968 resultados para distribuição de gordura corporal


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Cardiovascular diseases are a growing public health problem that affects most people over the age of 65 years and abdominal obesity is one of the risk factors for the development of these diseases. There are several methods that can be used to measure body fat, but their accuracy needs to be evaluated, especially in specific populations such as the elderly. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of anthropometric indicators to estimate the percentage of abdominal fat in subjects aged 80 years or older. A total of 125 subjects ranging in age from 80 to 95 years (83.5 ± 3), including 79 women (82.4 ± 3 years) and 46 men (83.6 ± 3 years), were studied. The following anthropometric indicators were used: body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). The percentage of abdominal fat was measured by DEXA. Sensitivity and specificity were analyzed using an ROC curve. The sensitivity, specificity and AUC were 0. 578, 0. 934 and 0. 756 for BMI, respectively; 0.703, 0.820 and 0.761 for WC; 0.938, 0.213 and 0.575 for WHR, and 0.984, 0.344 and 0.664 for WHtR. BMI and WC were the anthropometric indicators with the largest area under the curve and were therefore more adequate to identify the presence or absence of abdominal obesity.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Body composition has fundamental importance in the quality of life and is a powerful predictor of mortality and morbidity in humans. The identification and monitoring of the amount of body fat have been receiving special attention in aspects related to health promotion, not just for its actions in the prevention and in the control of cardiovascular diseases but also for their induction and association with risk factors, especially in the plasmatic lipid levels and arterial pressure. It was investigated the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (%BF) by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) with the blood pressure levels (systolic and diastolic) and serum lipids (TC, HDL-c, LDL-c, VLDL-c, TG). In a group of fifty seven women (aged 18 to 26 years old ), obesity was detected in 5 and 19 women by BMI (≥ 30 kg/m2) and %BF (≥ 30%), respectively. BMI and % BF were positively correlated with blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), and highly significant in the obese group by %BF. Moreover, BMI and % BF were significantly correlated with all lipids and lipoprotein fractions VLDL-c and triglyceride, respectively. These results suggest that %BF is a good indicator of “occult obesity” in subjects with normal body mass index. The associated use of BMI and %BF to better evaluate obesity may improve the study of blood pressure levels and serum lipid changes that are commonly associated with obesity.


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Introdução: A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) descreve o comportamento dos intervalos RR que está relacionado às ações do sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) sobre o nódulo sinusal. Essa pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores dentre eles a obesidade, doença de etiologia multifatorial definida como um acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar em jovens obesos com idade entre 18 e 23 anos o comportamento autonômico cardíaco, durante o repouso, por meio da análise linear e não linear dos índices da VFC bem como associá-lo a eventos de desconforto músculoesquelético influenciados ou não pela prática regular de exercício físico nessa população. Metodologia: Para a realização deste estudo foram analisados dados de 68 voluntários jovens, de ambos os sexos, distribuídos de forma não randomizada em dois grupos: o G1 constituído por 32 obesos, 20,21 ± 1,66 anos e o G2 por 36 não obesos, 20,8 ± 1,47 anos sendo considerado como critério de classificação dos voluntários o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). O protocolo experimental consistiu da captação da frequência cardíaca batimento a batimento, por meio de uma cinta de captação fixada no tórax do voluntário juntamente com um receptor de frequência cardíaca fixado no punho. Para esta captação o voluntário foi orientado a permanecer em repouso na posição de decúbito dorsal sobre um colchonete, durante 30 minutos, com a respiração espontânea. Além disso, foram aplicados dois questionários, ou seja: versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ) - Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, a fim de classificar o nível de atividade física e o Questionário Nórdico, para detectar eventuais sintomas osteomusculares decorrentes das atividades de vida diária e/ou atividades física. Os índices da VFC analisados foram: análise linear... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Introduction: Physical exercise are related to high oxygen consumption, leading to increase on reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and subsequent oxidative stress. Concomitantly, physical training can improve the antioxidant defense systems, reducing the deleterious activity of ROS. The yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) has several bioactive compounds in its composition, providing important antioxidant activity in improving defense systems and reducing the damage caused by ROS. Few studies related to yerba mate with antioxidant effects during exercise. Objective: Evaluate whether the consumption-based drink yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is able to increase the total antioxidant performance (TAP) after an exhaustive test on a treadmill. Methods: The sample counted with 15 female soccers players from Botucatu-SP female soccer team with a mean age of 22.1 ± 4.2 years. For laboratory tests , it was evaluated: triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and fractions, glucose and gamma-GT were dosed by dry chemistry (Vitros® System, Johnson & Johnson). LDL-cholesterol was obtained by Friedwald formula. Total antioxidant performance (TAP) was obtained by the method of fluorescence assay for the measurement of plasma. Weight, height and body mass index (IMC) were measured, percentage of body fat was obtained by bioeletrical impedance analysis (Biodinâmics, modelo 450, USA). Arterial blood pressure was checked by auscultatory method and cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by ergoespirometric test (Ramp Protocol). Maltodextrin was supplemented (30 g in 400 ml) 30 minutes after M0 with placebo (400 ml) or mate (5 g in 400 ml of water). Statistical analysis: ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test set, p<0.05. Results: There was a decrease in the pH after exhaustive testing for water and tea (p<0.0001), the same was observed for bicarbonate (p<0.0001). In both groups pO₂ increased for ...


