999 resultados para fish bone
The ultrastructure of the tegument and tegument-associated microorganisms of the gyliauchenid digenean Gyliauchen nahaensis is described by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The tegument is devoid of surface spines and is characterized by a moderately folded apical membrane, abundant vesicles, basal mitochondria, a folded basal plasma membrane, and a thick basal matrix. Microorganisms form a dense biofilm on the tegument of the posterodorsal surface and the excretory papilla. At least 7 microbial morphotypes were identified, including eubacteria, spirochaetes, and nanobacteria.
Lengths of silastic tubing were inserted into the peritoneal cavity of rats or rabbits. By two weeks the free-floating implants had become covered by a capsule consisting of several layers of macrophage-derived myofibroblasts and collagen matrix overlaid by a single layer of mesothelial cells. The tubing was removed from the harvested implant and the tissue everted. This now resembled an artery with an inner lining of mesothelial cells (the intima), a media of myofibroblasts, and an outer collagenous adventitia. The tube of living tissue was grafted by end-to-end anastomoses into the transected carotid artery or abdominal aorta of the same animal in which the tissue had been grown, where it remained parent for four months and developed structures resembling elastic lamellae, The myofibroblasts developed a high volume fraction of myofilaments and became responsive to contractile and relaxing agents similar to smooth muscle cells of the adjacent artery wall.
Recruiting coral reef fish larvae from 38 species and 19 families from New Caledonia were examined for parasites. We found 13 parasite species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea, Cestoda and Trematoda) but no acanthocephalan, crustacean or nematode parasites. Over 23% of individual fish were infected. Didymozoid metacercariae were the most abundant parasites. We conclude that most of the parasites are pelagic species that become 'lost' once the fish larvae have recruited to the reef. Larval coral reef fish probably contribute little to the dispersal of the parasites of the adult fish so that parasite dispersal is more difficult than that of the fish themselves. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
To examine the source of smooth muscle-like cells during vascular healing, C57BL/6 (Ly 5.2) female mice underwent whole body irradiation followed by transfusion with 10(6) nucleated bone marrow cells from congenic (Ly 5.1) male donors. Successful repopulation (88.4 +/- 4.9%) by donor marrow was demonstrated in the female mice by flow cytometry with FITC-conjugated A20.1/Ly 5.1 monoclonal antibody after 4 weeks. The arteries of the female mice were then subjected to two types of insult: (1) The iliac artery was scratch-injured by 5 passes of a probe causing severe medial damage. After 4 weeks, the arterial lumen was obliterated by a cell-rich neointima, with cells containing a smooth muscle actin present around the residual lumen. Approximately half of these cells were of male donor origin, as evidenced by in situ hybridization with a Y-chromosome-specific probe. (2) In an organized arterial thrombus formed by inserting an 8-0 silk suture into the left common carotid artery, donor cells staining with alpha smooth muscle actin were found in those arteries sustaining serious damage but not in arteries with minimal damage, Our results suggest that bone marrow-derived cells are recruited in vascular healing as a complementary source of smooth muscle-like cells when the media is severely damaged and few resident smooth muscle cells are available to effect repair. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Two factors generally reported to influence bone density are body composition and muscle strength. However, it is unclear if these relationships are consistent across race and sex, especially in older persons. If differences do exist by race and/or sex, then strategies to maintain bone mass or minimize bone loss in older adults may need to be modified accordingly. Therefore, we examined the independent effects of bone mineral-free lean mass (LM), fat mass (FM), and muscle strength on regional and whole body bone mineral density (BMD) in a cohort of 2619 well-functioning older adults participating in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study with complete measures. Participants included 738 white women, 599 black women, 827 white men, and 455 black men aged 70-79 years. BMD (g/cm(2)) of the femoral neck, whole body, upper and lower limb, and whole body and upper limb bone mineral-free LM and FM was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Handgrip strength and knee extensor torque were determined by dynamometry. In analyses stratified by race and sex and adjusted for a number of confounders, LM was a significant (p < 0.001) determinant of BMD, except in white women for the lower limb and whole body. In women, FM also was an independent contributor to BMD at the femoral neck, and both PM and muscle strength contributed to limb BMD. The following were the respective Beta-weights (regression coefficients for standardized data, Std beta) and percent difference in BMD per unit (7.5 kg) LM: femoral neck, 0.202-0.386 and 4.7-6.9 %; lower limb,.0.209-0.357 and 2.9-3.5%; whole body, 0.239-0.484 and 3.0-4.7 %; and upper limb (unit = 0.5 kg), 0.231-0.407 and 3.1-3.4%. Adjusting for bone size (bone mineral apparent density [BMAD]) or body size BMD/height) diminished the importance of LM, and the contributory effect of FM became more pronounced. These results indicate that LM and FM were associated with bone mineral depending on the bone site and bone index used. Where differences did occur, they were primarily by sex not race. To preserve BMD, maintaining or increasing LM in the elderly would appear to be an appropriate strategy, regardless of race or sex.
