892 resultados para dialogue based ethics


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Les cas d’entreprises touchées par des scandales financiers, environnementaux ou concernant des conditions de travail abusives imposées à leur main-d’œuvre, n’ont cessé de jalonner l’actualité ces vingt dernières années. La multiplication des comportements à l’origine de ces scandales s’explique par l’environnement moins contraignant, que leur ont offert les politiques de privatisation, dérégulation et libéralisation, amorcées à partir des années 1980. Le développement de la notion de responsabilité sociale des entreprises à partir des années 1980, en réaction à ces excès, incarne l'idée que si une entreprise doit certes faire des profits et les pérenniser elle se doit de les réaliser en favorisant les comportements responsables, éthiques et transparents avec toutes ses parties prenantes. Nous analysons dans cette thèse le processus par lequel, face à des dysfonctionnements et abus, touchant les conditions de travail de leur main d’œuvre ou leur gouvernance, des entreprises peuvent être amenées, ou non, à questionner et modifier leurs pratiques. Nous avons axé notre étude de cas sur deux entreprises aux trajectoires diamétralement opposées. La première entreprise, issue du secteur de la fabrication de vêtements et dont la crise concernait des atteintes aux droits des travailleurs, a surmonté la crise en réformant son modèle de production. La seconde entreprise, située dans le secteur des technologies de l'information et de la communication, a fait face à une crise liée à sa gouvernance d’entreprise, multiplié les dysfonctionnements pendant dix années de crises et finalement déclaré faillite en janvier 2009. Les évolutions théoriques du courant néo-institutionnel ces dernières années, permettent d’éclairer le processus par lequel de nouvelles normes émergent et se diffusent, en soulignant le rôle de différents acteurs, qui pour les uns, définissent de nouvelles normes et pour d’autres se mobilisent en vue de les diffuser. Afin d’augmenter leur efficacité à l’échelle mondiale, il apparaît que ces acteurs agissent le plus souvent en réseaux, parfois concurrents. L’étude du cas de cette compagnie du secteur de la confection de vêtement nous a permis d’aborder le domaine lié aux conditions de travail de travailleurs œuvrant au sein de chaînes de production délocalisées dans des pays aux lois sociales absentes ou inefficaces. Nous avons analysé le cheminement par lequel cette entreprise fut amenée à considérer, avec plus de rigueur, la dimension éthique dans sa chaîne de production. L’entreprise, en passant par différentes étapes prenant la forme d’un processus d’apprentissage organisationnel, a réussi à surmonter la crise en réformant ses pratiques. Il est apparu que ce processus ne fut pas spontané et qu’il fut réalisé suite aux rôles joués par deux types d’acteurs. Premièrement, par la mobilisation incessante des mouvements de justice globale afin que l’entreprise réforme ses pratiques. Et deuxièmement, par le cadre normatif et le lieu de dialogue entre les différentes parties prenantes, fournis par un organisme privé source de normes. C’est fondamentalement le risque de perdre son accréditation à la cet organisme qui a poussé l’entreprise à engager des réformes. L’entreprise est parvenue à surmonter la crise, certes en adoptant et en respectant les normes définies par cette organisation mais fondamentalement en modifiant sa culture d'entreprise. Le leadership du CEO et du CFO a en effet permis la création d'une culture d'entreprise favorisant la remise en question, le dialogue et une plus grande prise en considération des parties prenantes, même si la gestion locale ne va pas sans poser parfois des difficultés de mise en œuvre. Concernant le domaine de la gouvernance d’entreprise, nous mettons en évidence, à travers l’étude des facteurs ayant mené au déclin et à la faillite d’une entreprise phare du secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication, les limites des normes en la matière comme outil de bonne gouvernance. La légalité de la gestion comptable et la conformité de l’entreprise aux normes de gouvernance n'ont pas empêché l’apparition et la multiplication de dysfonctionnements et abus stratégiques et éthiques. Incapable de se servir des multiples crises auxquelles elle a fait face pour se remettre en question et engager un apprentissage organisationnel profond, l'entreprise s'est focalisée de manière obsessionnelle sur la rentabilité à court terme et la recherche d'un titre boursier élevé. La direction et le conseil d'administration ont manqué de leadership afin de créer une culture d'entreprise alliant innovation technologique et communication honnête et transparente avec les parties prenantes. Alors que l'étude consacrée à l’entreprise du secteur de la confection de vêtement illustre le cas d'une entreprise qui a su, par le biais d'un changement stratégique, relever les défis que lui imposait son environnement, l'étude des quinze dernières années de la compagnie issue du secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication témoigne de la situation inverse. Il apparaît sur base de ces deux cas que si une gouvernance favorisant l'éthique et la transparence envers les parties prenantes nécessite la création d'une culture d'entreprise valorisant ces éléments, elle doit impérativement soutenir et être associée à une stratégie adéquate afin que l'entreprise puisse pérenniser ses activités.