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A patogênese da hepatite C crônica esta relacionada à presença de danos hepáticos, imunológicos e citotóxicos mediados por diferentes produtos virais e resultantes do estresse oxidativo. Assim, pacientes com hepatite C crônica, mesmo sob tratamento medicamentoso, apresentam níveis elevados de marcadores do estresse oxidativo no sangue e tecidos corpóreos. A suplementação com compostos antioxidantes, como zinco, selênio e vitaminas C e E tem sido sugerida como parte do tratamento para reduzir o estresse oxidativo nestes pacientes. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o estado nutricional e o estresse oxidativo de pacientes com hepatite C crônica após a suplementação regular e contínua com suco de laranja, baseado no alto teor de substâncias antioxidantes deste alimento. A avaliação nutricional constou de medidas antropométricas e de ingestão dietética, e o estresse oxidativo foi avaliado por marcadores séricos da lipoperoxidação (níveis de TBARS) e do teor de substâncias antioxidantes (DPPH), antes e após a suplementação com o suco de laranja. Os resultados indicaram que não foram notadas diferenças significativas nos valores de IMC, percentual de gordura corporal e circunferência da cintura antes e após o período de suplementação com suco de laranja, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Após o período de suplementação com o alimento, observou-se um aumento significativo de 19% e 27% na ingestão média de energia em homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Entretanto, não foi observado diferença significativa no consumo de macronutrientes antes e após a suplementação. Em relação aos micronutrientes, foi detectado um aumento significativo de vitamina C de 211% para mulheres e 190% para os homens e o folato aumentou significativamente em 53% para as mulheres e 52% para os homens. Após o período de suplementação com suco de laranja, observou-se um... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Obesidade e comumente definida como um excesso de gordura corporal, porém diante da dificuldade em mensurar tal gordura diretamente, esta tem sido definida como um excesso de peso mais do que um excesso de gordura corporal, que tem como desdobramento a ocorrência de doenças associadas e/ou prejuízos a saúde do indivíduo (4). Atualmente, o excesso de massa corpórea e verificado por meio de um Indice de Massa Corpórea (IMC), que considera o quociente entre o peso corporal (kg) e a estatura elevada ao quadrado (m2). Indivíduos com sobrepeso apresentam IMC de 25 at e 29; 9 kg=m2, e com obesidade apresentam IMC de 30 Kg=m2 ou mais, de acordo com a OMS (1). A identificação das causas da obesidade não é trivial e objetiva. Especialistas reconhecem que a obesidade e uma doença crônica, de difícil tratamento, denominada multifatorial, envolvendo em sua gênese diversos aspectos, entre eles: o consumo alimentar, aspectos ambientais, genéticos, psicossociais, entre outros. objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um modelo baseado em teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy para a classificação de obesidade levando em consideração as suas causas, e compará-lo com um modelo de regressão logística através da curva ROC. Para estudar as causas da obesidade na população de moradores da região do Distrito Sul de Campinas, foram coletados dados de uma amostra aleatória de 651 indivíuos, por meio de entrevista domiciliar. No primeiro estágio amostral, a partir do cadastro de domicílios residenciais dos agentes comunitários de saúde, foram aleatoriamente sorteados 920 domicílios (15% a mais do inicialmente previsto para cobrir perdas). Foram coletados dados de identificação geral, como: nome, idade, sexo, anos de escolaridade, tipo de ocupação e dados de consumo alimentar. O diagnóstico foi observado através do IMC. Num estudo preliminar, no modelo fuzzy foram consideradas como variáveis... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether aerobic capacity (VO2max) would be modified by antihypertensive therapy in elderly and middle-age women after 12 weeks of exercise training. The volunteers were divided in two groups: normotensive (n=14) and hypertensive (n=14). Aerobic exercise was performed for 3 days/week, during 60 minutes, for 12 weeks with an intensity of 50-70% rest heart hate. Anthropometric parameters (weight and height), body fat index, % of fat mass, cardiopulmonary evaluation to calculated VO2max and a cardiovascular evaluation with blood pressure and rest heart hate were evaluated at baseline and after training program. At the end of study abdominal circumference and Borg scale were also evaluated. Our findings showed the aerobic program of 12 weeks was effective to reduce diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Systolic blood pressure was reduced only hypertensive group. No evidences were found the aerobic capacity was affected by hypertensive therapies. In conclusion, the aerobic program for 12 weeks was effective to reduce blood pressure and there was no influence of antihypertensive therapy on the aerobic capacity in this particular population.


