988 resultados para death receptor 5


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A 39-year-old woman with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) presented with acromegaly and a pituitary macroadenoma. There was a family history of this renal disorder. She had undergone surgery for pituitary adenoma 6 years prior. Physical examination disclosed bitemporal hemianopsia and elevation of both basal growth hormone (GH) 106 ng/mL (normal 0-5) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) 811 ng/mL (normal 48-255) blood levels. A magnetic resonance imaging scan disclosed a 3.0 cm sellar and suprasellar mass with both optic chiasm compression and left cavernous sinus invasion. Pathologic, cytogenetic, molecular and in silico analysis was undertaken. Histologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies of the lesion disclosed a sparsely granulated somatotroph adenoma. Standard chromosome analysis on the blood sample showed no abnormality. Sequence analysis of the coding regions of PKD1 and PKD2 employing DNA from both peripheral leukocytes and the tumor revealed the most common PKD1 mutation, 5014_5015delAG. Analysis of the entire SSTR5 gene disclosed the variant c.142C > A (p.L48M, rs4988483) in the heterozygous state in both blood and tumor, while no pathogenic mutations were noted in the MEN1, AIP, p27Kip1 and SSTR2 genes. To our knowledge, this is the fourth reported case of a GH-producing pituitary adenoma associated with ADPKD, but the first subjected to extensive morphological, ultrastructural, cytogenetic and molecular studies. The physical proximity of the PKD1 and SSTR5 genes on chromosome 16 suggests a causal relationship between ADPKD and somatotroph adenoma.


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Over the last decades the prevalence of food allergies has continually increased on a world wide scale. While there are effective treatments available for bee and wasp venom allergic patients, there is currently no established therapy for the treatment of severe food allergies. Aim of the project was to genetically fuse different food allergens with the immune modulating Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5)-ligand flagellin and to test these constructs for their immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Chicken ovalbumin (Ova) as model antigen, Pru p 3, and Ara h 2 the respective major allergens from peach and peanut were used as allergens. The potential vaccine candidates were characterized by protein biochemical methods (purity, folding, endotoxin contaminations). Moreover, their immune modulating effects on cell culture lines (TLR5-receptor activation) and primary mouse immune cells (myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells) were investigated. Additionally, the prophylactic and therapeutic use of the flagellin Ova fusion protein (rflaA:Ova) were investigated in a mouse model of intestinal allergy. In myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) stimulation with the fusion proteins led to a strong cell activation and cytokine secretion. Here, the fusion proteins proved to be a much stronger stimulus than the equimolar amount of both proteins provided alone or as a mixture. Noteworthy, stimulation with rflaA:Ova induced the secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 from mDC. In co-culture experiments this IL-10 secretion suppressed the Ova-induced secretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from Ova-specific CD4 T cells. Using MyD88-deficient mDC this repression of cytokine secretion was shown to be TLR-dependent. Finally, the potency of the rflaA:Ova construct was investigated in a mouse model of Ova-induced intestinal allergy. In a prophylactic vaccination approach rflaA:Ova was shown to prevent the establishment of the intestinal allergy and all associated symptoms (weight loss, temperature drop, soft faeces). This fusion protein-mediated protection was accompanied by a reduced T cell activation, and reduced Th2 cytokines in intestinal homogenates. These effects were paralleled by a strong induction of Ova-specific IgG2a antibodies in rflaA:Ova-vaccinated sera, while Ova-specific IgE antibody production was significantly reduced. Therapeutic vaccination with rflaA:Ova reduced allergic symptoms and T cell activation but did not influence weight loss and antibody production. In all in vivo experiments vaccination with both proteins either provided alone or as a mixture did not have comparable effects. Future experiments aim at elucidating the mechanism and further optimization of the therapeutic vaccination approach. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate, that fusion proteins containing flagellin have strong immune modulatory capacities both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, such constructs are promising vaccine candidates for the therapy of type I allergies.


