947 resultados para coastal area


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The present study aims to understand the perception in a manager perspective of the relationship between the stakeholders of tourism and environmental management in João Pessoa (PB). It is a qualitative, transversal, descriptive and exploratory research, held with keys stakeholders of tourism and environment in the capital of Paraíba. The data were collected through structured interviews and the analysis of the minutes of the municipal council of tourism, called COMTUR/ JP. The data research allowed us to affirm that the environmental stakeholders have a higher academic background than those of tourism, on the other hand the tourism stakeholders‟ have longer experience time than the environmental stakeholders‟. In general, the use of environmental resources for tourism is noticed as positively by the tourism stakeholders‟ and as intermediate for the environmental stakeholders‟, the tourism development is consider to be a non predatory active in João Pessoa, but it is very concentrate in the coastal area, the remnants of Atlantic Forest or protected areas are not used for tourism. The main environmental impacts cause by tourism according to the stakeholders interviewed (tourism and environment) were the environmental degradation of reef, beach pollution and the construction of tourism facilities in areas that should be protected, however, there was a stakeholder who believes that the tourism development in Paraíba is so nascent that it is unable to impact the environment. The performance of SETDE, PBTUR and SUDEMA was consider inconsistent by some of the interviewed stakeholders‟. The NGO representatives believe that the most important thing is a paradigm shift from the entrepreneurs and the local population. Despite the apparently close relationship between tourism and environment management in João Pessoa (PB), some actions of tourism agencies and the state government has left some unhappy important environmental stakeholders indicating that the relationship between tourism and environment in the city is becoming tenser each year


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The work concerns on the evolutionary study of the environmental conditions of the coastal area of Guamaré-RN, where was investigated the geo-environmental transformation occourred in this region, whose primordial purpose was to diagnose the changes verified in the temporary space of five decades (1950 to 2001). With the objective of evaluanting the action of the active coastal processes (currents, waves, tides and winds), in order to understand the generating mechanisms of the erosion/sedimentation, evidenced by constant morphologic changes. The adopted methodological procedure consisted of a succession of stages, involving bibliographical and cartographic study, aereal photographs study, digital treatment of images, field work (sample collection, beaches profiles, characterization of the beach environment and morfodynamics), mapping correction and laboratory analyses (granulometry). The evolutionary study of the morphologic features indicated significant variations in the studied period, mainly, in the dunes, sea terraces, variation of the shore line and tidal flat, evidencing the largest transformations in the temporary space between 1988 and 2001. The analyses of the beach profiles showed a sedimentation tendency in the area of the profiles P1, P2 and P3, however in the monitored pediod, it was observed in the referred profiles, erosive and depositionals intervals evidencing a need of more effective monitoring. The results of the granulometric analyses indicate a predominance of mean to coarse sand in the backshore and estirancy area, as in the shoreface, the analyses indicated medium to fine sand. The morfodynamic state, showed that beach of Minhoto is intermediate state, with alternancy to reflective. The areas of larger vulnerability and sensibility are the tidal flat, shore line, barrier island and mobile dunes, that actually is suffering great environmental impact with expansion of the carcinoculture, urban presence and natural impacts (erosion of the shoreline)


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The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone


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The study area is located in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State comprising the mouth of Açu-Piranhas river including the cities of Porto do Mangue e Areia Branca. The local geological setting comprises Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary geological units of the Potiguar Basin. One is about a region of high morphologic instability due to action of the rigorous dynamic coastal processes, beyond the intense human activities mainly for the performance of the petroliferous industry, salt farms and tanks of shrimp industry.For the accomplishment of this work Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM + from four distinct dates were used as cartographic base, in which one applied techniques of digital processing to elaborate thematic maps of the existing natural resources to support the geologic and geomorphologic characterization and the soil and landuse maps. The strategy applied was the interpretation of multitemporal images from aerial and orbital remote sensors alIied to the terrain truth recognition, integrated through a Geographic Information System. These activities had alIowed the production of Sensitivity Maps of the Coast to Oil Spilling for the area, on the basis of the Coastal Sensibility Index. Taking into account the seasons were created maps to distinct datas: July 2003 represents the winter months that presented a sensibility lower when compared with the month of December 2003. For the summer months greater sensitivity is due to the hydrodynamic data that suggest a lesser capacity of natural cleanness of the oil and its derivatives in spilling case.These outcomes are an important and useful database to support an assessment to a risk situation and to taking decision in the face of an environmental disaster with oil spilling in coastal area, alIowing a complete visualization of the area and identifying all portions in the area with thei environmental units and respective Coastal Sensibility Index.


