799 resultados para disturbance refugia


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We analyzed the abundance of Scots pine regeneration in a 257 ha wildfire in an inner-alpine forest. We sampled regeneration, percent soil cover by classes, physical and chemical properties of topsoils (A horizon, 0-5 cm) under four fire severity levels (unburned, moderate, moderate/high, high severity). 5 plots per severity level, circular (R= 3m). Analysis methods for soil properties as described in the paper.


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Detailed knowledge of forest cover dynamics is crucial for many applications from resource management to ecosystem service assessments. Landsat data provides the necessary spatial, temporal and spectral detail to map and analyze forest cover and forest change processes. With the opening of the Landsat archive, new opportunities arise to monitor forest dynamics on regional to continental scales. In this study we analyzed changes in forest types, forest disturbances, and forest recovery for the Carpathian ecoregion in Eastern Europe. We generated a series of image composites at five year intervals between 1985 and 2010 and utilized a hybrid analysis strategy consisting of radiometric change classification, post-classification comparison and continuous index- and segment-based post-disturbance recovery assessment. For validation of the disturbance map we used a point-based accuracy assessment, and assessed the accuracy of our forest type maps using forest inventory data and statistically sampled ground truth data for 2010. Our Carpathian-wide disturbance map achieved an overall accuracy of 86% and the forest type maps up to 73% accuracy. While our results suggested a small net forest increase in the Carpathians, almost 20% of the forests experienced stand-replacing disturbances over the past 25 years. Forest recovery seemed to only partly counterbalance the widespread natural disturbances and clear-cutting activities. Disturbances were most widespread during the late 1980s and early 1990s, but some areas also exhibited extensive forest disturbances after 2000, especially in the Polish, Czech and Romanian Carpathians. Considerable shifts in forest composition occurred in the Carpathians, with disturbances increasingly affecting coniferous forests, and a relative decrease in coniferous and mixed forests. Both aspects are likely connected to an increased vulnerability of spruce plantations to pests and pathogens in the Carpathians. Overall, our results exemplify the highly dynamic nature of forest cover during times of socio-economic and institutional change, and highlight the value of the Landsat archive for monitoring these dynamics.


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Very recently (Banerjee et al. in Astrophys. Space, doi:1007/s10509-011-0836-1, 2011) the statistics of geomagnetic Disturbance storm (Dst) index have been addressed, and the conclusion from this analysis suggests that the underlying dynamical process can be modeled as a fractional Brownian motion with persistent long-range correlations. In this comment we expose several misconceptions and flaws in the statistical analysis of that work. On the basis of these arguments, the former conclusion should be revisited.