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Die Zinkendopeptidasen Meprin α und β sind Schlüsselkomponenten in patho(physiologischen) Prozessen wie Entzündung, Kollagenassemblierung und Angiogenese. Nach ihrer Entdeckung in murinen Bürstensaummembranen und humanen Darmepithelien, wurden weitere Expressionsorte identifiziert, z.B. Leukozyten, Krebszellen und die humane Haut. Tiermodelle, Zellkulturen und biochemische Analysen weisen auf Funktionen der Meprine in der Epithelialdifferenzierung, Zellmigration, Matrixmodellierung, Angiogenese, Bindegewebsausbildung und immunologische Prozesse hin. Dennoch sind ihre physiologischen Substrate weitgehend noch unbekannt. Massenspektrometrisch basierte Proteomics-Analysen enthüllten eine einzigartige Spaltspezifität für saure Aminosäurereste in der P1´ Position und identifizierten neue biologische Substratkandidaten. Unter den 269 extrazellulären Proteinen, die in einem Substratscreen identifiziert wurden, stellten sich das amyloid precursor protein (APP) and ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10) als sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten heraus. Mehrere Schnittstellen innerhalb des APP Proteins, hervorgerufen durch verschiedenen Proteasen, haben unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen zur Folge. Die β-Sekretase BACE (β-site APP cleaving enzyme) prozessiert APP an einer Schnittstelle, welche als initialer Schritt in der Entwicklung der Alzheimer Erkrankung gilt. Toxische Aβ (Amyloid β)-Peptide werden in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt und aggregieren dort zu senilen Plaques. Membran verankertes Meprin β hat eine β-Sekretase Aktivität, die in einem Zellkultur-basierten System bestätigt werden konnte. Die proteolytische Effizienz von Meprin β wurde in FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)-Analysen bestimmt und war um den Faktor 104 höher als die von BACE1. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass Meprin β die ersten zwei Aminosäuren prozessiert und somit aminoterminal einen Glutamatrest freisetzt, welcher nachfolgend durch die Glutaminylzyklase in ein Pyroglutamat zykliert werden kann. Trunkierte Aβ-Peptide werden nur in Alzheimer Patienten generiert. Aufgrund einer erhöhten Hydrophobie weisen diese Peptide eine höhere Tendenz zur Aggregation auf und somit eine erhöhte Toxizität. Bis heute wurde keine Protease identifiziert, welche diese Schnittstelle prozessiert. Die Bildung der Meprin vermittelten N-terminalen APP Fragmenten wurde in vitro und in vivo detektiert. Diese N-APP Peptide hatten keine cytotoxischen Auswirkungen auf murine und humane Gehirnzellen, obwohl zuvor N-APP als Ligand für den death receptor (DR) 6 identifiziert wurde, der für axonale Degenerationsprozesse verantwortlich ist. rnIm nicht-amyloidogenen Weg prozessiert ADAM10 APP und entlässt die Ektodomäne von der Zellmembran. Wir konnten das ADAM10 Propeptid als Substrat von Meprin β identifizieren und in FRET Analysen, in vitro und in vivo zeigen, dass die Meprin vermittelte Prozessierung zu einer erhöhten ADAM10 Aktivität führt. Darüber hinaus wurde ADAM10 als Sheddase für Meprin β identifiziert. Shedding konnte durch Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) oder durch das Ionophor A23187 hervorgerufen werden, sowie durch ADAM10 Inhibitoren blockiert werden. rnDiese Arbeit konnte somit ein komplexes proteolytisches Netwerk innerhalb der Neurophysiologie aufdecken, welches für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Demenz wichtig sein kann.rn


