965 resultados para correspondence analysis


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta pesquisa apresenta a avaliação de 18 infrações que 480 adolescentes realizaram numa escala de 6 pontos. Análises de correspondência entre as formas de avaliar as infrações e várias características da amostra evidenciaram que os meninos, os adolescentes de escolas particulares e os de melhor renda tenderam a avaliar as infrações com mais notas médias que altas e atribuíram às infrações que ameaçam a vida humana as notas mais altas. As meninas, os adolescentes de classes sociais mais baixas tenderam a atribuir notas mais altas a todas as infrações, avaliando-as mais severamente. Os dados foram discutidos com base na teoria de Representação Social.


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Neste trabalho, analisam-se algumas causas pelas quais clientes frequentam um supermercado, tais como: preço de produtos, localização do estabelecimento, rapidez de atendimento, qualidade de atendimento, variedade de produtos, estacionamento e outras. Por meio de análise estatística multivariada, foi verificada a relevância de cada causa em contraste com as outras, ou seja, a importância relativa de cada uma. Assim, pôde-se observar que a rapidez de atendimento desempenha um papel importante em relação às demais para o nível de serviço dos clientes. Utilizando-se análise de agrupamentos hierárquicos de variáveis e análise de correspondência, associaram-se causas em grupos e relacionaram-se causas a alguns fatores, como, por exemplo, escolaridade dos clientes, sendo esta uma observação interessante por existir, no Brasil, uma relação significativa entre renda e escolaridade. A coleta de dados foi realizada em um supermercado no interior de São Paulo e, desta forma, os resultados baseiam-se em um estudo de caso, tendo limitações inferenciais.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as principais representações sociais de lei, justiça e injustiça apresentadas por jovens argentinos e brasileiros. O grupo de brasileiros constituiu-se de 621 pesquisandos, de três regiões distintas: Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS e Marília/SP. da Argentina, participaram 200 jovens da cidade de Avellaneda (região metropolitana de Buenos Aires). Os grupos foram proporcionalmente divididos conforme o tipo de escola (pública e particular) e o ano escolar freqüentado (8º ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º ano do Ensino Médio, considerando-se os graus equivalentes na Argentina). O instrumento de coleta de dados constituiu-se de um questionário semidirigido, composto pela técnica de evocação livre de palavras. O procedimento utilizado para a avaliação dos resultados foi a Análise de Correspondência (ANACOR). Os resultados demonstraram variações importantes relacionadas à nacionalidade dos jovens e foram discutidos de forma a contextualizarem-se as representações apresentadas.


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Este estudo apresenta a estrutura de florestas em Gaúcha do Norte-MT (13° 10'S e 53° 15' O), na borda sul-amazônica. Para o levantamento fitossociológico, três áreas amostrais de 1ha foram subdivididas em 50 parcelas de 10x20m, nas quais foram amostrados todos os indivíduos com perímetro à altura do peito (PAP) >15 cm. Para verificar a similaridade estrutural entre as áreas utilizou-se a Análise de Correspondência. As espécies indicadoras dos ambientes de interflúvio e das áreas sujeitas à inundação foram obtidas através do TWINSPAN e de um sistema de pesos. Concluiu-se que as florestas presentes na bacia do rio Pacuneiro pertencem à mesma unidade fitogeográfica, mas com subtipos florísticos e estruturais de acordo com a posição no relevo, a proximidade dos cursos d'água e o estrato analisado, apresentando predominância de algumas espécies, ou até mesmo possíveis endemismos, em determinados trechos ou estratos. A formação apresentou baixa diversidade alfa (2,91 a 3,50) e beta (3,62 a 3,86), o que não é comum em florestas amazônicas. Várias hipóteses podem explicar essa baixa diversidade, entre elas a baixa precipitação e a alta sazonalidade, o ambiente físico regional aparentemente homogêneo e favorável às espécies competidoras, ou os eventos históricos, relacionados à possível exploração por tribos indígenas ou à recente expansão dessas florestas sobre as áreas savânicas.