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La cuenca del Duero constituye un vasto territorio ibérico cuyo paisaje se encuentra actualmente muy alterado por la mano del hombre y es prácticamente imposible localizar alguna manifestación de su cubierta vegetal natural. Aunque la historia de la vegetación en los sectores central y oriental es relativamente bien conocida, en su mitad occidental los registros paleoecológicos estudiados hasta la fecha son prácticamente inexistentes. Esto hace que se desconozca la respuesta de la vegetación a las diferentes oscilaciones climáticas que se han producido desde el Último Máximo Glaciar, cuál fue el impacto de las diferentes culturas sobre el medio, cuándo se produjo una alteración profunda de la vegetación natural y cuál ha sido la historia de los incendios. Este último aspecto, el papel e importancia de los incendios, reviste un especial interés en la península Ibérica dada su situación geográfica y climática dentro de la cuenca Mediterránea, donde el fuego es un factor ecológico de primer nivel. Las distintas técnicas paleoecológicas son las más adecuadas para abordar todas estas preguntas. De este modo, los avatares de la vegetación a través del tiempo se han reconstruido mediante el análisis polínico y de macrofósiles, el impacto humano se ha trazado utilizando indicadores polínicos ligados a actividades antrópicas y esporas de hongos coprófilos, estudiándose los incendios a partir del registro de partículas microscópicas de carbón. La alta resolución temporal y taxonómica alcanzada en estos análisis, así como la amplia superficie abarcada con los yacimientos estudiados, hacen que la información obtenida sea altamente detallada y complete el conocimiento que se tiene sobre la cuenca del Duero. El Tardiglaciar se registra por primera vez en la Meseta Norte Ibérica en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales, donde una vegetación esteparia prácticamente desarbolada domina durante los periodos fríos. Durante el interestadial Bølling/Allerød la expansión forestal (pinos, abedules) fue muy leve y tardía y fue interrumpida bruscamente por el Dryas Reciente. Al final del Dryas Reciente o al inicio del Holoceno se produjo una acusada y rápida expansión de los bosques. Esta dinámica sugiere que no hubo refugios glaciares importantes en esta zona de la Meseta durante el “Mystery Interval”, aparentemente el periodo más frío y seco. Los incendios fueron muy escasos, aumentando de forma muy brusca al inicio del Holoceno por el aumento de biomasa y las condiciones relativamente cálidas y secas. A partir de los registros de Ayoó y El Maíllo se consolida la importancia del gradiente oceanicidad-continentalidad en el Sistema Central y la Meseta Norte, que se manifiesta principalmente en la dominancia más prolongada de los pinares hacia el interior. Además, otra de las principales contribuciones de la presente tesis es proporcionar evidencia sobre la sucesión de distintos tipos de bosques en el noroeste de la Meseta, precisando el marco temporal en el que suceden. Así, se ha constatado que hubo un máximo desarrollo del bosque caducifolio durante el Holoceno medio en Ayoó de Vidriales y una baja incidencia del fuego que sugieren que el clima fue más húmedo que en el Holoceno inicial. El estudio de macrofósiles leñosos ha permitido detectar procesos que con el análisis polínico habrían pasado desapercibidos, como la persistencia hasta el Holoceno final de Pinus sylvestris en la sierra del Teleno y la sustitución de P. sylvestris por P. pinaster en la sierra de Francia durante el Holoceno inicial. También el estudio de los carbones procedentes de los arenales de Tierra de Pinares han proporcionado la prueba definitiva de la naturalidad de los pinares de P. pinaster. El impacto humano se detecta temprano en las secuencias del oeste de la cuenca del Duero, durante el Neolítico, aunque ha sido mucho más acusado desde la Edad del Hierro (ca 2700-2500 años cal BP). Para la detección del impacto humano temprano ha sido clave el análisis de esporas de hongos coprófilos, cuyo análisis fue incorporado en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales. Una de sus principales consecuencias fue el establecimiento de comunidades de matorral (brezales, piornales) sobre amplias extensiones del occidente de la cuenca del Duero, vinculado al recrudecimiento de los regímenes de incendios. A pesar de que los incendios han sido ecológicamente importantes desde el inicio del Holoceno, los cambios introducidos por el hombre en sus regímenes sobrepasaron la resiliencia de los bosques originales, lo cual condujo a su sustitución sostenida por matorrales. ABSTRACT The Duero Basin constitutes a vast Iberian territory which is currently strongly disturbed due to human activities, so it is very difficult to find any remnant of the natural vegetation. Vegetation history for the eastern and western sectors of the Basin is relatively well-known but, in contrast, there is an almost complete lack of palaeoecological record in the western area. Consequently, there exists a profound ignorance about vegetation responses to the climatic oscillations occurred since the Last Glacial Maximum, the environmental impact of the different cultures, when a severe disturbance of the natural vegetation took place and fire history. The last question, the role and importance of fire, has a special interest in the Iberian Peninsula due to its geographic and climatic framework, the Mediterranean Basin, where fire is a major ecological factor. The diverse palaeoecological techmiques are the most suitable tools to address all these questions. Thus, vegetation shifts through time have been reconstructed using pollen and macrofossil analyses, human impact has been tracked by means of anthropogenic pollen indicators and dung fungal spores, while fire history has been studied from the quantification of microscopic charcoal particles. The high taxonomic and time resolution attained along with the extensive surface covered by the studied sites provide detailed information very useful to complete the knowledge on landscape dynamics in the Duero Basin. The Lateglacial is recorded for the first time in the Northern Iberian Plateau in the sequence from Ayoó de Vidriales, showing that almost treeless steppic vegetation dominated during the cold periods. Tree expansion (pines, birches) was late and slight during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial and was sharply interrupted by the Younger Dryas (YD) climatic reversal. By the end of the YD or the onset of the Holocene, a rapid forest expansion occurred. This forest dynamics suggests an absence of important glacial refugia for trees in this area of the Plateau during the Mystery Interval, apparently the coldest and driest period. Fires were fairly rare, increasing abruptly at the beginning of the Holocene due to the relatively warm and dry climate and the accumulation of biomass. The records from Ayoó and El Maíllo reinforce the role of the oceanicity-continentality gradient in the vegetation history of the Iberian Central Range and the Iberian Northern Plateau, reflected mainly in the longer dominance of pine forests towards inland areas. Further, another important contribution of this PhD Thesis is providing evidence on the succession of different forest types in the northestern fringe of the Plateau, specifying the chronological framework. A maximum of deciduous forest development and low fire activity have been detected in Ayoó de Vidriales during the mid-Holocene, suggesting that climate was wetter than in the early Holocene. The study of woody macrofossils has allowed detecting processes which would have remained unnoticed using pollen analysis alone, such as the persistence of Pinus sylvestris until the late Holocene in the Teleno Mountains and the early Holocene replacement of P. sylvestris with P. pinaster in the sierra de Francia range. The study of macroscopic charcoal fragments from palaeosols of the Tierra de Pinares has also provided the definitive proof of naturalness for the P. pinaster stands gorwing over this area at present. Early human impact, during the Neolithic, has been detected in the sequences from the western sector of the Duero Basin, although human disturbance has been more severe from the Iron Age onwards (ca 2700-2500 cal yr BP). The analysis of coprophilous fungi incorporated in the sequence of Ayoó de Vidriales has played a key role in recognizing that early human impact. One of the main consequences of human disturbance was the establishment of shrubland communities (heaths, brooms) over huge areas of the western Duero Basin, linked to severe and/or frequent fires. Despite fires has been ecologically important since the onset of the Holocene, human-induced changes in fire regimes have exceeded the resilience of original forests leading to a sustained replacement with shrublands.


