996 resultados para commercial buildings


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Para a construção de edifícios o engenheiro necessita de informações geotécnicas do subsolo de rasa e média profundidades para projetar fundações. Com a implantação do projeto de Macrodrenagem da Bacia do Una de Belém, áreas que foram beneficiadas terão, num futuro próximo, um grande potencial para a ocupação e a construção de edifícios devido sua localização privilegiada. Por isso, essa área foi escolhida para investigação geofísica com o objetivo de mapeamento das camadas litológicas e consequentemente o topo da camada rija, onde geralmente se posicionam as fundações prediais profundas. Os métodos geofísicos utilizados foram de sondagem elétrica com arranjo Schlumberger, na determinação da resistividade aparente (pα) em subsuperfície, e um eletromagnético, o radar de penetração no solo, através de um perfil, como uma ferramenta auxiliar das informações. As curvas de resistividade aparente obtidas com as sondagens Schlumberger foram processadas por inversão considerando um modelo de camadas planas, horizontais, homogêneas e isotrópicas e sua interpretação foi auxiliada por informações litológicas obtidas por sondagens a percussão com ensaio SPT. Assim, uma vez determinadas as variações de resitividades, foram confeccionadas três seções geoelétricas-litológicas e um mapa de contorno de profundidade do topo da camada rija na área estudada, com a finalidade de auxiliar o engenheiro em projetos de prédios nesta área.


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Um dos grandes entraves para o desenvolvimento econômico mundial é a crescente demanda por energia e consequente aumento da utilização de recursos naturais para provê-la. Países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, apresentaram progressivo consumo de energia per capita nos últimos anos. Embora a sua maioria seja proveniente de usinas hidrelétricas (fontes não poluidoras) sua construção causa grande impacto ambiental. De todo o percentual energético gerado, as edificações são responsáveis pelo consumo de aproximadamente 40% e este percentual tende a aumentar mediante o crescimento da construção civil no país. Diante da problemática, o combate ao desperdício, a racionalização e o uso sustentável da energia consumida pelas edificações estão diretamente ligados à redução do impacto ao meio ambiente, postergando a necessidade de aumento da matriz energética nacional. Neste contexto é criado o Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais, de Serviço e Públicos (RTQ-C). Este trabalho consiste em uma aplicação crítica do RTQ-C utilizando a metodologia prescritiva, tendo como enfoque aspectos relativos a sua aplicabilidade e avaliação de conforto térmico e lumínico, tendo como premissa que o alto desempenho energético da edificação só é plenamente alcançado quando são garantidas condições satisfatórias de conforto ambiental aos usuários. Para tanto foi necessária uma etapa minuciosa de levantamento de dados e medições “in loco” de temperatura do ar, temperatura radiante, iluminância e umidade relativa em dois ambientes (laboratório de conforto e sala de aula 2) do edifício do Centro de Excelência em Eficiência Energética da Amazônia - CEAMAZON, subsidiando a utilização da metodologia proposta por Fanger (PMV e PPD), e verificação dos níveis de iluminância propostos pela NBR 5413. Como resultado a edificação apresentou bom desempenho, mas a não observância dos prérequisitos a classificou com nível “C”. A avaliação de conforto indicou que aproximadamente 23% dos usuários não estavam em conforto térmico e que a ventilação natural poderá ser utilizada como estratégia bioclimática para adequação. As medições de iluminância indicaram que apenas a sala de aula 2 possuia potencial de aproveitamento de iluminação natural no período da medição. Concluiu-se que, apesar de sua importância, o RTQ-C deve passar ainda por um processo de adaptação por parte da sociedade e dos profissionais envolvidos na certificação energética de edificações e que durante esse período modificações poderão ser incorporadas contribuindo para torná-lo um instrumento efetivamente válido para a garantia da eficiência energética das edificações do país.


