685 resultados para early childhood practicum
The purpose of this study was to explore Portuguese-Canadian mothers' preferences and choices regarding their children's early care and education. The findings revealed that Portuguese-Canadian mothers value early care and education and are conscious of their role in their children's lives. Regardless of the type of care setting, the participants' responses revealed that the caregiver's care, emotion, and responsiveness are most important. More than developing "savvy" children, we need to nourish "happy" children. The study's participants include 9 Portuguese Canadian mothers without any assumption of a hyphenated identity and who have moved away from their immigrant parents' script. They embraced the vision of their children's success and cultivated their vast potential. Their responses revealed that the family, culture, and traditions are important factors in their child's academic and social growth and played a critical role in establishing the foundations for learning. The research study findings showed that the field of early care and education is undergoing a paradigm shift and that other practices, ideologies, and theories are surfacing. This study aimed to help develop a new grounded theory that contributes to a better understanding of this arena. The present findings reveal important issues for further discussion and lay a theoretical and empirical framework for future research in early education and care.
Au cours des 30 dernières années, l’embonpoint et l’obésité infantile sont devenus de véritables défis pour la santé publique. Bien que l’obésité soit, à la base, un problème physiologique (i.e. balance calorique positive) une série de facteurs psychosociaux sont reliés à son développement. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance dans le développement du surpoids, ainsi que la relation entre le surpoids et les troubles internalisés au cours de l’enfance et au début de l’adolescence. Nous avions trois objectifs généraux: 1) Modéliser le développement de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) ou du statut pondéral (le fait d’être en surpoids ou non) durant l’enfance, ainsi qu’estimer l’hétérogénéité dans la population au cours du temps (i.e. identification de trajectoires développementales de l’IMC). 2) Identifier les facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance pouvant accroitre le risque qu’un enfant suive une trajectoire menant au surpoids adolescente. 3) Tester la possibilité que le surpoids durant l’enfance soit associé avec des problèmes de santé mentale internalisés à l’adolescence, et vérifier la possibilité qu’une telle association soit médiatisée par l’expérience de victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle. Ce travail est mené dans une perspective de développement au cours de la vie (life span perspective), considérant l’accumulation des facteurs de risques au cours du temps ainsi que les facteurs qui se manifestent durant certaines périodes critiques de développement.1,2 Nous avons utilisé les données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), une cohorte de naissances de la province de Québec, Canada. L’échantillon initial était composé de 2120 familles avec un bébé de 5 mois nés au Québec en 1997. Ces familles ont été suivies annuellement ou à tous les deux ans jusqu’à ce que les enfants atteignent l’âge de 13 ans. En ce qui concerne le premier objectif de recherche, nous avons utilisé la méthode des trajectoires développementales fondée sur des groupes pour modéliser l’IMC en continu et en catégories (surpoids vs poids normal). Pour notre deuxième objectif, nous avons effectué des modèles de régression multinomiale afin d’identifier les facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance associés aux différents groupes développementaux du statut pondéral. Les facteurs de risques putatifs ont été choisis parmi les facteurs identifiés dans la littérature et représentent l’environnement périnatal, les caractéristiques de l’enfant, ainsi que l’environnement familial. Ces facteurs ont été analysés longitudinalement dans la mesure du possible, et les facteurs pouvant servir de levier potentiel d’intervention, tels que l’usage de tabac chez la mère durant la grossesse, le sommeil de l’enfant ou le temps d’écoute de télévision, ont été sélectionnés pour l’analyse. Pour notre troisième objectif, nous avons examiné les associations longitudinales (de 6 à 12 ans) entre les scores-z d’IMC (selon la référence CDC 2000) et les problèmes internalisés avec les modèles d’équations structurales de type « cross-lagged ». Nous avons ensuite examiné comment la victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle durant l’enfance peuvent médiatiser un lien potentiel entre le surpoids et les troubles internalisés au début de l’adolescence. Les contributions scientifiques de la présente thèse incluent l’identification de trajectoires distinctes du statut pondérale durant l’enfance (précoce, tardive, jamais en surpoids), ainsi que les facteurs de risques précoces et les profils de santé mentale pouvant différer selon la trajectoire d’un enfant. De plus, nous avons identifié des mécanismes importants qui expliquent une partie de l’association entre les trajectoires de surpoids et les troubles internalisés: la victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle.