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The northern portion of the Rio Grande do Norte State is characterized by intense coastal dynamics affecting areas with ecosystems of moderate to high environmental sensitivity. In this region are installed the main socioeconomic activities of RN State: salt industry, shrimp farm, fruit industry and oil industry. The oil industry suffers the effects of coastal dynamic action promoting problems such as erosion and exposure of wells and pipelines along the shore. Thus came the improvement of such modifications, in search of understanding of the changes which causes environmental impacts with the purpose of detecting and assessing areas with greater vulnerability to variations. Coastal areas under influence oil industry are highly vulnerable and sensitive in case of accidents involving oil spill in the vicinity. Therefore, it was established the geoenvironmental monitoring of the region with the aim of evaluating the entire coastal area evolution and check the sensitivity of the site on the presence of oil. The goal of this work was the implementation of a computer system that combines the needs of insertion and visualization of thematic maps for the generation of Environmental Vulnerability maps, using techniques of Business Intelligence (BI), from vector information previously stored in the database. The fundamental design interest was to implement a more scalable system that meets the diverse fields of study and make the appropriate system for generating online vulnerability maps, automating the methodology so as to facilitate data manipulation and fast results in cases of real time operational decision-making. In database development a geographic area was established the conceptual model of the selected data and Web system was done using the template database PostgreSQL, PostGis spatial extension, Glassfish Web server and the viewer maps Web environment, the GeoServer. To develop a geographic database it was necessary to generate the conceptual model of the selected data and the Web system development was done using the PostgreSQL database system, its spatial extension PostGIS, the web server Glassfish and GeoServer to display maps in Web


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Issues concerning coastal regions, especially the beaches have sparked quite complex because studies are there that most people in the world has secured housing, mainly from the half of the last century, without concern for the natural dynamics of these environments, which have complex interactions of continental and oceanic, coastal responsible for changes in locations that can be perceived in a few years and sometimes even a few days or hours. The search took as main goal, analyze the Genipabu Beach, in the municipality of Extremoz/RN, fragile environment and rapid momentum, which has been occupied in a disorderly and unplanned. Carried out a beach monitoring through profiles beach environments: defined stages morphodynamics; realization of characterize hydrodynamic processes; identification of changes in the landscape. To this end, made necessary a survey from the bibliographic collection for theoretical and conceptual rationale. An empirical step for conducting the environmental characterization of hydrodynamics, leveling and topographic analysis of sediments (in laboratory), for observation of changes in features, influenced, and natural dynamics, anthropic action that increasingly comes taking the characteristics from the natural landscape. Underlines therefore the importance of academic studies in several areas in these environments, for setting up a coastal zoning giving public subsidies for managers for managing and planning the use and occupation of the coast in their areas


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Foram estimados os parâmetros de crescimento em comprimento e peso para Sardinella brasiliensisda costa sudeste do Brasil (22ºS-28ºS), evidenciando-se dois padrões de crescimento distintos: um, para os exemplares que ocupam as regiões estuarino-lagunares de Cananeia e Paranaguá (25º-26ºS; III) e outro, para aqueles que ocupam as regiões costeiras da plataforma. Nestas regiões foi identificado um grupo no extremo norte da região (22º- 23ºS; I) com crescimento mais intenso que o verificado para o resto da área (23º-25ºS; II e 26º- 28ºS; IV). Os resultados sugerem que a espécie não é homogênea na região, reforçando hipótese anterior.


