995 resultados para delusion prone individuals


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Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an enduring health problem worldwide and the emerging threat of multidrug resistant (MDR) TB and extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB is of particular concern. A better understanding of biomarkers associated with TB will aid to guide the development of better targets for TB diagnosis and for the development of improved TB vaccines. Methods: Recombinant proteins (n = 7) and peptide pools (n = 14) from M. tuberculosis (M.tb) antigens associated with M.tb pathogenicity, modification of cell lipids or cellular metabolism, were used to compare T cell immune responses defined by IFN-gamma production using a whole blood assay (WBA) from i) patients with TB, ii) individuals recovered from TB and iii) individuals exposed to TB without evidence of clinical TB infection from Minsk, Belarus. Results: We identified differences in M.tb target peptide recognition between the test groups, i.e. a frequent recognition of antigens associated with lipid metabolism, e.g. cyclopropane fatty acyl phospholipid synthase. The pattern of peptide recognition was broader in blood from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB as compared to individuals suffering from pulmonary TB. Detection of biologically relevant M.tb targets was confirmed by staining for intracellular cytokines (IL-2, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma) in T cells from non-human primates (NHPs) after BCG vaccination. Conclusions: PBMCs from healthy individuals and those recovered from TB recognized a broader spectrum of M.tb antigens as compared to patients with TB. The nature of the pattern recognition of a broad panel of M.tb antigens will devise better strategies to identify improved diagnostics gauging previous exposure to M.tb; it may also guide the development of improved TB-vaccines.


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Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction (GARP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) with free and open source software (FOSS) - Open Modeller were used to model the probable landslide occurrence points. Environmental layers such as aspect, digital elevation, flow accumulation, flow direction, slope, land cover, compound topographic index and precipitation have been used in modeling. Simulated output of these techniques is validated with the actual landslide occurrence points, which showed 92% (GARP) and 96% (SVM) accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest month and 91% and 94% accuracy considering precipitation in the wettest quarter of the year.


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In this paper, we explore fundamental limits on the number of tests required to identify a given number of ``healthy'' items from a large population containing a small number of ``defective'' items, in a nonadaptive group testing framework. Specifically, we derive mutual information-based upper bounds on the number of tests required to identify the required number of healthy items. Our results show that an impressive reduction in the number of tests is achievable compared to the conventional approach of using classical group testing to first identify the defective items and then pick the required number of healthy items from the complement set. For example, to identify L healthy items out of a population of N items containing K defective items, when the tests are reliable, our results show that O(K(L - 1)/(N - K)) measurements are sufficient. In contrast, the conventional approach requires O(K log(N/K)) measurements. We derive our results in a general sparse signal setup, and hence, they are applicable to other sparse signal-based applications such as compressive sensing also.


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Post-absorptive glucose lowering (PALG) is observed in individuals with glucose intolerance and in healthy individuals. We report a prevalence of about 23% among healthy Asian Indians. Individuals with PALG are characterized by leaner phenotype, low body fat percentage, increased insulin sensitivity and higher fasting glucose levels. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glioblastomas (GBM) are largely incurable as they diffusely infiltrate adjacent brain tissues and are difficult to diagnose at early stages. Biomarkers derived from serum, which can be obtained by minimally invasive procedures, may help in early diagnosis, prognosis and treatment monitoring. To develop a serum cytokine signature, we profiled 48 cytokines in sera derived from normal healthy individuals (n = 26) and different grades of glioma patients (n = 194). We divided the normal and grade IV glioma/GBM serum samples randomly into equal sized training and test sets. In the training set, the Prediction Analysis for Microarrays (PAM) identified a panel of 18 cytokines that could discriminate GBM sera fromnormal sera with maximum accuracy (95.40%) and minimum error (4.60%). The 18-cytokine signature obtained in the training set discriminated GBM sera from normal sera in the test set as well (accuracy 96.55%; error 3.45%). Interestingly, the 18-cytokine signature also differentiated grade II/Diffuse Astrocytoma (DA) and grade III/Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA) sera from normal sera very efficiently (DA vs. normal-accuracy 96.00%, error 4.00%; AA vs. normal-accuracy 95.83%, error 4.17%). Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis using 18 cytokines resulted in the enrichment of two pathways, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction and JAK-STAT pathways with high significance. Thus our study identified an 18-cytokine signature for distinguishing glioma sera fromnormal healthy individual sera and also demonstrated the importance of their differential abundance in glioma biology.


