863 resultados para flash fiction
This doctoral thesis was published in printed form in 1987. It was digitized from paper copy in 2013. Unfortunately on some pages the digitizaion process has not been complete, i.e there are some minor typographic erros on some pages.
Heritage and tourism have become inextricably linked. This link can be seen as producing inauthentic and falsified tradition, and it can therefore be seen as a threat to cultural heritage. On the other hand the link can be seen as a positive thing, as something which helps to preserve herit-age, culture and folklore in a changing and globalising world. This dissertation investigates heritage in the context of Dracula Tourism in Romania. Dracula tourism is tourism where tourists visit places connected with either the fictional vampire Dracula or the historical Dracula, a Romanian historical ruler Vlad the Impaler. The main research question of this study is how can Romanian heritage and culture be shown and promoted through a seemingly superficial Dracula tourism which is based on Western popular cul-ture? And is it possible to find Romanian heritage through popular fiction in Dracula tourism? The main sources for this work are based on the fieldwork done by the author in 2010 and 2011 and the web pages of ten Romanian travel agencies that offer Dracula tourism. The stories and images found on the web pages and used by the tour guides form the bulk of the research material. The emphasis and perspective of this research is folkloristic. Critical discourse analysis and multimodal discourse analysis form the main theoretical approach of this dissertation. In addition the research material is approached through intertextuality, folklore process, hybridisation, authenticity and social constructionism. This dissertation aims to offer new perspectives on the research literature concerning tourism and heritage and to offer a folkloristic view of tourism research. It also aims to offer new perspectives to folkloristics in terms of the research on the use of folklore and tradition and offer new perspectives on the use and definition of the concept of authenticity. Although the research subject of this thesis is Dracula tourism in Romania, the findings can be utilised and applied in a larger context and field of research. The key research findings show that heritage can be found within Dracula Tourism in three forms: as defined from above (UNESCO World Heritage Sites), as local heritage and as a form of opposition. The Romanian travel agencies researched in this dissertation use Dracula tourism as a gateway into Romanian history, culture, tradition and heritage. Kulttuuriperintö ja turismi yhdistyvät toisiinsa erottamattomasti. Toisaalta tämän yhteyden on nähty tuottavan epäautenttista ja väärennettyä perinnettä, ja tällöin sen on koettu muodostavan uhan kulttuuriperinnölle. Toisaalta yhteys on mielletty myös positiivisena asiana, sillä sen on nähty toimivan globalisoituvassa maailmassa kulttuuriperintöä, kulttuuria ja kansanperinnettä säilyttävänä tekijänä. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan sitä, miten kulttuuriperintö ilmenee Dracula-turismissa Romaniassa. Dracula- turismi on turismia, joka liittyy joko fiktiiviseen vampyyrikreivi Draculaan tai historiallisena Draculana tunnettuun romanialaiseen hallitsijaan Vlad Seivästäjään. Väitöskirjan päätutkimuskysymyksenä on, miten romanialaista kulttuuriperintöä ja kulttuuria voidaan tuoda esiin näennäisesti pinnallisen ja länsimaiseen populaarikulttuuriin pohjautuvan Dracula-turismin kautta. Työn päälähteet pohjautuvat tutkijan vuosina 2010 ja 2011 tekemiin kenttätöihin sekä kymmenen Dracula-turismia tarjoavan romanialaisen matkatoimiston WWW-sivustoihin. Internet-sivuilta löytyvät tarinat ja kuvat sekä matkaoppaiden käyttämät tarinat muodostavat tutkimuksen tutkimusaineiston. Tutkimuksen painotus ja näkökulma ovat folkloristisia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu kriittisestä diskurssianalyysistä sekä multimodaalisesta diskurssianalyysistä. Näiden lisäksi tutkimusaineistoa analysoidaan intertekstuaalisuuden, folkloreprosessin, hybridisaation, autenttisuuden ja sosiaalisen konstruktion käsitteiden avulla. Väitöskirjatutkimus tarjoaa uusia näkökulmia turismia ja kulttuuriperintöä käsittelevään tutkimukseen sekä tarjoaa matkailun tutkimukseen folkloristisen lisänäkökulman. Folkloristisen tutkimuksen näkökulmasta työn keskiössä ovat perinteen ja folkloren hyödyntäminen sekä autenttisuuden käsitteen määrittely ja käyttö, joihin työssä otetaan kantaa. Vaikka tutkimus käsittelee Dracula-turismia Romaniassa, ovat tutkimustulokset käytettävissä ja sovellettavissa myös laajemmin. Työn keskeiset tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että kulttuuriperintö ilmenee Dracula-turismissa kolmella eri tavalla: ylätasolla kuten esimerkiksi UNESCO:n kohteissa, alatasolla paikallisten ihmisten tai ihmisryhmien määrittelemänä sekä vastustuksen muotona. Väitöskirjassa tutkitut matkatoimistot käyttävät Dracula-turismia ikään kuin porttina romanialaiseen historiaan, kulttuuriin, perinteeseen ja kulttuuriperinteeseen.
