942 resultados para cardiovascular development


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is highly preventable, yet it is a leading cause of death among women in Texas. The primary goals of this research were to examine past and current trends of CVD, as well as identify whether there is an association between the insurance coverage and mortality from CVD among women aged 60–65 in Texas between 2000 and 2011. ^ The systematic review of the research is based on the guidelines and recommendations set by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination for conducting reviews in health care. Over 47 citations of peer-reviewed articles from Ovid MEDLINE and PubMed databases and five websites were identified, of which 7 studies met inclusion criteria for the first systematic review to examine the trends of CVD in Texas. Ten citations of peer-reviewed articles from Ovid MEDLINE and PubMed databases and five web sites were reviewed for the second systematic review (to study the association between insurance coverage and cardiovascular health among Texas women 60–64 years of age), of which 3 studies met inclusion criteria and were included in the research. The results of the study highlighted key gaps in the existing literature and important areas for the further research, as well as determined directions for future public health CVD prevention programs in Texas. ^ Based on the conducted research, the major determinants of premature mortality among women attributed to cardiovascular disease are based on individual level characteristics, more specifically sex, age, race/ethnicity, and education. The results indicate that African American and non-Hispanic white women are more likely to have higher CVD mortality rates than Hispanic women due to higher prevalence of cardiac risk factors. The data also shows higher levels of mortality from CVD in the southeastern United States, with Texas ranking as the third state with the highest prevalence of CVD among women. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services, there are approximately 56,000 deaths caused by CVD annually in Texas, which represents about one death every ten minutes. Coronary artery disease and stroke were the causes of 31.2 percent of all female deaths in Texas in 2009, meaning that approximately 68 women die from any form of cardiac disease in Texas each day. ^ The data of the reviewed studies indicate that women' lack of health insurance was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The uninsured women were more likely to be unaware of their risk factors and more likely to have undiagnosed diabetes—a co-morbidity factor of CVD. One of the studies also reports strong correlation between state rates of uninsured and lower rates of preventive care. Given these strong correlations, those who were chronically uninsured were at a higher risk of mortality than the insured, due to prolonged periods of time without basic access to preventive and medical care. ^ Suggested recommendations to decrease CVD mortality rates in Texas are consistent with the existing literature and include state policy development that addresses elimination of health disparities, consideration of potential benefits of universal health coverage by the legislative policymakers, and maintenance of solid partnerships between public health agencies and hospitals to educate on, diagnose, and treat CVD among the female population in Texas. ^


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La enfermedad cardiovascular es la primera causa de morbi-mortalidad en los países industrializados. El síndrome metabólico, caracterizado por hipertensión, dislipidemia, obesidad e hiperglucemia, constituye el principal factor de riesgo para la enfermedad cardiovascular. El tejido adiposo visceral juega un papel fundamental en este proceso, dado que secreta una variedad de sustancias biológicamente activas denominadas adipoquinas o adipocitoquinas, tales como leptina, resistina, adiponectina, factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFa), y visfatina entre otras. La visfatina es una citoquina descubierta recientemente y su rol en la enfermedad cardiovascular es controversial y aún no ha sido completamente dilucidado. Estudios realizados en humanos y en modelos experimentales en animales sugieren que la visfatina tendría un papel muy importante en las patologías asociadas a la enfermedad cardiovascular. Esta revisión intenta mostrar los últimos avances sobre el rol de la visfatina y las principales adipocitoquinas en las patologías cardiovasculares y el síndrome metabólico.


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Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is associated with several classes of plasma lipoproteins and mediates uptake of lipoproteins through its ability to interact with specific cell surface receptors. Besides its role in cardiovascular diseases, accumulating evidence has suggested that apoE could play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. In vertebrates, apoA-I is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein. ApoA-I may play an important role in regulating the cholesterol content of peripheral tissues through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We have isolated cDNA clones that code for apoE and apoA-I from a zebrafish embryo library. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of a region enriched in basic amino acids in zebrafish apoE similar to the lipoprotein receptor-binding region of human apoE. We demonstrated by whole-mount in situ hybridization that apoE and apoA-I genes are highly expressed in the yolk syncytial layer, an extraembryonic structure implicated in embryonic and larval nutrition. ApoE transcripts were also observed in the deep cell layer during blastula stage, in numerous ectodermal derivatives after gastrulation, and after 3 days of development in a limited number of cells both in brain and in the eyes. Our data indicate that apoE can be found in a nonmammalian vertebrate and that the duplication events, from which apoE and apoA-I genes arose, occurred before the divergence of the tetrapod and teleost ancestors. Zebrafish can be used as a simple and useful model for studying the role of apolipoproteins in embryonic and larval nutrition and of apoE in brain morphogenesis and regeneration.