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Predation risk can strongly constrain how individuals use time and space. Grouping is known to reduce an individual's time investment in costly antipredator behaviours. Whether grouping might similarly provide a spatial release from antipredator behaviour and allow individuals to use risky habitat more and, thus, improve their access to resources is poorly known. We used mosquito larvae, Aedes aegypti, to test the hypothesis that grouping facilitates the use of high-risk habitat. We provided two habitats, one darker, low-risk and one lighter, high-risk, and measured the relative time spent in the latter by solitary larvae versus larvae in small groups. We tested larvae reared under different resource levels, and thus presumed to vary in body condition, because condition is known to influence risk taking. We also varied the degree of contrast in habitat structure. We predicted that individuals in groups should use high-risk habitat more than solitary individuals allowing for influences of body condition and contrast in habitat structure. Grouping strongly influenced the time spent in the high-risk habitat, but, contrary to our expectation, individuals in groups spent less time in the high-risk habitat than solitary individuals. Furthermore, solitary individuals considerably increased the proportion of time spent in the high-risk habitat over time, whereas individuals in groups did not. Both solitary individuals and those in groups showed a small increase over time in their use of riskier locations within each habitat. The differences between solitary individuals and those in groups held across all resource and contrast conditions. Grouping may, thus, carry a poorly understood cost of constraining habitat use. This cost may arise because movement traits important for maintaining group cohesion (a result of strong selection on grouping) can act to exaggerate an individual preference for low-risk habitat. Further research is needed to examine the interplay between grouping, individual movement and habitat use traits in environments heterogeneous in risk and resources. (C) 2015 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To be published in: Revista Internacional de Sociología (2011), Special Issue on Experimental and Behavioral Economics.


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In this thesis, we explore the density of the microglia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices of individuals with autism to investigate the hypothesis that neuroinflammation is involved in autism. We describe in our findings an increase in microglial density in two disparate cortical regions, frontal insular cortex and visual cortex, in individuals with autism (Tetreault et al., 2012). Our results imply that there is a global increase in the microglial density and neuroinflammation in the cerebral cortex of individuals with autism.

We expanded our cerebellar study to additional neurodevelopmental disorders that exhibit similar behaviors to autism spectrum disorder and have known cerebellar pathology. We subsequently found a more than threefold increase in the microglial density specific to the molecular layer of the cerebellum, which is the region of the Purkinje and parallel fiber synapses, in individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. Moreover, we report that not only is there an increase in microglia density in the molecular layer, the microglial cell bodies are significantly larger in perimeter and area in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and Rett syndrome compared to controls that implies that the microglia are activated. Additionally, an individual with Angelman syndrome and the sibling of an individual with autism have microglial densities similar to the individuals with autism and Rett syndrome. By contrast, an individual with Joubert syndrome, which is a developmental hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, had a normal density of microglia, indicating the specific pathology in the cerebellum does not necessarily result in increased microglial densities. We found a significant decrease in Purkinje cells specific to the cerebellar vermis in individuals with autism.

These findings indicate the importance for investigation of the Purkinje synapses in autism and that the relationship between the microglia and the synapses is of great utility in understanding the pathology in autism. Together, these data provide further evidence for the neuroinflammation hypothesis in autism and a basis for future investigation of neuroinflammation in autism. In particular, investigating the function of microglia in modifying synaptic connectivity in the cerebellum may provide key insights into developing therapeutics in autism spectrum disorder.