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Die Inhibition des programmierten Zelltods ist ein essentieller Faktor der viralen Replikationsfähigkeit. Das murine Cytomegalovirus kodiert deshalb für verschiedene Zelltod-inhibierende Gene, um dem programmierten Zelltod zu entgehen bis die Virusproduktion abgeschlossen ist. Da die Expression des viralen anti-apoptotischen Gens M36 infizierte Makrophagen vor der Apoptose schützt (Menard et al., 2003), wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit unter Verwendung der Deletionsmutante mCMV-ΔM36 (ΔM36) der Einfluss von Apoptose auf das Priming Epitop-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen untersucht.rnInteressanterweise waren die Frequenzen mCMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen nach Infektion mit ΔM36 für alle getesteten Epitope sowohl im Haplotyp H-2d als auch im Haplotyp H-2b deutlich erhöht. Zusätzlich konnte mit Hilfe der mCMV-ORF-Library eine Verbreiterung des CD8 T-Zellepitop-Repertoire nach Infektion mit ΔM36 nachgewiesen werden, was neben der quantitativen auch eine qualitative Steigerung des CD8 T-Zell-Primings aufzeigt.rnIn der funktionellen Revertante ΔM36-FADDDN wird die anti-apoptotische Funktion durch eine dominant-negative Form des zellulären Adapterproteins FADD (FADDDN) substituiert (Cicin-Sain et al., 2008), die das Apoptose-Signaling verhindert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Expression von FADDDN nicht nur den Apoptose-Phänotyp wieder revertiert, sondern auch die Verbesserung des CD8 T-Zell-Primings aufhebt. Diese Beobachtung belegt eindeutig, dass das verbesserte CD8 T-Zell-Priming auf einer verstärkten Apoptose-Induktion beruht.Bemerkenswerterweise konnte das verbesserte Priming auch nach Deletion des anti-nekroptotischen Gens M45 nachgewiesen werden. So konnte nach Infektion mit mCMV-M45-BamX (M45-BamX) (Brune et al., 2001) gezeigt werden, dass auch die Induktion der Nekroptose zu einem verbesserten CD8 T-Zell-Priming sowie zu einer Verbreiterung des CD8 T-Zellepitop-Repertoires führt.Nach Infektion von Cross-Priming-defizienten 3d-Mäusen (Tabeta et al., 2006) konnte eine Steigerung mCMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zell-Frequenzen in Abwesenheit von M36 oder M45 nicht beobachtet werden. Dieser Befund lässt auf ein erhöhtes Cross-Priming von CD8 T-Zellen durch ΔM36 oder M45-BamX infolge einer verstärkten Induktion des programmierten Zelltods schließen.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition des programmierten Zelltods durch die mCMV-Gene M36 und M45 das CD8 T-Zell-Priming limitiert. Somit fördern virale Zelltod-inhibierende Gene die virale Replikationsfähigkeit, indem sie die Virusproduktion per se in der individuellen Zelle steigern und zusätzlich die Immunkontrolle reduzieren, was wiederum eine verbesserte Dissemination in vivo ermöglicht.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of body mass index (BMI) on clinical outcome of patients treated by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) using drug-eluting stents. Patients were stratified according to BMI as normal (<25 kg/m(2)), overweight (25 to 30 kg/m(2)), or obese (>30 kg/m(2)). At 5-year follow-up all-cause death, myocardial infarction, clinically justified target vessel revascularization (TVR), and definite stent thrombosis were assessed. A complete dataset was available in 7,427 patients, of which 45%, 22%, and 33% were classified according to BMI as overweight, obese, and normal, respectively. Mean age of patients was significantly older in those with a normal BMI (p <0.05). Incidence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and dyslipidemia increased as BMI increased (p <0.05). Significantly higher rates of TVR (15.3% vs 12.8%, p = 0.02) and early stent thrombosis (1.5% vs 0.9%, p = 0.04) were observed in the obese compared to the normal BMI group. No significant difference among the 3 BMI groups was observed for the composite of death/myocardial infarction/TVR or for definite stent thrombosis at 5 years, whereas the normal BMI group was at higher risk for all-cause death at 5 years (obese vs normal BMI, hazard ratio 0.74, confidence interval 0.53 to 0.99, p = 0.05; overweight vs normal BMI, hazard ratio 0.73, confidence interval 0.59 to 0.94, p = 0.01) in the multivariate Cox proportional hazard model. Age resulted in a linearly dependent covariate with BMI in the all-cause 5-year mortality multivariate model (p = 0.001). In conclusion, the "obesity paradox" observed in 5-year all-cause mortality could be explained by the higher rate of elderly patients in the normal BMI group and the existence of colinearity between BMI and age. However, obese patients had a higher rate of TVR and early stent thrombosis and a higher rate of other risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia.


