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A discrete element model is used to study shear rupture of sea ice under convergent wind stresses. The model includes compressive, tensile, and shear rupture of viscous elastic joints connecting floes that move under the action of the wind stresses. The adopted shear rupture is governed by Coulomb’s criterion. The ice pack is a 400 km long square domain consisting of 4 km size floes. In the standard case with tensile strength 10 times smaller than the compressive strength, under uniaxial compression the failure regime is mainly shear rupture with the most probable scenario corresponding to that with the minimum failure work. The orientation of cracks delineating formed aggregates is bimodal with the peaks around the angles given by the wing crack theory determining diamond-shaped blocks. The ice block (floe aggregate) size decreases as the wind stress gradient increases since the elastic strain energy grows faster leading to a higher speed of crack propagation. As the tensile strength grows, shear rupture becomes harder to attain and compressive failure becomes equally important leading to elongation of blocks perpendicular to the compression direction and the blocks grow larger. In the standard case, as the wind stress confinement ratio increases the failure mode changes at a confinement ratio within 0.2–0.4, which corresponds to the analytical critical confinement ratio of 0.32. Below this value, the cracks are bimodal delineating diamond shape aggregates, while above this value failure becomes isotropic and is determined by small-scale stress anomalies due to irregularities in floe shape.


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Whipping cream, skim milk powder and soft cheese were produced throughout the year. Whipping cream manufactured in spring and winter produced significantly higher overrun and better serum stability, and whipping time was related to buffering capacity of raw milk. Heat stability of reconstituted skim milk powder (RSMP) at 9% TS was greater in summer and autumn, and greater than 25% TS throughout the year. It was positively related to the protein content of raw milk, but negatively with fat. In contrast to other dairy products, no significant effect of season on the properties of soft cheese was found.


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A variety of foods have been implicated in symptoms of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) but wheat products are most frequently cited by patients as a trigger. Our aim was to investigate the effects of breads, which were fermented for different lengths of time, on the colonic microbiota using in vitro batch culture experiments. A set of in vitro anaerobic culture systems were run over a period of 24 h using faeces from 3 different IBS donors (Rome Criteria–mainly constipated) and 3 healthy donors. Changes in gut microbiota during a time course were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), whilst the small -molecular weight metabolomic profile was determined by NMR analysis. Gas production was separately investigated in non pH-controlled, 36 h batch culture experiments. Numbers of bifidobacteria were higher in healthy subjects compared to IBS donors. In addition, the healthy donors showed a significant increase in bifidobacteria (P<0.005) after 8 h of fermentation of a bread produced using a sourdough process (type C) compared to breads produced with commercial yeasted dough (type B) and no time fermentation (Chorleywood Breadmaking process) (type A). A significant decrease of δ-Proteobacteria and most Gemmatimonadetes species was observed after 24 h fermentation of type C bread in both IBS and healthy donors. In general, IBS donors showed higher rates of gas production compared to healthy donors. Rates of gas production for type A and conventional long fermentation (type B) breads were almost identical in IBS and healthy donors. Sourdough bread produced significantly lower cumulative gas after 15 h fermentation as compared to type A and B breads in IBS donors but not in the healthy controls. In conclusion, breads fermented by the traditional long fermentation and sourdough are less likely to lead to IBS symptoms compared to bread made using the Chorleywood Breadmaking Process.


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Bis-triazinylphenanthroline ligands (BTPhens), which contain additional alkyl (n-butyl and sec-butyl) groups attached to the triazine rings, have been synthesized, and the effects of this alkyl substitution on their extraction properties with Ln(III) and An(III) cations in simulated nuclear waste solutions have been studied. The speciation of n-butyl-substituted ligand (C4- BTPhen) with some trivalent lanthanide nitrates was elucidated by 1 H-NMR spectroscopic titrations. These experiments have shown that the dominant species in solution were the 1:2 complexes [Ln(III)(BTPhen)2], even at higher Ln(III) concentrations, and the relative stability of 2:1 to 1:1 BTPhen-Ln(III) complexes varied with different lanthanides. As expected, sec-butylsubstituted ligand (sec-C4 BTPhen) showed higher solubility than C4-BTPhen in certain diluents. A greater separation factor (SFAm/Eu = ca. 210) was observed for sec-C4-BTPhen compared to C4-BTPhen (SFAm/Eu = ca. 125) in 1-octanol at 4 M HNO3 solutions. The greater separation factor may be due to the higher solubility of the 2:1 complex for sec-C4-BTPhen at the interface than the 1:1 complex of C4-BTPhen.