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The discussions about the energy rationalization are gaining more and more space on the everyday of engineers and other professionals in the field of energy. A greater focus is being tied to commercial buildings, because they are one of the biggest responsible for the high energetic expenditure according to the National Energetic Balance, especially by the use of air conditioners for the people’s thermal comfort. Such finding made INMETRO to develop a building labeling procedure through th National Program of Electric Energy Conservation in Buildings; by means of this systematic, the built areas are classified by levels that go from A(the best) to E(the worst), taking into account envelopment, illumination system and air conditioning. A bonus process based on water rationalization, use of renewable energy sources, cogeneration systems or technical innovations, allows the classification to be changed up to one level. A study made exactly on a commercial building, the building of Foundation for Technological and Scientific Development located inside of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá, sought to identify technical/economic alternatives for the building certification and appealed to the bonus based on water rationalization. The present study is based on analysis of deploying a cogeneration system formed by internal combustion engine and an absorption refrigeration system as bonus alternative, so that the costs are analyzed regarding energy consumption and use of the motor. With the calculations and results, the viability of the building to receive a bonus from INMETRO through its National Program for Energy Conservation in Buildings is studied and concluded from this study whether or not you can get a better level of energy efficiency for the building in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This paper reports the stage of a research on the corporate identity in commercial buildings. The objective of the research is to develop a system that aims to help the designer to enhance the transmission of the brand identity on the construction. At this step, we looked for the ascertainment of the variables that contribute to it in buildings considered as icons of brand identification in the building. And this paper also presents an analysis of a flagship located in Tokyo, from the Dior brand, which we used Surface Design techniques, combining cultural studies to geometric modeling, to Gestalt and Semiotics.


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As a pest control industry, we are interested in bird control, especially in areas of residence, commercial buildings, food plants, mills and elevators, commercial feed lots, farms, and even area wide controls in some of our cities. We run into all kinds of problems; I suppose you men do, too.


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Chalcogenides are chemical compounds with at least one of the following three chemical elements: Sulfur (S), Selenium (Sn), and Tellurium (Te). As opposed to other materials, chalcogenide atomic arrangement can quickly and reversibly inter-change between crystalline, amorphous and liquid phases. Therefore they are also called phase change materials. As a results, chalcogenide thermal, optical, structural, electronic, electrical properties change pronouncedly and significantly with the phase they are in, leading to a host of different applications in different areas. The noticeable optical reflectivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases has allowed optical storage devices to be made. Their very high thermal conductivity and heat fusion provided remarkable benefits in the frame of thermal energy storage for heating and cooling in residential and commercial buildings. The outstanding resistivity difference between crystalline and amorphous phases led to a significant improvement of solid state storage devices from the power consumption to the re-writability to say nothing of the shrinkability. This work focuses on a better understanding from a simulative stand point of the electronic, vibrational and optical properties for the crystalline phases (hexagonal and faced-centered cubic). The electronic properties are calculated implementing the density functional theory combined with pseudo-potentials, plane waves and the local density approximation. The phonon properties are computed using the density functional perturbation theory. The phonon dispersion and spectrum are calculated using the density functional perturbation theory. As it relates to the optical constants, the real part dielectric function is calculated through the Drude-Lorentz expression. The imaginary part results from the real part through the Kramers-Kronig transformation. The refractive index, the extinctive and absorption coefficients are analytically calculated from the dielectric function. The transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated using the Fresnel equations. All calculated optical constants compare well the experimental ones.


