912 resultados para eventos
Pervasive applications use context provision middleware support as infrastructures to provide context information. Typically, those applications use communication publish/subscribe to eliminate the direct coupling between components and to allow the selective information dissemination based in the interests of the communicating elements. The use of composite events mechanisms together with such middlewares to aggregate individual low level events, originating from of heterogeneous sources, in high level context information relevant for the application. CES (Composite Event System) is a composite events mechanism that works simultaneously in cooperation with several context provision middlewares. With that integration, applications use CES to subscribe to composite events and CES, in turn, subscribes to the primitive events in the appropriate underlying middlewares and notifies the applications when the composed events happen. Furthermore, CES offers a language with a group of operators for the definition of composite events that also allows context information sharing
Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar as quedas de pacientes internados ocorridas em hospital terciário. Foram analisados 826 Boletins de Notificação de Eventos Adversos, de um período de 30 meses, que registraram 0,30 quedas por 1000 pacientes/dia. Quedas do leito foram mais frequentes (55%), com maior prevalência na enfermaria de neurologia. Maior frequência de quedas foi verificada no período noturno (63,7%), nos primeiros cinco dias da admissão (61,7%), nos pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) e na faixa etária maior de 60 anos (50%). Nos casos de quedas do leito, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (18,2%), doenças do sistema nervoso (18,2%) e doenças do aparelho circulatório (13,7%). Nas quedas da própria altura, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a neoplasias (19,4%) e doenças do aparelho geniturinário (16,1%). A caracterização desses eventos adversos auxilia no reconhecimento dos grupos de maior risco e na elaboração de propostas preventivas.
A direção de enfermagem de um hospital universitário terciário da região Centro-Sul do Estado de São Paulo, visando a segurança do paciente e o estabelecimento de meio de comunicação entre equipe e direção, implementou em janeiro de 2004 o Boletim de Notificação de Eventos Adversos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a utilização deste instrumento de comunicação e identificar: frequência, tipo, natureza e período dos incidentes/eventos adversos. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos dados de 826 boletins elaborados no período de janeiro/2004 a junho/2006. Verificou-se adesão à utilização do instrumento. Predominaram notificações de ocorrências assistenciais, embora notificações administrativas tenham apresentado número crescente de registros. Eventos adversos mais frequentes relacionaram-se à medicação, quedas, cateteres, sondas/drenos e integridade da pele. A praticidade do instrumento viabilizou sua utilização também por auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem. A análise sistematizada e acompanhamento dos eventos adversos associados aos recursos de comunicação mostraram-se fundamentais para a segurança do paciente.
This research arose from the interest on the investigation about urban expansion from Caicó. Since its creation as a village and its ascent to the condition of city, but especially , the occurred expansion from the 70s, when the local cotton economy begins to present signs of exhaustion. The central theme of this work consists on the importance of the geographical events and its relations with the phenomenon of the urban expansion from Caicó that served us as empirical basis. In relation to the events, that appear as elements of analysis on the works from the Professor Milton Santos, especially on the book Nature of Space , they appear as a kind of urban extensors energizing the areas where are installed. Understood by us as a vehicle of one or more possibilities, according to Santos, (1999) we listed some events occurred in the caicoense urbs a nd we divided them into principal and derivative ones, such events implemented from their structures, forms and functions, through processes that resulted and still continue to result the enlargement of the caicoense urban perimeter , densifications enough important for this urban expansion. The technical periods of cattle raising , cotton, as well as the tertiary city and its connections with the role of fast men, as well as slow men is also important aspect in the body of this work. It is still pointed out the inequalities and the coexistences that are generated on the basis of these connections and finally we discussed the positive and negative consequences elapsed from the phenomenon of the urban expansion
Há poucos dados sistematizados sobre eventos adversos da vacina contra influenza no Brasil. Este trabalho visou identificar estes eventos em população acima de 60 anos que compareceu à Campanha Nacional de Vacinação do Idoso, em Distrito de Campinas, SP, em 2000. Foi realizada entrevista para relato de sintomas gerais e locais, com nexo temporal após a aplicação do imunobiológico, em amostra aleatória sistemática da população (n=206). Registraram-se 20,38% (IC 14,87-25,88) dos indivíduos com um ou mais sintomas, sendo a dor no local da vacina, a mais freqüente 12,6% (IC 8,09-17,15). Ajustou-se um modelo de regressão logística múltipla, tendo como variável dependente, a ocorrência de pelo menos um evento adverso. A variável independente que se mostrou associada às reações adversas foi o sexo (feminino) (OR=5,89 e IC 2,08-16,68). Os achados deste estudo reafirmam a pequena reatogenicidade da vacina contra a influenza.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The beachs of Santos are situated in Santos Bay, central portion of paulista coast, in São Paulo state. This beachs are frequently affected by cold fronts with winds and currents from the South. These fronts are responsible for the removal and transport of sediments (sand) in Santos beaches. In order to quantify this sedimentation the channels of Santos were analysed, due to their function as box colectors of sediments during storm events. The channels are filled by sands, which volume in channels 1 to 6 was estimated, by using the length, width and height of sand sedimented in the channels, in the event of 22-27 april 2005. The chanels 2, 3 and 1 presented the larger volumes of sands, confirming that the central and SW portion of the beaches of Santos present higher levels of sedimentation or re-sedimentation. That is due to the transport by ocean waves and currents and currents from the Channel of the Port of Santos. This central portion suffer invasion of marine water over street and buildings, caracterizated of geological rise area.
Sickle cell disease is an inflammatory condition with a pathophysiology that involves vaso-occlusive episodes. Mutations of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) genes are risk factors for vascular disease. Due to the importance of identifying risk factors for vaso-occlusive events in sickle cell patients, we investigated the frequencies of the C677T and 844ins68 mutations of the MTHFR and CBS genes, respectively. Three hundred patients with Hb SS, HB SC and HbS/Beta thalassemia, from Brasília, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, São Jose do Rio Preto and São Paulo were evaluated. Samples of 5 mL of venous blood were collected in EDTA after informed consent was received from patients. Classical diagnostic methods were used to confirm the hemoglobin phenotypes. The hemoglobin genotypes and polymorphisms studied were evaluated by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism and Allele Specific amplification. The results showed that 93 patients (31.00%) were heterozygous and 13 (4.33%) homozygous for the C677T mutation and 90 were heterozygotes (30.00%) and 8 homozygous (2.66%) for the 844ins68 mutation, both with significant differences for genotype frequency between the localities. The allelic frequencies are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for both polymorphisms. The frequency of mutations was significant and the presence of related vaso-occlusive events was more common in patients with Hb SS (p = 0007). The 844ins68 mutation was approximately three times more frequent in patients with vaso-occlusive complications (p = 0011). The C677T mutation did not prove to be associated with risk of vaso-occlusive events (p = 0.193). A C677T-844ins68 interaction occurred in 12.08% of the patients, doubling the risk of vaso-occlusive manifestations. The frequencies of the polymorphisms are consistent with those expected in the Brazilian population. The presence of the 844ins68 mutation of the CBS gene proved to be a potential risk factor for vaso-occlusive events in sickle cell patients.
Incluye Bibliografía
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)