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Purpose: To assess in vitro the shear bond strength at the resin/dentin interface in primary teeth after contamination with fresh human blood. Methods: 75 crowns of primary molars were embedded in acrylic resin and mechanically ground to expose a flat dentin surface. The specimens were randomly assigned to five groups (n=15), according to the surface treatment. Group I (control) had no blood contamination. The other groups were blood-contaminated and subjected to different post-contamination protocols: in Group 2, the surfaces were rinsed with water; in Group 3, the surfaces were air-dried; in Group 4, the surfaces were rinsed and air-dried; and in Group 5, no post-contamination treatment was done. In all groups, a 3-mm dentin bonding site was demarcated, Single Bond adhesive system was applied and resin composite cylinders were bonded. After 24 hours in distilled water, shear bond strength was tested at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/minute. Results: Means (in MPa) were: Group 1: 7.1 (+/- 4.2); Group 2: 4.0 (+/- 1.8); Group 3: 0.9 (+/- 0.7); Group 4: 3.9 (+/- 2.2) and Group 5: 1.3 (+/- 1.5). Data were analyzed statistically by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level. Groups 2 and 4 were similar to each other (P > 0.05) and both ware similar to Group 1 (P > 0.05). These groups (2, 3 and 4) had statistically significantly higher bond strengths than Groups 3 and 5 (P < 0.05). Blood contamination negatively affected the shear bond strength to primary tooth dentin. Among the blood-contaminated groups, water-rinsed specimens had higher bond strengths than those that were exclusively air-dried or not submitted to any post-contamination protocol before adhesive application.


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The air fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to perforin calorimetric measurements of extensive air showers created by Cosmic rays of above 10(18) eV. To correct these measurements for the effects introduced by atmospheric fluctuations, the Observatory contains a group Of monitoring instruments to record atmospheric conditions across the detector site, ail area exceeding 3000 km(2). The atmospheric data are used extensively in the reconstruction of air showers, and are particularly important for the correct determination of shower energies and the depths of shower maxima. This paper contains a summary of the molecular and aerosol conditions measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory since the start of regular operations in 2004, and includes a discussion of the impact of these measurements oil air shower reconstructions. Between 10(18) and 10(20) eV, the systematic Uncertainties due to all atmospheric effects increase from 4% to 8% in measurements of shower energy, and 4 g cm(-2) to 8 g cm(-2) in measurements of the shower maximum. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Several studies have demonstrated that oral glucose tolerance is impaired in the immediate postexercise period. A double-tracer technique was used to examine glucose kinetics during a 2-h oral glucose (75 g) tolerance test (OGTT) 30 min after exercise (Ex, 55 min at 71 ± 2% of peak O2 uptake) and 24 h after exercise (Rest) in endurance-trained men. The area under the plasma glucose curve was 71% greater in Ex than in Rest (P = 0.01). The higher glucose response occurred even though whole body rate of glucose disappearance was 24% higher after exercise (P = 0.04, main effect). Whole body rate of glucose appearance was 25% higher after exercise (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in total (2 h) endogenous glucose appearance (RaE) or the magnitude of suppression of RaE, although RaE was higher from 15 to 30 min during the OGTT in Ex. However, the cumulative appearance of oral glucose was 30% higher in Ex (P = 0.03, main effect). There were no differences in glucose clearance rate or plasma insulin responses between the two conditions. These results suggest that adaptations in splanchnic tissues by prior exercise facilitate greater glucose output from the splanchnic region after glucose ingestion, resulting in a greater glycemic response and, consequently, a greater rate of whole body glucose uptake.


