948 resultados para fixed-point arithmetic
Recursive specifications of domains plays a crucial role in denotational semantics as developed by Scott and Strachey and their followers. The purpose of the present paper is to set up a categorical framework in which the known techniques for solving these equations find a natural place. The idea is to follow the well-known analogy between partial orders and categories, generalizing from least fixed-points of continuous functions over cpos to initial ones of continuous functors over $\omega $-categories. To apply these general ideas we introduce Wand's ${\bf O}$-categories where the morphism-sets have a partial order structure and which include almost all the categories occurring in semantics. The idea is to find solutions in a derived category of embeddings and we give order-theoretic conditions which are easy to verify and which imply the needed categorical ones. The main tool is a very general form of the limit-colimit coincidence remarked by Scott. In the concluding section we outline how compatibility considerations are to be included in the framework. A future paper will show how Scott's universal domain method can be included too.
川西北高寒草甸位于青藏高原东部地区,是我国四大牧区之一,也是长江和黄河等江河源区的重要水源涵养功能区。近几十年来,大量牦牛粪便被牧民作为生物能源、肥料或者食用菌产业的原料而利用,为草原生态系统的养分平衡增加了生态风险。鉴于在青藏高原地区针对牦牛粪便的相关研究尚未见报道,本文从粪便和土壤养分相互变化趋势的角度出发,研究了粪便在夏秋两季的分解状况和粪便其下及其周围土壤的养分变化。通过此研究,将有助于了解牦牛粪便在自然状态下的分解速率以及粪便对土壤养分及土壤微生物生物量的影响,为粪便对草地土壤生态系统的贡献提供概念性认识,同时也为高寒草甸草地这种脆弱生态系统的可持续管理提供理论依据。 针对牦牛粪便自身养分释放及其对土壤在时间和空间尺度上的影响,本文通过模拟牛粪堆积,在不同时间和固定区域内对牛粪和土壤进行了夏秋两季的采样测定,分析了牛粪及土壤NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P、有机C、全N 和全P 含量随时间的变化趋势。得到如下结果: 1. 在研究区域内,牛粪对草地生态系统具有较强的养分(N、P)贡献能力。据初步统计,其估值大致为氮素699~932 kg ha-1,P 素为110~147 kg ha-1。牛粪(湿重、干重)在夏秋季节的分解速率具有较大差异,夏季显著快于秋季。夏季牛粪湿重、干重在2 个月左右之后分别降为初期的14%和24%,而秋季同期分别降为35%和52%。牛粪养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P、有机C、全N 和全P)的分解速率在夏季也要显著快于秋季。秋季经过2 个月左右的分解之后,牛粪以上含量分别降至初始态的32%、60%、36%、64%、58%、63%和43%,远高于夏季的同期水平。 2. 在不同季节,牛粪周围的土壤养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K 和无机P)含量变化随时间改变呈现相同的趋势。但是,牛粪周围不同远近下土壤养分随时间的动态变化幅度略有不同。粪下土壤养分含量随时间变化波动较大,距粪便越远,随时间变化的变幅越为平缓。总体来说,在夏季由于粪便分解较快,对土壤养分的持续作用时间不及秋季,秋季粪便分解变慢,表现出养分的缓释特征。其次,牛粪对粪下土壤影响的持续时间也长于对周围土壤的作用时间。 3. 粪便对土壤养分(NO3--N、NH4+-N、速效K、无机P)影响的范围在不同季节具有差异。夏季要高于秋季,但对周围土壤养分影响的持续时间低于秋季。在夏季短期内,牛粪对土壤NO3--N 和速效K 含量的影响范围能够超过30cm,而对NH4+-N 和无机P 的影响范围则介于10cm 和30cm 之间。在2 个月左右之后,牛粪对周围土壤养分的影响能力基本消失。在秋季,牛粪对周围土壤养分影响范围难以达到30cm 处。粪便在夏季对其下土壤和周围土壤的有机C、全N 和全P 含量并无显著影响,但在秋季能显著增加其下土壤有机C、全N 和全P 含量。 4. 牛粪在秋季对土壤SMB-C、SMB-N 和SMB-P 含量的影响能够持续2 个月以上,由于秋冬季节牛粪分解缓慢,因此推断这种效应持续时间至少能够1 年左右。另一方面,牛粪在秋季对土壤SMB-C、SMB-N 和SMB-P 含量的影响范围主要集中在其下土壤,而周围的影响效应并不明显。 