954 resultados para current-mode design
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Experimente beschrieben, die zu einem vertieften Verständnis fundamentaler Prozesse bei der elektrochemischen Herstellung von Dünnschichten, sog. Targets, für kernphysikalische und -chemische Studien führten. Targets wurden mittels 'Molecular Plating' (MP) hergestellt, indem eine Elektrodeposition aus organischem Medium in der Regel bei konstantem Strom in Zwei-Elektroden-Zellen. Die Resultate erlaubten, optimierte Herstellungs-bedingungen zu ermitteln, welche die Produktion deutlich verbesserter Targets erlaubten. MP bei konstantem Strom ist ein massentransportkontrollierter Prozess. Der angelegte Strom wird durch einen konstanten Fluss elektroaktiver Spezies zur Kathode – auf der die Schicht wächst – und Anode aufrechterhalten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass das Zellenpotential des Elektrodepositionsystems immer durch den Ohm'schen Spannungsabfall auf Grund des Widerstandes der verwendeten Lösung dominiert wurde. Dies erlaubte die Herleitung einer Beziehung zwischen dem Zellenpotential und der Konzentration der elektroaktiven Spezies. Die Beziehung erlaubt die Erklärung des gemessenen zeitlichen Verlaufs des Zellenpotentials während der Abscheidung als Funktion der Elektrolytkonzentration. Dies dient als Basis, auf der nun ein umfassenderes Bild der Prozesse, die für die charakteristischen Minima im Potentialverlauf einer Abscheidung verantwortlich sind, gewonnen werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Minima mit der fast vollständigen Entfernung (durch Abscheidung) der aus einem gelösten Salz erzeugten Nd-Ionen korrespondieren. Die abgeschiedene Spezies wurde als Nd3+ identifiziert, vermutlich als Carboxylat, Oxid oder Hydroxid, was auf Grund der hohen negative Werte des Standardredoxpotentials der Lanthanide verständlich erscheint. Von den vorliegenden elektroaktiven Spezies tragen die Nd3+ Ionen nur zu knapp 20% zum Gesamtstrom bei. Durch Elektrolyse tragen auch die Lösungsmittelkomponenten zu diese Strom bei. Die Gegenwart von elektrolysiertem Lösungsmittel wurde in Analysen der Dünnschichten bestätigt. Diese waren immer mit chemi- und physisorbierten Lösungsmittelmolekülen bedeckt. Die Analyse der Dünnschichten zeigte, dass die Oberflächen von einem furchenartiges Netz durchzogen waren, und dass diese während des Trocknen der Schichten nach dem MP entstanden. Ob die Schichten an Luft oder in inerter Atmosphäre trockneten, hatte keinen Einfluss. Es wurden Experimente mit mehreren Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt, die sich deutlich in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften, v.a. dem Siedepunkt, unterschieden. Furchenfreie Dünnschichten konnten insbesondere bei MP in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) erzeugt werden. Die Verwendung von DMF in Kombination mit einer Abscheidung auf sehr glatten Substraten erlaubte die Produktion von sehr homogenen, glatten und defektfreien Schichten. Diese waren vermutlich geringeren inneren Spannungen während des Trocknens ausgesetzt, als Schichten auf raueren Substraten oder solche, die aus flüchtigeren Lösungsmitteln hergestellt wurden. Die Oberflächenrauigkeit des Substrats und das gewählte Lösungsmittel wurden so als Schlüsselfaktoren für die Produktion hochqualitativer Schichten identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit MP eine sehr effiziente Methode zur Herstellung homogener Schichten mit exzellenter Ausbeute ist. In weiteren Experimenten mit dem primordialen Alpha-Emitter 147Sm als Modellisotop wurde die Eignung solcher Schichten als Alpha-Quelle untersucht. Sowohl die Energieauflösung als auch der Anteil der Alpha-Teilchen, die den Detektor erreichten, waren von den Quelleneigenschaften abhängig. Die Effekte wurden verschiedenen Variablen der Dünnschicht zugeordnet, welche die Alpha-Spektren beeinflussten. Dominant war die Wahl des Lösungsmittels und die Rauigkeit des Substrats. Dies beeinflusste Schichtdicke und -morphologie sowie die Art des Schichtwachstums und veränderte die Detektionseffizienz in Alpha-Messungen bis zu 15%. Nur homogene, ebene Schichten, die aus DMF auf glatten Substraten abgeschieden wurden, eignen sich optimal als Alpha-Quelle. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse erlauben die optimierte Herstellung nuklearer Targets durch MP. Künftige Anwendungen beinhalten insbesondere die Herstellung von Targets für neutroneninduzierte Spaltexperimente und untergrundarmeAlpha-Messungen sehr kleiner Aktivitäten.
