911 resultados para explant cultures


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Les polítiques ambientals són el resultat d’un gran nombre de factors: el context social, el moment polític, el marc internacional, etc. En l’àmbit català s’ha demostrat que un factor que pot impactar de manera rellevant és l’aflorament de moviments ciutadans que reclamen canvis en les formes de fer política, encaminant-les cap a models més sostenibles. Malgrat sembli complicat que en el cas de l’energia es donin les condicions que van permetre el pas a la Nova Cultura de l’Aigua, no es descarta la possibilitat que s’arribi per altres mitjans a un canvi del paradigma energètic, ja que no tots els canvis són sempre apreciables des dels seus inicis.


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Els bacteris són la forma dominant de vida del planeta: poden sobreviure en medis molt adversos, i en alguns casos poden generar substàncies que quan les ingerim ens són tòxiques. La seva presència en els aliments fa que la microbiologia predictiva sigui un camp imprescindible en la microbiologia dels aliments per garantir la seguretat alimentària. Un cultiu bacterià pot passar per quatre fases de creixement: latència, exponencial, estacionària i de mort. En aquest treball s’ha avançat en la comprensió dels fenòmens intrínsecs a la fase de latència, que és de gran interès en l’àmbit de la microbiologia predictiva. Aquest estudi, realitzat al llarg de quatre anys, s’ha abordat des de la metodologia Individual-based Modelling (IbM) amb el simulador INDISIM (INDividual DIScrete SIMulation), que ha estat millorat per poder fer-ho. INDISIM ha permès estudiar dues causes de la fase de latència de forma separada, i abordar l’estudi del comportament del cultiu des d’una perspectiva mesoscòpica. S’ha vist que la fase de latència ha de ser estudiada com un procés dinàmic, i no definida per un paràmetre. L’estudi de l’evolució de variables com la distribució de propietats individuals entre la població (per exemple, la distribució de masses) o la velocitat de creixement, han permès distingir dues etapes en la fase de latència, inicial i de transició, i aprofundir en la comprensió del que passa a nivell cel•lular. S’han observat experimentalment amb citometria de flux diversos resultats previstos per les simulacions. La coincidència entre simulacions i experiments no és trivial ni casual: el sistema estudiat és un sistema complex, i per tant la coincidència del comportament al llarg del temps de diversos paràmetres interrelacionats és un aval a la metodologia emprada en les simulacions. Es pot afirmar, doncs, que s’ha verificat experimentalment la bondat de la metodologia INDISIM.


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El present treball està estructurat al voltant de dos marcs teòrics: l’enoturisme i el turisme accessible, els quals es fusionen en una proposta d’introducció de l’accessibilitat al Museu de les Cultures del Vi de Catalunya. Estudi de les iniciatives d’enoturisme a Catalunya, la idoneïtat de la DO Penedès per a desenvolupar un producte d’aquest tipus i el cas d’estudi de desenvolupament local a les regions franceses d’Alsàcia i Borgonya. El turisme accessible, a partir de la discapacitat, l’accessibilitat, el disseny universal i les xifres relatives. El projecte d’enoturisme al Penedès. Els agents implicats. El cas pràctic d’accessibilitat al Museu


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by a combined biochemical and double-labeling immunocytochemical study for the developmental expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and glutamine synthetase (GS). It was found that these two astroglial markers are co-expressed at different developmental stages in vitro. During the phase of cellular maturation (i.e. between days 14 and 34), GFAP levels and GS activity increase rapidly and in parallel. At the same time, the number of immunoreactive cells increase while the long and thick processes staining in early cultures gradually disappear. The present results demonstrate that in this particular cell culture system only one type of astrocytes develops which expresses both GFAP and GS and which attains a relatively high degree of maturation.


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Previous work has shown that aggregate cultures prepared from fetal rat telencephalon and grown in a chemically defined medium offer a useful model to study developmental processes such as myelin synthesis. Since compact myelin is formed in these cultures, we investigated the possibility to use this culture system to study demyelinating mechanisms. In particular, we examined the effect of a monoclonal antibody (8-18C5) directed against the myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). We found that addition of anti-MOG antibodies and complement to aggregate cultures led to a highly significant decrease in myelin basic protein (MBP) content and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) specific activity. These results indicate that, in our culture system, anti-MOG antibodies have a strong demyelinating effect.