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ADX10059, a metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) negative allosteric modulator, has been shown to reduce gastro-oesophageal reflux events and oesophageal acid exposure in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and healthy subjects.


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Primary fibroblast cultures of canine cranial (CCL) and caudal (CaCL) cruciate ligaments were stimulated with different apoptosis inducers with or without preincubation of the pancaspase inhibitor zVAD.fmk. In contrast to CaCL fibroblasts, fibroblasts from CCL were significantly more susceptible to apoptosis inducers of the intrinsic pathway like doxorubicin, cisplatin and nitric oxide (NO)-donors and to Fas ligand (FasL), an apoptosis inducer of the death receptor pathway. Apoptotic response to staurosporine and the peroxynitrite donor GEA was similar in both ligament fibroblasts. Stimulation with dexamethasone or TNFalpha could not induce apoptosis in CCL and CaCL fibroblasts, in spite of present TNFR1 and TNFR2 receptors. zVAD.fmk was able to prevent apoptosis in up to 66% of CCL cells when treated with FasL, cisplatin or doxorubicin but it had no effect on NO or peroxynitrite induced apoptosis. In conclusion, differential susceptibility to apoptotic triggers like FasL or NO between cranial and caudal cruciate ligament fibroblasts in vitro may be a reflection of the different susceptibilities to degenerative rupture of the ligament. These findings indicate that a general caspase inhibition does not completely protect canine CCL cells from apoptosis.


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Lymphocyte homeostasis is regulated by mechanisms that control lymphocyte proliferation and apoptosis. Activation-induced cell death is mediated by the expression of death ligands and receptors, which, when triggered, activate an apoptotic cascade. Bovine T cells transformed by the intracellular parasite Theileria parva proliferate in an uncontrolled manner and undergo clonal expansion. They constitutively express the death receptor Fas and its ligand, FasL but do not undergo apoptosis. Upon elimination of the parasite from the host cell by treatment with a theilericidal drug, cells become increasingly sensitive to Fas/FasL-induced apoptosis. In normal T cells, the sensitivity to death receptor killing is regulated by specific inhibitor proteins. We found that anti-apoptotic proteins such as cellular (c)-FLIP, which functions as a catalytically inactive form of caspase-8, and X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) as well as c-IAP, which can block downstream executioner caspases, are constitutively expressed in T. parva-transformed T cells. Expression of these proteins is rapidly down-regulated upon parasite elimination. Antiapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) are also expressed but, in contrast to c-FLIP, c-IAP, and X-chromosome-linked IAP, do not appear to be tightly regulated by the presence of the parasite. Finally, we show that, in contrast to the situation in tumor cells, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt pathway is not essential for c-FLIP expression. Our findings indicate that by inducing the expression of antiapoptotic proteins, T. parva allows the host cell to escape destruction by homeostatic mechanisms that would normally be activated to limit the continuous expansion of a T cell population.