Questa tesi ha studiato a fondo le modalità di funzionamento del convertitore ZETA. Si è visto che la presenza dei due magnetici determina una condizione di funzionamento non convenzionale (lo stesso accade nel SEPIC) poco studiata in letteratura. Questa condizione, corrispondente al modo discontinuo nei più elementari convertitori, in cui la corrente si annulla sia nel transistor che nel diodo, dà invece luogo ad un ricircolo di corrente pressochè costante in una maglia che comprende entrambe le induttanze. Questa corrente testimonia un intrappolamento di energia magnetica con relativa perdita per dissipazione che presumibilmente degrada l’efficienza del convertitore. Questo è potuto avvenire perchè non vi è nulla che impedisca il flusso di una corrente negativa sui singoli induttori quando la somma algebrica dei due risulti comunque positiva o nulla (diodo in conduzione). Questo problema si può riscontrare sia nel funzionamento in continua (sempre almeno uno fra transistor e diodo in conduzione) che in discontinua (con un intervallo di tempo in cui non conducono nessuno dei due). Per ovviare a questo problema le soluzioni proposte in questa tesi sono quelle di aggiungere un ulteriore diodo rettificatore in serie agli avvolgimenti e/o di gestire il rapporto di induttanze dei due avvolgimenti in modo che nella condizione nominale di funzionamento raggiungano contemporaneamente la condizione di inversione della corrente. Queste possibilità sono state esplorate con successo nell’utilizzo del convertitore ZETA per applicazioni di correzione del fattore di potenza PFC in cui si è proposto un insieme di equazioni di dimensionamento che portano al progetto del convertitore al fine di ottenere le forme d’onda desiderate.
Pentraxins are a family of evolutionarily conserved multifunctional pattern-recognition proteins characterized by a cyclic multimeric structure. Based on the primary structure of the subunit, the pentraxins are divided into two groups: short pentraxins and long pentraxins. C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P-component (SAP) are the two short pentraxins. The prototype protein of the long pentraxin group is pentraxin 3 (PTX3). CRP and SAP are produced primarily in the liver in response to IL-6, while PTX3 is produced by a variety of tissues and cells and in particular by innate immunity cells in response to proinflammatory signals and Toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement. PTX3 interacts with several ligands, including growth factors, extracellular matrix components and selected pathogens, playing a role in complement activation and facilitating pathogen recognition by phagocytes, acting as a predecessor of antibodies. In addition, PTX3 is essential in female fertility by acting as a nodal point for the assembly of the cumulus oophorus hyaluronan-rich extracellular matrix. Here we will concisely review the general properties of PTX3 in the context of the pentraxin superfamily and discuss recent data suggesting that PTX3 plays a cardiovascular protective effect. PTX3 may represent a new marker in vascular pathology which correlates with the risk of developing vascular events.
Over the last couple of decades, the treatment of psychoses has much advanced; yet, despite all progress, the individual and societal burden associated with psychosis and particularly schizophrenia has largely remained unchanged. Therefore, much hope is currently placed on indicated prevention as a mean to fight these burdens before they set in. Though the number of studies investigating pharmacological interventions is still limited, encouraging results have been reported from the pioneering trials, despite several methodological limitations. Furthermore, it has become clear that persons characterized by the at-risk criteria are already ill and do not only need preventive intervention, but also treatment. In consequence, outcome criteria have to be broadened to cover the current needs of the patients. As is indicated by a recent study successfully using Omega-3 fatty acids for both purposes, it may be promising to develop and investigate interventions especially for the at-risk state, independent of their effectiveness in manifest disease states. Treatment studies may become promoted by the proposed introduction of a new disorder category into DSM-V. Future prevention studies, however, need to solve the challenge of changing immediate transition rates, demanding for new risk enrichment strategies as a prerequisite for feasible trial designs.