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Zones of mixing between shallow groundwaters of different composition were unravelled by two-way regionalized classification, a technique based on correspondence analysis (CA), cluster analysis (ClA) and discriminant analysis (DA), aided by gridding, map-overlay and contouring tools. The shallow groundwaters are from a granitoid plutonite in the Funda o region (central Portugal). Correspondence analysis detected three natural clusters in the working dataset: 1, weathering; 2, domestic effluents; 3, fertilizers. Cluster analysis set an alternative distribution of the samples by the three clusters. Group memberships obtained by correspondence analysis and by cluster analysis were optimized by discriminant analysis, gridded memberships as follows: codes 1, 2 or 3 were used when classification by correspondence analysis and cluster analysis produced the same results; code 0 when the grid node was first assigned to cluster 1 and then to cluster 2 or vice versa (mixing between weathering and effluents); code 4 in the other cases (mixing between agriculture and the other influences). Code-3 areas were systematically surrounded by code-4 areas, an observation attributed to hydrodynamic dispersion. Accordingly, the extent of code-4 areas in two orthogonal directions was assumed proportional to the longitudinal and transverse dispersivities of local soils. The results (0.7-16.8 and 0.4-4.3 m, respectively) are acceptable at the macroscopic scale. The ratios between longitudinal and transverse dispersivities (1.2-11.1) are also in agreement with results obtained by other studies.


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Modification showed by intertidal macrofaunal communities between two nearby sites that change from a wave to a tide dominated beach environment, was analyzed on the present study. At each site, eleven intertidal sampling stations were distributed along a transect, from the drift line to the spring low tide water level. Four macrofaunal samples one meter long-shore spaced were collected at, each station with an iron core of 0.05 m(2) surface area, taken to a depth of 20 cm. Major,differences on sediments between sites were the offshore decrease of mean particle size diameter and increase of kurtosis and water content at the tide dominated site. KIDS ordination showed major similarities between the lowest stations of this site, that represents the dissipative low tide-terrace portion of the beach. Two lower station of the wave dominated site presented similarities with this group. The other stations of the tide-dominated site, that represents the reflective high tide beach portion, grouped distant from the former. (canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed a similar spatial distribution of stations, suggesting the importance of environmental factors on the explanation of species distribution patterns. Sediment water content and water table depth, with the highest inertia value, seems to be the principal physical factor. Increase on water content affects the macrofaunal distribution by the expansion of typical infralitoral species, as was the case of Bathyporeiapus ruffoi, on the dissipative low tide terrace beach portion. A disrupted distribution with the lost of a gradate zonation along a physical gradient is one of the major modification presented by macrobenthic communities on the transition from a wave to a tide dominated beach environment.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The social wasp nests were quantified in three different plant physiognomies (forested Caatinga, shrubby Caatinga, and agricultural systems) to analyze the effect of environmental seasonality and plant physiognomy on the richness, nest abundance, and species composition of social wasps in the region of tropical dry forest of Brazil. The forested Caatinga physiognomy had the greatest richness of species (S = 16), followed by shrubby Caatinga (S 13) and by agricultural system (S = 12). The first axis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) explained 67.8% of the variability and shows a gradient of the fauna from agricultural system and shrubby Caatinga to forested Caatinga. In the first axis, wet season scores were much higher than those for the dry season in forested Caatinga. The second axis explained 18.7% of the variability and shows a separation of samples collected during the wet or the dry periods in shrubby Caatinga. This separation was less evident in the agricultural system. Variations in nest abundance were more intense in arbustive caatinga (45% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), moderate in forested Caatinga (24% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), and low in agricultural systems (8% decrease in the dry period).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brazilian cerrado is a biologically-rich, poorly understood, yet rapidly disappearing habitat. Composition of the spider assemblages from areas of cerrado from three separate sites in the State of São Paulo, Brazil were sampled by beating the canopies and adjacent shrubs of three Myrcia (Myrtaceae; "myrtle") tree species. These produced a total of 859 spiders 'belonging to 21 families and 75 species. The most undisturbed and densest cerrado habitat had the largest number and greatest diversity of spider species, encompassing stalkers, ambushers, space web-weavers, and foliage runners. The other two areas were dominated by foliage runners. Spider distribution in this natural and complex habitat was evaluated by classifying the samples into 12 habitat/microhabitat groups according to local of the patch, tree species, and microhabitat (target tree or adjacent shrub). Correspondence analysis was used for ordination of species and groups based on their abundance. Environmental factors such as patches type (p=0.027) and plant species (p=0.046) had significant effects in explaining the ordination. Canonical correspondence analysis was applied for relating the patterns in species richness and/or abundance to the significant environmental factors. A comparison of the results showed that the family composition among the patches is rather similar, and there is a tendency of spiders species overlap an interregional level (patches effect, p=0.027). However, the most similar spider assemblages living on woody vegetation occurred in Myrcia venulosa and Myrcia guianensis at São Carlos and Pirassununga, demonstrating an interregional similarity (plant species effect, p=0.046) that indicates an association between spiders and particular vegetation.