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The growth of maritime transport and oil exploitation activities may increase the risk of oil spills. Thus, plans and actions to prevent or mitigate impacts are needed to minimize the effects caused by oil. However, tools used worldwide to support contingency plans have not been integrated, thus leading to failure in establishing priority areas. This investigation aimed to develop indices of environmental vulnerability to oil (IEVO), by combining information about environmental sensibility to oil and results of numerical modeling of spilled oil. To achieve that, a case study concerning to oil spills scenarios in a subtropical coastal area was designed, and IEVOs were calculated and presented in maps, in order to make the information about the areas' vulnerability more easily visualized. For summer, the extension of coastline potentially affected by oil was approximately 150. km, and most of the coastline presented medium to high vulnerability. For winter, 230. km coastline would be affected, from which 75% were classified as medium to high vulnerability. Thus, IEVO maps allowed a rapid and clearer interpretation of the vulnerability of the mapped region, facilitating the planning process and the actions in response to an oil spill. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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O depósito mineral de Sapucaia, situado no município de Bonito, região nordeste do Estado do Pará, é parte de um conjunto de ocorrências de fosfatos de alumínio lateríticos localizados predominantemente ao longo da zona costeira dos estados do Pará e Maranhão. Estes depósitos foram alvos de estudo desde o início do século passado, quando as primeiras descrições de “bauxitas fosforosas” foram mencionadas na região NW do Maranhão. Nas últimas décadas, com o crescimento acentuado da demanda por produtos fertilizantes pelo mercado agrícola mundial, diversos projetos de exploração mineral foram iniciados ou tiveram seus recursos ampliados no território brasileiro, dentre estes destaca-se a viabilização econômica de depósitos de fosfatos aluminosos, como o de Sapucaia, que vem a ser o primeiro projeto econômico mineral de produção e comercialização de termofosfatos do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo caracterizar a geologia, a constituição mineralógica e a geoquímica do perfil laterítico alumino-fosfático do morro Sapucaia. A macrorregião abrange terrenos dominados em sua maioria por rochas pré-cambrianas a paleozóicas, localmente definidas pela Formação Pirabas, Formação Barreiras, Latossolos e sedimentos recentes. A morfologia do depósito é caracterizada por um discreto morrote alongado que apresenta suaves e contínuos declives em suas bordas, e que tornam raras as exposições naturais dos horizontes do perfil laterítico. Desta forma, a metodologia aplicada para a caracterização do depósito tomou como base o programa de pesquisa geológica executada pela Fosfatar Mineração, até então detentora dos respectivos direitos minerais, onde foram disponibilizadas duas trincheiras e amostras de 8 testemunhos de sondagem. A amostragem limitou-se à extensão litológica do perfil laterítico, com a seleção de 44 amostras em intervalos médios de 1m, e que foram submetidas a uma rota de preparação e análise em laboratório. Em consonância com as demais ocorrências da região do Gurupi, os fosfatos de Sapucaia constituem um horizonte individualizado, de geometria predominantemente tabular, denominado simplesmente de horizonte de fosfatos de alumínio ou crosta aluminofosfática, que varia texturalmente de maciça a cavernosa, porosa a microporosa, que para o topo grada para uma crosta ferroalumino fosfática, tipo pele-de-onça, compacta a cavernosa, composta por nódulos de hematita e/ou goethita cimentados por fosfatos de alumínio, com características similares aos do horizonte de fosfatos subjacente. A crosta aluminofosfática, para a base do perfil, grada para um espesso horizonte argiloso caulinítico com níveis arenosos, que repousa sobre sedimentos heterolíticos intemperizados de granulação fina, aspecto argiloso, por vezes sericítico, intercalados por horizontes arenosos, e que não possuem correlação aparente com as demais rochas aflorantes da geologia na região. Aproximadamente 40% da superfície do morro é encoberta por colúvio composto por fragmentos mineralizados da crosta e por sedimentos arenosos da Formação Barreiras. Na crosta, os fosfatos de alumínio estão representados predominantemente pelo subgrupo da crandallita: i) série crandallita-goyazita (média de 57,3%); ii) woodhouseíta-svanbergita (média de 15,8%); e pela iii) wardita-millisita (média de 5,1%). Associados aos fosfatos encontram-se hematita, goethita, quartzo, caulinita, muscovita e anatásio, com volumes que variam segundo o horizonte laterítico correspondente. Como os minerais pesados em nível acessório a raro estão zircão, estaurolita, turmalina, anatásio, andalusita e silimanita. O horizonte de fosfatos, bem como a crosta ferroalumínio-fosfática, mostra-se claramente rica em P2O5, além de Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, SrO, SO3, Th, Ta e em terras-raras leves como La e Ce em relação ao horizonte saprolítico. Os teores de SiO2 são consideravelmente elevados, porém muito inferiores aqueles identificados no horizonte argiloso sotoposto. No perfil como