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The application of gene therapy to human disease is currently restricted by the relatively low efficiency and potential hazards of methods of oligonucleotide or gene delivery. Antisense or transcription factor decoy oligonucleotides have been shown to be effective at altering gene expression in cell culture expreriments, but their in vivo application is limited by the efficiency of cellular delivery, the intracellular stability of the compounds, and their duration of activity. We report herein the development of a highly efficient method for naked oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) transfection into cardiovascular tissues by using controlled, nondistending pressure without the use of viral vectors, lipid formulations, or exposure to other adjunctive, potentially hazardous substances. In this study, we have documented the ability of ex vivo, pressure-mediated transfection to achieve nuclear localization of fluorescent (FITC)-labeled ODN in approximately 90% and 50% of cells in intact human saphenous vein and rat myocardium, respectively. We have further documented that pressure-mediated delivery of antisense ODN can functionally inhibit target gene expression in both of these tissues in a sequence-specific manner at the mRNA and protein levels. This oligonucleotide transfection system may represent a safe means of achieving the intraoperative genetic engineering of failure-resistant human bypass grafts and may provide an avenue for the genetic manipultation of cardiac allograft rejection, allograft vasculopathy, or other transplant diseases.


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Much has been learned about vertebrate development by random mutagenesis followed by phenotypic screening and by targeted gene disruption followed by phenotypic analysis in model organisms. Because the timing of many developmental events is critical, it would be useful to have temporal control over modulation of gene function, a luxury frequently not possible with genetic mutants. Here, we demonstrate that small molecules capable of conditional gene product modulation can be identified through developmental screens in zebrafish. We have identified several small molecules that specifically modulate various aspects of vertebrate ontogeny, including development of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the neural crest, and the ear. Several of the small molecules identified allowed us to dissect the logic of melanocyte and otolith development and to identify critical periods for these events. Small molecules identified in this way offer potential to dissect further these and other developmental processes and to identify novel genes involved in vertebrate development.


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Tissue kallikrein is a serine protease thought to be involved in the generation of bioactive peptide kinins in many organs like the kidneys, colon, salivary glands, pancreas, and blood vessels. Low renal synthesis and urinary excretion of tissue kallikrein have been repeatedly linked to hypertension in animals and humans, but the exact role of the protease in cardiovascular function has not been established largely because of the lack of specific inhibitors. This study demonstrates that mice lacking tissue kallikrein are unable to generate significant levels of kinins in most tissues and develop cardiovascular abnormalities early in adulthood despite normal blood pressure. The heart exhibits septum and posterior wall thinning and a tendency to dilatation resulting in reduced left ventricular mass. Cardiac function estimated in vivo and in vitro is decreased both under basal conditions and in response to βadrenergic stimulation. Furthermore, flow-induced vasodilatation is impaired in isolated perfused carotid arteries, which express, like the heart, low levels of the protease. These data show that tissue kallikrein is the main kinin-generating enzyme in vivo and that a functional kallikrein–kinin system is necessary for normal cardiac and arterial function in the mouse. They suggest that the kallikrein–kinin system could be involved in the development or progression of cardiovascular diseases.


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At least three distinct beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR) subtypes exist in mammals. These receptors modulate a wide variety of processes, from development and behavior, to cardiac function, metabolism, and smooth muscle tone. To understand the roles that individual beta-AR subtypes play in these processes, we have used the technique of gene targeting to create homozygous beta 1-AR null mutants (beta 1-AR -/-) in mice. The majority of beta 1-AR -/- mice die prenatally, and the penetrance of lethality shows strain dependence. Beta l-AR -/- mice that do survive to adulthood appear normal, but lack the chronotropic and inotropic responses seen in wild-type mice when beta-AR agonists such as isoproterenol are administered. Moreover, this lack of responsiveness is accompanied by markedly reduced stimulation of adenylate cyclase in cardiac membranes from beta 1-AR -/- mice. These findings occur despite persistent cardiac beta 2-AR expression, demonstrating the importance of beta 1-ARs for proper mouse development and cardiac function, while highlighting functional differences between beta-AR subtypes.


