891 resultados para defence of proportionate liability


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Amphibians display wide variations in life-history traits and life cycles that should prove useful to explore the evolution of sex-biased dispersal, but quantitative data on sex-specific dispersal patterns are scarce. Here, we focused on Salamandra atra, an endemic alpine species showing peculiar life-history traits. Strictly terrestrial and viviparous, the species has a promiscuous mating system, and females reproduce only every 3 to 4 years. In the present study, we provide quantitative estimates of asymmetries in male vs. female dispersal using both field-based (mark-recapture) and genetic approaches (detection of sex-biased dispersal and estimates of migration rates based on the contrast in genetic structure across sexes and age classes). Our results revealed a high level of gene flow among populations, which stems exclusively from male dispersal. We hypothesize that philopatric females benefit from being familiar with their natal area for the acquisition and defence of an appropriate shelter, while male dispersal has been secondarily favoured by inbreeding avoidance. Together with other studies on amphibians, our results indicate that a species' mating system alone is a poor predictor of sex-linked differences in dispersal, in particular for promiscuous species. Further studies should focus more directly on the proximate forces that favour or limit dispersal to refine our understanding of the evolution of sex-biased dispersal in animals.


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A statement presented at the oral defence of a Dr. Phil. dissertation on Saturday 26th October 2002, University of Helsinki


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More than 80 % of vascular plants in the world form symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). AMF supply plants with nutrients such as phosphate and nitrogen, and can also help the plants to take up water. Hence, the symbiosis can greatly influence the growth and the defence of plants. By modifying plant productivity and diversity, AMF are considered as keystone species in ecosystems, playing a role that ultimately affects many food webs. This is why mycorrhizal symbioses have been investigated for several decades by many research groups.¦However, a large part of the scientific research done on AMF symbiosis has focused on the interaction between one plant and one fungus. This situation is far from realistic, as in natural ecosystems, many different fungal strains and species are co-existing and interacting in a belowground network. The main goal of this PhD was to investigate first, the interaction occurring among different co-existing AMF depending on their genetic relatedness and second, the outcome of the interaction and their effects on associated species.¦We found that AMF genetic relatedness partly explains the interaction among AMF, and this was in agreement with theories made for completely different species. Briefly, we demonstrated that AMF isolates of the same species coexisted more easily when they were closely-related, whereas AMF from different species were more in competition in this case of high relatedness. We also demonstrated that coexistence and competition among AMF can mediate plant growth as well as herbivore behaviour, opening new insights in our understanding of AMF effects on ecosystem functioning.¦Overall, the results of the different experiments of this PhD highlight the necessity of using multiple AMF to understand their interactions. Even so, we demonstrated here that simple species richness is not enough to understand these interactions and genetic relatedness among the co-existing AMF is a parameter that must be taken into account.¦-¦Sur Terre, plus de 80 % des plantes vasculaires forment des symbioses avec des champignons endomycorhiziens à arbuscules (CEA). Ces CEA permettent aux plantes d'acquérir plus facilement des nutriments tels que des phosphates, des nitrates, ou simplement de l'eau. Ainsi, cette symbiose peut avoir un effet important à la fois sur la croissance mais aussi sur la défense des plantes. En modulant la productivité et la diversité des plantes, les CEA sont donc des espèces clefs dans l'écosystème. Leur présence peut avoir des répercussions sur l'ensemble des réseaux trophiques. C'est pourquoi de nombreuses équipes de recherches étudient ces symbioses mycorhizienes depuis plusieurs décennies.¦La plupart des études concernant ces symbioses se sont focalisées sur l'action d'une espèce de CEA sur une espèce de plante. Malheureusement, cette situation ne correspond pas à ce que l'on peut retrouver dans la nature, où de nombreuses souches et de nombreuses espèces de CEA coexistent et interagissent dans un réseau mycélien souterrain. Le principal but de cette thèse était d'étudier, premièrement les interactions entre les différent CEA en fonction de leur apparentement génétique, et deuxièmement, d'étudier l'effet de ces interactions fongiques sur l'écologie des espèces associées.¦Au cours des différentes expériences de cette thèse, nous avons démontré que l'apparentement génétique entre les CEA expliquait une part non négligeable de leurs interactions. En résumé, plus l'apparentement génétique entre des souches de CEA d'une même espèce sera grand, plus ces souches seront capables de coexister. En revanche, s'il s'agit d'espèces différentes de CEA, plus elles seront apparentées, plus la compétition sera grande entre elles. Nous avons également démontré que la coexistence et la compétition entre différents CEA peut modifier à la fois la croissance des plantes mais aussi le comportement de leur prédateurs, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives sur notre compréhension des effets des CEA dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.¦Globalement, les résultats de nos différentes expériences mettent en évidence la nécessité d'utiliser plusieurs souches ou espèces de CEA pour mieux comprendre leurs interactions. Quand bien même, nos expériences démontrent que le simple recensement du nombre d'espèces de CEA n'est pas suffisant pour comprendre les interactions et que l'apparentement génétique des CEA coexistants est un paramètre qui doit être pris en compte.