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This article describes the design of a linear observer–linear controller-based robust output feedback scheme for output reference trajectory tracking tasks in the case of nonlinear, multivariable, nonholonomic underactuated mobile manipulators. The proposed linear feedback scheme is based on the use of a classical linear feedback controller and suitably extended, high-gain, linear Generalized Proportional Integral (GPI) observers, thus aiding the linear feedback controllers to provide an accurate simultaneous estimation of each flat output associated phase variables and of the exogenous and perturbation inputs. This information is used in the proposed feedback controller in (a) approximate, yet close, cancelations, as lumped unstructured time-varying terms, of the influence of the highly coupled nonlinearities, and (b) the devising of proper linear output feedback control laws based on the approximate estimates of the string of phase variables associated with the flat outputs simultaneously provided by the disturbance observers. Simulations reveal the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-13-1-0696). We thank C Asher for her comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.


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Comparison of mitochondrial and morphological divergence in eight populations of a widespread leaf-litter skink is used to determine the relative importance of geographic isolation and natural selection in generating phenotypic diversity in the Wet Tropics Rainforest region of Australia. The populations occur in two geographically isolated regions, and within each region, in two different habitats (closed rainforest and tall open forest) that span a well characterized ecological gradient. Morphological differences among ancient geographic isolates (separated for several million years, judging by their mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence) were slight, but morphological and life history differences among habitats were large and occurred despite moderate to high levels of mitochondrial gene flow. A field experiment identified avian predation as one potential agent of natural selection. These results indicate that natural selection operating across ecological gradients can be more important than geographic isolation in similar habitats in generating phenotypic diversity. In addition, our results indicate that selection is sufficiently strong to overcome the homogenizing effects of gene flow, a necessary first step toward speciation in continuously distributed populations. Because ecological gradients may be a source of evolutionary novelty, and perhaps new species, their conservation warrants greater attention. This is particularly true in tropical regions, where most reserves do not include ecological gradients and transitional habitats.


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Coral reef communities are in a state of change throughout their geographical range. Factors contributing to this change include bleaching (the loss of algal symbionts), storm damage, disease, and increasing abundance of macroalgae. An additional factor for Caribbean reefs is the aftereffects of the epizootic that reduced the abundance of the herbivorous sea urchin, Diadema antillarum. Although coral reef communities have undergone phase shifts, there are few studies that document the details of such transitions. We report the results of a 40-month study that documents changes in a Caribbean reef community affected by bleaching, hurricane damage, and an increasing abundance of macroalgae. The study site was in a relatively pristine area of the reef surrounding the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. Ten transects were sampled every 3–9 months from November 1994 to February 1998. During this period, the corals experienced a massive bleaching event resulting in a significant decline in coral abundance. Algae, especially macroalgae, increased in abundance until they effectively dominated the substrate. The direct impact of Hurricane Lili in October 1996 did not alter the developing community structure and may have facilitated increasing algal abundance. The results of this study document the rapid transition of this reef community from one in which corals and algae were codominant to a community dominated by macroalgae. The relatively brief time period required for this transition illustrates the dynamic nature of reef communities.


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Purpose: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women worldwide. While undergoing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer, patients often report experiencing "chemobrain." Previous literature reports correlations between psychological distress and these perceived cognitive problems. The aim of the present study was to examine the strength of the association between affective disturbance and subjective cognitive dysfunction.Methods: This study included a meta-analysis of the literature reporting a correlation between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction. Eight studies with 1344 breast cancer patients treated with chemotherapy were selected based on stringent study inclusion criteria. Studies reporting a correlation coefficient between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction were included.Results: In these data, there was no significant correlation between affective disturbance and subjective cognitive dysfunction. A random effects model yielded an overall weighted mean effect size of 0.12.Conclusion: Although this meta-analysis did not confirm the correlation between mood and subjective cognitive dysfunction, there was a clear association between these factors in the original disaggregated analyses, and they are clearly impactful from the time of diagnosis through long-term after care. The clinical implications of the present study and future directions for research are discussed.