757 resultados para compost, SPME, naso elettronico


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The potential of solid phase microextraction (SPME) in the analysis of explosives is demonstrated. A sensitive, rapid, solventless and inexpensive method for the analysis of explosives and explosive odors from solid and liquid samples has been optimized using SPME followed by HPLC and GC/ECD. SPME involves the extraction of the organic components in debris samples into sorbent-coated silica fibers, which can be transferred directly to the injector of a gas chromatograph. SPME/HPLC requires a special desorption apparatus to elute the extracted analyte onto the column at high pressure. Results for use of GC/ECD is presented and compared to the results gathered by using HPLC analysis. The relative effects of controllable variables including fiber chemistry, adsorption and desorption temperature, extraction time, and desorption time have been optimized for various high explosives. ^


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The potential of solid phase microextraction (SPME) in the analysis of explosives is demonstrated. A sensitive, rapid, solventless and inexpensive method for the analysis of explosives and explosive odors from solid and liquid samples has been optimized using SPME followed by HPLC and GC/ECD. SPME involves the extraction of the organic components in debris samples into sorbent-coated silica fibers, which can be transferred directly to the injector of a gas chromatograph. SPME/HPLC requires a special desorption apparatus to elute the extracted analyte onto the column at high pressure. Re suits for use of GC[ECD is presented and compared to the results gathered by using HPLC analysis. The relative effects of controllable variables including fiber chemistry, adsorption and desorption temperature, extraction time, and desorption time have been optimized for various high explosives.


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Treatment of agricultural biodegradable wastes and by-products can be carried out using composting or vermicomposting, or a combination of both treatment methods, to create a growing medium amendment suitable for horticultural use. When compared to traditional compost-maturation, vermicompost-maturation resulted in a more mature growing medium amendment i.e. lower C/N and pH, with increased nutrient content and improved plant growth response, increasing lettuce shoot fresh and dry weight by an average of 15% and 14%, respectively. Vermicomposted horse manure compost was used as a growing medium amendment for lettuce and was found to significantly increase lettuce shoot and root growth, and chlorophyll content. When used as a growing medium amendment for tomato fruit production, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost increased shoot growth and marketable yield, and reduced blossom end rot in two independent studies. Vermicompost addition to peat-based growing media increased marketable yield by an average of 21%. Vermicompost also improved tomato fruit quality parameters such as acidity and sweetness. Fruit sweetness, as measured using Brix value, was significantly increased in fruits grown with 10% or 20% vermicompost addition by 0.2 in truss one and 0.3 in truss two. Fruit acidity (% citric acid) was significantly increased in plants grown with vermicompost by an average of 0.65% in truss one and 0.68% in truss two. These changes in fruit chemical parameters resulted in a higher tomato fruit overall acceptability rating as determined by a consumer acceptance panel. When incorporated into soil, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost increased plant growth and reduced plant stress under conditions of cold stress, but not salinity or heat stress. The addition of 20% vermicompost to cold-stressed plants increased plant growth by an average of 30% and increased chlorophyll fluorescence by an average of 21%. Compared to peat-based growing medium, vermicompost had consistently higher nutrient content, pH, electrical conductivity and bulk density, and when added to a peat-based growing medium, vermicomposted spent mushroom compost altered the microbial community. Vermicompost amendment increased the microbial activity of the growing medium when incorporated initially, and this increased microbial activity was observed for up to four months after incorporation when plants were grown in it. Vermicomposting was shown to be a suitable treatment method for agricultural biodegradable wastes and by-products, with the resulting vermicompost having suitable physical, chemical and biological properties, and resulting in increased plant growth, marketable yield and yield quality, when used as an amendment in peat-based growing medium.


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Obtención de un producto líquido rico en sustancias húmicas mediante un procedimiento sencillo, rápido y extrapolable a nivel industrial y cuya aplicación a nivel agrícola sea satisfactoria. La obtención de dicho abono se ha llevado a cabo gracias a la optimización del proceso de extracción de las sustancias húmicas presentes en muestras de compost de origen vegetal. Las condiciones óptimas en las que se llevó a cabo dicho proceso implicaron altos valores de pH (> 10) y temperaturas superiores a 100°C. La aplicación del producto obtenido bajo tales condiciones, a nivel agrícola, ha mostrado aspectos de enorme interés tanto desde el punto de vista del desarrollo vegetal como en relación a las características del suelo o de la microbiota asociada a dicho sustrato.