Recent focus on early detection and intervention in psychosis has renewed interest in subtle psychopathology beyond positive and negative symptoms. Such self-experienced sub-clinical disturbances are described in detail by the basic symptom concept. This review will give an introduction into the concept of basic symptoms and describe the development of the current instruments for their assessment, the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument, Adult (SPI-A) and Child and Youth version (SPI-CY), as well as of the two at-risk criteria: the at-risk criterion Cognitive-Perceptive Basic Symptoms (COPER) and the high-risk criterion Cognitive Disturbances (COGDIS). Further, an overview of prospective studies using both or either basic symptom criteria and transition rates related to these will be given, and the potential benefit of combining ultra-high risk criteria, particularly attenuated psychotic symptoms, and basic symptom criteria will be discussed. Finally, their prevalence in psychosis patients, i.e. the sensitivity, as well as in general population samples will be described. It is concluded that both COPER and COGDIS are able to identify subjects at a high risk of developing psychosis. Further, they appear to be sufficiently frequent prior to onset of the first psychotic episode as well as sufficiently rare in persons of general population to be considered as valuable for an early detection of psychosis.
Bipolar affective disorder (BD) is a severe, recurrent and disabling disorder with devastating consequences for individuals, families and society. Although these hazards and costs provide a compelling rationale for development of early detection and early intervention strategies in BD, the development of at-risk criteria for first episode mania is still in an early stage of development. In this paper we review the literature with respect to the clinical, neuroantomical and neuropsychological data, which support this goal. We also describe our recently developed bipolar at-risk criteria (BAR). This criteria comprises the peak age range of the first onset of bipolar disorder, genetic risk, presenting with sub-threshold mania, cyclothymic features or depressive symptoms. An initial pilot evaluation of the BAR criteria in 22 subjects indicated conversion rates to proxies of first-episode mania of 23% within 265 days on average, and high specificity and sensitivity of the criteria. If prospective studies confirm the validity of the BAR criteria, then the criteria would have the potential to open up new avenues of research for indicated prevention in BD and might therefore offer opportunities to ameliorate the severity of, or even prevent BD.
Cold-formed steel (CFS) combined with wood sheathing, such as oriented strand board (OSB), forms shear walls that can provide lateral resistance to seismic forces. The ability to accurately predict building deformations in damaged states under seismic excitations is a must for modern performance-based seismic design. However, few static or dynamic tests have been conducted on the non-linear behavior of CFS shear walls. Thus, the purpose of this research work is to provide and demonstrate a fastener-based computational model of CFS wall models that incorporates essential nonlinearities that may eventually lead to improvement of the current seismic design requirements. The approach is based on the understanding that complex interaction of the fasteners with the sheathing is an important factor in the non-linear behavior of the shear wall. The computational model consists of beam-column elements for the CFS framing and a rigid diaphragm for the sheathing. The framing and sheathing are connected with non-linear zero-length fastener elements to capture the OSB sheathing damage surrounding the fastener area. Employing computational programs such as OpenSees and MATLAB, 4 ft. x 9 ft., 8 ft. x 9 ft. and 12 ft. x 9 ft. shear wall models are created, and monotonic lateral forces are applied to the computer models. The output data are then compared and analyzed with the available results of physical testing. The results indicate that the OpenSees model can accurately capture the initial stiffness, strength and non-linear behavior of the shear walls.
In recent years sphingolipids have emerged as important signaling molecules regulating fundamental cell responses such as cell death and differentiation, proliferation and aspects of inflammation. Especially ceramide has been a main focus of research since it possesses pro-apoptotic capacity in many cell types. A counterplayer of ceramide was found in sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which is generated from ceramide by the consecutive actions of ceramidase and sphingosine kinase. S1P can potently induce cell proliferation via binding to and activation of the Edg family of receptors which have now been renamed as S1P receptors. Obviously, a delicate balance between ceramide and sphingosine-1-phosphate determines whether cells undergo apoptosis or proliferate, two cell responses that are critically involved in tumor development. Directing the balance in favor of ceramide, i.e. by inhibiting ceramidase or sphingosine kinase activities may support the pro-apoptotic action of ceramide and thus may have beneficial effects in cancer therapy. This review will summarize novel insights into the regulation of sphingolipid formation and their potential involvement in tumor development. Finally, we will pinpoint potential new targets for tumor therapy.