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Le présent mémoire se donne pour fin d'étudier, en les replaçant au sein du contexte politique de leur époque, deux textes importants de la pensée politique de Justinien : l'Ekthesis d'Agapète le diacre, et le Dialogue de science politique. Ces deux textes représentent le point de vue de deux groupes d'acceptation de Constantinople – à savoir des groupes qui peuvent participer à l’élévation ou à la destitution d’un empereur : le clergé, et l'élite des sénateurs et des hauts-fonctionnaires. À partir de ce cadre conceptuel, il s'agira, pour ce mémoire, de définir les problématiques ayant trait à la fonction et la conception du pouvoir impérial et à la forme de l'État, telles que les présentent ces deux textes. À terme, devra émerger comme cadre interprétatif l'affrontement de deux tendances: d'une part, un hellénisme politique christianisé (associé au clergé), et, d'autre part, une romanité conjuguée à une vision néoplatonicienne du monde (associée à l'élite sénatoriale et fonctionnaire). Ces deux traditions posent des questions différentes. D'un côté, celle de l'orthodoxie de l'empereur et de la nécessité, pour ce dernier, de suivre les préceptes de l'éthique chrétienne, de se montrer digne de Dieu, dont il est le serviteur; de l'autre, celle de la sauvegarde de l'héritage romain, portant notamment sur le rôle du Sénat et l’importance de la loi, de même que le lien entre empereur et philosophe.


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Étude de cas / Case study


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The paper ‘Impact of Quality on Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing in Industries in Kerala in the present Indian scenario’ highlights the observations, based on a descriptive research carried out in five leading industries in Kerala, in the private and public sector. Ethics and social responsibilities, practiced in these industries, are reflected in the results of the survey conducted on specific queries like awareness of products/services provided by them, total understanding of the requirements of the customer, open discussion on technical matters, accountability of employees to the society and social needs, consumer ethics vis a vis business ethics etc. Team working goes a long way, in building relations, which in turn, results in a progressive and effective marketing strategy. This assumes paramount importance, considering the severe competition we are facing in the light of liberalization, privatization and globalization, which encompasses the globe. The prediction of India becoming a lead nation, along with USA, China and Japan, in this decade, can get fructified only if we follow a very high standards of ethics and social responsibility, in all domains including marketing. Organizations like TRW.Rane, Sundaram Fasteners, TVS Motors, in Chennai are a few among others in India, who have achieved the highest distinction in quality viz Deming Prize, and these demonstrate their commitment to quality, society and humanity at large. Cost effectiveness, without jeopardizing quality has become the need of the hour and MRTP has become history. This trait is being brought out through the survey and the results speak for themselves. Unethical practices like switch and bait, not only brings shame to the organization, and country but also results in the company getting wiped out from the market. Adherence to standards like ISO 14000 helps to maintain the minimum level of social responsibility and environmental friendliness. Like quality audit, safety audit etc, social audit is being insisted in all progressive countries to ensure that the organization comply with the minimum statutory requirements. The paper also touches upon Corporate Social Responsibility practiced in the industries and this becomes crystal clear through their commitment to improve the community. Green Marketing lays a lot of importance on the three Rs of environmentalism viz Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The objective of any business is to achieve optimal profit and this is possible only by reducing the cost as well as waste. In this context, management tools like brainstorming, suggestion schemes, benchmarking etc becomes helpful. These characteristics are brought out through the analysis of survey results. The conclusions drawn throw a lot of information on the desirable practices with respect to Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing