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El proceso de acondicionamiento consiste en la saturación del sustrato con agua y posteriormente el lavado con un volumen de una disolución acuosa de MA entre 1 y 10 veces igual al volumen de compost. La mezcla peroxiacética (MA) es una disolución acuosa de peróxido de hidrógeno (PH) y ácido peracético (PAA) en distintas proporciones. La concentración de MA en la disolución acuosa que proponemos para su uso como acondicionamiento del compost está comprendida entre 1-10%. La concentración de peróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2) en el MA está comprendida entre 10-40% y la de ácido peroxiacético (C2H4O3) entre 1-10%. El método de acondicionamiento del compost con mezcla peroxiacética (MA) para su uso directo como sustrato agronómico tiene como objeto la obtención de compost de alta calidad, incluso con posibilidad de ser una alternativa a la turba de Sphagnum, presentando como aliciente que el coste medioambiental y económico de este proceso es menor que otras alternativas.


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FCT - PEst-C/EGE/LA0006/2011


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High volume compost incorporation can reduce runoff from compacted soils but its use also associated with elevated N and P concentrations in runoff making it difficult to assess if this practice will reduce nutrient loading of surface waters. Additionally, little is known about how this practice will effect leguminous species establishment in lawns as means to reduce long term fertilizer use. When 5 cm of compost was incorporated into soil a reduction in runoff of 40 and 59% was needed for N and P losses from a tall fescue + microclover lawn to be equivalent to a non-compost amended soil supporting a well fertilized tall fescue lawn. Use of compost as a soil amendment resulted in quicker lawn establishment and darker color, when compared to non-amended soil receiving a mineral fertilizer. Biosolid composts containing high amounts ammonium severely reduce the establishment of clover in tall fescue + micrclover seed mixture.


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Bioretention is a common stormwater control measure (SCM). While compost, combined with other bioretention soil media (BSM), has the potential for increased pollutant and water uptake and storage, it also may leach harmful nutrients. Limited information is available on the use of compost in SCMs. Therefore, this project seeks to analyze the impacts of the addition of biosolids-derived compost to bioretention. To accomplish this, bioretention mesocosm column studies were conducted to determine the leaching effects of 15%, 30%, and 30% tap water-washed compost, mixed with standard BSM. Synthetic storm runoff was applied to the columns and the effluent was analyzed for total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and their speciation. All three columns leached N and P with maximum total N concentrations of 2,200, 2,100, and 300 mg-N/L and total P concentrations of 12, 4.9, and 4.6 mg-P/L for the 30%, 15%, and 30% washed mesocosms, respectively. Therefore, based on this study, it is not recommended that biosolids-derived compost be added to bioretention media.


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Composting is a useful way of transforming livestock waste into organic fertilizer, which is proven to increase soil nutrient levels, and thus crop yield. Remains from production and slaughter of small ruminants can become a source of important elements for plant growth, such as N, after microorganism-driven decomposition.The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of this compost on soil fertility and on the nutritional status and yield of the corn crop. The experiment was conducted in a Haplic Luvisol in a randomized block design with six treatments and five application rates of the organic compound in Mg ha-1: 3 (half the standard rate), 6 (standard rate), 9 (one and a half times the standard rate), 12 (twice the standard rate), and 24 (four times the standard rate) and an additional treatment with mineral fertilizers (110, 50 e 30 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively), with four blocks. Evaluations were performed for two harvests of rainfed crops, measuring soil fertility, nutritional status, and grain yield. The compost increased P, K, Na and Zn values in the 0.00-0.20 m layer in relation of mineral fertilization in 616, 21, 114 and 90 % with rate 24 Mg ha-1 in second crop. Leaf N, Mg, and S contents, relative chlorophyll content, and the productivity of corn kernels increased in 27, 32, 36, 20 e 85 %, respectively, of low rate (3 Mg ha-1) to high rate (24 Mg ha-1) with of application of the compost. Corn yield was higher with application of organic compost in rate of 24 Mg ha-1 than mineral fertilizer combination in second crop.


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Batch, column and field lysimeter studies have been conducted to evaluate the concept of codisposal of retort water with Rundle (Queensland, Australia) waste shales. The batch studies indicated that degradation of a significant proportion of the total organic load occurs if the mixture is seeded with soil or compost. These results are compared with those from laboratory column studies and from the field lysimeter at the Rundle site. G.c.-m.s. analysis of some of the eluants indicated that significant degradation of the base-neutral fraction occurs even if no soil seed is added, and that degradation of this fraction was higher under anaerobic conditions.


