993 resultados para creative works


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This paper describes the design and implementation of a research writing workshop for postgraduate students. The workshop was developed to respond to two key issues currently on the agenda in Australia’s universities: a push to embed Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and a desire to develop creative works as quality research outputs. The workshop was carefully designed to provide opportunities for participants to practise and improve their writing; develop transferable writing skills; develop a culturally safe environment where Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians could work together; provide a place to practise collaborative writing and collaborative facilitating; and provide an opportunity to develop a publication-ready, creative writing piece that was co-developed by participants. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of the literature relevant to Indigenizing a workshop curriculum and reflect on the genre of Indigenous writing in Australia. They also discuss the literature relevant to their collaboration as both writers and facilitators. They conclude that the workshop processes contributed to building a relationship of collaboration and trust between the facilitators and participants, and that these processes directly contributed to the successful workshop outcomes.


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The memoir The Other Country and the essay Inspiration is Power examine i) contemporary experiences of autism and ii) the representation of autism disorder in scientific and autobiographical writing. The Other Country is a memoir of four years in the life of its author Michael Whelan, and his family, in the care of his son, Charlie. In February 1998, Charlie was diagnosed with autism, and in that moment Michael and his family's lives changed. The memoir describes in four parts a four-year journey through a father?s experiences: - Part 1, Welcome to Holland, the family's feelings of fear, grief and dislocation following diagnosis; - Part 2, Look at Me, the chaotic process of research and treatment, and intense early intervention programs; - Part 3, The Enchanted Cottage, the slow process of recovery that the family went through, and; - Part 4, The Long Way Home, the transformation of Charlie, Michael and his family and notions of home and normalcy. The title, The Other Country, in this context refers to the largely invisible parallel society inhabited by anyone who lives outside the mainstream. The accompanying critical essay, Inspiration is Power, examines the influence of the discourses of biomedical science and parental pathology on the representation and understanding of autism. Specifically, among autism narratives, the medical voice has an overwhelming authority and power in characterizing autistic disorder and experience for the lay reader. This discourse contests the moral authority of parental autobiographical writing, which, by contrast, characterizes autism as a personalized invading other and thief of their child. Through a critique of specific aspects of identity, narrative, evidence and authority, the essay suggests a register of rhetorical moves that may be employed to influence, and consequently empower, the reader of autism narratives.


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This practice-led research project harnesses the plasmatic nature of animation (Eisenstein 1989) to embody the in-between state of being of the Peel Island Lazaret on the island of Teerk Roo Ra in Moreton Bay, Queensland. In this project the genius loci of this place is expressed through the development of a series of creative works that employs the unique transformative quality of animation to push and pull at the boundary lines between what can be apprehended as the ‘real’ and the ‘imaginary’. Drawing on the physical approach of Czech surrealist animator Jan Švankmajer and cultural theories from Australian writer Ross Gibson, this study re-members and re-imagines the site of the Lazaret as a liminal, uncanny place. This study investigates how conceptions of place are overlaid by aspects of history, memory and the imagination and these discoveries contribute to the currently limited academic discourse around place and place-making in animation practice in Australia.


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While technology is often seen as a noisy, impatient and pervasive aspect of our lives, this practice-led research project investigated the counter proposition–that we might be able to evoke sensations of stillness through technology-mediated artworks. Investigations into stillness were informed by Buddhism, phenomenology, and experiences of meditation and the practice of archery. By combining visual art, performance, installation, video and interaction design, a series of experimental, interdisciplinary artworks were produced and exhibited to evoke a sense of stillness and to impel audiences to consider the form and nature of stillness in relation to time, space and motion.


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This practice-led research investigated the negotiation processes informing effective models of transcultural collaboration. In a creative project interweaving the image-based physicality of the Japanese dance form of butoh with the traditional Korean vocal style of p'ansori, a series of creative development cycles were undertaken with a team of artists from Australia and Korea, culminating in Deluge, a work of physical theatre. The development of interventions at 'sites of transcultural potential' resulted in improvements to the negotiation of interpersonal relationships and assisted in the emergence of a productive working environment in transculturally collaborative artistic practice.


