969 resultados para chronic obstructive
IPH has estimated and forecast clinical diagnosis rates of CAO among adults for the years 2010, 2015 and 2020. In the Republic of Ireland, the data are based on the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÁN) 2007. The data describe the number of people who report that they have experienced doctor-diagnosed chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung (pulmonary) disease, or emphysema in the previous 12 months (annual clinical diagnosis). Data is available by age and sex for each Local Health Office of the Health Service Executive (HSE) in the Republic of Ireland. In Northern Ireland, the data are based on the Health and Social Wellbeing Survey 2005/06. The data describe the number of people who report that they have experienced doctor-diagnosed COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease eg chronic bronchitis / emphysema or both disorders at any time in the past (lifetime clinical diagnosis). Data are available by age and sex for each Local Government District in Northern Ireland. Clinical diagnosis rates in the Republic of Ireland relate to the previous 12 months and are not directly comparable with clinical diagnosis rates in Northern Ireland which relate to anytime in the past. The IPH estimated prevalence per cents may be marginally different to estimated prevalence per cents taken directly from the reference study. There are two reasons for this: 1) The IPH prevalence estimates relate to 2010 while the reference studies relate to earlier years (Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey 2005/06, Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition 2007, Understanding Society 2009). Although we assume that the risk of the condition in the risk groups do not change over time, the distribution of the number of people in the risk groups in the population changes over time (eg the population ages). This new distribution of the risk groups in the population means that the risk of the condition is weighted differently to the reference study and this results in a different overall prevalence estimate. 2) The IPH prevalence estimates are based on a statistical model of the reference study. The model includes a number of explanatory variables to predict the risk of the condition. Therefore the model does not include records from the reference study that are missing data on these explanatory variables. A prevalence estimate for a condition taken directly from the reference study would include these records.
Acute exacerbation of COPD is one of the most common causes of hospital admission in patients affected with this disease. In most cases, consideration of differential diagnoses and assessment of important comorbidities will allow to make the decision whether or not the patient needs to be hospitalized. A decision to hospitalize will be based on specific symptoms and signs, as well on the patient's history. Contrary to bronchial asthma, a systematic action plan strategy is lacking for COPD. However, a disease management plan involving all the health care providers may have the potential to improve the patient's well being and to decrease costs related to these exacerbations.
For patients with chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), exacerbations are life-threatening events causing acute respiratory distress that can even lead to hospitalization and death. Although a great deal of effort has been put into research of exacerbations and potential treatment options, the exact underlying mechanisms are yet to be deciphered and no therapy that effectively targets the excessive inflammation is available. In this study, we report that interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-17A (IL-17A) are key mediators of neutrophilic inflammation in influenza-induced exacerbations of chronic lung inflammation. Using a mouse model of disease, our data shows a role for IL-1β in mediating lung dysfunction, and in driving neutrophilic inflammation during the whole phase of viral infection. We further report a role for IL-17A as a mediator of IL-1β induced neutrophilia at early time points during influenza-induced exacerbations. Blocking of IL-17A or IL-1 resulted in a significant abrogation of neutrophil recruitment to the airways in the initial phase of infection or at the peak of viral replication, respectively. Therefore, IL-17A and IL-1β are potential targets for therapeutic treatment of viral exacerbations of chronic lung inflammation.
Information and telecommunication technologies are called to play a major role in the changes that healthcare systems have to face to cope with chronic disease. This paper reports a telemedicine experience for the home care of chronic patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and an integrated system designed to carry out this experience. To determine the impact on health, the chronic care telemedicine system was used during one year (2002) with 157 COPD patients in a clinical experiment; endpoints were readmissions and mortality. Patients in the intervention group were followed up at their homes and could contact the care team at any time through the call center. The care team shared a unique electronic chronic patient record (ECPR) accessible through the web-based patient management module or the home visit units. Results suggest that integrated home telemedicine services can support health professionals caring for patients with chronic disease, and improve their health.We have found that simple telemedicine services (ubiquitous access to ECPR, ECPR shared by care team, accessibility to case manager, problem reporting integrated in ECPR) can increase the number of patients that were not readmitted (51% intervention, 33% control), are acceptable to professionals, and involve low installation and exploitation costs. Further research is needed to determine the role of telemonitoring and televisit services for this kind of patients.