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Este trabajo de investigación explora el proceso de toma de decisiones fundamentado desde la perspectiva psicológica. El campo de interés está centrado en la toma de decisiones éticas a nivel organizacional y las consecuencias que las zonas grises o las conductas de riesgo repercuten en las dinámicas económicas y sociales. Con base en el análisis de los escándalos financieros más importantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Colombia, y la literatura ofrecida por las ciencias sociales, la ética y las ciencias económicas se reconstruye una recopilación teórica de los aportes que los modelos psicológicos aplicados pueden dar al campo de la consultoría y el funcionamiento organizacional como también al estudio y análisis de los comportamientos anti éticos en empresas.


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Each medical cultural system constructs knowledge about health through specialization or interculturalism. The knowledge constructed through interculturalism has sought, mainly, to adapt the delivery of health care services to the users’ cultural referents. This emphasis has overlooked the opportunities embedded in the establishment of intercultural relationships between medical systems based on dialogue, especially in regard to the adjustment of the disciplinary boundaries of medical cultural systems that would allow the construction of new knowledge on health. This absence of dialogue has been determined by epistemological barriers inherent to every system as well as by social domination. This article presents some concepts related to cognition processes which encourage the reflection on the possibilities to overcome such barriers so that the health sciences may contribute to the effective implementation of the World Health Organization and the State’s recommendations on the matter.


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With increasing calls for global health research there is growing concern regarding the ethical challenges encountered by researchers from high-income countries (HICs) working in low or middle-income countries (LMICs). There is a dearth of literature on how to address these challenges in practice. In this article, we conduct a critical analysis of three case studies of research conducted in LMICs.We apply emerging ethical guidelines and principles specific to global health research and offer practical strategies that researchers ought to consider. We present case studies in which Canadian health professional students conducted a health promotion project in a community in Honduras; a research capacity-building program in South Africa, in which Canadian students also worked alongside LMIC partners; and a community-university partnered research capacity-building program in which Ecuadorean graduate students, some working alongside Canadian students, conducted community-based health research projects in Ecuadorean communities.We examine each case, identifying ethical issues that emerged and how new ethical paradigms being promoted could be concretely applied.We conclude that research ethics boards should focus not only on protecting individual integrity and human dignity in health studies but also on beneficence and non-maleficence at the community level, explicitly considering social justice issues and local capacity-building imperatives.We conclude that researchers from HICs interested in global health research must work with LMIC partners to implement collaborative processes for assuring ethical research that respects local knowledge, cultural factors, the social determination of health, community participation and partnership, and making social accountability a paramount concern.


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With increasing calls for global health research there is growing concern regarding the ethical challenges encountered by researchers from high-income countries (HICs) working in low or middle-income countries (LMICs). There is a dearth of literature on how to address these challenges in practice. In this article, we conduct a critical analysis of three case studies of research conducted in LMICs.We apply emerging ethical guidelines and principles specific to global health research and offer practical strategies that researchers ought to consider. We present case studies in which Canadian health professional students conducted a health promotion project in a community in Honduras; a research capacity-building program in South Africa, in which Canadian students also worked alongside LMIC partners; and a community-university partnered research capacity-building program in which Ecuadorean graduate students, some working alongside Canadian students, conducted community-based health research projects in Ecuadorean communities.We examine each case, identifying ethical issues that emerged and how new ethical paradigms being promoted could be concretely applied.We conclude that research ethics boards should focus not only on protecting individual integrity and human dignity in health studies but also on beneficence and non-maleficence at the community level, explicitly considering social justice issues and local capacity-building imperatives.We conclude that researchers from HICs interested in global health research must work with LMIC partners to implement collaborative processes for assuring ethical research that respects local knowledge, cultural factors, the social determination of health, community participation and partnership, and making social accountability a paramount concern.


