m to 3 km. Floating periphyton mats contained a diverse macroinvertebrate community, with greater taxonomic richness and higher densities of many taxa than adjacent microhabitats. Macroinvertebrate density increased through the wet season as periphyton mats developed. While some variation was noted among sites, spatial patterns were not observed on smaller scales. I also sampled ten sites representing gradients of hydroperiod and nutrient (P) levels. The density of macroinvertebrates inhabiting periphyton mats increased with increasing P availability; however, short-hydroperiod P-enriched sites had the highest macroinvertebrate density. This pattern suggests a synergistic interaction of top-down and bottom-up effects. In contrast, macroinvertebrate density was lower in benthic floc, where it was negatively correlated with hydroperiod. ^ I used two types of mesocosms (field cages and tanks) to manipulate large consumers (fish and grass shrimp) with inclusion/exclusion cages over an experimental P gradient. In most cases, periphyton mats served as an effective predation refuge. Macroinvertebrates were consumed more frequently in P-enriched treatments, where mats were also heavily grazed. Macroinvertebrate densities decreased with increasing P in benthic floc, but increased with enrichment in periphyton mats until levels were reached that caused disassociation of the mat. ^ This research documents several indirect trophic interactions that can occur in complex habitats, and emphasizes the need to characterize dynamics of all microhabitats to fully describe the dynamics of an ecosystem. ^
Floating plastic debris sampled in surface waters of northwestern Mediterranean Sea during summer 2013. Geographical coordinates and dates of sampling are available in the dataset.
The Galway Bay wave energy test site promises to be a vital resource for wave energy researchers and developers. As part of the development of this site, a floating power system is being developed to provide power and data acquisition capabilities, including its function as a local grid connection, allowing for the connection of up to three wave energy converter devices. This work shows results from scaled physical model testing and numerical modelling of the floating power system and an oscillating water column connected with an umbilical. Results from this study will be used to influence further scaled testing as well as the full scale design and build of the floating power system in Galway Bay.
For water depths greater than 60m floating wind turbines will become the most economical option for generating offshore wind energy. Tension mooring stabilised units are one type of platform being considered by the offshore wind energy industry. The complex mooring arrangement used by this type of platform means that the dynamics are greatly effected by offsets in the positioning of the anchors. This paper examines the issue of tendon anchor position tolerances. The dynamic effects of three positional tolerances are analysed in survival state using the time domain FASTLink. The severe impact of worst case anchor positional offsets on platform and turbine survivability is shown. The worst anchor misposition combinations are highlighted and should be strongly avoided. Novel methods to mitigate this issue are presented.
Teacher resources for Lesson C in the Discover Oceanography 'Scheme of Work' for use in schools. Contains materials sourced under a CC BY SA license from the TES website.
La tesi nasce dalla volontà di agire sull’area della Darsena di Ravenna, strategica in quanto via d’acqua navigabile che congiunge il mare con il centro città ma dal potenziale ancora poco sfruttato. Il progetto è studiato per essere inserito come catalizzatore urbano, creando spazi di interazione attraverso elementi modulari galleggianti e riconfigurabili per adattarsi a programmi d’uso flessibili; tali elementi si aggregano formando un sistema che ristruttura lo spazio dell’attuale banchina, cambiandone la percezione da barriera a waterfront urbano. La necessità di ottenere una struttura con capacità di crescita e flessibilità programmatica sfocia in un approccio modulare seguendo il principio massima variazione/minimo numero di elementi i cui principi aggregativi si basano sulla tassellazione “Cairo”. Vengono studiate le possibilità di incorporare variazione ed eterogeneità all’interno del sistema senza comprometterne la modularità fino ad integrare percorsi multilivello. La definizione delle morfologie delle parti che compongono i moduli si basano sullo studio dei principi di galleggiamento, stabilità e yacht design: a partire dalla forma dello scafo adatta ai principi di tiling definiti in precedenza, tutte le parti che compongono le varie tipologie di modulo sono progettate cercando continuità e integrazione tettonica (geometrica, strutturale, funzionale e percettiva). Vengono proposte soluzioni integrate sia per le problematiche tipiche delle strutture galleggianti sia per l’inserimento di attività all’interno della soluzione architettonica. Vengono prototipati di una serie di moduli, scelti in modo da dimostrare i principi di ricombinazione, continuità, modularità e tiling.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Scientific applications rely heavily on floating point data types. Floating point operations are complex and require complicated hardware that is both area and power intensive. The emergence of massively parallel architectures like Rigel creates new challenges and poses new questions with respect to floating point support. The massively parallel aspect of Rigel places great emphasis on area efficient, low power designs. At the same time, Rigel is a general purpose accelerator and must provide high performance for a wide class of applications. This thesis presents an analysis of various floating point unit (FPU) components with respect to Rigel, and attempts to present a candidate design of an FPU that balances performance, area, and power and is suitable for massively parallel architectures like Rigel.