To investigate whether there are gender differences in the bone geometry of the proximal femur during the adolescent years we used an interactive computer program ?Hip Strength Analysis? developed by Beck and associates (Beck et al., Invest Radiol. 1990,25:6-18.) to derive femoral neck geometry parameters from DXA bone scans (Hologic 2000, array mode). We analyzed a longitudinal data-set collected on 70 boys and 68 girls over a seven year period. Distance and velocity curves for height were fitted for each child utilizing a cubic spline procedure and the age of peak height velocity (PHV) was determined. To control for maturational differences between children of the same chronological age and between boys and girls, section modulus (Z) an index of bending strength, cross sectional area of bone (CSA), sub-periosteal width (SPW), and BMD values at the neck and shaft of the proximal femur were determined for points on each individual?s curve at the age of PHV and one and two years on either side of peak. To control for size differences, height and weight were introduced as co-variates in the two-way analyses of variance looking at gender over time measured at the maturational age points (-2, -1, age of PHV, +1, +2). The following figure presents the results of the analyses on two variables, BMD and Z at neck and shaft regions:After the age of peak linear growth (PHV), independent of body size, there was a gender difference in BMD at the shaft but not at the neck. Section modulus at both sites indicated that male bones became significantly stronger after PHV. Underlying these maturational changes, male bones became wider (SPW) after PHV in both the neck and shaft and enclosed more material (CSA) at all maturational age points at both regions. These results call into question the emphasis on using BMD as a measure of skeletal integrity in growing children
The origin of smooth muscle cells involved in vascular healing was examined. Eighteen C57BL/6 (Ly 5.2) female mice underwent whole body irradiation followed by transfusion with 10(6) bone nucleated marrow cells from congenic (Ly 5.1) male donors. Successful repopulation by donor marrow was demonstrated after 4 weeks by flow cytometry with FITC-conjugated A20.1/Ly 5.1 monoclonal antibody. The iliac artery of six of the chimeric mice was scratch-injured by five passes of a probe, causing severe medial damage. After 4 weeks the arterial lumen was obliterated by a cell-rich neointima, with alpha-smooth muscle actin-containing cells present around the residual lumen. Approximately half of these cells were of male donor origin, as evidenced by in situ hybridization with a Y chromosome-specific probe. An organized arterial thrombus was formed in the remaining 12 chimeric mice by inserting an 8.0 silk suture into the left common carotid artery. Donor cells staining with alpha-smooth muscle actin were found in those arteries sustaining serious damage but not in arteries with minimal damage. Our results suggest that bone marrow-derived cells are recruited in vascular healing as a complementary source of smooth muscle-like cells when the media is severely damaged and few resident smooth muscle cells are available to effect repair.
Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The colors of 51 species of Hawaiian reef fish have been measured using a spectrometer and therefore can be described in objective terms that are not influenced by the human visual experience. In common with other known reef fish populations, the colors of Hawaiian reef fish occupy spectral positions from 300-800nm; yellow or orange with blue, yellow with black, and black with white are the most frequently combined colors; and there is no link between possession of ultraviolet (UV) reflectance and UV visual sensitivity or the potential for UV visual sensitivity. In contrast to other reef systems, blue, yellow, and orange appear more frequently in Hawaiian reef fish. Based on spectral quality of reflections from fish skin, trends in fish colors can be seen that are indicative of both visually driven selective pressures and chemical or physical constraints on the design of colors. UV-reflecting colors can function as semiprivate communication signals. White or yellow with black form highly contrasting patterns that transmit well through clear water. Labroid fishes display uniquely complex colors but lack the ability to see the UV component that is common in their pigments. Step-shaped spectral curves are usually long-wavelength colors such as yellow or red, and colors with a peak-shaped spectral curves are green, blue, violet, and UV.