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Cette thèse pose la question de la fortune remarquable du surréalisme en Belgique et porte particulièrement attention à la poétique de Christian Dotremont qui, après une période surréaliste, trace le premier logogramme en 1962. La partie initiale de notre recherche interroge ses rapports avec le groupe surréaliste bruxellois (Paul Nougé et René Magritte), préoccupé par le refus de l’œuvre. Cette démarche subversive se transforme dans l’art expérimental du groupe Cobra (communauté artistique fondée en 1948 par Dotremont). Nous nous intéressons à cette évolution d’une préoccupation logocentrique (où le mot compte pour le contenu qu’il véhicule : il s’agit de la poétique « primitive » de Nougé et des objets bouleversants de Magritte) vers l’exploration du mot comme trace, comme scription et, par là même, comme source de poésie. La deuxième partie de notre recherche traite de l’époque Cobra où se forge ce que nous appelons la poétique du visible chez Dotremont dont le résultat est la découverte du pouvoir créatif du mot en tant que matière, en tant que trace manuscrite. Ces expérimentations centrées sur la matérialité du langage préparent le cheminement artistique de Dotremont vers l’invention du logogramme (objet d’analyse de la troisième partie de la thèse). Dans l’idée d’une légitimation du logogramme en tant que nouveau genre poético-pictural, nous relevons ses invariants créateurs : sans pour autant se soumettre au modèle pictural, celui-ci n’est ni peinture des mots, ni mot-tableau, il exploite la matérialité de la lettre comme source poétique : genre transfrontalier qui ne cesse de mettre en question et d’inclure dans sa cinétique la métamorphose de sa réception.


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La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Notre analyse du rôle de l’association La ronde des poètes dans la lutte pour l’autonomie de la littérature camerounaise s’est appuyée sur l’approche sociologique de Pierre Bourdieu pour qui la société est constituée de champs spécifiques en lutte les uns contre les autres pour atteindre un statut privilégié dans le champ social, ce qui constitue un aspect de leur autonomie. Selon Bourdieu, l’étude des manifestations de l’autonomie des champs littéraires devrait tenir compte de toutes les actions entreprises par les agents dudit champ. En effet, ces différentes actions ne sont que des stratégies de lutte. Seulement, d’après Jacques Dubois, l’autonomie des littératures nationales n’est acquise que lorsque celles-ci possèdent un appareil institutionnel propre capable d’assurer seul la production et la diffusion des œuvres, la légitimation et la consécration des écrivains. Si toutes ces conditions réunies échappent encore à plusieurs littératures de l’Afrique subsaharienne, il n’en demeure pas moins que ces dernières sont engagées dans un processus de lutte pour leur autonomie, ce que prouve l’exemple de La ronde des poètes, notre prétexte pour observer les manifestations de l’autonomie au sein du champ littéraire camerounais. Les stratégies de lutte de La ronde des poètes sont d’émergence et de fonctionnement. Pour le premier cas, la formule associative qui donne plus de possibilités que ne pourrait avoir un auteur isolé, le choix de la poésie aussi qui est un genre dont la production des œuvres ne nécessite pas de gros moyens financiers, nous sont apparus comme des stratégies ayant permis aux membres de La ronde des poètes de devenir des écrivains dans un contexte de production défavorable. De plus, par leurs textes fondateurs, ils se définissent comme un groupe ayant un programme d’action bien établi. Par ailleurs, ils attirent sur eux l’attention en se proclamant avant-gardistes et, pour le montrer, publient des manifestes et se détournent, idéologiquement parlant, de la poétique de la négritude dont la fixation sur la race a dominé la création littéraire pendant plusieurs décennies en Afrique. Les stratégies d’émergence de La ronde des poètes ont travaillé à l’identification de cette association comme un élément du champ littéraire camerounais ayant sa place aux côtés d’autres acteurs existant déjà dans ce champ. Pour ce qui est des stratégies de fonctionnement, La ronde des poètes s’est dotée d’un statut légal en se faisant enregistrer auprès des autorités camerounaises, ce qui la consolide dans son champ social. Sur le plan littéraire, ses membres lui confèrent un caractère institutionnel en créant en son sein des formes d’instances littéraires. Leurs ateliers d’écriture assurent la création des œuvres, les instances de diffusion prennent chez eux la forme d’un bulletin hebdomadaire, « Le rondin », mais surtout d’une revue, Hiototi : Revue camerounaise de poésie, de lettres et de culture. Cette revue recueille les articles de critiques littéraires formés à La ronde des poètes et de ceux du Cameroun. Le « Prix de la poésie rondine » est leur instance de consécration interne. Cette association réussit ainsi à obtenir la reconnaissance de pairs, poètes et écrivains camerounais et étrangers, celle aussi d’autorités camerounaises et internationales. En somme, la réunion de ces instances institutionnelles montre combien la marche vers l’autonomie de la littérature camerounaise en général est réelle.


