999 resultados para deuterated methane cluster


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From the available H I data on spiral galaxies in three rich Abell clusters and the Virgo Cluster, it is shown that galaxies with medium to large optical sizes tend to be more severely deficient in atomic hydrogen than the small galaxies. This is so both in terms of the fractional number of galaxies that are deficient and the amount of gas lost by a galaxy. The fraction of H I-deficient galaxies increases with size over most of the size range, saturating or dropping only for the largest galaxies. A comparative study is made of various currently accepted gas removal mechanisms, namely those which are a result of galaxy-intracluster medium interactions, e.g., ram pressure stripping, as well as those due to galaxy-galaxy interactions, i.e., collisions and tidal interactions. It is shown that, with the exception of tidal interactions, all of these mechanisms would produce a size dependence in H I deficiency that is the opposite of that observed. That is, the gas in the largest galaxies would be the least affected by these mechanisms. However, if there is significant mass segregation, these processes may give the trends observed in the size dependence of H I deficiency.


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Molecular dynamics calculations on methane sorbed in NaY (Si/Al = 3.0) employing realistic methane-methane and methane-zeolite intermolecular potential functions at different temperatures (50, 150, 220, and 300 K) and concentrations (2, 4, 6, and 8 molecules/cage) are reported. The thermodynamic results are in agreement with the available experimental data. Guest-guest and guest-host radial distribution functions (rdfs), energy distribution functions, distribution of cage occupancy, center-of-cage-center-of-mass (coc-com) rdfs, velocity autocorrelation functions for com and angular motion and the Fourier transformed power spectra, and diffusion coefficients are presented as a function of temperature and concentration. At 50 K, methane is localized near the adsorption site. Site-site migration and essentially free rotational motion are observed at 150 K. Molecules preferentially occupy the region near the inner surface of the alpha-cage. The vibrational frequencies for the com of methane shift toward higher values with decreasing temperature and increasing adsorbate concentration. The observed frequencies for com motion are 36, 53, and 85 cm-1 and for rotational motion at 50 K, 95 and 150 cm-1 in agreement with neutron scattering data. The diffusion coefficients show a type I behavior as a function of loading in agreement with NMR measurements. Cage-to-cage diffusion is found to be always mediated by the surface.


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Structure of a cyclic water tetramer in channels (pores) formed by self-assembly of N6-methyl-5'-AMP center dot Na-2 molecules is described and a hypothetical model is proposed for growth of water clusters. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eddy covariance (EC)-flux measurement technique is based on measurement of turbulent motions of air with accurate and fast measurement devices. For instance, in order to measure methane flux a fast methane gas analyser is needed which measures methane concentration at least ten times in a second in addition to a sonic anemometer, which measures the three wind components with the same sampling interval. Previously measurement of methane flux was almost impossible to carry out with EC-technique due to lack of fast enough gas analysers. However during the last decade new instruments have been developed and thus methane EC-flux measurements have become more common. Performance of four methane gas analysers suitable for eddy covariance measurements are assessed in this thesis. The assessment and comparison was performed by analysing EC-data obtained during summer 2010 (1.4.-26.10.) at Siikaneva fen. The four participating methane gas analysers are TGA-100A (Campbell Scientific Inc., USA), RMT-200 (Los Gatos Research, USA), G1301-f (Picarro Inc., USA) and Prototype-7700 (LI-COR Biosciences, USA). RMT-200 functioned most reliably throughout the measurement campaign and the corresponding methane flux data had the smallest random error. In addition, methane fluxes calculated from data obtained from G1301-f and RMT-200 agree remarkably well throughout the measurement campaign. The calculated cospectra and power spectra agree well with corresponding temperature spectra. Prototype-7700 functioned only slightly over one month in the beginning of the measurement campaign and thus its accuracy and long-term performance is difficult to assess.


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A small-cluster approximation has been used to calculate the activation barriers for the d.c. conductivity in ionic glasses. The main emphasis of this approach is on the importance of the hitherto ignored polarization energy contribution to the total activation energy. For the first time it has been demonstrated that the d.c. conductivity activation energy can be calculated by considering ionic migration to a neighbouring vacancy in a smali cluster of ions consisting of face-sharing anion polyhedra. The activation energies from the model calculations have been compared with the experimental values in the case of highly modified lithium thioborate glasses.


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The restricted three-body method is used to model the effect of the mean tidal field of a cluster of galaxies on the internal dynamics of a disk galaxy falling into the cluster for the first time. In the model adopted the galaxy experiences a tidal field that is compressive within the core of the cluster. The planar random velocities of all components in the disk increase after the galaxy passes through the core of the cluster. The low-velocity dispersion gas clouds experience a relatively larger increase in random velocity than the hotter stellar components. The increase in planar velocities results in a strong anisotropy between the planar and vertical velocity dispersions. It is argued that this will make the disk unstable to the 'fire-hose instability' which leads to bending modes in the disk and which will thicken the disk slightly. The mean tidal fields in rich clusters were probably stronger during the epoch of cluster formation and relaxation than they are in present-day relaxed clusters.