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Esta tesis examina el papel de la red viaria y el planeamiento urbanístico en la localización de las actividades terciarias. A partir de los años sesenta se produce una modificación de los patrones de comportamiento espacial de las actividades productivas. En la raíz de estos cambios está los procesos de globalización e internacionalización de la economía y un importante aumento de la utilización vehículos privados. Todo ello da lugar a una preocupación entre los profesionales por la identificación de variables en esa organización espacial, y por la búsqueda de modelos que mejorasen las condiciones de competitividad en el entramado urbano, reclamado también la formulación de conceptos diferentes, capaces de entender los cambios territoriales de la reestructuración permanente en que viven las economías capitalistas avanzadas. En este marco, hay un aumento importante de las actividades terciarias o proceso de terciarización; que es el principio basilar para la suburbanización de este sector. Consiste, en buena medida, en unas necesidades de descentralización y dispersión de las actividades terciarias por todo el territorio, con demandas de nuevos espacios para todo tipo de actividades empresariales. Se va así generando un espacio urbano complejo, con nuevas actividades, distintas de la residencial, y con tipologías edificatorias diferentes: centros comerciales, hipermercados, zocos o edificios de empresas dedicadas a servicios avanzados y altamente cualificados. Adquiere, por tanto, un fuerte protagonismo los espacios periféricos de las grandes ciudades. En la transformación de este territorio interviene el planeamiento urbanístico porque prevé la ocupación del suelo y la forma de uso. Y también la carretera considerada clave en el desarrollo histórico de la ciudad. Consecuentemente, se impulsan una plétora de nuevas líneas de investigación y nuevas formas de aproximación al estudio de las relaciones entre las infraestructuras viarias y los usos del suelo. El interés del proyecto de investigación es, por todo ello, estudiar en que medida la localización del terciario depende del planeamiento urbano y de las variaciones en la red viaria. Es decir, la hipótesis de este trabajo se puede enunciar diciendo que: en la aparición del terciario inciden dos variables, el planeamiento urbanístico y la red viaria; lógicamente siendo consciente de la dificultad intrínseca de separar algún parámetro y sus relaciones de un sistema funcional urbano. Centrando este enfoque sobre el caso particular del corredor de la carretera de La Coruña (N-VI) situado en el oeste de la Comunidad de Madrid. Es un ámbito suburbano que comprende los términos municipales de Las Rozas y Majadahonda, un segmento del municipio de Madrid (abarca los barrios de Aravaca, el Plantío y Valdemarín, y una pequeña superficie de la Casa de Campo, Ciudad Universitaria y El Pardo), y la mitad septentrional del municipio de Pozuelo de Alarcón. La conclusión general a la que se ha llegado es que se trata de un fenómeno complejo, en el que se detecta que: A) La aprobación de un nuevo Plan Urbanístico no supone un cambio inmediato en la evolución cuantitativa de la implantación de actividades terciarias en edificio exclusivo en el área de estudio. B) Se evidencia una relación directa entre la implantación de una nueva infraestructura de transporte o modificación de algún elemento importante y el crecimiento de la localización de actividades terciarias. C) Resulta difícil verificar que cuando confluyen mejoras o nuevas construcciones en la red viaria y una estrategia en el planeamiento dirigida a la ordenación e intervención del espacio terciario, el número de edificios terciarios aumente. ABSTRACT This thesis examines the role of road networks and urban planning in the location of tertiary activities. Since the sixties there is a modification of spatial behavior patterns of production activities. At the root of these changes is the process of globalization and internationalization of the economy and a significant increase in private car use. This leads to a concern among professionals in the identification of variables in the spatial organization, and the search for models that would improve the competitive conditions in the urban framework, also called for the formulation of different concepts, able to understand the changes territorial restructuring that live permanently in the advanced capitalist economies. In this context, there is a significant increase in tertiary activities or process outsourcing, which is the beginning basilar to the suburbanization of the sector. It consists, in large part, on the Needs of decentralization and dispersal of tertiary activities throughout the territory, demands for new spaces for all types of business activities. It is thus generating a complex urban area, with new activities, other than residential and with different building typologies: shopping malls, hypermarkets, souks and buildings of companies engaged in advanced and highly skilled services. Thus takes strong role peripheral areas of big cities. In the transformation of this region is involved in providing for urban planning land use and how to use. And the road is considered key in the historical development of the city. Consequently, they are promoting a plethora of new research and new ways of approaching the study of the relationship between road infrastructure and land use. The interest of the research project is, for all that, consider to what extent depends on the location of tertiary urban planning and changes in the road network. That is, the hypothesis of this work can be stated by saying that: the emergence of two variables affecting tertiary, urban planning and road network, of course being aware of the inherent difficulty of separating any parameters and functional relationships of an urban. Approach focusing on the particular case of the road corridor from La Coruña (N-VI) located in the west of Madrid. It is a suburban area comprising the municipalities of Las Rozas and Majadahonda, a segment of the city of Madrid (covering the districts of Aravaca, the planting and Valdemarín, and a small area of the Casa de Campo, Ciudad Universitaria and El Pardo) , and the northern half of the town of Pozuelo de Alarcón. The general conclusion has been reached is that this is a complex phenomenon, which is detected: A) The approval of a new Urban Plan is not an immediate change in the quantitative evolution of the implementation of tertiary activities in exclusive building in the study area. B) It shows a direct relationship between the introduction of a new transport infrastructure or amendment to an important and growing element of the location of tertiary activities. C) It is difficult to verify that when improvements or new construction come together in the road network and planning a strategy aimed at the management and intervention of third space, the number of commercial buildings increases.