Developmental stammering (DS, also known as idiopathic stammering or stuttering) is a disorder of speech fluency that affects approximately 0.75% to 1% of the populations of Great Britain, Australia and America,(1-4) although a recent study puts the point prevalence figure at between 1% and 3% in the UK.(5) Prevalence is generally thought to be similar amongst communities worldwide, although there have been occasional suggestions that this figure might be lower in countries where there is less pressure on verbal acuity.(6) DS may be distinguished from neurogenic stammering, which can occur subsequent to neurological damage of various aetiologies (for example, stroke, tumour, degenerative disease) and psychogenic stammering, whose onset can be related to a significant psychological event such as bereavement. While a diagnosis of neurogenic stammering might be made in early childhood and adolescence, both neurogenic and psychogenic types are typically associated with an adult onset. DS is by far the most common form of stammering and usually develops in the pre-school years. The mean age at onset is 4 2, with 75% of cases beginning before the age of 6.(1) However, occasionally, stammering onset may be seen as late as 12 or 13 years of age.
This paper argues that early childhood education and care (ECEC) has a legitimate aspiration to be a 'caring profession' like others such as nursing or social work, defined by a moral purpose. For example, practitioners often draw on an ethic of care as evidence of their professionalism. However, the discourse of professionalism in England completely excludes the ethical vocabulary of care. Nevertheless, it necessarily depends on gendered dispositions towards emotional labour, often promoted by training programmes as 'professional' demeanours. Taking control of the professionalisation agenda therefore requires practitioners to demonstrate a critical understanding of their practice as 'emotion work'. At the same time, reconceptualising practice within a political ethic of care may allow the workforce, and new trainees in particular, to champion 'caring' as a sustainable element of professional work, expressed not only in maternal, dyadic key-working but in advocacy for care as a social principle.
This study reports on an investigation into adult and child interactions observed in the outdoor play environment in four Local Authority early years foundation stage settings in England. In this instance the common two features across the settings were the presence of tricycles and a timetabled outdoor play period. In total, across the four schools, there were 204 children. The study aimed to gain an understanding of the nature of the dialogues between staff and children, that is, the types of exchange that occurred when either the child approached an adult or the adult approached a child. The most frequent type of utterance was also analysed. The study concludes that adults in these settings spoke more than children and the greatest type of utterance was that of the adult about domestic matters. When the child initiated the conversation there were more extended child utterances than domestic utterances. This may suggest that children wish to be involved in conversations of depth and meaning and that staff need to become aware of how to develop this conversational language with children.
This paper focuses on young children’s scientific preconceptions and discusses teachers’ identification of these preconceptions when teaching science in the early years, on which research is still limited. This paper is based on the theoretical framework of constructivism and it defines preconceptions as children’s erroneous concepts prior to formal education. A two phase case study approach was employed, facilitating in-depth investigation though the use of questionnaires, interviews and observations. The results indicate that the teachers did not dedicate time to identify children’s preconceptions when planning and teaching science, even when acknowledging preconceptions’ possible existence. This indicates a possible lack of appreciation of the importance of children’s preconceptions of the consequences when ignoring them. The results also indicate the need for further training and professional development in relation to the teaching of early-years science, especially since only a very small percentage of early years teachers tend to study science during their years compulsory education. A number of suggestions are also provided for practice and policy that can be useful for other subjects as well.