um todo, observa-se uma correlação inversa entre SiO2 e Al2O3; entre Al2O3 e Fe2O3, e positiva entre SiO2 e Fe2O3, que ratificam a natureza laterítica do perfil. Diferente do que é esperado para lateritos bauxíticos, os teores de P2O5, CaO, Na2O, SrO e SO3 são fortemente elevados, concentrações consideradas típicas de depósitos de fosfatos de alumínio ricos em crandallita-goyazita e woodhouseítasvanbergita. A sucessão dos horizontes, sua composição mineralógica, e os padrões geoquímicos permitem correlacionar o presente depósito com os demais fosfatos de alumínio da região, mais especificamente Jandiá (Pará) e Trauíra (Maranhão), bem como outros situados além do território brasileiro, indicando portanto, que os fosfatos de alumínio de Sapucaia são produtos da gênese de um perfil laterítico maturo e completo, cuja rocha fonte pode estar relacionada a rochas mineralizadas em fósforo, tais como as observadas na Formação Pimenteiras, parcialmente aflorante na borda da Bacia do Parnaíba. Possivelmente, o atual corpo de minério integrou a paleocosta do mar de Pirabas, uma vez que furos de sondagem às proximidades do corpo deixaram claro a relação de contato lateral entre estas unidades.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Although many studies have shown that soil solution chemistry can be a reliable indicator of biogeochemical cycling in forest ecosystems, the effects of litter manipulations on the fluxes of dissolved elements in gravitational soil solutions have rarely been investigated. We estimated the fluxes of NH4-N, NO3-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) over the first two years after re-planting Eucalyptus trees in the coastal area of Congo. Two treatments were replicated in two blocks after clear-cutting 7-year-old stands: in treatment R, all the litter above the mineral soil was removed before planting, and in a double slash (DS) treatment, the amount of harvest residues was doubled. The soil solutions were sampled down to a depth of 4 m and the water fluxes were estimated using the Hydrus 1D model parameterized from soil moisture measurements in 4 plots. Isotopic and spectroscopic analytical techniques were used to assess the changes in dissolved organic matter (DOM) properties throughout the transfer in the soil. The first year after planting, the fluxes of NH4-N, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and DOC in the topsoil of the DS treatment were 2-5 times higher than in R, which showed that litter was a major source of dissolved nutrients. Nutrient fluxes in gravitational solutions decreased sharply in the second year after planting, irrespective of the soil depth, as a result of intense nutrient uptake by Eucalyptus trees. Losses of dissolved nutrients were noticeably low in these Eucalyptus plantations despite a low cation exchange capacity, a coarse soil texture and large amounts of harvest residues left on-site at the clear cut in the DS treatment. All together, these results clarified the strong effect of litter manipulation observed on eucalypt growth in Congolese sandy soils. DOM fluxes, as well as changes in delta C-13, C:N and aromaticity of DOM throughout the soil profile showed that the organic compounds produced in the litter layer were mainly consumed by microorganisms or retained in the topsoil. Below a depth of 15 cm, most of the DOC and the DON originated from the first 2 cm of the soil and the exchanges between soil solutions and soil organic matter were low. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The intense urbanization in coastal environments can cause environmental changes due to the susceptibility of these areas. It is therefore of utmost importance to understand the environmental quality of coastal area and the geomorphological features are essential to make it possible, as well as the geomorphological maps that are used as an instrument to analyze the relief. However, there is no standardization among the geomorphological mapping techniques, since the proposals vary according to the taxonomy of the relief, the adopted scale and the objective of the researcher. This paper aims to carry out geomorphological mappings of sectors of the city of Mongaguá, in São Paulo state, according to the conceptions of Verstappen and Zuidam (1975) and Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen (2006), seeking to verify the possibilities and constraints that each one can provide for environmental management. Verstappen and Zuidam’s design (1975) is a classical international bibliography proposal indicating the symbols and colors that will be used to represent the relief according to the origin shape of the geomorphological features; Gustavsson, Kolstrup and Seijmonsbergen's conception (2006) is a latest international proposal which also uses symbols and colors that can be combined to represent various forms of relief, coming from different origins. The mappings in this research are although not presented as a mainstream map, but as a cartographic representation in which the symbols are superimposed on the digital ortophoto map to provide the reader an association between symbolism and the relief represented. The result is a comparative analysis among the symbols that were used in each mapping, in which is discussed what design is the most appropriate, considering the adopted scale and the geomorphological features of the mapped area