Nutrition assessment is important during chronic respiratory insufficiency to evaluate the level of malnutrition or obesity and should include body composition measurements. The appreciation of fat-free and fat reserves in patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency can aid in designing an adapted nutritional support, e.g., nutritional support in malnutrition and food restriction in obesity. The purpose of the present study was to cross-validate fat-free and fat mass obtained by various bioelectric impedance (BIA) formulas with the fat-free and fat mass measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and determine the formulas that are best suited to predict the fat-free and fat mass for a group of patients with severe chronic respiratory insufficiency. Seventy-five patients (15 women and 60 men) with chronic obstructive and restrictive respiratory insufficiency aged 45-86 y were included in this study. Body composition was calculated according to 13 different BIA formulas for women and 12 for men and compared with DXA. Because of the variability, calculated as 2 standard deviations, of +/- 5.0 kg fat-free mass for women and +/- 6.4 kg for men for the best predictive formula, the use of the various existing BIA formulas was considered not clinically relevant. Therefore disease-specific formulas for patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency should be developed to improve the prediction of fat-free and fat mass by BIA in these patients.
Le système respiratoire permet l'échange de gaz entre un organisme et son environnement. Pour fonctionner efficacement, il doit lutter contre les infections tout en maintenant une tolérance aux particules inoffensives. Les cytokines sont des petites protéines qui permettent la communication entre les différentes cellules et jouent un rôle important dans la régulation de l'homéostasie et de l'immunité des surfaces pulmonaires. Une production altérée des cytokines sous-tend beaucoup de maladies du système pulmonaire. Ainsi, la compréhension de la biologie fondamentale des cytokines pourrait contribuer à la mise au point de nouveaux traitements. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux cytokines, le TSLP (Thymic stromal lymphopoietin) et l'IL-17 (Interleukin 17) dans les réponses immunitaires bénéfiques et nuisibles en utilisant des modèles précliniques de souris des maladies pulmonaires. L'asthme est une maladie qui est caractérisée par la bronchoconstriction réversible, l'inflammation des voies respiratoires inférieures, l'hyperréactivité bronchique et le remodelage tissulaire. Le type d'inflammation affectant les voies respiratoires et la présence ou non d'allergie permettent d'établir les différents types d'asthme. La TSLP est une cytokine qui est principalement exprimée à des niveaux élevés dans les poumons de patients souffrant d'asthme allergique. En conséquence, la majeure partie de la recherche sur la TSLP a mis l'accent sur le rôle joué par celle- ci dans les réponses négatives conduisant au développement de l'asthme allergique. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que la TSLP joue aussi un rôle bénéfique dans les réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. Nous avons découvert que la TSLP atténue la grippe en augmentant les réponses des lymphocytes T cytotoxiques contre le virus. Nous avons également étudié la fonction de la TSLP dans l'asthme non allergique. Contrairement à l'asthme allergique, nous avons constaté que la TSLP diminue les réponses inflammatoires dans l'asthme non allergique en réglant la production de l'IL-17, une cytokine qui favorise la maladie. Ainsi, nous démontrons les fonctions pleiotropes de la TSLP dans des contextes spécifiques de la maladie. Nos résultats ont des implications importantes pour le développement de thérapies ciblant la TSLP dans l'asthme. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes pathogéniques qui sous-tendent le développement de la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO). La BPCO est une maladie chronique le plus largement associée aux fumeurs. Elle est caractérisée par une limitation progressive et irréversible du débit d'air et la destruction de la structure des poumons. L'augmentation globale de l'incidence de la maladie encourage grandement la compréhension des mécanismes pathogéniques et l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Nous avons découvert que les micro-organismes trouvés dans les voies respiratoires aggravent la maladie en augmentant la production de l'IL-17. L'IL-17 est une cytokine inflammatoire qui est impliquée dans plusieurs maladies pulmonaires chroniques, dont la BPCO. Dans notre modèle animal de la maladie, nous avons neutralisé 1ÌL-17A en utilisant un anticorps spécifique et observé une reprise de la fonction pulmonaire. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié 2 axes potentiels pour l'intervention thérapeutique contre la BPCO. Cibler les bactéries dans les voies respiratoires soit par l'utilisation d'antibiotiques ou l'utilisation de thérapies à base immunitaire qui antagonisent l'activité spécifiques de l'IL-17. Dans l'avenir, notre laboratoire va collaborer avec des cliniciens pour acquérir des échantillons humains et tester la pertinence de nos résultats dans la maladie humaine. -- L'interaction avec l'environnement extérieur est vitale pour le fonctionnement du système respiratoire. Par conséquent, ce dernier a adopté une multitude de réseaux effecteurs et régulateurs qui permettent de distinguer les particules inhalées comme «dangereuses» ou «inoffensives» et de réagir en conséquence. L'équilibre entre ces réseaux est essentielle pour lutter contre le «danger» déclenché par une infection ou des dommages, et finalement pour le retour à l'homéostasie. Le milieu de cytokine local contribue de manière significative à la mise au point de ces réponses. Ainsi, la caractérisation du rôle des cytokines dans l'état d'équilibre et la maladie a des implications claires pour les interventions thérapeutiques dans les maladies respiratoires aiguës et chroniques. Cette thèse a porté sur le rôle des cytokines, la lymphopoïétine stromale thymique (TSLP) et TIL-17A dans l'élaboration de réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. La TSLP est principalement produite par les cellules épithéliales et peut cibler une myriade de cellules immunitaires. Bien qu'elle ait été montrée être un puissant inducteur des réponses de type Th2, son rôle dans d'autres contextes inflammatoires est relativement inexploré. Dans le premier projet de cette thèse, nous avons découvert une nouvelle fonction de la TSLP dans l'immunité antivirale contre la grippe, une infection virale. Nous avons constaté que la TSLP a réglementé la réponse neutrophile au début de l'infection, en amplifiant l'immunité adaptative spécifique du virus. Mécaniquement, la TSLP a augmenté l'expression de l'IL-15 et du CD70 sur les cellules dendritiques recrutées dans les poumons suite à l'infection et a renforcé leur capacité de stimuler localement les lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques du virus. En outre, nous avons étudié la TSLP dans le cadre de divers phénotypes de l'asthme et également démontré l'impact pléiotropique qu'elle a sur les réponses immunitaires pulmonaires. En accord avec les rapports précédents, nous avons constaté que la TSLP a exacerbé l'inflammation atopique médiée par le Th2. En revanche la TSLP a réduit les réponses de l'IL-17A et l'inflammation neutrophile subséquente dans le modèle non atopique, ainsi que l'exacerbation du modèle atopique provoqué par une infection virale. Nos résultats démontrent une dichotomie dans le rôle de la TSLP dans la pathogenèse de l'asthme et soulignent la nécessité d'envisager plusieurs phénotypes d'asthme pour une évaluation approfondie de son potentiel thérapeutique dans cette maladie. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous avons caractérisé les mécanismes pathogènes qui sous-tendent la broncho-pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO). La BPCO est une maladie hétérogène définie par une diminution progressive de la fonction pulmonaire. Bien que des déclencheurs environnementaux puissent aggraver la maladie, chez les personnes sensibles une maladie établie peut progresser à travers un cercle inflammatoire auto-entretenu. Nous avons cherché à définir les mécanismes sous-jacents à l'aide d'un modèle murin d'inflammation chronique, qui reproduit les caractéristiques pathologiques de la maladie humaine. Puisqu'ont été associés à la BPCO sévère des changements dans le microbiome des voies respiratoires, nous avons supposé que les signaux dérivés de certains microbes pourraient favoriser des voies inflammatoires chroniques de progression de la maladie. Nous avons observé que, en l'absence d un microbiome, la maladie s'est améliorée tel que démontré par une réduction de l'inflammation des voies respiratoires et une amélioration de la fonction pulmonaire. Cela a été lié spécifiquement à une production réduite d'IL-17A, une cytokine qui a été impliquée dans la maladie humaine. De plus la cinétique de production de 1IL- 17A dépendant du microbiote est corrélé à la sévérité de la maladie. Sur la base de ces données, la neutralisation de l'IL-17A