991 resultados para farmland ponds


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During the last 50 years, agricultural intensification has caused many wild plant and animal species to go extinct regionally or nationally and has profoundly changed the functioning of agro-ecosystems. Agricultural intensification has many components, such as loss of landscape elements, enlarged farm and field sizes and larger inputs of fertilizer and pesticides. However, very little is known about the relative contribution of these variables to the large-scale negative effects on biodiversity. In this study, we disentangled the impacts of various components of agricultural intensification on species diversity of wild plants, carabids and ground-nesting farmland birds and on the biological control of aphids.


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1. The population characteristics and distribution of wood mice Apodemus sylvaticus (L.) were investigated along field margins of farmland dominated by grass production. 2. Turnover, sex ratio, breeding season, spatial density dependence and density dependence in reproductive activity indicated that the population ecology of A. sylvaticus is consistent in different habitats in the same geographical region. 3. Spatial variation in the abundance of A.sylvaticus was related negatively to percentage of land under pasture and distance from woodland and positively related to variables associated with food supply and cover. 4. Variation in numbers of overwintered mice at the start of the breeding season was related more closely to breeding opportunity than to environmental factors. This was particularly so in males. 5. The association of overwintered male and female A. sylvaticus remained evident in the later half of the breeding season. Young males and females of the year, however, were distributed more with respect to physical and biological features than towards adults or reproductive opportunity. 6. A. sylvaticus is an important species of field margins, even where these are poorly developed and agriculture is pastoral rather than arable. Further studies of this species in a wider range of agricultural systems are desirable.


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The recent growth in bioenergy crop cultivation, stimulated by the need to implement measures to reduce net CO emissions, is driving major land-use changes with consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem service provision. Although the type of bioenergy crop and its associated management is likely to affect biodiversity at the local (field) scale, landscape context and its interaction with crop type may also influence biodiversity on farms. In this study, we assessed the impact of replacing conventional agricultural crops with two model bioenergy crops (either oilseed rape Brassica napus or Miscanthus × giganteus) on vascular plant, bumblebee, solitary bee, hoverfly and carabid beetle richness, diversity and abundance in 50 sites in Ireland. We assessed whether within-field biodiversity was also related to surrounding landscape structure. We found that local- and landscape-scale variables correlated with biodiversity in these agricultural landscapes. Overall, the differences between the bioenergy crops and the conventional crops on farmland biodiversity were mostly positive (e.g. higher vascular plant richness in Miscanthus planted on former conventional tillage, higher solitary bee abundance and richness in Miscanthus and oilseed rape compared with conventional crops) or neutral (e.g. no differences between crop types for hoverflies and bumblebees). We showed that these crop type effects were independent of (i.e. no interactions with) the surrounding landscape composition and configuration. However, surrounding landscape context did relate to biodiversity in these farms, negatively for carabid beetles and positively for hoverflies. Although we conclude that the bioenergy crops compared favourably with conventional crops in terms of biodiversity of the taxa studied at the field scale, the effects of large-scale planting in these landscapes could result in very different impacts. Maintaining ecosystem functioning and the delivery of ecosystem services will require a greater understanding of impacts at the landscape scale to ensure the sustainable development of climate change mitigation measures.


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In eight European study sites (in Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Estonia and Sweden), abundance of breeding farmland bird territories was obtained from 500 × 500 m survey plots (30 per area, N = 240) using the mapping method. Two analyses were performed: (I) a Canonical Correspondence Analysis of species abundance in relation to geographical location and variables measuring agricultural intensification at field and farm level to identify significant intensification variables and to estimate the fractions of total variance in bird abundance explained by geography and agricultural intensification; (II) several taxonomic and functional community indices were built and analysed using GLM in relation to the intensification variables found significant in the CCA. The geographical location of study sites alone explains nearly one fifth (19. 5%) of total variation in species abundance. The fraction of variance explained by agricultural intensification alone is much smaller (4. 3%), although significant. The intersection explains nearly two fifths (37. 8%) of variance in species abundance. Community indices are negatively affected by correlates of intensification like farm size and yield, whereas correlates of habitat availability and quality have positive effects on taxonomic and functional diversity of assemblages. Most of the purely geographical variation in farmland bird assemblage composition is associated to Mediterranean steppe species, reflecting the bio-geographical singularity of that assemblage and reinforcing the need to preserve this community. Taxonomic and functional diversity of farmland bird communities are negatively affected by agricultural intensification and positively affected by increasing farmland habitat availability and quality. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Aquacultura, Especialidade de Sistema de Produção, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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The literature on species diversity of phytoplankton of tropical lakes is scarce, and for the main part comes from studies of the big lakes in Africa, or deep lakes in South America, leaving a gap in the information about small shallow tropical lakes. In the present work the phytoplankton species composition and diversity of 27 shallow lakes and ponds in Costa Rica (Central America) was studied. The species composition was found to agree with other studies of tropical lakes, with a dominance of Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, or in some cases Bacillariophyta or Euglenophyta; and a general paucity of Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta. Species richness varied considerably among the lakes, and tended to decrease with an increase in lake elevation. A low evenness in the species abundances was found, with one or more species outnumbering the rest by several orders of magnitude. Individual species abundances and species composition was found to vary with time in Rio Cuarto Lake, a meromictic lake situated in a region with low seasonal change in precipitation. In comparison with the phytoplankton of temperate lakes, the phytoplankton of the tropical lakes studied tended to have a lower evenness of species abundances, although species richness may be similar to temperate figures in some cases. Diversity indices sensitive to changes in the abundance of rare species tend to be higher in the tropical lakes studied; diversity indices sensitive to changes in the numbers of abundant species tend to be similar between the temperate and tropical lakes examined.