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Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms and an important cause of mortality in the developed world. Mendelian syndromes account for about 5% of the total burden of CRC, being Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis the most common forms. Lynch syndrome tumors develop mainly as a consequence of defective DNA mismatch repair associated with germline mutations in MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. A significant proportion of variants identified by screening these genes correspond to missense or noncoding changes without a clear pathogenic consequence, and they are designated as "variants of uncertain significance'', being the c.1852_1853delinsGC (p.K618A) variant in the MLH1 gene a clear example. The implication of this variant as a low-penetrance risk variant for CRC was assessed in the present study by performing a case-control study within a large cohort from the COGENT consortium-COST Action BM1206 including 18,723 individuals (8,055 colorectal cancer cases and 10,668 controls) and a case-only genotype-phenotype correlation with several clinical and pathological characteristics restricted to the Epicolon cohort. Our results showed no involvement of this variant as a low-penetrance variant for colorectal cancer genetic susceptibility and no association with any clinical and pathological characteristics including family history for this neoplasm or Lynch syndrome.


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We analysed the whole-genome transcriptional profile of 6 cell lines of dark melanocytes (DM) and 6 of light melanocytes (LM) at basal conditions and after ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation at different time points to investigate the mechanisms by which melanocytes protect human skin from the damaging effects of UVB. Further, we assessed the effect of different keratinocyte-conditioned media (KCM+ and KCM-) on melanocytes. Our results suggest that an interaction between ribosomal proteins and the P53 signaling pathway may occur in response to UVB in both DM and LM. We also observed that DM and LM show differentially expressed genes after irradiation, in particular at the first 6h after UVB. These are mainly associated with inflammatory reactions, cell survival or melanoma. Furthermore, the culture with KCM+ compared with KCM- had a noticeable effect on LM. This effect includes the activation of various signaling pathways such as the mTOR pathway, involved in the regulation of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and survival. Finally, the comparison of the transcriptional profiles between LM and DM under basal conditions, and the application of natural selection tests in human populations allowed us to support the significant evolutionary role of MIF and ATP6V0B in the pigmentary phenotype.


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BACKGROUND: Individuals with osteoporosis are predisposed to hip fracture during trips, stumbles or falls, but half of all hip fractures occur in those without generalised osteoporosis. By analysing ordinary clinical CT scans using a novel cortical thickness mapping technique, we discovered patches of markedly thinner bone at fracture-prone regions in the femurs of women with acute hip fracture compared with controls. METHODS: We analysed CT scans from 75 female volunteers with acute fracture and 75 age- and sex-matched controls. We classified the fracture location as femoral neck or trochanteric before creating bone thickness maps of the outer 'cortical' shell of the intact contra-lateral hip. After registration of each bone to an average femur shape and statistical parametric mapping, we were able to visualise and quantify statistically significant foci of thinner cortical bone associated with each fracture type, assuming good symmetry of bone structure between the intact and fractured hip. The technique allowed us to pinpoint systematic differences and display the results on a 3D average femur shape model. FINDINGS: The cortex was generally thinner in femoral neck fracture cases than controls. More striking were several discrete patches of statistically significant thinner bone of up to 30%, which coincided with common sites of fracture initiation (femoral neck or trochanteric). INTERPRETATION: Femoral neck fracture patients had a thumbnail-sized patch of focal osteoporosis at the upper head-neck junction. This region coincided with a weak part of the femur, prone to both spontaneous 'tensile' fractures of the femoral neck, and as a site of crack initiation when falling sideways. Current hip fracture prevention strategies are based on case finding: they involve clinical risk factor estimation to determine the need for single-plane bone density measurement within a standard region of interest (ROI) of the femoral neck. The precise sites of focal osteoporosis that we have identified are overlooked by current 2D bone densitometry methods.