Quinolones are one of the most important classes of antimicrobial agents discovered in the recent years and one of the most widely used classes of antibiotics in clinical medicine. Their broad spectrum of activity and pharmacokinetic properties make them ideal agents for treating a variety of infections. Their clinical importance is further demonstrated by their activity against a wide range of diseases of public health importance such as anthrax, tuberculosis, bacterial pneumonia, and sexually transmitted diseases. Like other antibiotics, quinolones can cause various, sometimes dangerous hypersensitivity reactions. The underlying pathomechanisms are only poorly understood. Some are thought to be partly non-immune mediated reactions, others are considered to be IgE- or T cell-mediated reactions. This review gives an insight into the different immunological mechanisms leading to the diverse symptoms of quinolone-induced hypersensitivity reactions, with special emphasis on the role of T cells in such reactions.
Snake venoms are very complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides that may affect hemostasis in many ways, by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. They have been classified into various families, including serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectins, disintegrins and phospholipases. The various members of a particular family act selectively on different blood coagulation factors, blood cells or tissues. Venom proteins affect platelet function in particular by binding to and blocking or clustering and activating receptors or by cleaving receptors or von Willebrand factor. They may also activate protease-activated receptors or modulate ADP release or thromboxane A(2) formation. L-amino acid oxidases activate platelets by producing H(2)O(2). Many of these purified components are valuable tools in platelet research, providing new information about receptor function and signaling.
Platelets have important roles in atherosclerosis and thrombosis and their inhibition reduces the risk of these disorders. There is still a need for platelet inhibitors affecting pathways that reduce thrombosis and atherosclerosis while leaving normal hemostasis relatively unaffected, thus reducing possible bleeding complications. Although combinations show progress in achieving these goals none of the present inhibitors completely fulfill these requirements. Collagen receptors offer attractive possibilities as alternative targets at early stages in platelet activation. Three major collagen receptors are assessed in this review; the alpha2beta1 integrin, responsible primarily for platelet adhesion to collagen; GPVI, the major signaling receptor for collagen; and GPIb-V-IX, which is indirectly a collagen receptor via von Willebrand factor. Several thrombosis models and experimental approaches suggest that all three are interesting targets and merit further investigation.
Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and T. b. gambiense are the causative agents of sleeping sickness, a fatal disease that affects 36 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, only a handful of clinically useful drugs are available. These drugs suffer from severe side-effects. The situation is further aggravated by the alarming incidence of treatment failures in several sleeping sickness foci, apparently indicating the occurrence of drug-resistant trypanosomes. Because of these reasons, and since vaccination does not appear to be feasible due to the trypanosomes' ever changing coat of variable surface glycoproteins (VSGs), new drugs are needed urgently. The entry of Trypanosoma brucei into the post-genomic age raises hopes for the identification of novel kinds of drug targets and in turn new treatments for sleeping sickness. The pragmatic definition of a drug target is, a protein that is essential for the parasite and does not have homologues in the host. Such proteins are identified by comparing the predicted proteomes of T. brucei and Homo sapiens, then validated by large-scale gene disruption or gene silencing experiments in trypanosomes. Once all proteins that are essential and unique to the parasite are identified, inhibitors may be found by high-throughput screening. However powerful, this functional genomics approach is going to miss a number of attractive targets. Several current, successful parasiticides attack proteins that have close homologues in the human proteome. Drugs like DFMO or pyrimethamine inhibit parasite and host enzymes alike--a therapeutic window is opened only by subtle differences in the regulation of the targets, which cannot be recognized in silico. Working against the post-genomic approach is also the fact that essential proteins tend to be more highly conserved between species than non-essential ones. Here we advocate drug targeting, i.e. uptake or activation of a drug via parasite-specific pathways, as a chemotherapeutic strategy to selectively inhibit enzymes that have equally sensitive counterparts in the host. The T. brucei purine salvage machinery offers opportunities for both metabolic and transport-based targeting: unusual nucleoside and nucleobase permeases may be exploited for selective import, salvage enzymes for selective activation of purine antimetabolites.