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Current worldwide building legislation requirements aim to the design and construction of technical services that reduce energy consumption and improve indoor hygrothermal conditions. The retail sector in Spain, with a lot of outdated technical systems, demands energy conservation measures in order to reduce the increasingly electrical consumption for cooling. Climatic separation with modern air curtains and advanced hygrothermal control systems enables energy savings and can keep suitable indoor air temperature and humidity of stores with intense pedestrian traffic, especially when located in hot humid climates. As stated in the article, the energy savings in commercial buildings with these systems exceeds 30%


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A Proposta Técnica é uma documentação cuja elaboração é uma atividade frequente nas empresas prestadoras de serviço e fornecedoras de produtos, que envolve um time multidisciplinar de profissionais e consome quantidade significativa de recursos financeiros e tempo, tanto das empresas proponentes quanto das empresas contratantes, que analisarão seu conteúdo e por fim selecionarão a proposta a ser aceita. A proposta desempenha vários papeis, funcionando como um material de comunicação da empresa que representa, ao explicitar sua capacidade para realização do trabalho proposto, e também como anexo contratual da transação comercial, passando por servir de fonte de informações para a orçamentação do Projeto e sugerir novas soluções às problemáticas apresentadas pelo cliente. O presente trabalho explorará a importância da Proposta Técnica nas negociações comerciais, assim como seu processo de elaboração em empresas construtoras de edifícios comerciais para iniciativa privada no Brasil, utilizando-se a metodologia de estudo de caso. Por meio de análise da documentação e de entrevistas com os profissionais envolvidos tanto na elaboração quanto na classificação das propostas, são discutidos os pontos essenciais no processo de produção de uma Proposta Técnica.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Prepared Under Task No. 6324.40."


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[Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Ink sketch with blue marker coloring on tracing paper, 18x19 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]


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[Conceptual Sketch], untitled. Ink sketch with blue and gray marker coloring on tracing paper, 18 x 19 1/2 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]


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The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.


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The uncontrolled growth of most Brazilian cities is not accompanied by the development of urban infrastructure. With increasing soil sealing, runoff and decreased infiltration volume, impacts on water resources and on population of the areas affected by urban growth are inevitable. This study aims to evaluate the use and occupation of a watershed and analyze the drainage system in order to control the impact using tools to integrate urban development with the drainage of rainwater in an important watershed in the Natal City, Rio Grande do Norte State. The study involved the characterization of the basin XII.4 on the land use and occupation, for the years 2005 and 2014. With the application of SWMM model was possible to analyze the impacts caused by the urbanization process in the existing drainage system, showing the two years analyzed have their areas very close to percentage saturation of impervious areas. Although the region is still predominantly single family residential, suffers increasing verticalization of mainly commercial buildings. The drainage system is inefficient for the area's needs by the year 2005. The drainage system was also tested for four variations of land use by developing scenarios. Scenario 1 is related to the year 2014, considered current. Scenario 2 was adopted the maximum rate of 80% for land use, allowed for the Natal City. Scenario 3 gives the critical condition of land use, with the area 100% impervious. Scenario 4 is applied to the existence of LID (Low Impact Device). The scenarios analysis showed that all indicate deficiency at some point of the drainage system as a result of the high degree of occupation of the area that generate higher flows than the initial drainage system capacity. With the study it became clear that the adoption of non-structural tools are effective in reducing flooding and improving the drainage system capacity.