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Introdução - Na prevenção primária das doenças cardiovasculares, a adoção de estilo de vida saudável representa uma das estratégias mais importantes. Entretanto, baixos índices de adesão e o abandono da dieta constituem obstáculo importante ao tratamento. Neste sentido, as intervenções cirúrgicas surgiram como um mecanismo promotor da restrição alimentar e têm ganhado importância não só pelo tratamento da obesidade como também no controle dos fatores de risco cardiovascular e na possível redução da mortalidade. Através de estudos clínicos foi possível observar que estas estratégias cirúrgicas promovem profundas modificações estruturais no trato gastrointestinal gerando aumento da saciedade e da sensibilidade à insulina. Em especial para os pacientes diabéticos, por si só associados a maior risco cardiovascular, as cirurgias bariátricas seriam capazes de promover um efeito muito intenso e agudo sobre os marcadores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Um evento muito definido no tempo como uma intervenção cirúrgica pode ser muito útil para o estudo e identificação de mecanismos que ainda não estão completamente estabelecidos no processo aterosclerótico. Objetivos - Analisar o comportamento das variáveis laboratoriais, clínicas e estruturais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento e progressão da aterosclerose em indivíduos diabéticos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos - Foram incluídos vinte voluntários diabéticos refratários ao tratamento clínico e que apresentavam obesidade abdominal. Deste grupo, metade foi aleatoriamente selecionada para realização da cirurgia bariátrica e metade foi mantida em tratamento clínico otimizado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exames clínicos e bioquímicos nas mesmas ocasiões, até trinta dias antes da cirurgia, três e vinte e quatro meses após a cirurgia. Nestas ocasiões além do perfil lipídico e da glicemia, determinamos os hormônios incretínicos, adipocinas. A avaliação da quantidade de gordura epicárdica e a presença de esteatose hepática será realizada somente após dois anos de seguimento em conjunto com as demais variáveis,. Foram incluídos também 10 indivíduos saudáveis e com IMC dentro da normalidade, como parte do grupo controle. Estes indivíduos foram submetidos à coleta de sangue em dois momentos para avaliação dos mesmos metabólitos. Resultados - No momento pré-intervenção os indivíduos do grupo cirúrgico e clinico eram diferentes em relação ao IMC, Glicemia e Triglicérides, sendo assim, os resultados obtidos foram ajustados minimizando o impacto destas diferenças. Após o seguimento de 3 meses, o grupo cirúrgico apresentou redução significativa nos valores de peso, IMC (33,4 ± 2,6 vs. 27,4±2,8 kg/m2, p < 0,001), HbA1c (9,26 ± 2,12 vs. 6,18±0,63%, p < 0,001), CT (182,9 ± 45,4 vs. 139,8 ± 13 mg/dl, p < 0,001), HDL (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), TG (369,5 ± 324,6 vs. 130,8 ± 43,1 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Pro-insulina (12.72±9,11 vs. 1,76±1,14 pM, p < 0,001), RBP-4 (9,85±2,53 vs. 7,3±1,35 ng/ml, p < 0,001) e CCK (84,8±33,2 vs. 79,9 ± 31,1, ng/ml, p < 0,001), houve também aumento significativo nos níveis de HDL-colesterol (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Glucagon (7,4 ± 7,9 vs. 10,2±9,7 pg/ml, p < 0,001) e FGF- 19 (74,1 ± 45,8 vs. 237,3 ± 234 pg/ml, p=0,001). Um dado interessante foi que os valores de Pro-insulina, RBP-4, HbA1c e HDL- colesterol no grupo cirúrgico atingiram valores similares àqueles do grupo controle três meses após a intervenção, sendo que o FGF-19 apresentava valor duas vezes maior do que o encontrado no grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (237 ± 234 vs. 98 ± 102,1 pg/ml). O grupo clínico não apresentou variação nas variáveis clinicas, apenas nos valores de glucagon com redução significativa no período pós-intervenção (18,1 ± 20,7 vs. 16,8 ± 18,4 pg/ml, p < 0,001). Conclusão - Concluímos que indivíduos diabéticos descompensados e refratários ao tratamento clínico, quando submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, apresentam uma alteração profunda do ponto de vista clínico, metabólico e hormonal, em relação ao indivíduos de mesmo perfil mantidos em tratamento clínico otimizado. Esta importante alteração, observada já com três meses após a intervenção, pode representar uma importante redução do risco cardiovascular nestes indivíduos. Individualmente, a notável modificação dos valores de FGF-19 associadas à intervenção devem ser estudadas com maior profundidade para compreensão de seu significado e sua potencial utilidade como marcador ou como um dos protagonistas no mecanismo de prevenção cardiovascular