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Molecular dynamics calculations are reported for Xe in sodium Y zeolite with varying strengths of sorbate-zeolite dispersion interaction. In the absence of any dispersion interaction between the sorbate and the zeolite, the presence of the zeolite has a purely geometrical role. Increase in the strength of the sorbate-zeolite interaction increases the monomer population and decreases the population of dimers and higher sized clusters. The lifetime of the monomers as well as dimers increases with the strength of the dispersion interaction. The observed variations in the lifetime and the population of the different sized clusters is explained in terms of the changes in the potential energy surface caused by the increase in the strength of the dispersion interaction.


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Abstract. Methane emissions from natural wetlands and rice paddies constitute a large proportion of atmospheric methane, but the magnitude and year-to-year variation of these methane sources is still unpredictable. Here we describe and evaluate the integration of a methane biogeochemical model (CLM4Me; Riley et al., 2011) into the Community Land Model 4.0 (CLM4CN) in order to better explain spatial and temporal variations in methane emissions. We test new functions for soil pH and redox potential that impact microbial methane production in soils. We also constrain aerenchyma in plants in always-inundated areas in order to better represent wetland vegetation. Satellite inundated fraction is explicitly prescribed in the model because there are large differences between simulated fractional inundation and satellite observations. A rice paddy module is also incorporated into the model, where the fraction of land used for rice production is explicitly prescribed. The model is evaluated at the site level with vegetation cover and water table prescribed from measurements. Explicit site level evaluations of simulated methane emissions are quite different than evaluating the grid cell averaged emissions against available measurements. Using a baseline set of parameter values, our model-estimated average global wetland emissions for the period 1993–2004 were 256 Tg CH4 yr−1, and rice paddy emissions in the year 2000 were 42 Tg CH4 yr−1. Tropical wetlands contributed 201 Tg CH4 yr−1, or 78 % of the global wetland flux. Northern latitude (>50 N) systems contributed 12 Tg CH4 yr−1. We expect this latter number may be an underestimate due to the low high-latitude inundated area captured by satellites and unrealistically low high-latitude productivity and soil carbon predicted by CLM4. Sensitivity analysis showed a large range (150–346 Tg CH4 yr−1) in predicted global methane emissions. The large range was sensitive to: (1) the amount of methane transported through aerenchyma, (2) soil pH (± 100 Tg CH4 yr−1), and (3) redox inhibition (± 45 Tg CH4 yr−1).


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A genomic library was constructed from a HindIII digest of Azospirillum lipoferum chromosomal DNA in the HindIII site of pUC19. From the library, a clone, pALH64, which showed strong hybridization with 3' end labeled A. lipoferum total tRNAs and which contains a 2.9 kb insert was isolated and restriction map of the insert established. The nucleotide sequence of a 490 bp HindIII-HincII subfragment containing a cluster of genes coding for 5S rRNA, tRNA(Val)(UAC), tRNA(Thr)(UGA) and tRNA(Lys)(UUU) has been determined. The gene organization is 5S rRNA (115 bp), spacer (10 bp), tRNA(Val) (76 bp), spacer (3 bp), tRNA(Thr) (76 bp), spacer (7 bp) and tRNA(Lys) (76 bp). Hybridization experiments using A. lipoferum total tRNAs and 5S rRNA with the cloned DNA probes revealed that all three tRNA genes and the 5S rRNA gene are expressed in vivo in the bacterial cells.


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The interaction of CO with Cu, Pd, and Ni at different coverages of the metals on solid substrates has been investigated by He II and core-level spectroscopies, after the nature of variation of the metal core-level binding energies with the coverage or the cluster size is established. The separation between the (1 pi + 5 sigma) and 4 sigma levels of CO increases with a decrease in the size of the metal clusters, accompanied by an increase in the desorption temperature. In the case of Cu, the intramolecular shakeup satellite of CO disappears on small clusters. More importantly, CO dissociates on small Ni clusters, clearly confirming that metal-CO interaction strength increases with a decrease in the cluster size.


