896 resultados para fertilizers


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The paper examines the factor intensity and economic returns of alternate shrimp-crop and shrimp-salt farming in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Data were collected from 30 shrimp-crop and 30 shrimp-salt farmers, 30 shrimp farmers and 30 rice farmers from three selected coastal districts of Bangladesh. Cobb-Douglas production function model was used to determine the effect of various factors on alternate shrimp-crop farming. The chosen variables were stocking of juveniles, paddy seed, labour, fertilizers, feed and farm size of respective type of farming. The results indicated that the production function exhibited increasing remrns to scale for alternate shrimp-rice, alternate shrimp-salt and year round shrimp farming while it indicated decreasing returns for year round rice farming. Economic analysis of same system of farming indicated that higher amount of input use produced higher level of yield, gross return and net return for each type of production system.


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On farm preliminary trial of freshwater pearl culture was done through 20 entrepreneurs in Boilor and Sutiakhali villages of Mymensingh district during 2004. A group of 20 enthusiastic women were selected and trained on the art of mantle tissue dissection, operation for mantle tissue implantation and preparation of ponds for pearl culture. A total of 200 juvenile freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis, were collected from the wild and were used for mantle issue operation. The operated mussels were then transferred to farmer's pond and were subjected to observational trial. Length and weight of each of the test mussels were recorded before hanging them at a depth of 40 cm in net bags (3 mussels/net bag) in ponds at the rate of 24,700 mussels/ha of pond area. Ponds were routinely fertilized with organic and inorganic fertilizers thorough out the mussel rearing period. Water temperature, pH, plankton density and soil organic matter were monitored fortnightly. Growth of pearl is yet to be monitored through sacrifice of the mussels but X-ray photography of a few mussels indicated the initiation of pearl formation in most of them.


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A study was carried out in nine fertilized fish ponds under three treatments at Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh, to record the influence of different fertilizers on noxious euglenophytes bloom. Some water quality parameters (viz., temperature, pH, phosphate-phosphorus, nitrate-nitrogen and chlorophyll-a) and phytoplankton populations were monitored at certain intervals. During the study period, three genera of euglenophytes such as Euglena, Phacus and Trachelomonas were recorded of which Euglena was most dominant. Significantly (p<0.05) higher cell density of euglenophytes was observed in the ponds treated with chicken manure followed by the ponds treated with both cow dung and chicken manures and the ponds treated with only cow dung. The higher cell density of euglenophytes was explained by acidic pH (around 6.5) and higher phosphate-phosphorus (1.37 mg/1) and nitrate-nitrogen (1.47 mg/I) concentrations. The population size of euglenophytes showed positive correlation with phosphate-phosphorus and nitrate-nitrogen concentration while negative with pH. Nutrient enrichment and acidic pH enhanced the growth of euglenophytes but reduced the growth of chlorophytes and bacillariophytes.


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To assess the culture potential of mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) along with carps in polyculture systems, an experiment consisted of three treatments each with five replications was conducted for 4 months in two villages of Parbatipur upazilla under Dinajpur district. In the first treatment (SS), catla, rohu, mrigal, grass carp, Thai punti, common carp and a higher density of silver carp (8 per 40m²) were stocked. In the second treatment (SM), stocking density of silver carp was reduced to half and mola was added at a stocking density of 12,500/ha with all other fishes used in SS. In the third treatment (MM), no silver carp was stocked and mola was added at a stocking density of 25,000/ha with all other fishes used in SS. All treatments were subjected to the same regime of feed and fertilizers. The yields of large carps were 2035 kg/ha, 1757 kg/ha and 1326 kg/ha for treatments SS, SM and MM, respectively. Catla, grass carp and carpio showed better growth and production performance in presence of mola at a higher density, while rohu, Thai punti and mrigal showed better performance when stocking density of mola was relatively low. Mola yield was almost two times higher (184 kg/ha) in absence of silver carp (MM) than (62 kg/ha) in presence of silver carp (SM). The result showed that there was a significantly (p<0.01) lower total fish production in treatment MM. But there were no significant difference in total production between treatment SS and SM.