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Creative Statement: “There are those who see Planet Earth as a gigantic living being, one that feeds and nurtures humanity and myriad other species – an entity that must be cared for. Then there are those who see it as a rock full of riches to be pilfered heedlessly in a short-term quest for over-abundance. This ‘cradle to grave’ mentality, it would seem, is taking its toll (unless you’re a virulent disbeliever in climate change). Why not, ask artists Priscilla Bracks and Gavin Sade, take a different approach? To this end they have set out on a near impossible task; to visualise the staggering quantity of carbon produced by Australia every year. Their eerie, glowing plastic cube resembles something straight out of Dr Who or The X Files. And, like the best science fiction, it has technical realities at its heart. Every One, Every Day tangibly illustrates our greenhouse gas output – its 27m3 volume is approximately the amount of green-house gas emitted per capita, daily. Every One, Every Dayis lit by an array of LED’s displaying light patterns representing energy use generated by data from the Australian Energy Market. Every One, Every Day was formed from recycled, polyethylene – used milk bottles – ‘lent’ to the artists by a Visy recycling facility. At the end of the Vivid Festival this plastic will be returned to Visy, where it will re-enter the stream of ‘technical nutrients.’ Could we make another world? One that emulates the continuing cycles of nature? One that uses our ‘technical nutrients’ such as plastic and steel in continual cycles, just like a deciduous tree dropping leaves to compost itself and keep it’s roots warm and moist?” (Ashleigh Crawford. Melbourne – April, 2013) Artistic Research Statement: The research focus of this work is on exploring how to represent complex statistics and data at a human scale, and how produce a work where a large percentage of the materials could be recycled. The surface of Every One, Every Day is clad in tiles made from polyethylene, from primarily recycled milk bottles, ‘lent’ to the artists by the Visy recycling facility in Sydney. The tiles will be returned to Visy for recycling. As such the work can be viewed as an intervention in the industrial ecology of polyethylene, and in the process demonstrates how to sustain cycles of technical materials – by taking the output of a recycling facility back to a manufacturer to produce usable materials. In terms of data visualisation, Every One, Every Day takes the form of a cube with a volume of 27 cubic meters. The annual per capita emissions figures for Australia are cited as ranging between 18 to 25 tons. Assuming the lower figure, 18tons per capital annually, the 27 cubic meters represents approximately one day per capita of CO2 emissions – where CO2 is a gas at 15C and 1 atmosphere of pressure. The work also explores real time data visualisation by using an array of 600 controllable LEDs inside the cube. Illumination patterns are derived from a real time data from the Australian Energy Market, using the dispatch interval price and demand graph for New South Wales. The two variables of demand and price are mapped to properties of the illumination - hue, brightness, movement, frequency etc. The research underpinning the project spanned industrial ecology to data visualization and public art practices. The result is that Every One, Every Day is one of the first public artworks that successfully bring together materials, physical form, and real time data representation in a unified whole.


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As the cost of mineral fertilisers increases globally, organic soil amendments (OAs) from agricultural sources are increasingly being used as substitutes for nitrogen. However, the impact of OAs on the production of greenhouse gases (CO2 and N2O) is not well understood. A 60-day laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate the impacts of applying OAs (equivalent to 296 kg N ha−1 on average) on N2O and CO2 emissions and soil properties of clay and sandy loam soils from sugar cane production. The experiment included 6 treatments, one being an un-amended (UN) control with addition of five OAs being raw mill mud (MM), composted mill mud (CM), high N compost (HC), rice husk biochar (RB), and raw mill mud plus rice husk biochar (MB). These OAs were incubated at 60, 75 and 90% water-filled pore space (WFPS) at 25°C with urea (equivalent to 200 kg N ha−1) added to the soils thirty days after the incubation commenced. Results showed WFPS did not influence CO2 emissions over the 60 days but the magnitude of emissions as a proportion of C applied was RB < CM < MB < HC


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This project developed and assessed a standard operating procedure for monitoring microbiological aerosol levels and dispersal from Australian industrial composting facilities. Development occurred via seasonal monitoring of such operations with evaluation of optimal microbial indicator organisms, sampling and analysis logistics. The resultant procedure allows practical end-user assessment of compost-associated bioaerosol levels, and potential health risks to proximal residential populations encroaching on such composting facilities and on-site industrial operations personnel.