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate how values from within Abrahamic religions could be adopted to improve liberal market economies’ (LMEs’) corporate governance business practices. Design/methodology/approach – The concept of spiritual capitalism is explained from an Islamic perspective by adopting three universal Abrahamic values to critically analyse LMEs and offer an ethical alternative to current capitalism concerns. Findings – It is found that LMEs can be improved by considering all stakeholders, putting ethics before economics, and introducing shared risk/reward plus lower debt. Originality/value – The paper compares LMEs/Co-ordinated market economies (CMEs)/Islamic countries economies (ICEs) within an ethical framework for LMEs.


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This article explores the interactions between disabled forced migrants with care needs and professionals and the restrictive legal, policy and practice context that health and social care professionals have to confront, based on the findings of a qualitative study with 45 participants in the South-East of England. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 forced migrants who had diverse impairments and chronic illnesses (8 women and 7 men), 13 family caregivers and 17 support workers and strategic professionals working in social care and the third sector in Slough, Reading and London. The legal status of forced migrants significantly affects their entitlements to health and social care provision, resulting in prolonged periods of destitution for many families. National asylum support policies, difficult working relationships with UK Border Agency, higher eligibility thresholds and reduced social care budgets of local authorities were identified as significant barriers in responding to the support needs of disabled forced migrants and family caregivers. In this context, social workers experienced considerable ethical dilemmas. The research raises profound questions about the potential and limitations of health and social care policies, provision, and practice as means of protection and support in fulfilling the human rights of forced migrants with care needs.


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Management accounting in recent times, and perhaps rightly so, has begun to gain recognition as a profession separate and complimentary to financial accounting. Evidence exists to suggest that management accountants are exposed to a unique set of ethical challenges within industry and that a significant high number of management accountants have engaged in unethical practices in performing their jobs. For the accounting profession as a whole, the growing number of corporate failures has created a credibility crisis that requires a deliberate intervention to mitigate. If this is not addressed sooner, the accounting profession stands the risk of losing relevance. Scholarship on ethical issues in accounting practice have either focused mostly on financial accounting or have sought to combine ethical issues for financial and management accounting. Various arguments have been made in recent times of the need to treat ethical issues in behavioural studies as context-specific and therefore separate ethical considerations in management accounting from financial accounting. This study adopts an approach, following various literature, that effective ethics education can help practitioners deal appropriately with ethical issues at the work place, and explores students’ and faculty members’perceptions on current practices in ethics education. As expected, faculty and students differ significantly on a wide range of issues on ethics education in management accounting. Based on the insights provided from this study, appropriate recommendations have been made to improve ethics education in management accounting.


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In light of various reforms in recent years, this article provides a (re)assessment of the broad package of family-friendly employment rights and relevant dispute resolution procedure now available to pregnant workers and working carers. It exposes how the realities of working life for many pregnant workers and carers and the long standing desire to promote gender equality in informal care-work remain at odds with the legal framework. An argument is presented in favour of an approach that, based upon the concept of care ethics, better engages with the impact of the provisions upon crucial interdependent care relationships.


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Summary: The objective of this work was to evaluate the sperm motility of 13 Steindachneridion parahybae males using open-source software (ImageJ/CASA plugin). The sperm activation procedure and image capture were initiated after semen collection. Four experimental phases were defined from the videos captured of each male as follows: (i) standardization of a dialogue box generated by the CASA plugin within ImageJ; (ii) frame numbers used to perform the analysis; (iii) post-activation motility between 10 and 20 s with analysis at each 1 s; and (iv) post-activation motility between 10 and 50 s with analysis at each 10 s. The settings used in the CASA dialogue box were satisfactory, and the results were consistent. These analyses should be performed using 50 frames immediately after sperm activation because spermatozoa quickly lose their vigor. At 10 s post-activation, 89.1% motile sperm was observed with 107.2 μm s-1 curvilinear velocity, 83.6 μm s-1 average path velocity, 77.1 μm s-1 straight line velocity; 91.6% were of straightness and 77.1% of wobble. The CASA plugin within ImageJ can be applied in sperm analysis of the study species by using the established settings. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.