The non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse is a unique and invaluable model of autoimmune disease, in particular type I diabetes. Bone marrow transplantation as a therapy for type I diabetes has been explored in NOD mice. NOD mice require higher doses of conditioning irradiation for successful allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, suggesting that NOD hematopoietic cells are radioresistant compared to those of other mouse strains. However, studies of hematopoietic reconstitution in NOD mice are hampered by the lack of mice bearing a suitable cell-surface marker that would allow transferred cells or their progeny to be distinguished. In order to monitor hematopoietic reconstitution in NOD mice we generated congenic NOD mice that carry the alternative allelic form of the pan-leukocyte alloantigen CD45. Following irradiation and congenic bone marrow transplantation, we found that the myeloid lineage was rapidly reconstituted by cells of donor origin but substantial numbers of recipient T lymphocytes persisted even after supra-lethal irradiation. This indicates that radiation resistance in the NOD hematopoietic compartment is a property primarily of mature T lymphocytes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Loss of connectivity in impounded rivers is among the impacts imposed by dams, and mitigation measures such as fish passages might not accomplish their purpose of reestablishing an efficient bi-directional gene flow in the fish populations affected. As a consequence, fish populations remain fragmented, and a new interpopulational structure may develop, with increased risk of reduced genetic diversity and stochastic extinction. In order to evaluate the effects of the Gavio Peixoto Dam, which was constructed almost a century ago on the Jacar,-Gua double dagger u River in the Upper Parana River basin, Brazil, a comparative morphometric study was undertaken on the populations of the Neotropical migratory characid fish Salminus hilarii living up- and downstream of this dam. Population dynamics, spatial segregation, and habitat use by different age classes were monitored for 2 years. We found that segregation caused by the dam and long periods with no efficient connection by fish passages have led to fragmentation and interpopulational structuring of S. hilarii, as revealed by canonical variable analysis of morphometric features. The fish populations occupying the up- and downstream sections have succeeded in performing short-distance reproductive migrations in the main river and tributaries, have found suitable habitats for completing their life cycle, and have been able to maintain distinct small-sized populations so far.
Butterflyfish are colourful, pan-tropical coastal fish that are important and distinctive members of coral reef communities. A successful systematic scheme and a robust phylogeny is considered essential in understanding further their biogeography and ecology, although recent cladistic treatments of butterflyfish phylogeny, based on soft tissue and bone morphology and coded at the generic and subgeneric levels, differ in character coding and subsequently tree topology. This study provides an independent test of the morphologically based hypotheses, using molecular systematic data from two partial mitochondrial gene fragments, cytochrome b (cytb) and small subunit rRNA (rrnS), for 52 ingroup chaetodontids and seven pomacanthids used to root the molecular trees. Individual gene trees were largely compatible and a combined molecular phylogeny, inferred from Bayesian analysis, was used to test alternative hypotheses suggested by morphological analyses. The tree was also used to map the latest morphological matrix in order to evaluate potential synapomorphies for various nodes defining butterflyfish interrelationships. A clade comprised of Chelmon and Coradion was sister group to other chaetodontids. Heniochus and Hemitaurichthys were each resolved as monophyletic groups, and as sister taxa Of the taxa sampled, Prognothodes was resolved as the sister genus to Chaeotodon. Of the ten Chaetodon subgenera sampled, all were monophyletic but their interrelationships differed significantly from that inferred from morphological characters. Lepidochaetodon was the most basal subgenus followed by Exornator and the remaining subgenera. Molecular data support the sister group relationship between Corallochaetodon and Citharoedus suggested by morphology, but major differences occur among the remaining more derived taxa. Chaetodon trifascialis and C. oligacanthus were resolved as sister taxa adding weight to the inclusion of the latter in C. Megaprotodon. Of those pairs of taxa known to hybridize and sampled with molecular data, all were closely related phylogenetically, except those hybrids known to occur in the Rabdophorus subgenus. Two base changes separated C. pelewensis from C. paucifasciatus which have been regarded previously as a single species. Cytb provided greater resolution than rrnS and will likely provide additional resolution with greater taxon sampling.
Aims: It has long been demonstrated that epidermal growth factor (EGF) has catabolic effects oil bone. Thus. we examined the role of EGF in regulating mechanically induced bone modeling in a rat model of orthodontic tooth movement. Main methods: The maxillary first molars of rats were moved mesially using an orthodontic appliance attached to the maxillary incisor teeth. Rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: (G1) administration of PBS (Phosphate buffer saline Solution (n = 24); (G2) administration of empty liposomes (it = 24): (Q) administration 20 rig of EGF Solution (n = 24): and (G4) 20 ng of EGF-liposomes Solution (it = 24). Each Solution was injected in the mucosa of the left first molar adjacent to the appliance. At days 5, 10, 14 and 2 1 after drug administration. 6 animals of each group were sacrificed. Histomorphometric analysis was used to quantify osteoclasts (Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) + cells) and tooth movement. Using immunohistochemistry assay we evaluated the RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression. Key findings: The EGF-liposome administration showed an increased tooth movement and osteoclast numbers compared to controls (p<0.05). This was correlated with intense RANKL expression. Both osteoblasts and osteoclasts expressed EGFR. Significance: Local delivery of EGF-liposome stimulates, osteoclastogenesis and tooth movement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.