A culture of childhood is a shared vision – an agreed upon vision – of the needs and rights of children, including ideas about how the people of the community can collectively nurture them and at the same time be renewed by them. In other words, it is a set of values, beliefs, and practices that people have created to guide their way of nurturing young children and their families. The vision is about investing in young children and investing in the supports and relationships that children need to learn and grow, both for the reason that children carry our future and because they carry our hopes and dreams for the future. These hopes and dreams begin with birth. Sensitive, emotionally available parents create the framework for interaction with their children by responding to the baby’s cues, engaging the baby in mutual gazes, and imitating the baby. The baby, born with a primary ability to share emotions with other human beings eagerly joins the relationship dance. The intimate family circle soon widens. Providers, teachers, and directors of early childhood programs become significant figures in children’s lives—implicit or explicit partners in a "relationship dance" (Edwards & Raikes, 2002). These close relationships are believed to be critical to healthy intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development in childhood and adolescence as well. These conclusions have been documented by diverse fields of science, ranging from cognitive science to communication studies and social and personality psychology. Close relationships contribute to security and trust, promote skill development and understanding, nurture healthy physical growth, infuse developing self-understanding and self-confidence, enable self-control and emotion regulation, and strengthen emotional connections with others that contribute to prosocial motivation (Dunn, 1993; Fogel, 1993; Thompson, 1996). Furthermore, many studies showing how relationship dysfunction is linked to child abuse and neglect, aggression, criminality, and other problems involving the lack of significant human connections (Shankoff & Meisels, 2000). In extending the dance of primary relationships to new relationships, a childcare teacher can play a primary role. The teacher makes the space ready--creating a beautiful place that causes everyone to feel like dancing. Gradually, as the dance between them becomes smooth and familiar, the teacher encourages the baby to try out more complex steps and learn how to dance to new compositions, beats, and tempos. As the baby alternates dancing sometimes with one or two partners, sometimes with many, the dance itself becomes a story about who the child has been and who the child is becoming, a reciprocal self created through close relationships.
Between 1973 and 1988 twenty children with osteogenesis imperfecta were treated in the Department of Paediatric Surgery at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Our initial experience with the first 15 children, who had virtually no treatment during infancy and early childhood showed that they later developed severe soft tissue and skeletal deformities. Since resulting contractures and curvatures of the long bones are difficult to correct, we changed our therapeutic approach. Traditional therapy in OI was limited to the correction of bony malformations. Considering the fact, that the different elements of the locomotor system are part of a functional entity, we began early treatment combining physiotherapy and surgery.
We report on a female who is compound heterozygote for two new point mutations in the CYP19 gene. The allele inherited from her mother presented a base pair deletion (C) occurring at P408 (CCC, exon 9), causing a frameshift that results in a nonsense codon 111 bp (37 aa) further down in the CYP19 gene. The allele inherited from her father showed a point mutation from G-->A at the splicing point (canonical GT to mutational AT) between exon and intron 3. This mutation ignores the splice site and a stop codon 3 bp downstream occurs. Aromatase deficiency was already suspected because of the marked virilization occurring prepartum in the mother, and the diagnosis was confirmed shortly after birth. Extremely low levels of serum estrogens were found in contrast to high levels of androgens. Ultrasonographic follow-up studies revealed persistently enlarged ovaries (19.5-22 mL) during early childhood (2 to 4 yr) which contained numerous large cysts up to 4.8 x 3.7 cm and normal-appearing large tertiary follicles already at the age of 2 yr. In addition, both basal and GnRH-induced FSH levels remained consistently strikingly elevated. Low-dose estradiol (E2) (0.4 mg/day) given for 50 days at the age of 3 6/12 yr resulted in normalization of serum gonadotropin levels, regression of ovarian size, and increase of whole body and lumbar spine (L1-L4) bone mineral density. The FSH concentration and ovarian size returned to pretreatment levels shortly (150 days) after cessation of E2 therapy. Therefore, we recommend that affected females be treated with low-dose E2 in amounts sufficient to result in physiological prepubertal E2 concentrations using an ultrasensitive estrogen assay. However, E2 replacement needs to be adjusted throughout childhood and puberty to ensure normal skeletal maturation and adequate adolescent growth spurt, normal accretion of bone mineral density, and, at the appropriate age, female secondary sex maturation.