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Nas últimas décadas, o mundo tem vivenciado um grande aumento da prevalência de obesidade. Entre os fatores que levam a esta condição, estão o sedentarismo e o consumo de alimentos altamente calóricos. A obesidade é considerada uma condição de inflamação crônica de baixo grau, que leva ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, como diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensão arterial. O consumo de compostos biologicamente ativos, dentre eles os flavonoides cítricos, tem mostrado ter papel importante no controle da inflamação, e de alterações no metabolismo decorrentes do excesso de peso e gordura corporal. Neste trabalho foram revisados trabalhos sobre flavonoides cítricos e seu papel na inflamação relacionada à obesidade, assim como nas alterações decorrentes desse processo. Os artigos foram divididos em dois grupos: suplementação com extratos de flavonoides e com flavonoides isolados. Nos dois grupos os trabalhos demonstraram o papel benéfico dos flavonoides cítricos no metabolismo lipídico, e diminuindo marcadores biológicos de inflamação, como proteínas e enzimas, tanto nos modelos experimentais quanto em linhagens celulares de adipócitos e hepatócitos. A redução de massa corpórea também foi observada em ratos e camundongos suplementados com os flavonoides cítricos. Entretanto, no que concerne à obesidade e diminuição da massa corpórea em humanos, os trabalhos são inconclusivos até o momento.


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Lipids have important biological functions, suchas membrane constituents, hormone precursors, and are efficient energy reserves, due to thers high caloric content. In fish, but not in mammals, lipid storage patterns are quite diverse. The aim of this study was to determine lipid distribution in somatic and reproductive tissues of matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, both male and female, highlighting somatic indices related to lipid dynamics. From Oct 98 to Jan 99, a total of 174 fish (8-12 each month) were sampled. After fish anesthesia, heparinized blood was collected for plasma triacylglycerol determination. Fish were individually weighed and measured, and liver, gonads and visceral fat were collected and weighed for HSI (hepatosomatic index), GSI (gonad somatic index) and MFI (mesenteric fat index) calculation. The highest values of total lipids were found in red muscle (about 18%), liver and gonads (about 16.5%). The white muscle had a lower concentration (2.5%). Analyses of variance of HSI and MFI showed fluctuations along the experimental period with lowest concentrations in the periods of highest temperatures. Matrinxã store lipids in several body tissues, including mesenteric fat, liver, muscles and gonads.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Obesity is defined as excess body fat. It is considered today a serious public health problem and has reached high proportions in childhood and adolescence. Among factors highlight the lifestyle, poor diet and little physical activity for their development. Childhood obesity is not treated can become permanent in adulthood increases the risk of several diseases such as cardiovascular, metabolic and other disorders such as depression, low self-esteem among others. It's extreme need multidisciplinary intervention to prevent it, with guidelines on healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. Treatment is necessary in a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nutritionists, physical educators, psychologists and family that has a decisive weight in the treatment of obese children. The media could give more space for the disclosure of childhood obesity, so that the population is aware of this epidemic in a more serious understand its risks and health effects. This bibliographic study has character and aims to seek the causes of obesity, its consequences in adulthood and possible forms of intervention