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Full Title: Speech of the Hon. Daniel Sheffey : on the Bill "to authorise the President of the United States to call upon the several States and Territories thereof for their respective quotas of eighty thousand men for the defence of the frontiers of the United States against invasion", delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the tenth day of December, 1814 Printed by Rapine and Elliot


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Un résumé en français est également disponible.


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Dans un contexte où les virus informatiques présentent un risque sérieux pour les réseaux à travers le globe, il est impératif de retenir la responsabilité des compagnies qui n’y maintiennent pas une sécurité adéquate. À ce jour, les tribunaux québécois n’ont pas encore été saisis d’affaires en responsabilité pour des virus informatiques. Cet article brosse un portrait général de la responsabilité entourant les virus informatiques en fonction des principes généraux de responsabilité civile en vigueur au Québec. L’auteur propose des solutions pour interpréter les trois critères traditionnels ­ la faute, le dommage et le lien causal ­ en mettant l’accent sur l’obligation de précaution qui repose sur les épaules de l’administrateur de réseau. Ce joueur clé pourrait bénéficier de l’adoption de dispositions générales afin de limiter sa responsabilité. De plus, les manufacturiers et les distributeurs peuvent également partager une partie de la responsabilité en proportion de la gravité de leur faute. Les entreprises ont un devoir légal de s’assurer que leurs systèmes sont sécuritaires afin de protéger les intérêts de leurs clients et des tiers.