BACKGROUND Among children with wheeze and recurrent cough there is great variation in clinical presentation and time course of the disease. We previously distinguished 5 phenotypes of wheeze and cough in early childhood by applying latent class analysis to longitudinal data from a population-based cohort (original cohort). OBJECTIVE To validate previously identified phenotypes of childhood cough and wheeze in an independent cohort. METHODS We included 903 children reporting wheeze or recurrent cough from an independent population-based cohort (validation cohort). As in the original cohort, we used latent class analysis to identify phenotypes on the basis of symptoms of wheeze and cough at 2 time points (preschool and school age) and objective measurements of atopy, lung function, and airway responsiveness (school age). Prognostic outcomes (wheeze, bronchodilator use, cough apart from colds) 5 years later were compared across phenotypes. RESULTS When using a 5-phenotype model, the analysis distinguished 3 phenotypes of wheeze and 2 of cough as in the original cohort. Two phenotypes were closely similar in both cohorts: Atopic persistent wheeze (persistent multiple trigger wheeze and chronic cough, atopy and reduced lung function, poor prognosis) and transient viral wheeze (early-onset transient wheeze with viral triggers, favorable prognosis). The other phenotypes differed more between cohorts. These differences might be explained by differences in age at measurements. CONCLUSIONS Applying the same method to 2 different cohorts, we consistently identified 2 phenotypes of wheeze (atopic persistent wheeze, transient viral wheeze), suggesting that these represent distinct disease processes. Differences found in other phenotypes suggest that the age when features are assessed is critical and should be considered carefully when defining phenotypes.
The human olfactory bulb (OB) is the first relay station of the olfactory pathway and may have the potential for postnatal neurogenesis in early childhood. In animals, chronic stress affects the OB and olfactory functioning. For humans, it has been shown that major depressive disorder is accompanied by reduced OB volume and reduced olfactory function. However, it is not clear if major stress in childhood development also affects olfactory functioning and OB volume in humans. OB volume was measured and olfactory function was tested in 17 depressive patients with and 10 without a history of severe childhood maltreatment (CM). CM patients exhibited a significantly reduced olfactory threshold and identification ability. The OB volume of the CM patients was significantly reduced to 80% of the non-CM patients. In conclusion, postnatal neurogenesis might be by reduced in CM, which may affect olfactory function of the brain in later life. Alternatively, a reduced OB volume may enhance psychological vulnerability in the presence of adverse childhood conditions although other areas not analyzed in this study may also be involved.
A growing body of evidence suggests a link between early childhood trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and higher risk for dementia in old age. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between childhood trauma exposure, PTSD and neurocognitive function in a unique cohort of former indentured Swiss child laborers in their late adulthood. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study ever conducted on former indentured child laborers and the first to investigate the relationship between childhood versus adulthood trauma and cognitive function. According to PTSD symptoms and whether they experienced childhood trauma (CT) or adulthood trauma (AT), participants (n = 96) were categorized as belonging to one of four groups: CT/PTSD+, CT/PTSD-, AT/PTSD+, AT/PTSD-. Information on cognitive function was assessed using the Structured Interview for Diagnosis of Dementia of Alzheimer Type, Multi-infarct Dementia and Dementia of other Etiology according to ICD-10 and DSM-III-R, the Mini-Mental State Examination, and a vocabulary test. Depressive symptoms were investigated as a potential mediator for neurocognitive functioning. Individuals screening positively for PTSD symptoms performed worse on all cognitive tasks compared to healthy individuals, independent of whether they reported childhood or adulthood adversity. When controlling for depressive symptoms, the relationship between PTSD symptoms and poor cognitive function became stronger. Overall, results tentatively indicate that PTSD is accompanied by cognitive deficits which appear to be independent of earlier childhood adversity. Our findings suggest that cognitive deficits in old age may be partly a consequence of PTSD or at least be aggravated by it. However, several study limitations need to considered. Consideration of cognitive deficits when treating PTSD patients and victims of lifespan trauma (even without a diagnosis of a psychiatric condition) is crucial. Furthermore, early intervention may prevent long-term deficits in memory function and development of dementia in adulthood.