The advantages of including a small number of p-type gaussian functions in a floating spherical gaussian orbital calculation are pointed out and illustrated by calculations on molecules which previously have proved to be troublesome. These include molecules such as F2 with multiple lone pairs and C2H2 with multiple bonds. A feature of the results is the excellent correlation between the orbital energies and those of a double zeta calculation reported by Snyder and Basch.
A 74-year-old man presented to our Emergency Department with acute dyspnoea. His electrocardiogram showed atrial flutter with 2:1 block and a rate of 150 bpm. Initial investigations revealed a D-dimer level of 6.01 mg/dl. Based on the patient’s complaints and the high D-dimer level, computed tomography pulmonary angiography was immediately performed. This showed no evidence of pulmonary embolism, but there were pneumatic changes in the right upper lung lobe. Antibiotics treatment was started with pipracillin/tazobactam, after which the patient’s condition improved. However, on the third day after admission he developed acute dyspnoea, diaphoresis and cardiopulmonary instability immediately after defecation. To promptly confirm our clinical suspicion of pulmonary embolism, a transthoracic echocardiography was carried out. This demonstrated a worm-like, mobile mass in the right heart. The right ventricle was enlarged, and paradoxical septal motion was present, indicating right ventricular pressure overload. The systolic tricuspid valvular gradient was 56 mmHg. The patient was treated with thrombolysis. His condition was greatly clinically improved after 3 hours. After 10 days of hospitalization, the patient was discharged.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi confeccionar um biofiltro de baixo custo constituído por macrófita flutuante (Eichhornia crassipes). Os estudos limnológicos foram realizados 7 dias depois de colocadas as macrófitas no biofiltro, durante um período de 30 dias consecutivos, com amostragens 3 vezes por semana nas épocas de chuva, seca e de alta produção de organismos cultivados. Quanto aos compostos nitrogenados, as menores concentrações foram observadas no período de jul./ago., correspondendo à época de baixa produção de peixes e baixa adição de alimento nos tanques e viveiros de cultivo. O pH manteve-se ligeiramente ácido a alcalino ao longo do período experimental, não apresentando oscilações com os maiores valores médios no período de abr./mai. Os valores de pH influenciaram diretamente a alcalinidade e a dominância de bicarbonato no meio. Quanto à microfauna associada, entre os fitoplanctônicos as Chlorophyta foram o grupo dominante e entre os zooplanctônicos foram os Rotifera. Recomenda-se, no período de alta produção, substituição das plantas aquáticas por brotos bem pequenos a cada 10 dias.
Purpose: To prepare and evaluate floating microspheres of curcumin for prolonged gastric residence and to study their effect on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Methods: Floating microsphere were prepared by emulsion-solvent diffusion method, using hydroxylpropyl methylcellulose, chitosan and Eudragit S 100 polymer in varying proportions. Ethanol/dichloromethane blend was used as solvent in a ratio of 1:1. The floating microspheres were evaluated for flow properties, particle size, incorporation efficiency, as well as in-vitro floatability and drug release. The anti-diabetic activity of the floating microspheres of batch FM4 was performed on alloxaninduced diabetic rats. Result: The floating microspheres had particle size, buoyancy, drug entrapment efficiency and yield in the ranges of 255.32 - 365.65 μm, 75.58 - 89.59, 72.6 - 83.5, and 60.46 - 80.02 %, respectively. Maximum drug release after 24 h was 82.62 % for formulation FM4 and 73.879, 58.613 and 46.106 % for formulations FM1, FM2, and FM3 respectively. In-vivo data obtained over a 120-h period indicate that curcumin floating microspheres from batch FM4 showed the better glycemic control than control and a commercial brand of the drug. Conclusion: The developed floating curcumin delivery system seems economical and effective in diabetes management in rats, and enhances the bioavailability of the drug.
The wave energy industry is entering a new phase of pre-commercial and commercial deployments of full-scale devices, so better understanding of seaway variability is critical to the successful operation of devices. The response of Wave Energy Converters to incident waves govern their operational performance and for many devices, this is highly dependent on spectral shape due to their resonant properties. Various methods of wave measurement are presented, along with analysis techniques and empirical models. Resource assessments, device performance predictions and monitoring of operational devices will often be based on summary statistics and assume a standard spectral shape such as Pierson-Moskowitz or JONSWAP. Furthermore, these are typically derived from the closest available wave data, frequently separated from the site on scales in the order of 1km. Therefore, variability of seaways from standard spectral shapes and spatial inconsistency between the measurement point and the device site will cause inaccuracies in the performance assessment. This thesis categorises time and frequency domain analysis techniques that can be used to identify changes in a sea state from record to record. Device specific issues such as dimensional scaling of sea states and power output are discussed along with potential differences that arise in estimated and actual output power of a WEC due to spectral shape variation. This is investigated using measured data from various phases of device development.