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Exercise during growth results in biologically important increases in bone mineral content (BMC). The aim of this study was to determine whether the effects of loading were site specific and depended on the maturational stage of the region. BMC and humeral dimensions were determined using DXA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the loaded and nonloaded arms in 47 competitive female tennis players aged 8-17 years. Periosteal (external) cross-sectional area (CSA), cortical area, medullary area, and the polar second moments of area (Ip, mm4) were calculated at the mid and distal sites in the loaded and nonloaded arms. BMC and I p of the humerus were 11-14% greater in the loaded arm than in the nonloaded arm in prepubertal players and did not increase further in peri- or postpubertal players despite longer duration of loading (both, p < 0.01). The higher BMC was the result of a 7-11% greater cortical area in the prepubertal players due to greater periosteal than medullary expansion at the midhumerus and a greater periosteal expansion alone at the distal humerus. Loading late in puberty resulted in medullary contraction. Growth and the effects of loading are region and surface specific, with periosteal apposition before puberty accounting for the increase in the bone's resistance to torsion and endocortical contraction contributing late in puberty conferring little increase in resistance to torsion. Increasing the bone's rt.osistance to torsion is achieved hy modifying bone shape and mass, not necessarily bone density.


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Friction plays an important role in sheet metal forming (SMF) and the roughness of the surface of the sheet is a major factor that influences friction. In finite element method (FEM) models of metal forming, the roughness has usually been assumed to be constant; even though it is commonly observed that sheet drawn under tension over a tool radius results in the surface becoming shiny, indicating a major change in surface morphology. An elastic–plastic FEM model for micro-contact between a flat surface and a single roughness peak has been developed. The model was used to investigate the effect of the membrane stress in the sheet on the deformation of an artificial roughness peak. From the simulation results, the change in asperity, or deformation of the local peak, for a given nominal tool contact stress is significantly influenced by the local substrate stress. The height of the asperity decreases with increasing substrate stress and the local pressure is much higher than the nominal pressure. In addition, the local contact stress decreases with an increase in the substrate stress levels.


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This study investigated the mRNA expression of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) system (peptide and receptors) during water deprivation in the spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, a native of central and western Australia that is well adapted to survive in arid environments. Initially, ANP, NPR-A and NPR-C cDNAs (partial for receptors) were cloned and sequenced, and were shown to have high homology with those of rat and mouse. Using a semi-quantitative multiplex PCR technique, the expression of cardiac ANP mRNA and renal ANP, NPR-A, and NPR-C mRNA was determined in 7- and 14-day water-deprived hopping mice, in parallel with control mice (access to water). The levels of ANP mRNA expression in the heart remained unchanged, but in the kidney ANP mRNA levels were increased in the 7-day water-deprived mice, and were significantly decreased in the 14-day water-deprived mice. NPR-A mRNA levels were significantly higher in 7-day water-deprived mice while no change for NPR-A mRNA expression was observed in 14-day water-deprived mice. No variation in NPR-C mRNA levels was observed. This study shows that water deprivation differentially affects the expression of the ANP system, and that renal ANP expression is more important than cardiac ANP in the physiological adjustment to water deprivation.


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Polystyrene nanofibres were electrospun with the inclusion of cationic surfactants, dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) or tetrabutylammonium chloride (TBAC), in the polymer solution. A small amount of cationic surfactant effectively stopped the formation of beaded fibres during the electrospinning. The cationic surfactants were also found to improve the solution conductivity, but had no effect on the viscosity. Only DTAB had an effect on the surface tension of the polymer solution, the surface tension decreasing slightly with an increase in the concentration of DTAB.

The formation of beaded fibres was attributed to an insufficient stretch of the filaments during the whipping of the jet, due to a low charge density. Adding the cationic surfactants improved the net charge density that enhanced the whipping instability. The jet was stretched under stronger charge repulsion and at a higher speed, resulting in an exhaustion of the bead structure. In addition, a polymer/surfactant interaction was found in the polystyrene–DTAB solution system, while this interaction was not found in the polystyrene–TBAC system. The polymer/surfactant interaction led to the formation of thinner fibres than those formed in the absence of the interaction.

The effects of a non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-405, on the electrospun fibres were also studied. The addition of Triton X-405 did not eliminate the fibre beads, but reduced the bead numbers and changed the morphology. Triton X-405 slightly improved the solution conductivity, and had a minor effect on the surface tension, but no effect on the viscosity.


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The effect of pre-straining (PS) and bake-hardening (BH) on the microstructure and mechanical properties has been studied in C-Mn-Si TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels after: (i) thermomechanically processing (TMP) and (ii) intercritical annealing. The steels were characterised before and after PS/BH by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and tensile tests. The main microstructural differences were the higher volume fraction of bainite and more stable retained austenite in the TMP steel. This led to a difference in the strain-hardening behavior before and after BH treatment. The higher dislocation density in ferrite and formation of microbands in the TMP steel after PS and the formation of Fe3C carbides between the bainitic ferrite laths during BH for both steels also affected the strain-hardening behavior. However, both steels after PS/BH treatment demonstrated an increase in the yield and tensile strength.