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Elimination of autoreactive T cells by apoptosis is critical for restricting immune responses to self-antigens. An errant lytic interaction between the CD95 death receptor and its ligand CD95L is presumed to be involved in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Statins are promising agents for the treatment of MS and were shown to modulate levels of soluble death receptors. Here, we evaluated the in vivo effects by interferon (IFN)-beta and atorvastatin on soluble CD95 (sCD95) and sCD95L in serum of patients with MS. Concentrations of sCD95 and sCD95L did not show any differences between MS and healthy control subjects. In patients with MS, treatment with IFN-beta increased serum levels of sCD95 and sCD95L significantly (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 respectively). Addition of atorvastatin to IFN-beta did not alter serum levels of sCD95 and sCD95L significantly. Our study suggests that atorvastatin does not affect IFN-beta-induced increases of the soluble death receptors in the serum of patients with MS.


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FAS (also called APO-1 and CD95) and its physiological ligand, FASL, regulate apoptosis of unwanted or dangerous cells, functioning as a guardian against autoimmunity and cancer development. Distinct cell types differ in the mechanisms by which the 'death receptor' FAS triggers their apoptosis. In type I cells, such as lymphocytes, activation of 'effector caspases' by FAS-induced activation of caspase-8 suffices for cell killing, whereas in type II cells, including hepatocytes and pancreatic beta-cells, caspase cascade amplification through caspase-8-mediated activation of the pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family member BID (BH3 interacting domain death agonist) is essential. Here we show that loss of XIAP (X-chromosome linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein) function by gene targeting or treatment with a second mitochondria-derived activator of caspases (SMAC, also called DIABLO; direct IAP-binding protein with low pI) mimetic drug in mice rendered hepatocytes and beta-cells independent of BID for FAS-induced apoptosis. These results show that XIAP is the critical discriminator between type I and type II apoptosis signalling and suggest that IAP inhibitors should be used with caution in cancer patients with underlying liver conditions.


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Aims: We aimed to assess the impact of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) on short-term outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Methods and results: Of 500 consecutive patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing TAVI at our institution, we studied 340 patients who had a BNP assessment prior to TAVI. Patients were divided into tertiles - low: BNP ≤201 pg/mL (n=114), mid: BNP 202-595 pg/mL (n=113) and high: BNP ≥596 pg/mL (n=113). The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality, cardiac death and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE; death, major stroke and myocardial infarction) at 30 days. Compared with low tertile, high tertile patients were at higher baseline surgical risk (STS score 5.5±3.0 vs. 7.4±4.1, p=0.002). On echocardiography, high tertile patients had smaller valve areas (0.74±0.21 vs. 0.66±0.23 cm2, p=0.008), higher left ventricular (LV) mass indices (123.40±33.66 vs. 168.22±47.96 g/m2, p<0.001) and lower LV ejection fractions (61.59±7.18 vs. 42.65±15.41%, p<0.001) as compared with low tertile patients. At 30 days, a significantly higher incidence of death (hazard ratio [HR] 7.41, p=0.001) cardiac death (HR 5.82, p=0.006) and MACCE (HR 9.04, p<0.001) was observed among high as compared to low tertile patients. Conclusions: In TAVI patients, higher BNP values at baseline are associated with an increased risk for an adverse event periprocedurally and after 30 days, respectively.