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The study was conducted to compare the performance of different nursing practices of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) post-larvae (PL). Three treatments such as only fertilizers (T1), fertilizers with 5% supplementary feed (local feed) (T2), and 10% commercial feed (T3) were applied in the nursing system of prawn PLs in earthen pond. An earthen pond (315m²) was divided into nine equal small ponds by fine meshed nylon nets. Feeds were used once daily on a tray placed near the pond bottom. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in some water quality parameters like pH and total alkalinity, but all measured water quality parameters viz. water temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen and ammonia-nitrogen were within the acceptable range for nursing of prawn PL. The results showed that the mean final lengths of prawn post-larvae were 6.3±0.07 cm, 7.12±0.22 cm and 8.17±0.16 cm in T1, T2 and T3, respectively. There were significant difference (p<0.05) in mean final length of prawn PL among the treatments. Significantly higher (p<0.05) average daily weight gain was observed in T3 (0.071 ±0.007 g) than in T2 (0.052±0.006 g) and T1 (0.031 ±0.002 g). The specific growth rate (SGR) of T3 (8.81±0.26) was found significantly higher (p<0.05) than T2 (8.35±0.22) and T1 (7.42±0.11). Survival rate (%) was also significantly higher (p<0.05) in T3 (66.24±1.58) than in T2 (60.52±1.64) and T1 (53.86±2.71). Therefore, it may be concluded that the growth and survival in prawn nursery was better in commercial feed than only fertilizers and fertilizers with local feeds.


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Details are given of the production of Penaeus monodon in the Philippines reared in brackishwater earthen ponds applied with different fertilizer combinations, namely diammonium phosphate, urea and chicken manure. Results show that the shrimp showed higher yields in fertilized ponds, but increasing the concentration of fertilizers did not give a marked increase in yield - the excess fertilizer was wasted.


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Seaweeds have been used as food, medicine, fertilizers, soil conditioner and source of salt. Realizing the potentials of seaweeds, research and development thrusts have been geared towards improving and developing its product applications. Today, various applications of seaweeds have been developed and improved. The major success in the seaweed industry is the development of phycocolloids with the following specific applications: 1) agar; 2) carrageenans; and, 3) alginates.


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本文对沈阳市郊大民屯镇不同年限蔬菜温室土壤化学性质进行研究与分析。得到主要结论如下: 蔬菜温室0~20 cm表层土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、铵态氮、硝态氮均处于较高的养分水平,并且随温室使用年限的延长,呈增加的趋势。土壤有酸化的趋势,土壤电导率呈升高态势。土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量分别为8.57~60.30 mg kg-1、2.69~22.43 mg kg-1、0.64~7.52 mg kg-1和0.56~9.29 mg kg-1,变异系数为50%左右;随着温室使用年限的增加,土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn含量总体上呈增加的趋势。土壤Ni、Cd的有效含量随种植年限的延长趋于增加,有效Pb呈现出下降的趋势,土壤重金属Cr的有效态含量与种植年限之间没有明显的相关性。 不同年限蔬菜温室土壤剖面有机质、全氮、速效磷及速效钾含量高于相邻的露地菜田土壤,并随种植年限的延长而增加,随土层深度的增加而下降。温室土壤中铵态氮的含量随温室种植年限的变化相对较小,在土壤剖面不同层次中变化也没有明显的规律性。与露地菜田土壤相比,温室土壤中有效态铁、锰含量下降,有效态铜、锌、铅、镍含量增加。0~30 cm土层土壤交换性Ca呈下降的趋势,交换性Mg呈上升的趋势,土壤Ca/Mg比值呈下降的趋势。