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The objective of this research study was quantify the power, force of vertical impulse, jumping height and the relation of the power output during the execution of the layup in basketball, by variables associated to anthropometric data. The study was carried with seven basketball players, university students, male, from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio Mesquita Filho (Unesp) basketball team, from Bauru City. The players were an age of 20,7 ± 2,4 years old, body weight of 77,1 ± 9,4 kg, body fat of 14,7 ± 3,6%, lean mass of 65,5 ± 6,2 kg and height of 180,0 ± 5,0 cm. Each player did the ability of the layup three times, with a previous time to adapt. The kinetic and kinematic values was obtained from the data of a system that consists of photocells and a contact carpet from a system called JumpSystemâ (CEFISE), using after that equations of UVRM and impulse. The photocells was dispose to capture the previous run-up, as well the speedy in the time of two steps of the layup, and it was also synchronized with the contact carpet in the last step, to preserve the exactly time of the propulsion of jump. In this way, the values and the kinetic variables found was vV (2,94 ± 0,3 m's-1), vH (11,3 ± 3,4 m's-1), vI (11,8 ± 3,2 m's-1), time of contact (0,214 ± 0,2 s), angle of jump (15,9 ± 6,26 graus) and H (44,3 ± 8,9 cm). The variables and the kinematic values found was FimpV (974,9 ± 119,03 N, PP (3112,9 ± 633,9 W) and PM (1556,4 ± 316,9 W). To better understand the ability of layup in basketball, as the kinetic variables, kinematic variables and anthropometrics that determine the performance, the study did correlations between dV (H) with vV, vH, vI, angle, FimpV, PP e PM; FimpV, PP e PM com with the kinetic variables of vV, vH, vI, angle, and anthropometric variables of PC and height, and correlations of PP e PM with %G and MM. So, significant results was found between the correlations of dV with FimpV (R2 = 0,81)...


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To the practitioners of resistance exercise, a better performance is associated with nutritional habits and the help of nutritional supplements. Whatever, this use has been made improperly and without foundation, advised by persons not trained, leading to misuse. To analyze the profile of practitioners in the knowledge of and access to supplements, as well as knowledge about the sport and the need to use additional food resources. A questionnaire will be used to youths aged 15 to 21 consumers of nutritional supplements on the sports, the substance used, why the substance used, who appointed her, which substances have been used, satisfaction with that product, and socioeconomic characteristics of the individual. The data will be correlated by Pearson's correlation coefficient. It is expected that the abuse of supplements is associated with ease by socioeconomic status and experience in the sport for the little progress with the adoption of a routine training exercise in the circumstances only. The major difference compared to the goal of practice, was the motivation for the improvement of physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), with the intention of increasing muscle mass response occurring closer (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%) among respondents, and reported more emphasis on the Interior Health (17.3%). The use of supplements is somewhat similar to trends involving body aesthetics and fitness for participation in sports, in the Coast (hypertrophy: 33% body fat reduction, improved endurance and improved performance in sports: 20%), and beauty, fitness and health, the Interior (hypertrophy: 41% increase in strength: 22%, and quality of life: 15%). Interest in the use of supplements is mostly aimed at the improvement of overload training (Guaruja 67% and Bauru 56%) but the sources of information on the use of supplements have become more secure among the respondents of the Interior (gym teacher: 20%, Conferences and Symposia: 12%, and the...