945 resultados para clinical characteristics
OBJECTIVES This study aimed to update the Logistic Clinical SYNTAX score to predict 3-year survival after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and compare the performance with the SYNTAX score alone. BACKGROUND The SYNTAX score is a well-established angiographic tool to predict long-term outcomes after PCI. The Logistic Clinical SYNTAX score, developed by combining clinical variables with the anatomic SYNTAX score, has been shown to perform better than the SYNTAX score alone in predicting 1-year outcomes after PCI. However, the ability of this score to predict long-term survival is unknown. METHODS Patient-level data (N = 6,304, 399 deaths within 3 years) from 7 contemporary PCI trials were analyzed. We revised the overall risk and the predictor effects in the core model (SYNTAX score, age, creatinine clearance, and left ventricular ejection fraction) using Cox regression analysis to predict mortality at 3 years. We also updated the extended model by combining the core model with additional independent predictors of 3-year mortality (i.e., diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, and body mass index). RESULTS The revised Logistic Clinical SYNTAX models showed better discriminative ability than the anatomic SYNTAX score for the prediction of 3-year mortality after PCI (c-index: SYNTAX score, 0.61; core model, 0.71; and extended model, 0.73 in a cross-validation procedure). The extended model in particular performed better in differentiating low- and intermediate-risk groups. CONCLUSIONS Risk scores combining clinical characteristics with the anatomic SYNTAX score substantially better predict 3-year mortality than the SYNTAX score alone and should be used for long-term risk stratification of patients undergoing PCI.
Background Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibition is central to the therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, loss of response (LOR) is frequent and additional tests to help decision making with costly anti-TNF Therapy are needed. Methods Consecutive IBD Patients receiving anti-TNF therapy (Infliximab (IFX) or Adalimumab (after IFX LOR) from Bern University Hospital were identified and followed prospectively. Patient whole blood was stimulated with a dose-titration of two triggers of TLR receptors human: TNF and LPS. Median fluorescence intensity of CD62L on the surface of granulocytes was quantified by surface staining with specific antibodies (CD33, CD62L) and flow cytometry and logistic curves to these data permits the calculation of EC50 or the half maximal effective concentration TNF concentration to induce shedding [1]. A shift in the concentration were CD62L shedding occurred was seen before and after the anti-TNF agent administraion which permits to predict the response to the drug. This predicted response was correlated to the clinical evolution of the patients in order to analyze the ability of this test to identify LOR to IFX. Results We collected prospective clinical data and blood samples, before and after anti-TNF agent administration, on 33 IBD patients, 25 Crohn's disease and 8 ulcerative colitis patients (45% females) between June 2012 and November 2013. The assay showed a functional blockade of IFX (PFR) for 22 patients (17 CD and 5 UC) whereas 11 (8 CD and 3 UC) had no functional response (NR) to IFX. Clinical characteristics (e.g. diagnosis, disease location, smoking status, BMI and number of infusions) were no significantly different between predicted PFR and NR. Among the 22 Patients with PRF, only 1 patient was a clinical non responder (LOR to IFX), based on clinical prospective evaluation by IBD gastroenterologists (PJ, AM), and among the 11 predicted NR, 3 had no clinical LOR. Sensitivity of this test was 95% and specificity 73% and AUC adjusted for age and gender was 0.81 (Figure 1). During follow up (median 10 mo, 3–15) 8 “hard” outcomes occured (3 medic. flares, 4 resections and 1 new fistula) 2 in the PFR and 6 in the NR group (25% vs. 75%; p < 0.01). Correlation with clinical response is presented in Figure 2. Figure 1. Figure 2. Correlation clinical response - log EC50 changes: 1 No, 2 partial, 3 complete clinical response. Conclusion CD62L (L-Selectin) shedding is the first validated test of functional blockade of TNF alpha in anti-TNF treated IBD patients and will be a useful tool to guide medical decision on the use of anti-TNF agents. Comparative studies with ATI and trough level of IFX are ongoing. 1. Nicola Patuto, Emma Slack, Frank Seibold and Andrew J. Macpherson, (2011), Quantitating Anti-TNF Functionality to Inform Dosing and Choice of Therapy, Gastroenterology, 140 (5, Suppl. I), S689.