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AIMS Our aim was to evaluate the invasive haemodynamic indices of high-risk symptomatic patients presenting with 'paradoxical' low-flow, low-gradient, severe aortic stenosis (AS) (PLF-LG) and low-flow, low-gradient severe AS (LEF-LG) and to compare clinical outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) among these challenging AS subgroups. METHODS AND RESULTS Of 534 symptomatic patients undergoing TAVI, 385 had a full pre-procedural right and left heart catheterization. A total of 208 patients had high-gradient severe AS [HGAS; mean gradient (MG) ≥40 mmHg], 85 had PLF-LG [MG ≤ 40 mmHg, indexed aortic valve area [iAVA] ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), stroke volume index ≤35 mL/m(2), ejection fraction (EF) ≥50%], and 61 had LEF-LG (MG ≤ 40 mmHg, iAVA ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), EF ≤40%). Compared with HGAS, PLF-LG and LEF-LG had higher systemic vascular resistances (HGAS: 1912 ± 654 vs. PLF-LG 2006 ± 586 vs. LEF-LG 2216 ± 765 dyne s m(-5), P = 0.007) but lower valvulo-arterial impedances (HGAS: 7.8 ± 2.7 vs. PLF-LG 6.9 ± 1.9 vs. LEF-LG 7.7 ± 2.5 mmHg mL(-1) m(-2), P = 0.027). At 30 days, no differences in cardiac death (6.5 vs. 4.9 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.90) or death (8.4 vs. 6.1 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.88) were observed among HGAS, PLF-LG, and LEF-LG groups, respectively. At 1 year, New York Heart Association functional improvement occurred in most surviving patients (HGAS: 69.2% vs. PLF-LG 71.7% vs. LEF-LG 89.3%, P = 0.09) and no significant differences in overall mortality were observed (17.6 vs. 20.5 vs. 24.5%, P = 0.67). Compared with HGAS, LEF-LG had a higher 1 year cardiac mortality (adjusted hazard ratio 2.45, 95% confidence interval 1.04-5.75, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION TAVI in PLF-LG or LEF-LG patients is associated with overall mortality rates comparable with HGAS patients and all groups profit symptomatically to a similar extent.


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Cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remain at risk for complications following sustained virological response (SVR). Therefore, we aimed to evaluate treatment efficacy with the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent clinical endpoints. Mortality and cirrhosis-related morbidity were assessed in an international multicentre cohort of consecutively treated patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis. The NNT to prevent death or clinical disease progression (any cirrhosis-related event or death) in one patient was determined with the adjusted (event-free) survival among patients without SVR and adjusted hazard ratio of SVR. Overall, 248 patients were followed for a median of 8.3 (IQR 6.2-11.1) years. Fifty-nine (24%) patients attained SVR. Among patients without SVR, the adjusted 5-year survival and event-free survival were 94.4% and 80.0%, respectively. SVR was associated with reduced all-cause mortality (HR 0.15, 95% CI 0.05-0.48, P = 0.002) and clinical disease progression (HR 0.16, 95% CI 0.07-0.36, P < 0.001). The NNT to prevent one death in 5 years declined from 1052 (95% CI 937-1755) at 2% SVR (interferon monotherapy) to 61 (95% CI 54-101) at 35% SVR (peginterferon and ribavirin). At 50% SVR, which might be expected with triple therapy, the estimated NNT was 43 (95% CI 38-71). The NNT to prevent clinical disease progression in one patient in 5 years was 302 (95% CI 271-407), 18 (95% CI 16-24) and 13 (95% CI 11-17) at 2%, 35% and 50% SVR, respectively. In conclusion, the NNT to prevent clinical endpoints among cirrhotic patients with HCV genotype 1 has declined enormously with the improvement of antiviral therapy.


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In ecology, "disease tolerance" is defined as an evolutionary strategy of hosts against pathogens, characterized by reduced or absent pathogenesis despite high pathogen load. To our knowledge, tolerance has to date not been quantified and disentangled from host resistance to disease in any clinically relevant human infection. Using data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we investigated if there is variation in tolerance to HIV in humans and if this variation is associated with polymorphisms in the human genome. In particular, we tested for associations between tolerance and alleles of the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes, the CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5), the age at which individuals were infected, and their sex. We found that HLA-B alleles associated with better HIV control do not confer tolerance. The slower disease progression associated with these alleles can be fully attributed to the extent of viral load reduction in carriers. However, we observed that tolerance significantly varies across HLA-B genotypes with a relative standard deviation of 34%. Furthermore, we found that HLA-B homozygotes are less tolerant than heterozygotes. Lastly, tolerance was observed to decrease with age, resulting in a 1.7-fold difference in disease progression between 20 and 60-y-old individuals with the same viral load. Thus, disease tolerance is a feature of infection with HIV, and the identification of the mechanisms involved may pave the way to a better understanding of pathogenesis.