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The world demand for fish and fishery products is increasing steadily and it is generally accepted that it will not be possible to meet the heavy demand with resources exploited from capture fishery alone. Now aquaculture is well established and fastdeveloping industry in many countries and is a major focus sector for development. During recent decades, aquaculture has gained momentum, throughout the world especially in developing countries. According to Food and Agricultural Oganisation (FAO, 2000), global aquaculture production was 26.38 tones in 1996 have reached 32.9 million tonnes during 1999. Only marine aquaculture sector has contributed 13.1 million tonnes during 1999.India is a major fish producing country. About one half of lndia’s brackish water lands are currently being utilized for farming in order to reduce the gap between supply and demand for fish. Aquaculture has become a major source of livelihood for people and its role in integrated rural development, generation of employment and earning foreign exchange, thereby alleviating poverty is being greatly appreciated around the world.Among the infectious agents, bacteria are becoming the prime causal organisms for diseases in food fishes and other marine animals. Sindermann, (1970) reported that bacterial fish pathogen most commonly found among marine fishes is species of Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Mycobacterium. These can be categorized into primary pathogens; secondary invaders that may cause systemic disease in immunocompromised hosts; and normal marine flora which are not pathogenic but may occur on body surfaces or even within the tissues of the host. I-Iigh density of animals in hatchery tanks and ponds is conducive to the spread of pathogen and the aquatic environment with regular application of protein rich feed, is ideal for culturing bacteria. Bacteria, which are normally present in seawater or on the surface of fish, can invade and cause pathological effects in fishes, which are injured or subjected to other environmental stresses.Mycobacteria except parasites are known as nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM), atypical mycobacteria or mycobacteria other than tuberculosis(MO'l'l"). This group of mycobacteria includes opportunistic pathogens and saprophytes. Environmental mycobacteria are ubiquitous in distribution and the sources may include soil, water, warm-blooded as well as cold-blooded animals. Disease caused by environmental mycobacterial strains in susceptible humans (Goslee & Wolinsky, 1976; Grange, 1987), animals and fishes are increasingly attracting attention. Greatest importance of environmental mycobacteria is believed to be their role in immunological priming of humans and animals, thereby modifying their immune responses to subsequent exposure to pathogenic species.


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The thesis on the"Benthic ecology of selected prawn culture fields and ponds near Cochin” was taken up with a view to provide information on the qualitative and quantitative distribution of benthos and their relationships to prawnproduction of different culture ecosystems and to the physico-chemical parameters influencing their production. A two-year observation was carried out in nine selected prawn culture systems including perennial ponds (stations 1 to 4) seasonal fields (stations 5 to 7) and contiguous canals (stations 8 and 9) during December 1988 to November 1989. All macro- and meiobenthic organisms contributing to the faua were identified and their abundance, distribution, diversity, biomass and trophic relationships between benthos and prawns were studied. The environmental variables studied were temperature pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, amonianitrogen, phosphate and silicate of bottom water and organic carbon and texture of the soil The thesis is presented in 4 Chapters. Chapter I presents an’ INTRODUCTION to the topic of study and a review of relevant works to bring an awareness to the present status of research in benthos and benthic ecology. Chapter 11, MATERIALS AND MTHODS, includes the techniques of sampling, preservation of samples and methods of analyses of various physico-chemical factors and area covered under the study is also given in this chapter. Chapter III, HYDROGRAPHY deals with the results of investigation and discussion onthe physico-chemical parameters of water and Chapter IV, SEDIMENT covers the sedimentoloical characteristics of the different culture systems followed by a detailed discussion. Chapter V, BOTTOM FAUNA presents an account on the various aspects of benthos and benthic ecology and the details of prawn production. A discussion on the overall assessment of interrelations between abiotic and biotic factors is given in Chapter VI, DISCUSSION. A critical evaluation of the implication of benthic production on prawn production under culture conditions and trophic relationships are also included in this chapter. An executive SUMMARY of the observations made during this study is presented in the final section of the thesis .


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Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli in the water and sediment samples of brackish water aquaculture ponds adjacent to Cochin backwaters was analysed. More than 50% of the water samples and more than 80% of sediment samples from all the sampling stations were tested positive for £. coli. Risk assessment of the E. coli strains was carried out using multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) indexing. Majority of the strains were found to be multiple antibiotic resistant suggesting their origin from high risk sources of contamination such as human where antibiotics are frequently used. While none of the £. coli strains were resistant against amikacin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin and trimethoprim, considerable levels of resistance was encountered against ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin G and vancomycin. High prevalence of £. coli in the water and sediment samples of this extensive brackish water ponds indicates high degree of faecal pollution of this environment. The high risk nature of the strains warrants efficient post harvest and processing measures to avoid health risk to consumers