The grassland on the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was one of the four greatest pasture zones in our country and the main water conservation function zones in the hesastream of Yangtse River and Huanghe river. Rencent years, lots of dung in this area was used as biological energy, fertilizer or material of fungoid growing, leading to high risk of nutrient banlance in grassland ecosystem. In view of the researches on the impact of yak dung in this area are relatively rare, the present study focused on the relationship of dung and soil nutrient transformation in sunmer and autumn, which could profoundly illuminate the mechanism of dung decomposition and the effect of dung on soil chemical properties and soil microbe biomass. The present study also contributed to a basic understand and provided scientific management in the high-frigid ecosystem. Decomposition of yak dung and its effect on soil chemical properties in eastern grassland of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study simulated the real dung pats, took dung and soil samples at different time and fixed-point in summer and autumn. The samples were analysed for NO3--N, NH4+-N, available K, inorganic P, total organic C (TOC), total N (TN), total P (TP). It was concluded that: 1. In study area, the yak dung supplied to ecosystem substantial nutrient. It is estimated that the N contribution of dung was approximately 699~932 kg ha-1, P contribution was approximately 110~147 kg ha-1. The rate of yak decomposition was more rapid in summer than autumn, the wet and dry weight of yak decreased to 14% and 24% respectively after 2 months when dung excreted in summer, with 35% and 52% in autumn. The content of NO3--N、NH4+-N、available K、inorganic P、TOC、TN and TP in dung decomposed more rapid in summer too. After 2 months when dung excreted in autumn, the content of above nutrient decreased to 32%、60%、36%、64%、58%、63% and 43% respectively,which were significantly higher than summer. 2. The content of NO3--N、NH4+-N、available K and inorganic P in soil around dung had the same transformation trend in each season, whereas it was distinguishing at different gradient of distance from dung, the nutrient in soil below dung had the most significant change while the more far from dung, the less change in soil. It was concluded that the yak dung had prolong impacts on soil in autumn compared with summer, besides, it aslo showed that the yak dung had protract effect on soil below dung compared with soil around dung. 3. The yak dung had expansive impact on soil around dung in summer whereas had relatively short effect compared with autumn. In short-term at summer, there was a significant increase about the content of NO3--N and available K around 30cm radius from dung pat while the content of NH4+-N and inorganic P between 10cm to 30cm. After 2 months, the impact almost disappeared. In autumn, the effect was hard to reach 30cm. The yak dung had no significant effects on the content of TOC、TN and TP in soil below or around dung in summer whereas there was a obvious increase in soil below dung pat in autumn. 4. The duration of effect of yak dung on soil microbial biomass(SMB) C、N and P was at least 2 months, maybe even more than 1 year. On the other hand, the impact of dung on SMB-C、SMB-N and SMB-P mainly acted on soil below dung while no obious effect on soil around dung.