PURPOSE The aim of this study was to describe clinical signs and complications of Fuchs uveitis syndrome (FUS) with onset in childhood. METHODS Ophthalmologic findings and complications in patients with FUS becoming manifest before the age of 16 years were analyzed in a retrospective study at a tertiary referral uveitis center. Inclusion criteria were the presence of pathognomonic FUS findings at any time point and exclusion of any systemic immune-mediated or infectious disease. RESULTS A total of 23 patients (male = 16, female = 7) with juvenile FUS (unilateral n = 20, bilateral n = 3 patients) were included in the study. Mean ages at uveitis and FUS diagnosis were 12.0 ± 4.2 and 22.7 ± 10.7 years, respectively. In six patients, inflammation was noted at age ≤ 7 years. The following inflammatory signs were observed in a total of 26 eyes: ≤ 1+ anterior chamber cell grade (n = 26), vitreous cells (n = 24), fine keratic precipitates (KPs; n = 23), stellate KPs (n = 11), mutton-fat KPs (n = 23), diffuse (n = 24) or inferior (n = 8) distribution of KPs, Koeppe nodules (n = 10), and iris heterochromia (n = 14). A representative subgroup of patients (n = 5) is shown who presented with non-specific clinical signs in the beginning and in whom typical FUS signs became manifest only at a later stage. Secondary complications such as cataract (n = 19), ocular hypertension (n = 3), or glaucomatous disc damage (n = 2) were found after a mean uveitis duration of 11.6, 19.5, and 20.3 years, respectively. CONCLUSION FUS may begin in early childhood, and the characteristic findings may not be present at onset of disease. The diagnosis is often delayed for years, occasionally with the consequence of overtreatment with anti-inflammatory drugs.
The purpose of this dissertation was to survey men in the Harris County Jail (HCJ) to establish a more valid estimate of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) prevalence in a jailed-based population; to assess whether inmates with a history of CSA were at greater risk for use of drugs and alcohol and engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors than those without histories of childhood sexual abuse. ^ The first study determined the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among incarcerated males in a county jail. In this study, sixty-three percent of the subjects reported having been sexually abused. Sixty-one percent reported abuse pre-puberty and 10% reported abuse post puberty. In pre-puberty abuse the initiation of first abuse occurred at a mean age of 5.6 years (SD 5.096, range: 2–13 years). ^ The second study explored the association between inmates with histories of CSA as a risk factor for sexual risk behaviors. A history of sexual abuse did not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of sexual risk behaviors. ^ The third study explored a history of drug use and a history of CSA among the inmates. A chi-square test showed that the inmates who reported a history of CSA, was significantly greater for the following drugs: Marijuana (02), Crack (03), Heroin/Morphine (.03), Amphetamines/Speed (01), Downers/Barbiturates (.001), Methamphetamine/Crystal Meth (.001), Valium .02), LSD/Acid (.001), and Inhalants (.001), p < .05). Significance was not found in alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, Quaaludes and methadone. ^ The research from this study provides empirical data supporting previous research. The current data shows that incarcerated inmates have a high prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and drug use. Sexual victimization as a child does not appear to be associated with an elevated risk of unsafe sexual behaviors. However, men who used drugs were twice as likely to have engaged in unprotected sex with casual and regular partners, and rarely used condoms with paid sex. Although our study methods do not permit a causal explanation for this association, we believe it is of concern. Finally, data in this study shows that sexually abused children are likely candidates for adult criminal behavior. ^
Author: Charity M. Walker Title: THE IMPACT OF SHYNESS ON LONELINESS, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND SCHOOL LIKING IN LATE CHILDHOOD Advisor: Maria T. Riva, Ph.D. Degree Date: August 2011 ABSTRACT Shyness is associated with several emotional, social, and academic problems. While there are multiple difficulties that often accompany shyness, there appear to be some factors that can moderate negative effects of shyness. Research has demonstrated that certain parenting factors affect the adjustment of shy children in early childhood, but there is minimal research illuminating the effect of parenting factors in older age groups. The first purpose of this study was to examine relationships between shyness and loneliness, social anxiety, and school liking. The second purpose was to investigate whether the quality of the relationship between a parent and a 10- to 15-year-olds child influences the amount of loneliness or social anxiety a shy child experiences or how the child feels about school. Parent-child dyads served as participants and were recruited from public and private middle schools and church youth groups in Colorado and Indiana. Child participants completed several self-report surveys regarding their relationship with a parent, shyness, loneliness, social anxiety, and their attitude toward school. Parents completed a survey about their relationship with their child and responded to questions related to their perceptions of their child's shyness. Data was analyzed with a series of correlation and regression analyses. Greater degrees of self-reported shyness were found to be associated with higher levels of loneliness and social anxiety and less positive feelings about school. Due to a problem with multicollinearity during data analysis, this study was not able to explore the effect of the parent-child relationship quality on the associations between shyness and adjustment factors. Overall, these findings imply that shyness remains an important issue as children approach adolescence. Further research is needed to continue learning about the potential importance of parent-child interactions in reducing maladjustment for shy children during late childhood.