OBJECTIVES Rates of TB/HIV coinfection and multi-drug resistant (MDR)-TB are increasing in Eastern Europe (EE). We aimed to study clinical characteristics, factors associated with MDR-TB and predicted activity of empiric anti-TB treatment at time of TB diagnosis among TB/HIV coinfected patients in EE, Western Europe (WE) and Latin America (LA). DESIGN AND METHODS Between January 1, 2011, and December 31, 2013, 1413 TB/HIV patients (62 clinics in 19 countries in EE, WE, Southern Europe (SE), and LA) were enrolled. RESULTS Significant differences were observed between EE (N = 844), WE (N = 152), SE (N = 164), and LA (N = 253) in the proportion of patients with a definite TB diagnosis (47%, 71%, 72% and 40%, p<0.0001), MDR-TB (40%, 5%, 3% and 15%, p<0.0001), and use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) (17%, 40%, 44% and 35%, p<0.0001). Injecting drug use (adjusted OR (aOR) = 2.03 (95% CI 1.00-4.09), prior anti-TB treatment (3.42 (1.88-6.22)), and living in EE (7.19 (3.28-15.78)) were associated with MDR-TB. Among 585 patients with drug susceptibility test (DST) results, the empiric (i.e. without knowledge of the DST results) anti-TB treatment included ≥3 active drugs in 66% of participants in EE compared with 90-96% in other regions (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS In EE, TB/HIV patients were less likely to receive a definite TB diagnosis, more likely to house MDR-TB and commonly received empiric anti-TB treatment with reduced activity. Improved management of TB/HIV patients in EE requires better access to TB diagnostics including DSTs, empiric anti-TB therapy directed at both susceptible and MDR-TB, and more widespread use of cART.
A retrospective cohort study was conducted among 1542 patients diagnosed with CLL between 1970 and 2001 at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). Changes in clinical characteristics and the impact of CLL on life expectancy were assessed across three decades (1970–2001) and the role of clinical factors on prognosis of CLL were evaluated among patients diagnosed between 1985 and 2001 using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards method. Among 1485 CLL patients diagnosed from 1970 to 2001, patients in the recent cohort (1985–2001) were diagnosed at a younger age and an earlier stage compared to the earliest cohort (1970–1984). There was a 44% reduction in mortality among patients diagnosed in 1985–1995 compared to those diagnosed in 1970–1984 after adjusting for age, sex and Rai stage among patients who ever received treatment. There was an overall 11 years (5 years for stage 0) loss of life expectancy among 1485 patients compared with the expected life expectancy based on the age-, sex- and race-matched US general population, with a 43% decrease in the 10-year survival rate. Abnormal cytogenetics was associated with shorter progression-free (PF) survival after adjusting for age, sex, Rai stage and beta-2 microglobulin (beta-2M); whereas, older age, abnormal cytogenetics and a higher beta-2M level were adverse predictors for overall survival. No increased risk of second cancer overall was observed, however, patients who received treatment for CLL had an elevated risk of developing AML and HD. Two out of three patients who developed AML were treated with alkylating agents. In conclusion, CLL patients had improved survival over time. The identification of clinical predictors of PF/overall survival has important clinical significance. Close surveillance of the development of second cancer is critical to improve the quality of life of long-term survivors. ^
Background and Aims: It is well recognized that mood disorders and epilepsy commonly co-occur. However, the relationship between epilepsy and the clinical features and course of illness in bipolar disorder (BD) is currently unknown. Here we explore the rate of epilepsy within a large sample of individuals with BD and examine bipolar illness characteristics according to the presence or absence of epilepsy. Methods: 1596 participants recruited to the Bipolar Disorder Research Network; a well-defined sample of UK subjects with a diagnosis of BD, completed a self-report questionnaire to assess lifetime history of epilepsy (Ottman et al., 2010). A subset of participants (n = 29) completed a telephone interview assessment to determine expert-confirmed epilepsy status. Lifetime clinical characteristics of illness were compared between BD subjects with and without a history of epilepsy. Results: 127 individuals (8%) screened positively for lifetime history of epilepsy. Bipolar subjects with epilepsy experienced higher rates of: suicide attempt (64.2% vs. 47.4%, p = 0.000367); panic disorder (29.6% vs. 16.1%, p = 0.001); phobias (13.6% vs. 5.7%, 0.004); alcohol abuse (18.6% vs. 10.6%, p = 0.017); and other substance abuse (10.2% vs. 4%, p = 0.009). History of suicide attempt (OR = 1.79, p = 0.013) remained significant within a multivariate model. Similar trends were observed within bipolar subjects with well-defined, expert-confirmed epilepsy (n = 29). Conclusions: Results demonstrate an increased rate of self-reported epilepsy in the BD sample, compared to the general population, and suggest differences in the clinical course of BD according to the presence of epilepsy. Comorbid epilepsy within BD may provide an attractive opportunity for subcategorising for future genetic studies, potentially identifying common underlying mechanisms.