Based on the fractal theories, contractive mapping principles as well as the fixed point theory, by means of affine transform, this dissertation develops a novel Explicit Fractal Interpolation Function(EFIF)which can be used to reconstruct the seismic data with high fidelity and precision. Spatial trace interpolation is one of the important issues in seismic data processing. Under the ideal circumstances, seismic data should be sampled with a uniform spatial coverage. However, practical constraints such as the complex surface conditions indicate that the sampling density may be sparse or for other reasons some traces may be lost. The wide spacing between receivers can result in sparse sampling along traverse lines, thus result in a spatial aliasing of short-wavelength features. Hence, the method of interpolation is of very importance. It not only needs to make the amplitude information obvious but the phase information, especially that of the point that the phase changes acutely. Many people put forward several interpolation methods, yet this dissertation focuses attention on a special class of fractal interpolation function, referred to as explicit fractal interpolation function to improve the accuracy of the interpolation reconstruction and to make the local information obvious. The traditional fractal interpolation method mainly based on the randomly Fractional Brown Motion (FBM) model, furthermore, the vertical scaling factor which plays a critical role in the implementation of fractal interpolation is assigned the same value during the whole interpolating process, so it can not make the local information obvious. In addition, the maximal defect of the traditional fractal interpolation method is that it cannot obtain the function values on each interpolating nodes, thereby it cannot analyze the node error quantitatively and cannot evaluate the feasibility of this method. Detailed discussions about the applications of fractal interpolation in seismology have not been given by the pioneers, let alone the interpolating processing of the single trace seismogram. On the basis of the previous work and fractal theory this dissertation discusses the fractal interpolation thoroughly and the stability of this special kind of interpolating function is discussed, at the same time the explicit presentation of the vertical scaling factor which controls the precision of the interpolation has been proposed. This novel method develops the traditional fractal interpolation method and converts the fractal interpolation with random algorithms into the interpolation with determined algorithms. The data structure of binary tree method has been applied during the process of interpolation, and it avoids the process of iteration that is inevitable in traditional fractal interpolation and improves the computation efficiency. To illustrate the validity of the novel method, this dissertation develops several theoretical models and synthesizes the common shot gathers and seismograms and reconstructs the traces that were erased from the initial section using the explicit fractal interpolation method. In order to compare the differences between the theoretical traces that were erased in the initial section and the resulting traces after reconstruction on waveform and amplitudes quantitatively, each missing traces are reconstructed and the residuals are analyzed. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the novel fractal interpolation method is not only applicable to reconstruct the seismograms with small offset but to the seismograms with large offset. The seismograms reconstructed by explicit fractal interpolation method resemble the original ones well. The waveform of the missing traces could be estimated very well and also the amplitudes of the interpolated traces are a good approximation of the original ones. The high precision and computational efficiency of the explicit fractal interpolation make it a useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data; it can not only make the local information obvious but preserve the overall characteristics of the object investigated. To illustrate the influence of the explicit fractal interpolation method to the accuracy of the imaging of the structure in the earth’s interior, this dissertation applies the method mentioned above to the reverse-time migration. The imaging sections obtained by using the fractal interpolated reflected data resemble the original ones very well. The numerical experiments demonstrate that even with the sparse sampling we can still obtain the high accurate imaging of the earth’s interior’s structure by means of the explicit fractal interpolation method. So we can obtain the imaging results of the earth’s interior with fine quality by using relatively small number of seismic stations. With the fractal interpolation method we will improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the reverse-time migration under economic conditions. To verify the application effect to real data of the method presented in this paper, we tested the method by using the real data provided by the Broadband Seismic Array Laboratory, IGGCAS. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of explicit fractal interpolation is still very high even with the real data with large epicenter and large offset. The amplitudes and the phase of the reconstructed station data resemble the original ones that were erased in the initial section very well. Altogether, the novel fractal interpolation function provides a new and useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data with high precision and efficiency, and presents an alternative to image the deep structure of the earth accurately.
How to create a new method to solve the problem or reduce the influence of that the result of the seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion is not uniqueness is a main purpose of this research work in the paper. On the background of research into the seismic inversion, new progress of the nonlinear inversion is introduced at the first chapter in this paper. Especially, the development, basic theories and assumptions on some major theories of seismic inversion are analyzed, discussed and summarized in mathematics and physics. Also, the problems faced by the mathematical basis of investigations of the seismic inversion are discussed, and inverse questions of strongly seismic scattering due to strong heterogeneous media in the Earth interior are analyzed and viewed. What the kernel of paper is that gathers all our attention making a new nonlinear inversion method of seismic scattering. The paper provides a theory and method of how to introduce the fixed-point theory into the nonlinear seismic scattering inversion and how to obtain the solution, and gives the actually method to create a serials of contractive mappings of velocity parameter's in the mapping space of wave. Therefore, the results testify the existence of fixed point of velocity parameter and give the method the find it. Further, the paper proves the conclusion that the value obtained by taking the fixed point of velocity parameter into wave equation is the fixed point of the wave of the contractive mapping. Thence, the fixed point is the global minima since the stabilities quality of the fixed point. Based on the new theory, in the chapter three, many inverse results are obtained in the numerical value test. By analysis the results one could find a basic facts that all the results, which are inversed by the different initial model, are tended to the true value in theoretical true model. In other words, the new method mostly eliminates the non-uniqueness that which is existed in seismic waves scattering nonlinear inversion in degree. But, since the test results are quite finite now, more test is need here to positive our theory. As a new theoretical method, it must be existed many weaken in it. The chapter four points out all the questions which is bother us. We hope more people to join us to solve the problem together.