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INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, sendo muitos dos fatores de risco passíveis de prevenção e controle. Embora as DCV sejam complexas em sua etiologia e desenvolvimento, a concentração elevada de LDL-c e baixa de HDL-c constituem os fatores de risco modificáveis mais monitorados na prática clínica, embora não sejam capazes de explicar todos os eventos cardiovasculares. Portanto, investigar como intervenções farmacológicas e nutricionais podem modular parâmetros oxidativos, físicos e estruturais das lipoproteínas pode fornecer estimativa adicional ao risco cardiovascular. Dentre os diversos nutrientes e compostos bioativos relacionados às DCV, os lipídeos representam os mais investigados e descritos na literatura. Nesse contexto, os ácidos graxos insaturados (ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9) têm sido foco de inúmeros estudos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos em indivíduos adultos com múltiplos fatores de risco e sem evento cardiovascular prévio. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, baseado em intervenção nutricional (3,0 g/dia de ácidos graxos) sob a fórmula de cápsulas contendo: ômega-3 (37 por cento de EPA e 23 por cento de DHA) ou ômega-6 (65 por cento de ácido linoleico) ou ômega-9 (72 por cento de ácido oleico). A amostra foi composta por indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos, apresentando pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco: Dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética, os indivíduos foram distribuídos nos três grupos de intervenção. No momento basal, os indivíduos foram caracterizados quanto aos aspectos demográficos (sexo, idade e etnia) e clínicos (medicamentos, doenças atuais e antecedentes familiares). Nos momentos basal e após 8 semanas de intervenção, amostras de sangue foram coletadas após 12h de jejum. A partir do plasma foram analisados: perfil lipídico (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteínas AI e B, ácidos graxos não esterificados, atividade da PON1, LDL(-) e auto-anticorpos, ácidos graxos, glicose, insulina, tamanho e distribuição percentual da LDL (7 subfrações e fenótipo A e não-A) e HDL (10 subfrações). O efeito do tempo, da intervenção e associações entre os ácidos graxos e aspectos qualitativos das lipoproteínas foram testados (SPSS versão 20.0, p <0,05). RESULTADOS: Uma primeira análise dos resultados baseada em um corte transversal demonstrou, por meio da análise de tendência linear ajustada pelo nível de risco cardiovascular, que o maior tercil plasmático de DHA se associou positivamente com HDL-c, HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Observou-se também que o maior tercil plasmático de ácido linoleico se associou positivamente com HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Esse perfil de associação não foi observado quando foram avaliados os parâmetros dietéticos. Avaliando uma subamostra que incluiu indivíduos tabagistas suplementados com ômega-6 e ômega-3, observou-se que ômega-3 modificou positivamente o perfil lipídico e as subfrações da HDL. Nos modelos de regressão linear ajustados pela idade, sexo e hipertensão, o DHA plasmático apresentou associações negativas com a HDLPEQUENA. Quando se avaliou exclusivamente o efeito do ômega-3 em indivíduos tabagistas e não tabagistas, observou-se que fumantes, do sexo masculino, acima de 60 anos de idade, apresentando baixo percentual plasmático de EPA e DHA (<8 por cento ), com excesso de peso e gordura corporal elevada, apresentam maior probabilidade de ter um perfil de subfrações de HDL mais aterogênicas. Tendo por base os resultados acima, foi comparado o efeito do ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos. O ômega-3 promoveu redução no TG, aumento do percentual de HDLGRANDE e redução de HDLPEQUENA. O papel cardioprotetor do ômega-3 foi reforçado pelo aumento na incorporação de EPA e DHA, no qual indivíduos com EPA e DHA acima de 8 por cento apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter HDLGRANDE e menor de ter HDLPEQUENA. Em adição, observou-se também que o elevado percentual plasmático de ômega-9 se associou com partículas de LDL menos aterogênicas (fenótipo A). CONCLUSÃO: Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, mas não dietéticos, se correlacionam com parâmetros cardiometabólicos. A suplementação com ômega-3, presente no óleo de peixe, promoveu redução no TG e melhoria nos parâmetros qualitativos da HDL (mais HDLGRANDE e menos HDLPEQUENA). Os benefícios do ômega-3 foram particularmente relevantes nos indivíduos tabagistas e naqueles com menor conteúdo basal de EPA e DHA plasmáticos. Observou-se ainda que o ômega-9 plasmático, presente no azeite de oliva, exerceu impacto positivo no tamanho e subfrações da LDL.