Background: The emergence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases is rare. We report an occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemases in a Chinese tertiary care hospital from November 2010 to December 2012. Methods: The clinical characteristics of 30 patients were described. The genetic relationship of isolates was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Carbapenemases were detected by modified Hodge test (MHT) and polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Amplicons were sequenced and blasted to determine the genotype. Results: Most infected patients were from intensive care unit and had complex and serious underlying illnesses requiring mechanical ventilation. PFGE revealed that Klebsiella pneumoniae showed two major PFGE types. Two Klebsiella oxytoca had an indistinguishable PFGE pattern, while four Enterobacter cloacae were different strains. The sequencing studies showed Enterobacteriaceae harboring IMP-4 or IMP-8 carbapenemase in the 23 infected patients. The majority of patients had infections with the carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) strain, most were successfully treated with a range of antibiotics and discharged. Conclusion: It is important to maintain a high index of suspicion to screen for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae strains. Rapid identification of these strains and implementation of stringent procedures are the key to prevent major outbreaks in a hospital setting. Keywords:
Resistant hypertension (RH) is a multifactorial disease, frequently associated with obesity and characterized by blood pressure above goal (140/90 mm Hg) despite the concurrent use of ≥3 antihypertensive drugs of different classes. The mechanisms of obesity-related hypertension include, among others, aldosterone excess and inflammatory adipokines, which have demonstrated a significant role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and RH. This review aims to summarize recent studies on the role of the adipokines leptin, resistin, and adiponectin in the pathophysiology of RH and target-organ damage associated with this condition. The deregulation of adipokine levels has been associated with clinical characteristics frequently recognized in RH such as diabetes, hyperactivity of sympathetic and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems, and vascular and renal damage. Strategies to regulate adipokines may be promising for the management of RH and some clinical implications must be considered when managing controlled and uncontrolled patients with RH.
Phenytoin is an effective antiepileptic drug, although, it can be associated with many side effects, including dyskinesia. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics of phenytoin induced dyskinesia. METHODS: We investigated the occurrence of involuntary movements in patients followed at our adult and pediatric epilepsy clinics during the period of one year. RESULTS: Three patients presented with phenytoin-induced dyskinesia: one adult with axial and orofacial dyskinesia, and two children with choreoathetosis. They did not have other signs of phenytoin intoxication and had complete recovery after phenytoin withdrawal. CONCLUSION: Phenytoin induced dyskinesia may occur during either chronic or initial treatment and with normal serum phenytoin levels. However, it occurs most often in patients on polytherapy, usually after increasing dosage and with toxic serum levels. Other signs of phenytoin intoxication may be present in these patients, but often the dyskinesia is the only side effect, which may delay the diagnosis and treatment. The clinical characteristics of the involuntary movements vary and may be focal or generalized, most often characterized by choreoathetosis and dyskinesias. These may last for hours, days or even years, but frequently disappear completely after phenytoin withdrawal.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. COMENTÁRIOS: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.
OBJETIVO: avaliar características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares de carcinomas mamários em mulheres muito jovens em comparação a tumores de mulheres na pós-menopausa. MÉTODOS: foram selecionados 106 casos de câncer de mama de mulheres jovens e 130 casos de mulheres pós-menopausa. Foram analisados dados clínicos (idade ao diagnóstico, estadiamento, ocorrência de metástases, tempo de sobrevida global e livre de doença), anátomo-patológicos (tamanho do tumor, tipo e grau histológico do tumor primário) e marcadores moleculares (receptores de estrógeno e progesterona, HER2, p53, p63, citoqueratinas 5 e 14 e EGFR) com uso da imunoistoquímica empregando microarranjo de tecido. Foi analisada a relação entre as características clínico-patológicas, imunoistoquímicas e de sobrevidas global e livre de doença. RESULTADOS: as pacientes muito jovens apresentaram maior frequência de nuliparidade (p=0,03), maior diâmetro dos tumores (p<0,000), estadiamento clínico mais avançado (p=0,01), maior número de linfonodos positivos (p=0,001) e tumores pouco diferenciados (p=0,004). A maioria das pacientes jovens recebeu tratamento com quimioterapia (90,8%) e radioterapia (85,2%) e em menor proporção com tamoxifeno (31,5%), comparado às mulheres na pós-menopausa. Observamos baixa positividade para o receptor de estrógeno (49,1%; p=0,01) e alta positividade para a proteína HER2 (28,7%; p=0,03) nas mulheres jovens. O fenótipo triplo-negativo foi observado em 29,6% no grupo jovem e em 20% nas mulheres na pós-menopausa. Os tumores de fenótipo basal foram mais frequentes nas mulheres jovens (50%). As metástases sistêmicas ocorreram em 55,3% dos casos nas jovens e em 39,2% nas idosas. As sobrevidas global e livre de doença em cinco anos foram, respectivamente, 63 e 39% para as mulheres jovens e 75 e 67% para o grupo de mulheres na pós-menopausa. CONCLUSÕES: carcinomas mamários de mulheres muito jovens têm características clínicas, patológicas e moleculares mais agressivas quando comparadas às mulheres acima de 50 anos.