We describe a software package for computing and manipulating the subdivision of a sphere by a collection of (not necessarily great) circles and for computing the boundary surface of the union of spheres. We present problems that arise in the implementation of the software and the solutions that we have found for them. At the core of the paper is a novel perturbation scheme to overcome degeneracies and precision problems in computing spherical arrangements while using floating point arithmetic. The scheme is relatively simple, it balances between the efficiency of computation and the magnitude of the perturbation, and it performs well in practice. In one O(n) time pass through the data, it perturbs the inputs necessary to insure no potential degeneracies and then passes the perturbed inputs on to the geometric algorithm. We report and discuss experimental results. Our package is a major component in a larger package aimed to support geometric queries on molecular models; it is currently employed by chemists working in "rational drug design." The spherical subdivisions are used to construct a geometric model of a molecule where each sphere represents an atom. We also give an overview of the molecular modeling package and detail additional features and implementation issues.
The actor message-passing model of concurrent computation has inspired new ideas in the areas of knowledge-based systems, programming languages and their semantics, and computer systems architecture. The model itself grew out of computer languages such as Planner, Smalltalk, and Simula, and out of the use of continuations to interpret imperative constructs within A-calculus. The mathematical content of the model has been developed by Carl Hewitt, Irene Greif, Henry Baker, and Giuseppe Attardi. This thesis extends and unifies their work through the following observations. The ordering laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker can be proved using a notion of global time. The most general ordering laws are in fact equivalent to an axiom of realizability in global time. Independence results suggest that some notion of global time is essential to any model of concurrent computation. Since nondeterministic concurrency is more fundamental than deterministic sequential computation, there may be no need to take fixed points in the underlying domain of a power domain. Power domains built from incomplete domains can solve the problem of providing a fixed point semantics for a class of nondeterministic programming languages in which a fair merge can be written. The event diagrams of Greif's behavioral semantics, augmented by Baker's pending events, form an incomplete domain. Its power domain is the semantic domain in which programs written in actor-based languages are assigned meanings. This denotational semantics is compatible with behavioral semantics. The locality laws postulated by Hewitt and Baker may be proved for the semantics of an actor-based language. Altering the semantics slightly can falsify the locality laws. The locality laws thus constrain what counts as an actor semantics.
Iantchenko, A.; Sj?strand, J., (2001) 'Birkhoff normal forms for Fourier integral operators II', American Journal of Mathematics 124(4) pp.817-850 RAE2008
Mishuris, G; Kuhn, G., (2001) 'Asymptotic behaviour of the elastic solution near the tip of a crack situated at a nonideal interface', Zeitschrift f?r Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 81(12) pp.811-826 RAE2008
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For communication-intensive parallel applications, the maximum degree of concurrency achievable is limited by the communication throughput made available by the network. In previous work [HPS94], we showed experimentally that the performance of certain parallel applications running on a workstation network can be improved significantly if a congestion control protocol is used to enhance network performance. In this paper, we characterize and analyze the communication requirements of a large class of supercomputing applications that fall under the category of fixed-point problems, amenable to solution by parallel iterative methods. This results in a set of interface and architectural features sufficient for the efficient implementation of the applications over a large-scale distributed system. In particular, we propose a direct link between the application and network layer, supporting congestion control actions at both ends. This in turn enhances the system's responsiveness to network congestion, improving performance. Measurements are given showing the efficacy of our scheme to support large-scale parallel computations.
We study an optoelectronic time-delay oscillator that displays high-speed chaotic behavior with a flat, broad power spectrum. The chaotic state coexists with a linearly stable fixed point, which, when subjected to a finite-amplitude perturbation, loses stability initially via a periodic train of ultrafast pulses. We derive approximate mappings that do an excellent job of capturing the observed instability. The oscillator provides a simple device for fundamental studies of time-delay dynamical systems and can be used as a building block for ultrawide-band sensor networks.