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A large number of evidences correlate elevated levels of homocysteine (Hcys) with a higher cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) risk, especially, atherosclerosis. Similarly, abnormal low levels of the vitamins B6, B9 and B12 are associated to an instability in the methionine cycle with an over production of Hcys. Thus, biomedical sciences are looking forward for a cheaper, faster, precise and accurate analytical methodology to quantify these compounds in a suitable format for the clinical environment. Therefore the objective of this study was the development of a simple, inexpensive and appropriate methodology to use at the clinical level. To achieve this goal, a procedure integrating a digitally controlled (eVol®) microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) and an ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a photodiode array detector (PDA) was developed to identify and quantify Hcys vitamins B6, B9 and B12. Although different conditions were assayed, we were not able to combine Hcys with the vitamins in the same analytical procedure, and so we proceeded to the optimization of two methods differing only in the composition of the gradient of the mobile phase and the injected volume. It was found that MEPS did not bring any benefit to the quantification of the Hcys in the plasma. Therefore, we developed and validate an alternative method that uses the direct injection of treated plasma (reduced and precipitated). This same method was evaluated in terms of selectivity, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), matrix effect and precision (intra-and inter-day) and applied to the determination of Hcys in a group composed by patients presenting augmented CVD risk. Good results in terms of selectivity and linearity (R2> 0.9968) were obtained, being the values of LOD and LOQ 0.007 and 0.21 mol / L, respectively. The intra-day precision (1.23-3.32%), inter-day precision (5.43-6.99%) and the recovery rate (82.5 to 93.1%) of this method were satisfactory. The matrix effect (>120%) was, however, higher than we were waiting for. Using this methodology it was possible to determine the amount of Hcys in real plasma samples from individuals presenting augmented CVD risk. Regarding the methodology developed for vitamins, despite the optimization of the extraction technique and the chromatographic conditions, it was found that the levels usually present in plasma are far below the sensitivity we obtained. Therefore, further optimizations of the methodology developed are needed. As conclusion, part of the objectives of this study was achieved with the development of a quick, simple and cheaper method for the quantification of Hcys.


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Regular aerobic exercise is recommended by physicians to improve health and longevity. However, individuals exercising in urban regions are often in contact with air pollution, which includes particles and gases associated with respiratory disease and cancer. We describe the recent evidence on the cardiovascular effects of air pollution, and the implications of exercising in polluted environments, with a view to informing clinicians and other health professionals. There is now strong evidence that fine and ultra fine particulate matter present in air pollution increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The main mechanisms of disease appear to be related to an increase in the pathogenic processes associated with atherosclerosis. People exercising in environments pervaded by air contaminants are probably at increased risk, due to an exercise-induced amplification in respiratory uptake, lung deposition and toxicity of inhaled pollutants. We make evidence-based recommendations for minimizing exposure to air-borne toxins while exercising, and suggest that this advice be passed on to patients where appropriate.