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Programmatic form-finding and the visual analysis of creative works (architecture, sound, sculpture, painting, music or dance) can be combined to develop “alchemical” processes for the computational exploration of form. This paper reports two project-based form exploration experiments using such a process. The first experiment develops a process for capturing, manipulating and generating form based on a piece of dance choreography. The second experiment explores the decompression of space and architectural elements encoded within the Duchamp painting “Nude descending a staircase”. A discussion for incorporating programmatic strategies and for developing an innovative approach to conceptual form processing based on the language of geometry is presented.


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A sequel to Moliere's drama, "The Misanthrope." As of January 2015, it had been selected as a semi-finalist in the AACT playwriting competition. If selected as a finalist, it will be performed in 2016 and published with Dramatist Play Service.


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This paper aims at studying UFRN Parafolclórico Group, whose aesthetic formation is subjected to our analysis, specially at its two last performances, that is, Flor do Lírio (Lily Flower), 2004, and Debaixo do Barro do Chão (Under the Mud of the Ground), 2008. Three targets are envisaged here: to analyze the aesthetic ideas backing Parafolclórico Group exhibitions; to evaluate how their many folk elements interact with different artist languages in order to compose a certain choreography; and finally, to identify the aesthetic conformation placed behind the two different choreographs of the last performances, their trends and innermost features that differentiate them. In accordance with the Analysis of Contents (BARDIN, 2006), interviews have been made with the choreographers and the staff of the spectacles, resulting in elucidating answers to the understanding of their thematic axis. On the first chapter we called attention to motivating subjects as recollection, personal experiences, bibliography research, research in loco regarded as propelling forces of the creative works. Herein, folk culture is depicted as a dynamic process opening a frank dialogue with contemporary events and reinforcing their continuity. On the second chapter, we approached the aesthetic conformation and the scenic elements (costumes, light, scenario, make-up), integrating the studied spectacles and disseminating folk songs in various ways. As what concerns the subjects discourse, we have obtained support in authors like Robatto (1994); Lobo; Navas (2008); Burke (1989); Canclini (2006); Dufrenne (2005); Medeiros (2005); Pavis (2005); Silva (2005), among others. Those authors have provided us with an indispensable theoretic support which, added to the interviews, convinced us that the Parafolclórico Group s aesthetic conception tends to identify itself with the artist languages and other techniques of that Group. It also made sure that the Group s course aims at an aesthetic conception which is not limited to popular culture manifestations, like dance, but admits to play with other media in order to communicate its art. In view of this situation, we arrived to two conclusions: first: the group s interchanges emphasize the dynamic character of popular culture which, by establishing contacts with different realities, receives influences capable of extending its own continuity; second: the contemporary state of arts also improves multiple interchanges opening way, so, for many accomplishments in their field. Therefore, UFRN Parafolclórico Group inserts itself in the contemporary scenery by performing new evaluations of the popular dances as long as it puts them in contact with different technical, aesthetic, artist and culture combinations


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Includes bibliography


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The doctrine of fair use allows limited copying of creative works based on the rationale that copyright holders would consent to such uses if bargaining were possible. This paper develops a formal model of fair use in an effort to derive the efficient legal standard for applying the doctrine. The model interprets copies and originals as differentiated products and defines fair use as a threshold separating permissible copying from infringement. The analysis highlights the role of technology in shaping the efficient standard. Discussion of several key cases illustrates the applicability of the model.


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This study explores the existing policy problems and the possible options for reforming the EU copyright framework as provided by EU Directive 29/2001 on Copyright in the Information Society (InfoSoc Directive) and related legislation, with a specific focus on the need to strengthen the Internal Market for creative content. We find two main policy problems: i) the absence of a Digital Single Market for creative works; and ii) the increasing tension between the current system of exceptions and limitations and the legal treatment of emerging uses of copyrighted content in the online environment. Without prejudicing a future impact assessment that might focus on more specific and detailed policy options, our analysis suggests that ‘more Europe’ would be needed in the field of copyright, given the existing sources of productive, allocative and dynamic efficiency associated with the current system. Looking at copyright from an Internal Market perspective would, in this respect, also help to address many of the shortcomings in the current framework, which undermine legal certainty and industrial policy goals.