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Six endurance-trained men [peak oxygen uptake (VO2) = 4.58 ± 0.50 (SE) l/min] completed 60 min of exercise at a workload requiring 68 ± 2% peak VO2 in an environmental chamber maintained at 35°C (<50% relative humidity) on two occasions, separated by at least 1 wk. Subjects ingested either a 6% glucose solution containing 1 µCi [3-3H]glucose/g glucose (CHO trial) or a sweet placebo (Con trial) during the trials. Rates of hepatic glucose production [HGP = glucose rate of appearance (Ra) in Con trial] and glucose disappearance (Rd), were measured using a primed, continuous infusion of [6,6-2H]glucose, corrected for gut-derived glucose (gut Ra) in the CHO trial. No differences in heart rate, VO2, respiratory exchange ratio, or rectal temperature were observed between trials. Plasma glucose concentrations were similar at rest but increased (P < 0.05) to a greater extent in the CHO trial compared with the Con trial. This was due to the absorption of ingested glucose in the CHO trial, because gut Ra after 30 and 50 min (16 ± 5 µmol · kg-1 · min-1) was higher (P < 0.05) compared with rest, whereas HGP during exercise was not different between trials. Glucose Rd was higher (P < 0.05) in the CHO trial after 30 and 50 min (48.0 ± 6.3 vs 34.6 ± 3.8 µmol · kg-1 · min-1, CHO vs. Con, respectively). These results indicate that ingestion of carbohydrate, at a rate of ~1.0 g/min, increases glucose Rd but does not blunt the rise in HGP during exercise in the heat.


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The effect of exercise intensity on skeletal muscle AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling and substrate metabolism was examined in eight men cycling for 20 min at each of three sequential intensities: low (40 ± 2% Vo2 peak), medium (59 ± 1% Vo2 peak), and high (79 ± 1% Vo2 peak). Muscle free AMP/ATP ratio only increased at the two higher exercise intensities (P < 0.05). AMPK a1 (1.5-fold) and AMPK a2 (5-fold) activities increased from low to medium intensity, with AMPK a2 activity increasing further from medium to high intensity. The upstream AMPK kinase activity was substantial at rest and only increased 50% with exercise, indicating that, initially, signaling through AMPK did not require AMPK kinase posttranslational modification. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC)-ßphosphorylation was sensitive to exercise, increasing threefold from rest to low intensity, whereas neuronal NO synthase (nNOS)µphosphorylation was only observed at the higher exercise intensities. Glucose disappearance (tracer) did not increase from rest to low intensity, but increased sequentially from low to medium to high intensity. Calculated fat oxidation increased from rest to low intensity in parallel with ACCß phosphorylation, then declined during high intensity. These results indicate that ACCß phosphorylation is especially sensitive to exercise and tightly coupled to AMPK signaling and that AMPK activation does not depend on AMPK kinase activation during exercise.


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The age and developmental stage at which calcium supplementation produces the greatest bone effects remain controversial. We tested the hypothesis that calcium supplementation may improve bone accrual in premenarcheal females. Fifty-one pairs of premenarcheal female twins (27 monozygotic and 24 dizygotic; mean ± SD age, 10.3 ± 1.5 yr) participated in a randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial with one twin of each pair receiving a 1200-mg calcium carbonate (Caltrate) supplement. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) was measured at baseline and 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. There were no within-pair differences in height, weight, or calcium intake at baseline. Calcium supplementation was associated (P < 0.05) with increased aBMD compared with placebo, adjusted for age, height, and weight at the following time points from baseline: total hip, 6 months (1.9%), 12 months (1.6%), and 18 months (2.4%); lumbar spine, 12 months (1.0%); femoral neck, 6 months (1.9%). Adjusted total body bone mineral content was higher in the calcium group at 6 months (2.0%), 12 months (2.5%), 18 months (4.6%), and 24 months (3.7%), respectively (all P < 0.001). Calcium supplementation was effective in increasing aBMD at regional sites over the first 12–18 months, but these gains were not maintained to 24 months.