a également eu un effet bénéfique sur l'évolution de la maladie. Le rôle significatif de 1TL-17A dans l'aggravation de la maladie a été couplé à sa capacité à engager un dialogue entre les voies inflammatoires innées et adaptatives. Il a influencé le recrutement et le phénotype des neutrophiles et des macrophages, ce qui a eu un impact direct et indirect sur la formation et la fonction des tissus lymphoïdes tertiaires associée à des stades sévères de la maladie. -- The interaction with the external environment is vital for the functioning of the respiratory system. Consequently, it has adopted a multitude of effector and regulatory networks that enable it to distinguish inhaled particles as 'dangerous' or 'innocuous' and respond accordingly. The balance between these networks is crucial to counteract the 'danger' triggered by infection or damage, and ultimately return to homeostasis. The local cytokine milieu contributes significantly to the fine- tuning of these responses. Thus, characterizing the role of cytokines in steady state and disease has clear implications for therapeutic interventions in acute and chronic respiratory disorders. This thesis focused on the role of the cytokines, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and IL-17A in shaping pulmonary immune responses. TSLP is primarily produced by barrier epithelial cells and can target a myriad of immune cells. Although it has been shown to be potent inducer of Th2 type responses, its role in other inflammatory settings is relatively unexplored. In the first project of this thesis, we discovered a novel function of TSLP in antiviral immunity to Influenza A infection. We found that while TSLP regulated the early neutrophilic response to infection, it amplified virus specific adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, TSLP enhanced the expression of IL-15 and CD70 on the lung recruited inflammatory dendritic cells and strengthened their ability to stimulate virus specific CD8+ T cell responses locally. In addition we investigated TSLP in the context of diverse asthma phenotypes and further demonstrated the pleiotropic impact it has on pulmonary immune responses. In concurrence with previous reports we found that TSLP exacerbated Th2 mediated atopic inflammation. In contrast TSLP curtailed IL-17A responses and subsequent neutrophilic inflammation in the non-atopic model as well as virus induced exacerbation of the atopic model. Our findings demonstrate a dichotomy in the role of TSLP in asthma pathogenesis and emphasize the need to consider multiple asthma phenotypes for a thorough evaluation of its therapeutic potential in this disease. In the next part of this thesis we characterized the pathogenic mechanisms underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. COPD is a heterogeneous disease defined by a progressive decline in lung function. Although environmental triggers exacerbate the disease, in susceptible individuals the established disease can progress through a self-sustained inflammatory circle. We sought to delineate the underlying mechanisms by using a murine model of chronic inflammation, which reproduced key pathological features of the human disease. As changes in the airway microbiome have been linked to severe COPD, we speculated that microbial derived signals could facilitate the establishment of chronic inflammatory pathways that favour disease progression. We found that the absence of a microbiota ameliorated disease, exhibited by a reduction in airway inflammation and an improvement in lung function. This was linked specifically to an impaired production of IL-17A, a cytokine that has been implicated in human disease. Moreover the kinetics of microbiota-dependent IL-17A production correlated with the disease severity. Based on these data targeted neutralization of IL-17A also had a beneficiai effect on the disease outcome. The prominent role played by IL-I7A in driving the disease was coupled to its ability in engaging and mediating cross talk between pathogenic innate and adaptive immune pathways. It influenced the recruitment and phenotype of neutrophils and macrophages, as well as impacted upon the formation and function of tertiary lymphoid tissue associated with severe disease. Thus, temporal and spatial changes in cytokine production, their cellular targets and interaction with the local milieu determine the balance between immunity and pathology in the lung. Collectively our findings provide novel mechanistic insights in the complex role played by cytokines in orchestrating pulmonary immune responses and have clear implications for human disease.
Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) has emerged as an important opportunistic pathogen causing infection in adults suffering obstructive lung diseases. Existing evidence associates chronic infection by NTHi to the progression of the chronic respiratory disease, but specific features of NTHi associated with persistence have not been comprehensively addressed. To provide clues about adaptive strategies adopted by NTHi during persistent infection, we compared sequential persistent isolates with newly acquired isolates in sputa from six patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) identified three patients with consecutive persistent strains and three with new strains. Phenotypic characterisation included infection of respiratory epithelial cells, bacterial self-aggregation, biofilm formation and resistance to antimicrobial peptides (AMP). Persistent isolates differed from new strains in showing low epithelial adhesion and inability to form biofilms when grown under continuous-flow culture conditions in microfermenters. Self-aggregation clustered the strains by patient, not by persistence. Increasing resistance to AMPs was observed for each series of persistent isolates; this was not associated with lipooligosaccharide decoration with phosphorylcholine or with lipid A acylation. Variation was further analyzed for the series of three persistent isolates recovered from patient 1. These isolates displayed comparable growth rate, natural transformation frequency and murine pulmonary infection. Genome sequencing of these three isolates revealed sequential acquisition of single-nucleotide variants in the AMP permease sapC, the heme acquisition systems hgpB, hgpC, hup and hxuC, the 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid kinase kdkA, the long-chain fatty acid transporter ompP1, and the phosphoribosylamine glycine ligase purD. Collectively, we frame a range of pathogenic traits and a repertoire of genetic variants in the context of persistent infection by NTHi.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a validade e a reprodutibilidade de uma versão em português do Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) em pacientes com DPOC. MÉTODOS: A versão em português do CRQ (fornecida pela Universidade de McMaster, detentora dos direitos do questionário) foi aplicada a 50 pacientes portadores de DPOC (32 homens; 70 ± 8 anos; VEF1 = 47 ± 18% predito) em dois momentos, com intervalo de uma semana. O CRQ tem quatro domínios (dispneia, fadiga, função emocional e autocontrole) e foi aplicado em formato de entrevista. O Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), já validado em português, foi utilizado como o critério de validação. A espirometria e o teste da caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) foram realizados para a análise das correlações com os valores do CRQ. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre a aplicação e a reaplicação do CRQ (p > 0.05 para todos os domínios). O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse entre a aplicação e a reaplicação foi de 0,98; 0,97; 0,98 e 0,95 para os domínios dispneia, fadiga, função emocional e autocontrole, respectivamente. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi 0,91. Os domínios do CRQ se correlacionaram significativamente com os domínios do SGRQ (-0.30 < r < -0.67; p < 0,05). Não houve correlação entre as variáveis espirométricas e os domínios do CRQ e nem entre esses domínios e o TC6, exceto para o domínio fadiga (r = 0,30; p = 0,04). CONCLUSÕES: A versão em português do CRQ demonstrou ser reprodutível e válida em pacientes brasileiros portadores de DPOC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (S. maltophilia) is a nonfermentative bacterium, which is naturally resistant against a panel of commonly-used antibiotics. It is frequently isolated from humans with chronic respiratory disease, e.g. cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In veterinary medicine S. maltophilia is perceived to be a mere coloniser. We herewith report 7 strains of S. maltophilia isolated from animals, of which 5 strains were harvested from 3 horses, a dog and a cat with chronic respiratory disease. The dog isolate showed resistance to trimethoprim / sulphamethoxazole, which was confirmed by detection of the sul 1 gene. Analysis with pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that 2 horses, which were boarded in the same clinic but two years apart, harboured the same strain of S. maltophilia. This is indicative of a hospital acquired colonisation / infection, which contradicts involvement in the pre-existing chronic disease.
Chronic lung diseases (CLDs) are a considerable source of morbidity and mortality and are thought to arise from dysregulation of normal wound healing processes. An aggressive, feature of many CLDs is pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and is characterized by excess deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from myofibroblasts in airways. However, factors regulating myofibroblast biology are incompletely understood. Proteins in the cadherin family contribute epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), a suggested source of myofibroblasts. Cadherin 11 (CDH11) contributes to developmental and pathologic processes that parallel those seen in PF and EMT. Utilizing Cdh11 knockout (Cdh11 -/-) mice, the goal of this study was to characterize the contribution of CDH11 in the bleomycin model of PF and assess the feasibility of treating established PF. We demonstrate CDH11 in macrophages and airway epithelial cells undergoing EMT in lungs of mice given bleomycin and patients with PF. Endpoints consistent with PF including ECM production and myofibroblast formation are reduced in CDH11-targeted mice given bleomycin. Findings suggesting mechanisms of CDH11-dependent fibrosis include the regulation of the profibrotic mediator TGF-â in alveolar macrophages and CDH11-mediated EMT. The results of this study propose CDH11 as a novel drug target for PF. In addition, another CLD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is characterized by airway inflammation and destruction. Adenosine, a nucleoside signaling molecule generated in response to cell stress is upregulated in patients with COPD and is suggested to contribute to its pathogenesis. An established model of adenosine-mediated lung injury exhibiting features of COPD is the Ada -/- mouse. Previous studies in our lab suggest features of the Ada -/- phenotype may be secondary to adenosine-dependent expression of osteopontin (OPN). OPN is a protein implicated in a variety of human pathology, but its role in COPD has not been examined. To address this, Ada/Opn -/- mice were generated and endpoints consistent with COPD were examined in parallel with Ada -/- mice. Results demonstrate OPN-mediated pulmonary neutrophilia and airway destruction in Ada -/- mice. Furthermore, patients with COPD exhibit increased OPN in airways which correlate with clinical airway obstruction. These results suggest OPN represents a novel biomarker or therapeutic target for the management of patients with COPD. The importance of findings in this thesis is highlighted by the fact that no pharmacologic interventions have been shown to interfere with disease progression or improve survival rates in patients with COPD or PF.
