526 resultados para extrudate swell
During the first section of the "Meteor" cruise No. 2 a profile was run from the Azores to the south across the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with a chain of seamounts. The profile extended between the Cruiser (living) and the Hyeres seamounts, which, according to our soundings, form a connected massif, and across the centre of the Grosse Meteor Bank (30°N, 28.5 °W). These seamounts rise from a depth of more than 4000 m up till close to the surface of the sea forming there a large almost flat plateau. In the case of the Grosse Meteor Bank, this plateau has a N-S extension of approx. 30 nautical miles and an E-W extension of approx. 20 nautical miles and reaches a height of 275 m in water depth. The gravity measurements yielded a density of the topographic masses of 2.6 g/cm**3 for the Grosse Meteor Bank. Magnitude and shape of the measured free-air anomaly are very well shown in a model computation with this density. The theoretical gravity effects of the seismically detected swell of cristalline rock and of the Moho depression (mountain root) are not indicated by the observational data. It can, therefore, be assumed that the latter two neutralize each other. It seems, accordingly, that there is no local isostatic compensation of the topographic masses. Hence, the density of 2.6 g/cm**3 obtained would be about the true density of rock. In connection with the mean velocity of P waves (Aric et al., 1968) obtained by seismic refraction methods it must be concluded that the material of the 1200-4000 m thick surface layer of the Grosse Meteor Bank consists of consolidated sediments. This finding is supported by the total intensity of the Earth's magnetic field over the Grosse Meteor Bank. On the assumption of a homogeneous magnetization in the direction of the present Earth's field, the computed anomaly of the massif deviates considerably from the measured anomaly while the magnetic field of the seismically detected crystalline body is capable of interpreting the observed data. Deviating from the prevailing interpretation of the seamounts' plateau as a volcanic cone with submarine abrasion, the Grosse Meteor Bank and the seamounts in the vicinity are assumed to be of continental origin. The questions whether these seamounts submerged later on or whether the sealevel has risen subsequently are, therefore, largely nonexistent.
Ocean Drilling Program Site 975 is located near the base of the Menorca Rise in the South Balearic Basin of the western Mediterranean Sea. Coring at this site penetrated the Pliocene/Miocene boundary and recovered a sequence of sediments that represent the final stages of salt deposition and the transition from evaporitic to open marine conditions at the end of the Miocene (Messinian). Detailed petrographic observations and bulk mineralogical analyses by X-ray diffraction form the basis for preliminary interpretations of depositional environments for this section. Gypsum is thought to have been deposited in an evaporating basin below wave base. Cycles consisting of a clay layer overlain by gypsiferous chalk, laminated gypsum, and finally pinch-and-swell gypsum suggest upsection increases in salinity. The gypsum section is overlain by two exotic sand layers thought to mark events of fresher water (marine or meteoric) inflow to the basin. Gypsum deposition terminated and was replaced by inorganic precipitation of micritic calcite with periodic, variable dilution by fine-grained terrigenous sediment. The micritic sediments have fine, slightly wavy, laminations indicating either an algal/microbial mat origin, or varve-like fluctuations in deposition, perhaps in a deep basin. The Pliocene/Miocene boundary falls within an interval of banded micritic silty clays that reflect the final environmental fluctuations during the transition to the open marine conditions of the Pliocene.
In 1937 the "Meteor" performed the cruises of the first part of the "Deutsche Nordatlantische Expedition". This publication treats seven stations of three-day-anchoring occupied during that time, five of which are located on the shelf, one on the continental slope and one on a ridge between the Capverde islands. The Bohnecke current meter, an instrument developed for the expedition, is described briefly and it's accuracy studied by comparing the measurements of two instruments which operated simultaneously at the same depth. It is shown that it is very sensitive for movements of the anchored ship because of the very short measuring intervall (2 minutes). The influence of the ship's movements could not be eliminated completely, the mode of using the instrument at different depths being unsuitable for this. Considering the stratification the accuracy of it's representation by the mean temperature and salinity distributionis studied. It is shown that under certain conditions a distribution estimated from observed values gives more exact results. This especially applies to the TS-diagram. Station Meteor336, located on the shelf near Cape Juby, shows temperatures 4 °C less than the open ocean and so belongs to the area of upwelling. During the observation period, however, internal tides are prominent. The diurnal component is of considerable influence, the distinction from inertial oscillations (25.5 hours) not being possible, however. Station Meteor341, on the shelf off Spanish-Sahara, gives an excellent example of the movements in the centre of the area of upwelling. Changing it's direction by 45° at the beginning of the measurements, the wind causes a change of current direction at all depths which, after some inertial oscillations (period 28.3 hours), settles down to a final value. At the beginning and the end of the observations the current at the upper depths is directed off-shore, the angle between current and wind being 22°, while at the lower depths it is orientated towards the shore. The depth of the upper homogenous layer gives the origin of the water transported upwards When during the inertial oscillations the current goes offshore at all depths temporarily, a sudden disturbance occurs in the temperature measurements. Station Meteor311 is located similar to station Meteor341 but was occupied one month earlier. At that time the wind situation was unnormal, the usual wind direction of 45° occuring at the end of the station. Therefore an unnormally high vertical shear of current speed and direction has been observed, the current vector being directed off-shore at the surface and near the bottom, towards the coast inbetween. The TS-diagram shows that the bottom water is replaced first so that upwelling does not occur during observation time. The state reached at the end of the station does not seem to be stable. Station Meteor369, on the continental slope, is governed by internal waves. Besides the internal tide of 12.4 hours a wave of 6.5 hour period is observed, being possibly amplified by the large bottom slope. In 40 - 60 m depth, where the thermocline is located, a wave with 3.3 hour period is observed which is argued to be an internal boundary wave. Station Meteor334 is located on the shelf NW of the mouth of the Senegal river. A marked temperature stratification, associated with large disturbances, and nearly constant salinity have been found there. The current was going slowly towards S or SW in the upper 20 - 30 m, towards N underneath. At the boundary of the current systems intense turbulence developed,including as it seems a water type of less salinity which is transported from the Senegal river by the lower current. Station Meteor327, located at 100 m depth between two of the Capverde islands, shows oceanic characteristics. The semidiurnal tide is found mainly, the diurnal component having considerable influence. Furtheron an internal wave of 6 hour period is seen the maximum amplitude of which is moving slowly downwards. Two possibilities of explaining it are discussed. Station Meteor366 is found in the area of ceasing winds off the coast of upper Guinea. The temperature there depends strongly on the depth, the salinity being nearly constant. The currents are divided into an upper and a lower system with large variations in both of them. A change of wind direction of nearly 90° is supposed to be the reason. The variations in salinity accordingly are interpreted as the influence of fresh water outflow from land which is felt in a different way at different wind directions. In the last section the daily changes in air and water temperature are studied. The upwelling having large influence on these, a centre of the area of upwelling can be located at about 100 miles north of Cape Blanc (Station Meteor311). The semidiurnal tidal component is compared with previous results for the Atlantic Ocean yielding considerable differences for the direction and time of occurence of the current maximum which might be due to the topographical influences around the shelf.