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土壤线虫是土壤动物的主要功能类群之一,在土壤养分分解和循环中起到重要的作用。本研究通过施用两种形态氮肥,硝态氮(NO-3–N)和铵态氮(NH+4–N),对黄瓜整个生长期内根际土壤线虫的群落组成、结构及其多样性等的影响进行了比较研究。为增进土壤健康,提高土壤质量以及合理施用氮肥提供科学的理论依据。研究结果如下: 1. 氮肥处理后,不同浓度NO-3–N处理提高了根际土壤线虫数量,而NH+4–N处理(202.5 kg N/ hm2)抑制了线虫数量的增加。线虫群落结构相对较稳定,营养类群变化不大。且少量优势科/属会对土壤线虫群落特征起着至关重要的作用。 2. 在整个生长季节内,非寄生线虫的群体动态变化与寄生线虫的群体的动态变化具有相反的变化趋势。其中,NO-3–N处理和NH+4–N处理后植物寄生线虫出现频率的变化趋势相近,都是由高到低;非植物寄生线虫出现频率的变化趋势则都是由低到高。这说明非植物寄生线虫数量增长和空间占位对植物寄生线虫群体有一定的抑制作用。另外,也反映了适量氮肥在一定程度上能够减轻植物寄生线虫对黄瓜的危害。 3. 由多样性指数变化可知,NO-3–N和NH+4–N在低肥(67.5 kg N/hm2)和高肥(202.5 kg N/hm2)处理较中肥(135.0 kg N/hm2)处理,更不利于提高土壤线虫多样性地提高和线虫群落的稳定性。中肥不同形态氮肥处理与对照相比,H´指数在初花期和结果期显著增加了土壤线虫的H´指数,说明施入两种形态的氮肥能够提高线虫生物多样性程度。NH+4–N处理在初花期和结果期显著降低了土壤线虫种类的丰富性。土壤线虫生物多样性变化中,H´和SR指数在一定程度上能够反映施用无机氮肥对土壤线虫的多样性的影响,而J指数和λ指数效果不明显。NO-3–N和NH+4–N处理相比较,NO-3–N处理对黄瓜土壤线虫的多样性指数影响更大,促进了土壤线虫群体的多样化和种类的丰富度,更有利于提高土壤线虫的多样性,增加其稳定性。这些结果表明适量无机氮肥特别是NO-3–N的施用对黄瓜土壤线虫的生物多样性有一定的维护和提高作用。 4. 线虫数量与土壤质量指标的相关分析表明:线虫数量与有关土壤理化生指标,如土壤NO-3–N、NH+4–N、有机质含量等的正相关程度高,与总酚含量等显著负相关;与根际土壤微生物,细菌、真菌、放线菌数量等呈显著正相关。另外,线虫数量与土壤含水量未表现出显著相关关系。 Nematodes play a major role in decomposition and nutrient cycling in soil. Nematode community analyses are useful in assessing soil ecosystem status and function. The effects of two forms of mineral nitrogenous fertilizers (NO-3–N and NH+4–N) on nematode community composition, structure and diversity in rhizosphere of cucumber were investigated during different growing seasons of cucumber. Systematically research of effects of nitrogenous fertilizers could help to obtain better undstanding of a healthy soil and using nitrogenous fertilizers in reason. The main results are as follows: 1. The total numbers of nematode were more abundant in NH+4–N treatments than other teatments. However, NH+4–N teatment(202.5 kg N/hm2)dramatically inhibited it. All the tropic groups in the soil nematode communities were stable, and the dominant family or genus had an important function in the nematode community structure. 2. There was similar trend of the frequency of plant parasitic nematodes between NO-3–N and NH+4–N treatment, the similar trend of the frequency of non-plant parasitic nematodes was also found. But the frequency of plant parasitic nematodes exhibited a contrary trend to that of plant parasitic nematodes after different nitrogenous fertilizer treatments. The results showed that the increasing trend of the frequency and the niche of non-plant parasitic nematodes inhibited the plant parasitic nematodes, and indicated that right chemical fertilizers dosage could abate plant parasitic nematodes harm to cucumber. 3. The changes of the biodiversity index showed that the nitrogen treatment(135.0 kg N/hm2)promoted the stabilization of soil nematode diversity than other nitrogen treatments(67.5 kg N/hm2 and 202.5 kg N/hm2). In the treatment(135.0 kg N/hm2),The changes in nematode diversity between the control plots and treated plots were compared by the biodiversity index (H´, J, SR, λ). Among these tested index, H´ and SR were effective in reflecting the effects of different nitrogenous fertilizers on the diversity of soil nematodes. In comparison with the NH+4–N treatment, the NO-3–N treatment promoted the stabilization of soil nematode diversity. 4. Correlation coefficients between nematode abundance and soil quality indices indicated that the total numbers of nematode were affected positively by NO-3–N, NH+4–N and the organic matter, and negatively by total phenolic acids; the total num- bers of nematode had positive correlation with bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes nu- mbers. Soil water contents had only a weak negative influence on it.


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A five-year experiment indicated that the average loss rate of N and P in harvested products through a feeding-composting cycle was about 50% and 15%,respectively.Under high yield condition,the amount of recycled N and P from 80% harvested products and through a feeding-composting cycle in farming systems was about 3751 and 814 kghm~(-2),equivalent to 25%34% of N and 32%56% of P from chemical fertilizers applied each year to the systems.The apparent recoveries of N and P in organic manure increased with the prolongation of fertilization,indicating a synergetic residual effect existed,and was 61% and 39% in average in the five-year experiment.The use of nutrients recycled in the farming systems could not only improve soil fertility,but also increase the recoveries of nutrients and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers.


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在旱棚控制条件下 ,用五因素五水平二次回归正交旋转组合设计 ,研究了水肥施用分配 ,补水量 ,施N量 ,施K量 ,有机肥施用量的综合作用效应 .结果表明 ,五因素对肥料N利用率的作用顺序为施N量 >补水量>水肥施用分配 >有机肥施用量 >施K量 .水肥施用分配相对于不同水、化肥 (N、K )、有机肥量的选择 ,可以大大地提高肥料N利用率 ;量少应重前施用 ,量多重后施或均施为好 .补水量与施N量的耦合规律为 :高水高肥效果最佳 ,肥料N利用率可达 5 7 83 % ,中水中N及低水低N次之 ,为 2 9 17%~ 40 99% ;高水低N或低水高N导致最低的利用率 ,为 2 2 87%或 2 2 5 1%