OBJECTIVE To review systematic reviews and meta-analyses of integrated care programmes in chronically ill patients, with a focus on methodological quality, elements of integration assessed and effects reported. DESIGN Meta-review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses identified in Medline (1946-March 2012), Embase (1980-March 2012), CINHAL (1981-March 2012) and the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews (issue 1, 2012). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Methodological quality assessed by the 11-item Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) checklist; elements of integration assessed using a published list of 10 key principles of integration; effects on patient-centred outcomes, process quality, use of healthcare and costs. RESULTS Twenty-seven systematic reviews were identified; conditions included chronic heart failure (CHF; 12 reviews), diabetes mellitus (DM; seven reviews), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; seven reviews) and asthma (five reviews). The median number of AMSTAR checklist items met was five: few reviewers searched for unpublished literature or described the primary studies and interventions in detail. Most reviews covered comprehensive services across the care continuum or standardization of care through inter-professional teams, but organizational culture, governance structure or financial management were rarely assessed. A majority of reviews found beneficial effects of integration, including reduced hospital admissions and re-admissions (in CHF and DM), improved adherence to treatment guidelines (DM, COPD and asthma) or quality of life (DM). Few reviews showed reductions in costs. CONCLUSIONS Systematic reviews of integrated care programmes were of mixed quality, assessed only some components of integration of care, and showed consistent benefits for some outcomes but not others.
RATIONALE Changes in the pulmonary microbiota are associated with progressive respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Whether there is a causal relationship between these changes and disease progression remains unknown. OBJECTIVE To investigate the link between an altered microbiota and disease, we utilized a model of chronic lung inflammation in specific pathogen free (SPF) mice and mice depleted of microbiota by antibiotic treatment or devoid of a microbiota (axenic). METHODS Mice were challenged with LPS/elastase intranasally over 4 weeks, resulting in a chronically inflamed and damaged lung. The ensuing cellular infiltration, histological damage and decline in lung function were quantified. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS Similar to human disease, the composition of the pulmonary microbiota was altered in disease animals. We found that the microbiota richness and diversity were decreased in LPS/Elastase-treated mice, with an increased representation of the genera Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus and a reduction in Prevotella. Moreover, the microbiota was implicated in disease development as mice depleted of microbiota exhibited an improvement in lung function, reduction in airway inflammation, decrease in lymphoid neogenesis and auto-reactive antibody responses. The absence of microbial cues also markedly decreased the production of IL-17A, whilst intranasal transfer of fluid enriched with the pulmonary microbiota isolated from diseased mice enhanced IL-17A production in the lungs of antibiotic treated or axenic recipients. Finally, in mice harboring a microbiota, neutralizing IL-17A dampened inflammation and restored lung function. CONCLUSIONS Collectively, our data indicate that host-microbial cross-talk promotes inflammation and could underlie the chronicity of inflammatory lung diseases.
BACKGROUND/AIMS The use of antihypertensive medicines has been shown to reduce proteinuria, morbidity, and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). A specific recommendation for a class of antihypertensive drugs is not available in this population, despite the pharmacodynamic differences. We have therefore analysed the association between antihypertensive medicines and survival of patients with chronic kidney disease. METHODS Out of 2687 consecutive patients undergoing kidney biopsy a cohort of 606 subjects with retrievable medical therapy was included into the analysis. Kidney function was assessed by glomerular filtration rate (GFR) estimation at the time point of kidney biopsy. Main outcome variable was death. RESULTS Overall 114 (18.7%) patients died. In univariate regression analysis the use of alpha-blockers and calcium channel antagonists, progression of disease, diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 and 2, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, male sex and age were associated with mortality (all p<0.05). In a multivariate Cox regression model the use of calcium channel blockers (HR 1.89), age (HR 1.04), DM type 1 (HR 8.43) and DM type 2 (HR 2.17) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (HR 1.66) were associated with mortality (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION The use of calcium channel blockers but not of other antihypertensive medicines is associated with mortality in primarily GN patients with CKD.