FUNDAMENTOS: Os carcinomas espinocelulares da pele da cabeça têm como opção terapêutica mais segura a cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs, que apresenta os menores índices de recidiva e a máxima preservação tecidual. Características dos carcinomas espinocelulares podem estar relacionadas a maior número de estádios cirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Definir características dos carcinomas espinocelulares que sejam preditoras de maior número de estádios na cirurgia de Mohs. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 51 carcinomas espinocelulares da cabeça tratados pela cirurgia de Mohs para determinar fatores de risco de maior número de estádios. Foram analisados limites clínicos, morfologia, recidiva, histologia e tamanho, relacionando-os ao número de estádios cirúrgicos. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste exato de Fisher e regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Os carcinomas recidivados tiveram tendência a maior número de estádios (p=0,081). Os tumores com limites imprecisos apresentaram três vezes mais possibilidades de maior número de fases na análise da razão de chances. Esse achado foi compatível com dados da literatura, apesar de não ter sido estatisticamente significante. CONCLUSÃO: Características pré-operatórias dos carcinomas espinocelulares, como recidiva e limites imprecisos, apesar de não preditivas, indicaram tendência a maior número de estádios na cirurgia micrográfica de Mohs.
OBJETIVO: Identificar áreas de vulnerabilidade para os casos novos de co-infecção HIV/tuberculose (TB). MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo ecológico realizado por meio do georreferenciamento dos casos novos de HIV/TB notificados em Ribeirão Preto, SP, em 2006. Os dados foram obtidos do sistema de informação estadual paulista de notificação de TB. Os casos novos de co-infecção HIV/TB foram analisados conforme características sociodemográficas e clínicas e, posteriormente, georreferenciados na base cartográfica do município segundo endereço residencial. Os setores do município foram categorizados em três níveis socioeconômicos: inferior, intermediário e superior, com base na análise de componentes principais das variáveis do censo demográfico de 2000 (renda, instrução e percentagem de domicílios com cinco ou mais moradores). Foi calculada a incidência da co-infecção HIV/TB para cada nível socioeconômico. RESULTADOS: A co-infecção HIV/TB acometeu mais adultos do sexo masculino em idade economicamente ativa e a forma pulmonar da TB foi a mais comum. A distribuição espacial mostrou que as incidências nas áreas com níveis socioeconômicos intermediários e inferiores (8,3 e 11,5 casos por 100 mil habitantes, respectivamente) foram superiores àquela (4,8 casos por 100 mil habitantes) de nível socioeconômico superior. CONCLUSÕES: A taxa de incidência de co-infecção HIV/TB analisada por níveis socioeconômicos mostrou padraÞo espacial de distribuiçaÞo não homogêneo e apresentou valores mais altos em áreas de maior vulnerabilidade social. O estudo diagnosticou aìreas geograìficas prioritaìrias para o controle da co-infecção e a tecnologia do sistema de informação geográfica pode ser empregada no planejamento das ações em saúde pelos gestores municipais.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência, distribuição etária, sazonalidade, características clínicas da doença Lyme-símile em menores de 15 anos. MÉTODOS: De julho/1998 a dezembro/2000 foi conduzido um estudo transversal em 333 pacientes, com exantema e febre. Foram coletadas amostras pareadas de sangue para a identificação de patógenos. Somente em 193 amostras, negativas aos outros patógenos (Parvovirus B19, Herpesvírus 6 humano, Sarampo, Rubéola, Dengue, Escarlatina e Enterovírus), foram realizadas a pesquisa da borreliose pelos métodos de Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay e Western-blotting. Outras variáveis clínicas, socioeconômicas, demográficas e climáticas foram estudadas. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da doença foi de 6,2%(12/193). Das variáveis estudadas, houve predomínio em <6anos(83,2%); sexo feminino (66,7%); procedência da cidade de Franco da Rocha (58,3%); com sazonalidade no outono-verão. O intervalo de atendimento foi de quatro dias. Sinais e sintomas com significância estatística: prurido, ausência da fissura labial e bom estado clínico. Outros dados presentes foram: irritabilidade (80%); febre (?38ºC) (58,3%) com duração de um a três dias. O exantema foi do tipo máculo-papular (33,3%), urticariforme (25%) e escarlatiniforme (16,7%); predominando em tronco (60%). Não houve apresentação clínica característica para diagnóstico da doença de Lyme-símile nestes pacientes. A sensibilidade e especificidade para o diagnóstico clínico contraposta com o diagnóstico laboratorial foi zero. O acompanhamento de 10 casos durante dois anos não evidenciou complicações cardiológicas ou neurológicas. Este é o primeiro estudo desta doença em crianças brasileiras. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da doença Lyme-símile foi baixa, não tendo sido lembrada no diagnóstico inicial dos exantemas, mas seu conhecimento é necessário, necessitando maior atenção médica.