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Plusieurs problèmes liés à l'utilisation de substances et méthodes interdites de dopage dans les sports posent de grands défis à la gouvernance antidopage. Afin de lutter contre le dopage, certains pays ont mis en oeuvre des cadres juridiques basés exclusivement sur le droit pénal tandis que d'autres pays ont plutôt misé sur des mécanismes et organismes spécialisés trouvant fondement en droit privé ou sur un régime hybride de droit public et privé. Ces différentes approches réglementaires ont pour conséquence de faire en sorte qu’il est très difficile de lutter efficacement contre le dopage dans les sports, notamment parce que leur exécution requiert un degré de collaboration internationale et une participation concertée des autorités publiques qui est difficile à mettre en place. À l’heure actuelle, on peut par exemple observer que les États n’arrivent pas à contrer efficacement la participation des syndicats et organisations transnationales liés au crime organisé dans le marché du dopage, ni à éliminer des substances et méthodes de dopage interdites par la réglementation. Par ailleurs, la gouvernance antidopage basée sur les règles prescrites par l’Agence mondiale antidopage prévoit des règles et des normes distinctes de dopage distinguant entre deux catégories de personnes, les athlètes et les autres, plaçant ainsi les premiers dans une position désavantageuse. Par exemple, le standard de responsabilité stricte sans faute ou négligence imposé aux athlètes exige moins que la preuve hors de tout doute raisonnable et permet l'utilisation de preuves circonstancielles pour établir la violation des règles antidopages. S'appliquant pour prouver le dopage, ce standard mine le principe de la présomption d'innocence et le principe suivant lequel une personne ne devrait pas se voir imposer une peine sans loi. D’ailleurs, le nouveau Code de 2015 de l’Agence attribuera aux organisations nationales antidopage (ONADs) des pouvoirs d'enquête et de collecte de renseignements et ajoutera de nouvelles catégories de dopage non-analytiques, réduisant encore plus les droits des athlètes. Dans cette thèse, nous discutons plus particulièrement du régime réglementaire de l’Agence et fondé sur le droit privé parce qu’il ne parvient pas à répondre aux besoins actuels de gouvernance mondiale antidopage. Nous préconisons donc l’adoption d’une nouvelle approche de gouvernance antidopage où la nature publique et pénale mondiale du dopage est clairement reconnue. Cette reconnaissance combiné avec un modèle de gouvernance adapté basé sur une approche pluraliste du droit administratif global produira une réglementation et une administration antidopage mieux acceptée chez les athlètes et plus efficace sur le plan des résultats. Le nouveau modèle de gouvernance que nous proposons nécessitera toutefois que tous les acteurs étatiques et non-étatiques ajustent leur cadre de gouvernance en tenant compte de cette nouvelle approche, et ce, afin de confronter les défis actuels et de régler de manière plus satisfaisante les problèmes liés à la gouvernance mondiale du dopage dans les sports.


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In an attempt to focus clients' minds on the importance of considering the construction and maintenance costs of a commercial office building (both as a factor in staff productivity and as a fraction of lifetime staff costs) there is an often-quoted ratio of costs of 1:5:200, where for every one pound spent on construction cost, five are spent on maintenance and building operating costs and 200 on staffing and business operating costs. This seems to stem from a paper published by the Royal Academy of Engineering, in which no data is given and no derivation or defence of the ratio appears. The accompanying belief that higher quality design and construction increases staff productivity, and simultaneously reduces maintenance costs, how ever laudable, appears unsupported by research, and carries all the hallmarks of an "urban myth". In tracking down data about real buildings, a more realistic ratio appears to depend on a huge variety of variables, as well as the definition of the number of "lifetime" years. The ill-defined origins of the original ratio (1:5:200) describing these variables have made replication impossible. However, by using published sources of data, we have found that for three office buildings, a more realistic ratio is 1:0.4:12. As there is nothing in the public domain about what comprised the original research that gave rise to 1:5:200, it is not possible to make a true comparison between these new calculations and the originals. Clients and construction professionals stand to be misled because the popularity and widespread use of the wrong ratio appears to be mis-informing important investment and policy decisions.


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The 2001 Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs (DfES, 2001) explicitly states that students with IEPs should have an active role in the writing and implementing of them. A research project was conducted in which 19 Year 8 students in three schools were interviewed, with the findings cross-referenced against an examination of their individual education plans (IEPs) and interviews with the SENCos. Very few students were able to communicate a clear understanding of IEPs. Students' stated targets mostly reflected mainstream target-setting: very few stated targets matched with those in their IEPs. Consistent with these findings is literature which argues that meaningfully involving students in the IEP process takes considerable time and effort, which would appear to imply that the number of students with IEPs in any one school must be limited. Against this are pressures, particularly from OFSTED but also from examination boards, to have IEPs available as evidence that students' needs are being met. The article concludes by suggesting that SENCos look to limit the number of IEPs issued, alongside a robust defence of the school's special educational needs policy within the school evaluation form to ensure that students' needs are met and also are seen to be met.