Hall thrusters have been under active development around the world since the 1960’s. Thrusters using traditional propellants such as xenon have been flown on a variety of satellite orbit raising and maintenance missions with an excellent record. To expand the mission envelope, it is necessary to lower the specific impulse of the thrusters but xenon and krypton are poor performers at specific impulses below 1,200 seconds. To enhance low specific impulse performance, this dissertation examines the development of a Hall-effect thruster which uses bismuth as a propellant. Bismuth, the heaviest non-radioactive element, holds many advantages over noble gas propellants from an energetics as well as a practical economic standpoint. Low ionization energy, large electron-impact crosssection and high atomic mass make bismuth ideal for low-specific impulse applications. The primary disadvantage lies in the high temperatures which are required to generate the bismuth vapors. Previous efforts carried out in the Soviet Union relied upon the complete bismuth vaporization and gas phase delivery to the anode. While this proved successful, the power required to vaporize and maintain gas phase throughout the mass flow system quickly removed many of the efficiency gains expected from using bismuth. To solve these problems, a unique method of delivering liquid bismuth to the anode has been developed. Bismuth is contained within a hollow anode reservoir that is capped by a porous metallic disc. By utilizing the inherent waste heat generated in a Hall thruster, liquid bismuth is evaporated and the vapors pass through the porous disc into the discharge chamber. Due to the high temperatures and material compatibility requirements, the anode was fabricated out of pure molybdenum. The porous vaporizer was not available commercially so a method of creating a refractory porous plate with 40-50% open porosity was developed. Molybdenum also does not respond well to most forms of welding so a diffusion bonding process was also developed to join the molybdenum porous disc to the molybdenum anode. Operation of the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster revealed interesting phenomenon. By utilizing constant current mode on a discharge power supply, the discharge voltage settles out to a stable operating point which is a function of discharge current, anode face area and average pore size on the vaporizer. Oscillations with a 40 second period were also observed. Preliminary performance data suggests that the direct evaporation bismuth Hall thruster performs similar to xenon and krypton Hall thrusters. Plume interrogation with a Retarding Potential Analyzer confirmed that bismuth ions were being efficiently accelerated while Faraday probe data gave a view of the ion density in the exhausted plume.
Before entering the central nervous system (CNS) immune cells have to penetrate any one of its barriers, namely either the endothelial blood-brain barrier, the epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier or the tanycytic barrier around the circumventricular organs, all of which maintain homeostasis within the CNS. The presence of these barriers in combination with the lack of lymphatic vessels and the absence of classical MHC-positive antigen presenting cells characterizes the CNS as an immunologically privileged site. In multiple sclerosis a large number of inflammatory cells gains access to the CNS parenchyma. Studies performed in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a rodent model for multiple sclerosis, have enabled us to understand some of the molecular mechanisms involved in immune cell entry into the CNS. In particular, the realization that /alpha4-integrins play a predominant role in leukocyte trafficking to the CNS has led to the development of a novel drug for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, which targets /alpha4-integrin mediated immune cell migration to the CNS. At the same time, the involvement of other adhesion and signalling molecules in this process remains to be investigated and novel molecules contributing to immune cell entry into the CNS are still being identified. The entire process of immune cell trafficking into the CNS is strictly controlled by the brain barriers not only under physiological conditions but also during neuroinflammation, when some barrier properties are lost. Thus, immune cell entry into the CNS critically depends on the unique characteristics of the brain barriers maintaining CNS homeostasis.
BACKGROUND Social networking sites can be beneficial for senior citizens to promote social participation and to enhance intergenerational communication. Particularly for older adults with impaired mobility, social networking sites can help them to connect with family members and other active social networking users. The aim of this systematic review is to give an overview of existing scientific literature on social networking in older users. METHODS Computerized databases were searched and 105 articles were identified and screened using exclusion criteria. After exclusion of 87 articles, 18 articles were included, reviewed, classified, and the key findings were extracted. Common findings are identified and critically discussed and possible future research directions are outlined. RESULTS The main benefit of using social networking sites for older adults is to enter in an intergenerational communication with younger family members (children and grandchildren) that is appreciated by both sides. Identified barriers are privacy concerns, technical difficulties and the fact that current Web design does not take the needs of older users into account. CONCLUSIONS Under the conditions that these problems are carefully addressed, social networking sites have the potential to support today's and tomorrow's communication between older and younger family members.