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Transmission electon microscopy has been employed for the rapid detection of mycoplasma in sera and cell cultures. High speed centrifugation of sera or low speed centrifugation of cell debris, followed by negative staining of the resuspended pellet, detected mycoplasma contamination more frequently than a culture method followed by direct fluorescence (DAPI), which was used as a control procedure. The appearance of the mycoplasma cell border and content gives some information about particle viability.


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Rotation-mediated aggregating brain cell cultures at two different maturational stages (DIV 11 and DIV 20) were subjected for 1 or 2 hours to ischaemic conditions by transient immobilization (arrest of media circulation). During recovery, cell damage was evaluated by measuring changes in cell type-specific enzyme activities and total protein content. It was found that in immature cultures (DIV 11), immobilization for 1 or 2 hours did not affect the parameters measured. By contrast, at DIV 20, ischaemic conditions for 1 hour caused a pronounced decrease in the activities of glutamic acid decarboxylase and choline acetyltransferase. A significant decrease in these neuron-specific enzyme activities was found at post-ischaemic days 1-14, indicating immediate and irreversible neuronal damage. The activity of the astrocyte-specific enzyme, glutamine synthetase, was significantly increased at 4 days post-treatment; equal to control values at 6 days; and significantly decreased at 14 days after the ischaemic insult. Immobilization of DIV 20 cultures for 2 hours caused a drastic reduction in all the parameters measured at post-ischaemic day 6. Generally, the ischaemic conditions appeared to be more detrimental to neurons than to astrocytes, and GABAergic neurons were more affected than cholinergic neurons.


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El projecte “Aprenentatge de llengües i coneixement de cultures a través d’un web poètic” s’ha centrat en la continuació del treball realitzat en aules d'acollida i en classes amb diverses cultures presents a l'aula i en la verificació de l’aprenentatge de llengües mitjançant la poesia contemporània.


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The development of dengue viruses type 1 obtained from accute human sera and inoculated into mosquito cell cultures, was observed by standard transmission electron microscopy and cytochemical staining. It follows the trans-type mechanism already estabilished of other dengue types. Directed passage of single virus particles across the cell membrane seems to be a pathway of entry and exit in dengue-1 infected cells. The nature of numerous electron translucent vesicles and tubules, produced simmultaneously during virus replication inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum, was analyzed by cytochemical tests. The largest amount of virus particles was produced inside cell syncytia.


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Establishing CD8(+) T cell cultures has been empirical and the published methods have been largely individual laboratory based. In this study, we optimized culturing conditions and show that IL-2 concentration is the most critical factor for the success of establishing CD8(+) T cell cultures. High IL-2 concentration encouraged T cells to non-specifically proliferate, express a B cell marker, B220, and undergo apoptosis. These cells also lose typical irregular T cell morphology and are incapable of sustaining long-term cultures. Using tetramer and intracellular cytokine assessments, we further demonstrated that many antigen-specific T cells have been rendered nonfunctional when expanded under high IL-2 concentration. When IL-2 is used in the correct range, B220-mediated cell depletion greatly enhanced the success rate of such T cell cultures.


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Mosquito cell cultures infected with human sera from dengue-1 and dengue-2 outbreaks, started in Rio de Janeiro by 1986 and 1990 respectively, were examined by electron microscopy at different times post the infection of cell cultures. More information was obtained about cell penetration of virus particles in the presence or not of antibodies, their pathway inside the cells, replication mode and exit. Infectiveness of the virus at those different stages can only be attributed to the particles appearing inside the trans-Golgi vesicles; most of all newly formed virus particles remain inside the RER-derived cell vesicles or inside lysosomes, even during cell lysis. Groups of larges particles, 65-75 nm in diameter at dengue-2 infections, persist during cell passage. The large amounts of smooth membrane structures, as vesicles or tabules inside the RER are attributed to a cell response to viral infection.