If a dot is flashed in perfect alignment with a pair of dots rotating around the visual fixation point, most observers perceive the rotating dots as being ahead of the flashing dot (flash-lag effect). This perceptual effect has been interpreted to result from the perceptual extrapolation of the moving dots, the differential visual latencies between flashing and moving stimuli, as well as the modulation of attentional mechanisms. Here we attempted to uncouple the attentional effects brought about by the spatial predictability of the flashing dot from the sensory effects dependent on its visual eccentricity. The stimulus was a pair of dots rotating clockwise around the fixation point. Another dot was flashed at either the upper right or the lower left of the visual field according to three separate blocked situations: fixed, alternate and random positions. Twenty-four participants had to judge, in all three situations, the location of the rotating dots in relation to the imaginary line connecting the flashing dot and the fixation point at the moment the dot was flashed. The flash-lag effect was observed in all three situations, and a clear influence of the spatial predictability of the flashing dot on the magnitude of the perceptual phenomenon was revealed, independently of sensory effects related to the eccentricity of the stimulus in the visual field. These findings are consistent with our proposal that, in addition to sensory factors, the attentional set modulates the magnitude of the differential latencies that give rise to the flash-lag phenomenon.
The photogeneration of nitric oxide (NO) using laser flash photolysis was investigated for S-nitroso-glutathione (GSNO) and S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (NacySNO) at pH 6.4 (PBS/HCl) and 7.4 (PBS). Irradiation of S-nitrosothiol with light (lambda = 355 nm followed by absorption spectroscopy) resulted in the homolytic decomposition of NacySNO and GSNO to generate radicals (GS· and NacyS·) and NO. The release of NO from donor compounds measured with an ISO-Nometer apparatus was larger at pH 7.4 than pH 6.4. NacySNO was also incorporated into dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine liposomes in the presence and absence of zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPC), a well-known photosensitizer useful for photodynamic therapy. Liposomes are usually used as carriers for hydrophobic compounds such as ZnPC. Inclusion of ZnPC resulted in a decrease in NO liberation in liposomal medium. However, there was a synergistic action of both photosensitizers and S-nitrosothiols resulting in the formation of other reactive species such as peroxynitrite, which is a potent oxidizing agent. These data show that NO release depends on pH and the medium, as well as on the laser energy applied to the system. Changes in the absorption spectrum were monitored as a function of light exposure.
The objective of this research project was to study the drying of soymilk residue in a pneumatic flash dryer, using response Surface Methodology (RSM), and to evaluate the quality of the dried residue. Soymilk residue, also known as okara, was provided by a Brazilian soymilk factory. RSM showed that for a 120 second drying cycle, the lower the residue moisture contents (y) obtained, the higher the recirculation rates (x1), regardless of the air drying temperature (x2), and it could be expressed by the equation y = 7.072 - 7.92x1, with R² = 92,92%. It is possible to obtain okara with 10% of moisture (dwb) under the condition x1=1.25, equivalent to RR = 61%, with air drying temperatures ranging from 252 °C to 308 °C. The dried okara obtained through Central Compound Rotational Design (CCRD) presented a centesimal composition similar to the okara dried in a tray dryer, known as the original okara. There were significant variations (p < 0.05) in the Emulsifying Capacity (EC), Emulsion Stability (ES) and Protein Solubility (PS) between the dehydrated residues obtained. It was concluded that the flash drying of okara is technically feasible and that the physicochemical composition of the residue was not altered; on the contrary, the process promoted a positive effect on the technological functional properties.
O texto a seguir apresenta em diálogo ou aplica a uma certa concepção de experiência estética um amplo conjunto de evidências experimentais retirado da investigação de outros fenômenos mentais, em particular a experiência subjetiva de emoções e sentimentos. Provém de António Damásio a viga mestra, o esqueleto, a base, a estrutura de toda a minha argumentação. Minha principal hipótese é a de que certos objetos e situações ativam hiper-espaços dispositivos cerebrais associados à ocorrência de fenômenos como sensação de beleza, prazer e alegria. Proponho que a emergência de uma experiência estética deve ser compreendida como resultado de uma percepção sensível que aciona uma rotina somático-cognitiva, função do disparo de um padrão de padrões neurais dispositivos.