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Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of the total body mass and a major player in energy balance. It accounts for > 30% of energy expenditure, is the primary tissue of insulin stimulated glucose uptake, disposal, and storage. Furthermore, it influences metabolism via modulation of circulating and stored lipid (and cholesterol) flux. Lipid catabolism supplies up to 70% of the energy requirements for resting muscle. However, initial aerobic exercise utilizes stored muscle glycogen but as exercise continues, glucose and stored muscle triglycerides become important energy substrates. Endurance exercise increasingly depends on fatty acid oxidation (and lipid mobilization from other tissues). This underscores the importance of lipid and glucose utilization as an energy source in muscle. Consequently skeletal muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood lipid profile, and obesity. Moreover, caloric excess, obesity and physical inactivity lead to skeletal muscle insulin resistance, a risk factor for the development of type II diabetes. In this context skeletal muscle is an important therapeutic target in the battle against cardiovascular disease, the worlds most serious public health threat. Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes. These risk factors are directly influenced by diet, metabolism and physical activity. Metabolism is largely regulated by nuclear hormone receptors which function as hormone regulated transcription factors that bind DNA and mediate the pathophysiological regulation of gene expression. Metabolism and activity, which directly influence cardiovascular disease risk factors, are primarily driven by skeletal muscle. Recently, many nuclear receptors expressed in skeletal muscle have been shown to improve glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and dyslipidernia. Skeletal muscle and nuclear receptors are rapidly emerging as critical targets in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk factors. Understanding the function of nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle has enormous pharmacological utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This review focuses on the molecular regulation of metabolism by nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle in the context of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is essential for normal function of the cardiovascular system. This study has determined whether chronic administration of L-arginine, the biological precursor of NO, attenuates the development of structural and functional changes in hearts and blood vessels of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats. Uninephrectomized rats treated with DOCA (25 mg every 4th day sc) and 1% NaCl in the drinking water for 4 wk were treated with L-arginine (5% in food, 3.4 +/- 0.3 g.kg body wt(-1).day(-1)). Changes in cardiovascular structure and function were determined by echocardiography, microelectrode studies, histology, and studies in isolated hearts and thoracic aortic rings. DOCA-salt hypertensive rats developed hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy with increased left ventricular wall thickness and decreased ventricular internal diameter, increased inflammatory cell infiltration, increased ventricular interstitial and perivascular collagen deposition, increased passive diastolic stiffness, prolonged action potential duration, increased oxidative stress, and inability to increase purine efflux in response to an increased workload. L-Arginine markedly attenuated or prevented these changes and also normalized the reduced efficacy of norepinephrine and acetylcholine in isolated thoracic aortic rings of DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. This study suggests that a functional NO deficit in blood vessels and heart due to decreased NO synthase activity or increased release of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide may be a key change initiating many aspects of the cardiovascular impairment observed in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. These changes can be prevented or attenuated by administration of L-arginine.


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Background Cardiovascular diseases and their nutritional risk factors-including overweight and obesity, elevated blood pressure, and cholesterol-are among the leading causes of global mortality and morbidity, and have been predicted to rise with economic development. Methods and Findings We examined age-standardized mean population levels of body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol in relation to national income, food share of household expenditure, and urbanization in a cross-country analysis. Data were from a total of over 100 countries and were obtained from systematic reviews of published literature, and from national and international health agencies. BMI and cholesterol increased rapidly in relation to national income, then flattened, and eventually declined. BMI increased most rapidly until an income of about I$5,000 (international dollars) and peaked at about I$12,500 for females and I$17,000 for males. Cholesterol's point of inflection and peak were at higher income levels than those of BMI (about I$8,000 and I$18,000, respectively). There was an inverse relationship between BMI/cholesterol and the food share of household expenditure, and a positive relationship with proportion of population in urban areas. Mean population blood pressure was not correlated or only weakly correlated with the economic factors considered, or with cholesterol and BMI. Conclusions When considered together with evidence on shifts in income-risk relationships within developed countries, the results indicate that cardiovascular disease risks are expected to systematically shift to low-income and middle-income countries and, together with the persistent burden of infectious diseases, further increase global health inequalities. Preventing obesity should be a priority from early stages of economic development, accompanied by population-level and personal interventions for blood pressure and cholesterol.