A infecção dos felinos pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina (FIV) resulta no desenvolvimento da síndrome de imunodeficiência dos felinos. Gengivite, perda de peso, linfadenomegalia generalizada, anemia, insuficiência renal crônica, complicações neurológicas, diarréia crônica e infecções bacterianas são encontradas frequentemente. A fase aguda da infecção pode ser assintomática, retardando o estabelecimento do diagnóstico e a implantação de medidas profiláticas para restringir o contágio e a transmissão do agente aos felinos suscetíveis. Com a finalidade de estudar as características clínicas da fase aguda da infecção, dez felinos jovens, sem definição racial, com oito meses de idade foram inoculados por via endovenosa com 1mL de sangue venoso de um gato portador do FIV subtipo B. A confirmação da infecção foi obtida através de teste sorológico em quatro e oito semanas pós-inoculação (p.i.) e por nested-PCR. Foram realizados hemogramas semanais, exame ultrassonográfico do abdômen quinzenais e exame oftalmológico mensal, durante doze semanas p.i. Discreta tendência a linfopenia na segunda semana p.i. e a neutropenia entre a quinta e sétima semana p.i., febre intermitente em alguns gatos, linfadenomegalia e hepato-esplenomegalia entre a quarta e a 12ª semana p.i. foram as alterações clínicas observadas. Apenas um gato apresentou uveíte unilateral direita. A fase aguda da infecção transcorreu com alterações clínicas inespecíficas. A linfadenomegalia e a hepato-esplenomegalia observadas no decorrer da infecção, refletindo hiperplasia linfóide, sugerem a necessidade de se realizar o teste sorológico para o FIV, em todos os gatos que se apresentarem com essas alterações, o que permitirá o diagnóstico precoce da infecção e a adoção de medidas profiláticas no sentido de minimizar a propagação da infecção.
Background: Genetic polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 gene are strongly associated with large increments in type 2 diabetes risk in different populations worldwide. In this study, we aimed to confirm the effect of the TCF7L2 polymorphism rs7903146 on diabetes risk in a Brazilian population and to assess the use of this genetic marker in improving diabetes risk prediction in the general population. Methods: We genotyped the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) rs7903146 of the TCF7L2 gene in 560 patients with known coronary disease enrolled in the MASS II (Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study) Trial and in 1,449 residents of Vitoria, in Southeast Brazil. The associations of this gene variant to diabetes risk and metabolic characteristics in these two different populations were analyzed. To access the potential benefit of using this marker for diabetes risk prediction in the general population we analyzed the impact of this genetic variant on a validated diabetes risk prediction tool based on clinical characteristics developed for the Brazilian general population. Results: SNP rs7903146 of the TCF7L2 gene was significantly associated with type 2 diabetes in the MASS-II population (OR = 1.57 per T allele, p = 0.0032), confirming, in the Brazilian population, previous reports of the literature. Addition of this polymorphism to an established clinical risk prediction score did not increased model accuracy (both area under ROC curve equal to 0.776). Conclusion: TCF7L2 rs7903146 T allele is associated with a 1.57 increased risk for type 2 diabetes in a Brazilian cohort of patients with known coronary heart disease. However, the inclusion of this polymorphism in a risk prediction tool developed for the general population resulted in no improvement of performance. This is the first study, to our knowledge, that has confirmed this recent association in a South American population and adds to the great consistency of this finding in studies around the world. Finally, confirming the biological association of a genetic marker does not guarantee improvement on already established screening tools based solely on demographic variables.