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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An increasing volume of publications has addressed the role of tectonics in inland areas of northern Brazil during the Neogene and Quaternary, despite its location in a passive margin. Hence, northern South America plate in this time interval might have not been as passive as usually regarded. This proposal needs further support, particularly including field data. In this work, we applied an integrated approach to reveal tectonic structures in Miocene and late Quaternary strata in a coastal area of the Amazonas lowland. The investigation, undertaken in Marajo Island, mouth of the Amazonas River, consisted of shallow sub-surface geophysical data including vertical electric sounding and ground penetrating radar. These methods were combined with morphostructural analysis and sedimentological/stratigraphic data from shallow cores and a few outcrops. The results revealed two stratigraphic units, a lower one with Miocene age, and an upper one of Late Pleistocene-Holocene age. An abundance of faults and folds were recorded in the Miocene deposits and, to a minor extent, in overlying Late Pleistocene-Holocene strata. In addition to characterize these structures, we discuss their origin, considering three potential mechanisms: Andean tectonics, gravity tectonics related to sediment loading in the Amazon Fan, and rifting at the continental margin. Amongst these hypotheses, the most likely is that the faults and folds recorded in Marajo Island reflect tectonics associated with the history of continental rifting that gave rise to the South Atlantic Ocean. This study supports sediment deposition influenced by transpression and transtension associated with strike-slip divergence along the northern Equatorial Brazilian margin in the Miocene and Late Pleistocene-Holocene. This work records tectonic evidence only for the uppermost few ten of meters of this sedimentary succession. However, available geological data indicate a thickness of up to 6 km, which is remarkably thick for an area regarded as a passive margin. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the population biology of Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in a shallow non-estuarine coastal area of southeastern Brazil. Monthly samples were taken from October 2003 through October 2004, in two distinct areas at depths from 1 to 4 m. C. gracilicirrhus was generally among the most abundant fish species during the period. Its density was significantly higher in a single sampling month, May 2004, in the South area, which may be explained by its migratory behavior together with its preference for deeper areas. Such behavior may lead to bias in community estimates that use few or only seasonal samples. C. gracilicirrhus individuals ranged from 4.0 to 10.2 cm long, with a main mode from 7.5 to 9.0 cm and a significant decrease in mean size from June onward. The estimation of body growth parameters was compromised by this population feature. Similarly, the prey spectrum was difficult to determine because of the deteriorated condition of the stomach contents, although crustaceans were clearly the most important items ingested. Amphipoda was the only subgroup that could be identified more precisely, mainly by the construction of their tubes.