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In this study, it was examined, during the period from March to December 2006, the effects of human disturbance on themacroinvertebrates that live near macrophytes in Guare River, São Paulo State - Brazil. It was questioned if the high conductivityrecorded in Guare River affected the distribution of the macroinvertebrates and what were the most important variables thataffect macroinvertebrates in a river with a strong nutrient concentration. The objective of this study was to investigate theeffects of environmental variables on densities and composition of the macroinvertebrates. Three stands of aquatic plantswere sampled with with 0.25 mm mesh net on a 0.07 m2 square metal frame. Air and water temperature, depth, pH, electricalconductivity, suspended solids, dissolved oxygen and macrophyte biomass were measured. A canonical correspondence analysis(CCA) was performed using the density of the macroinvertebrates and environmental variables. Chironomidae, Culicidae,Acanthagrion, Coryphaeschna, Erythrodiplax, Miathyria marcella, Micrathyria, Gastropoda, Ostracoda and Hemiptera werethe only taxa that showed significant correlation with the axes. From the results, we can conclude that the high conductivity recordedin Guare River due to the high amount of organic matter released during its course did not significantly affected thedistribution of the macroinvertebrates during the studied period. However, the ACC recorded that oxygen was the most significantenvironmental factor for the density variance of the macroinvertebrates, especially larval Odonata.


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Meat, flour and sugar baits were used on the soil surface and buried to examine species composition of the ant fauna in three separate tropical forests in Brazil, and to control for the effect of the regional faunal pool. Compositional mosaic diversities were comparable among areas, bait types and foraging strata. Mosaic diversity was independent of mean assemblage size. The number of unique species per sampling unit was correlated with mean assemblage size. Canonical correspondence analysis ordered species first by foraging substrate, second by geographic location, and third by diet. The first axis was significantly correlated with mean similarity and affinity. Mean Mahanalobis distances between centroids of groups based upon foraging strata were significantly larger than between localities, indicating local ecological pressures stronger than regional species pool constraints. As most. species foraged in only one stratum in one geographical position and were not omnivorous, the response of species to environmental gradients (continuums) showed a lower coherency with these patterns than did communities, structured around guilds based upon foraging strata and diet.


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We examined the relationships between topography, soil properties and tree species composition in a Neotropical swamp forest in southeastern Brazil. Plots were sampled in the forest, encompassing three different soil ground water regimes along the topographical declivity. All non-climbing plant individuals with trunk height >1.3 m were sampled. A canonical correspondence analysis-CCA-of the species-environmental relationships grouped tree species according to drainage and chemical soil conditions. A total of 86 species were found, being 77 species in the inferior, 40 species in the intermediate and 35 species in the superior topographic section. Some species were among the 10 most abundant ones, both in the overall sampled area and in each topographical section, with alternation events occurring only with their abundance position. However, substantial differences in floristic composition between sections were detected in a fine spatial scale, due to higher number of species, diversity index (H′) and species unique (exclusives) in the inferior topographic section. These higher values can be attributed to its higher spatial heterogeneity that included better drained and seasonally waterlogged soils, higher soil fertility and lower acidity. The increase of the soil water saturation and the uniform conditions derived from the superficial water layer has led to a lower number of species and an increase on the palm trees abundance in the intermediate and superior sections. Our results showed that at a small spatial scale niche differentiation must be an important factor related to the increase of the local diversity. The wide distribution of the most abundant species in the studied area and the increase of local diversity corroborate the pattern of distribution of species in larger scales of swamp forests, in which the most abundant species repeat themselves in high densities in different remnants. However, the floristic composition of each remnant is strongly variable, contributing to the increase of regional diversity. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.