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Copper(I)-dppm complexes encapsulating the oxyanions ClO4-, NO3-, CH3C6H4CO2-, SO42-, and WO42- have been synthesized either by reduction of the corresponding Cu(II) salts and treatment with dppm, or by treating the complex [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(3)](BF4)(2) (1) (dmcn = dimethyl cyanamide) with the respective anion. The isolated complexes [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(2)(ClO4)] (ClO4) (2), [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(dmcn)(2)(NO3)] (NO3) (3), Cu-2(dppm)(2)(NO3)(2) (4), [Cu-2(dppm)(2)(CH3C6H4CO2)(2)]dmcn.2THF (5), Cu-2(dppm)(2)(SO4) (6), and [Cu-3(dppm)(3)(Cl)(WO4)] 0.5H(2)O (7) have been characterized by IR, H-1 and P-31{H-1} NMR, UV-vis, and emission spectroscopy. The solid-state molecular structure of complexes 1, 2, 4, and 7 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Pertinent crystal data are as follows: for 1, monoclinic P2(1)/c, a = 11.376(10) Angstrom, b = 42.503(7) Angstrom, c = 13.530(6) Angstrom, beta = 108.08(2)degrees, V = 6219(3) Angstrom(3), Z = 4; for 2, monoclinic P2(1)/c, a = 21.600(3) Angstrom, b = 12.968(3) Angstrom, c = 23.050(3) Angstrom, beta = 115.97(2)degrees, V = 5804(17) Angstrom(3), Z = 4; for 4, triclinic , a = 10.560(4) Angstrom, b = 10.553(3) Angstrom, c = 22.698(3) Angstrom, alpha = 96.08(2)degrees, beta = 96.03(2)degrees, gamma = 108.31(2)degrees, V = 2362(12) Angstrom(3), Z = 2; and for 7, orthorhombic P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 14.407(4) Angstrom, b = 20.573(7) Angstrom, c = 24.176(6) Angstrom, V = 7166(4) Angstrom(3), Z = 4. Analyses of the crystallographic and spectroscopic data of these complexes reveal the nature of interactions between the Cu-I-dppm core and oxyanion. The anchoring of the oxyanion to the Cu-n(dppm)(n) unit is primarily through coordination to the metal, but the noncovalent C-H ... O interactions between the methylene and phenyl protons of the dppm and oxygen atoms of the oxyanion play a significant role. The solid-state emission spectra for complexes 1-6 are very similar but different from 7. In CDCl3 solution, addition of ClO4- or NO3- (as their tetrabutylammonium salts) to 1 establishes a rapid equilibrium between the anion-complexed and uncomplexed forms. The association constant values for ClO4- and NO3- have been estimated from the P-31{H-1} NMR spectra.


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Eosinophil Cationic Protein (ECP) is a member of RNase A superfamily which carries out the obligatory catalytic role of cleaving RNA. It is involved in a variety of biological functions. Molecular dynamics simulations followed by essential dynamics analysis on this protein are carried out with the goal of gaining insights into the dynamical properties at atomic level. The top essential modes contribute to subspaces and to the transition phase. Further, the sidechain-sidechain/sidechain-mainchain hydrogen bond clusters are analyzed in the top modes, and compared with those of crystal structure. The role of residues identified by these methods is discussed in the context of concerted motion, structure and stability of the protein.


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We have imaged the H92alpha and H75alpha radio recombination line (RRL) emissions from the starburst galaxy NGC 253 with a resolution of similar to4 pc. The peak of the RRL emission at both frequencies coincides with the unresolved radio nucleus. Both lines observed toward the nucleus are extremely wide, with FWHMs of similar to200 km s(-1). Modeling the RRL and radio continuum data for the radio nucleus shows that the lines arise in gas whose density is similar to10(4) cm(-3) and mass is a few thousand M., which requires an ionizing flux of (6-20) x 10(51) photons s(-1). We consider a supernova remnant (SNR) expanding in a dense medium, a star cluster, and also an active galactic nucleus (AGN) as potential ionizing sources. Based on dynamical arguments, we rule out an SNR as a viable ionizing source. A star cluster model is considered, and the dynamics of the ionized gas in a stellar-wind driven structure are investigated. Such a model is only consistent with the properties of the ionized gas for a cluster younger than similar to10(5) yr. The existence of such a young cluster at the nucleus seems improbable. The third model assumes the ionizing source to be an AGN at the nucleus. In this model, it is shown that the observed X-ray flux is too weak to account for the required ionizing photon flux. However, the ionization requirement can be explained if the accretion disk is assumed to have a big blue bump in its spectrum. Hence, we favor an AGN at the nucleus as the source responsible for ionizing the observed RRLs. A hybrid model consisting of an inner advection-dominated accretion flow disk and an outer thin disk is suggested, which could explain the radio, UV, and X-ray luminosities of the nucleus.


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In the framework of a project aimed at developing a reliable hydrogen generator for mobile polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), particular emphasis has been addressed to the analysis of catalysts able to assure high activity and stability in transient operations (frequent start-up and shut-down cycles). In this paper, the catalytic performance of 1 at.% Pt/ceria samples prepared by coprecipitation, impregnation and combustion, has been evaluated in the partial oxidation of methane. Methane conversion and hydrogen selectivity of 96 and 99%, respectively, associated with high stability during 100h of reaction under operative conditions (start-up and shut-down cycles), have been obtained. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.