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Harvesting the Sea provides the first systematic treatment of the exploitation of various marine resources, such as large-scale fishing, fish salting, salt and purple-dye production, and oyster and fish-farming, in the Roman world and its role within the ancient economy. Bringing together literary, epigraphic, and legal sources, with a wealth of archaeological data collected in recent years, the book shows that these marine resources were an important feature of the Roman economy and, in scope and market-oriented production, paralleled phenomena taking place in the Roman agricultural economy on land. The book also examines the importance of technological innovations, the organization of labour, and the use of the existing legal framework in defence of economic interests against competitors for the same natural resource.


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Using figures derived from the UK Home Office, this paper analyses and reviews the impact and deployment of Part V of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 since its enactment. This is done with special reference to its impact on citizenship and the regulation of ‘the environment’ and associated rural spaces. It is argued that, notwithstanding the actual use of the public order clauses in Part V of the Act, its underlying meanings are largely of a symbolic nature. Such symbolism is, however, a powerful indication of the defence of particularist constructions of rural space. It can also open out new conditions of possibility, providing a useful ‘oppressed’ status and media spectacle for a range of protesters and activists.


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In theory, enrichment of resource in a predator-prey model leads to destabilization of the system, thereby collapsing the trophic interaction, a phenomenon referred to as "the paradox of enrichment". After it was first proposed by Rosenzweig (1971), a number of subsequent studies were carried out on this dilemma over many decades. In this article, we review these theoretical and experimental works and give a brief overview of the proposed solutions to the paradox. The mechanisms that have been discussed are modifications of simple predator-prey models in the presence of prey that is inedible, invulnerable, unpalatable and toxic. Another class of mechanisms includes an incorporation of a ratio-dependent functional form, inducible defence of prey and density-dependent mortality of the predator. Moreover, we find a third set of explanations based on complex population dynamics including chaos in space and time. We conclude that, although any one of the various mechanisms proposed so far might potentially prevent destabilization of the predator-prey dynamics following enrichment, in nature different mechanisms may combine to cause stability, even when a system is enriched. The exact mechanisms, which may differ among systems, need to be disentangled through extensive field studies and laboratory experiments coupled with realistic theoretical models.


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This chapter re-evaluates the diachronic, evolutionist model that establishes the Second World War as a watershed between classical and modern cinemas, and ‘modernity’ as the political project of ‘slow cinema’. I will start by historicising the connection between cinematic speed and modernity, going on to survey the veritable obsession with the modern that continues to beset film studies despite the vagueness and contradictions inherent in the term. I will then attempt to clarify what is really at stake within the modern-classical debate by analysing two canonical examples of Japanese cinema, drawn from the geidomono genre (films on the lives of theatre actors), Kenji Mizoguchi’s Story of the Late Chrysanthemums (Zangiku monogatari, 1939) and Yasujiro Ozu’s Floating Weeds (Ukigusa, 1954), with a view to investigating the role of the long take or, conversely, classical editing, in the production or otherwise of a supposed ‘slow modernity’. By resorting to Ozu and Mizoguchi, I hope to demonstrate that the best narrative films in the world have always combined a ‘classical’ quest for perfection with the ‘modern’ doubt of its existence, hence the futility of classifying cinema in general according to an evolutionary and Eurocentric model based on the classical-modern binary. Rather than on a confusing politics of the modern, I will draw on Bazin’s prophetic insight of ‘impure cinema’, a concept he forged in defence of literary and theatrical screen adaptations. Anticipating by more than half a century the media convergence on which the near totality of our audiovisual experience is currently based, ‘impure cinema’ will give me the opportunity to focus on the confluence of film and theatre in these Mizoguchi and Ozu films as the site of a productive crisis where established genres dissolve into self-reflexive stasis, ambiguity of expression and the revelation of the reality of the film medium, all of which, I argue, are more reliable indicators of a film’s political programme than historical teleology. At the end of the journey, some answers may emerge to whether the combination of the long take and the long shot are sufficient to account for a film’s ‘slowness’ and whether ‘slow’ is indeed the best concept to signify resistance to the destructive pace of capitalism.