968 resultados para carbon storage


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Aboveground tropical tree biomass and carbon storage estimates commonly ignore tree height (H). We estimate the effect of incorporating H on tropics-wide forest biomass estimates in 327 plots across four continents using 42 656 H and diameter measurements and harvested trees from 20 sites to answer the following questions: 1. What is the best H-model form and geographic unit to include in biomass models to minimise site-level uncertainty in estimates of destructive biomass? 2. To what extent does including H estimates derived in (1) reduce uncertainty in biomass estimates across all 327 plots? 3. What effect does accounting for H have on plot- and continental-scale forest biomass estimates? The mean relative error in biomass estimates of destructively harvested trees when including H (mean 0.06), was half that when excluding H (mean 0.13). Power- andWeibull-H models provided the greatest reduction in uncertainty, with regional Weibull-H models preferred because they reduce uncertainty in smaller-diameter classes (?40 cm D) that store about one-third of biomass per hectare in most forests. Propagating the relationships from destructively harvested tree biomass to each of the 327 plots from across the tropics shows that including H reduces errors from 41.8Mgha?1 (range 6.6 to 112.4) to 8.0Mgha?1 (?2.5 to 23.0). For all plots, aboveground live biomass was ?52.2 Mgha?1 (?82.0 to ?20.3 bootstrapped 95%CI), or 13%, lower when including H estimates, with the greatest relative reductions in estimated biomass in forests of the Brazilian Shield, east Africa, and Australia, and relatively little change in the Guiana Shield, central Africa and southeast Asia. Appreciably different stand structure was observed among regions across the tropical continents, with some storing significantly more biomass in small diameter stems, which affects selection of the best height models to reduce uncertainty and biomass reductions due to H. After accounting for variation in H, total biomass per hectare is greatest in Australia, the Guiana Shield, Asia, central and east Africa, and lowest in eastcentral Amazonia, W. Africa, W. Amazonia, and the Brazilian Shield (descending order). Thus, if tropical forests span 1668 million km2 and store 285 Pg C (estimate including H), then applying our regional relationships implies that carbon storage is overestimated by 35 PgC (31?39 bootstrapped 95%CI) if H is ignored, assuming that the sampled plots are an unbiased statistical representation of all tropical forest in terms of biomass and height factors. Our results show that tree H is an important allometric factor that needs to be included in future forest biomass estimates to reduce error in estimates of tropical carbon stocks and emissions due to deforestation.


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Natural analogs offer a valuable opportunity to investigate the long-term impacts associated with thepotential leakage in geological storage of CO2.Degassing of CO2and radon isotopes (222Rn?220Rn) from soil, gas vents and thermal water dischargeswas investigated in the natural analog of Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field (CCVF; Central Spain) todetermine the CO2?Rn relationships and to assess the role of CO2as carrier gas for radon. Furthermore,radon measurements to discriminate between shallow and deep gas sources were evaluated under theperspective of their applicability in monitoring programs of carbon storage projects.CO2flux as high as 5000 g m?2d?1and222Rn activities up to 430 kBq m?3were measured;220Rn activi-ties were one order of magnitude lower than those of222Rn. The222Rn/220Rn ratios were used to constrainthe source of the Campo de Calatrava soil gases since a positive correlation between radon isotopic ratiosand CO2fluxes was observed. Thus, in agreement with previous studies, our results indicate a deepmantle-related origin of CO2for both free and soil gases, suggesting that carbon dioxide is an efficientcarrier for Rn. Furthermore, it was ascertained that the increase of222Rn in the soil gases was likely pro-duced by two main processes: (i) direct transport by a carrier gas, i.e., CO2and (ii) generation at shallowlevel due to the presence of relatively high concentrations of dissolved U and Ra in the thermal aquiferof Campo de Calatrava.The diffuse CO2soil flux and radon isotopic surveys carried out in the Campo de Calatrava VolcanicFields can also be applicable to geochemical monitoring programs in CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)areas as these parameters are useful to: (i) constrain CO2leakages once detected and (ii) monitor both theevolution of the leakages and the effectiveness of subsequent remediation activities. These measurementscan also conveniently be used to detect diffuse leakages.


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El biochar es un material rico en carbono que se obtiene tras la pirólisis de la biomasa. Este material ha despertado en los últimos años un gran interés en la comunidad científica principalmente por su capacidad para mejorar la productividad de los suelos, influenciando las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los mismos y como medio de fijación de carbono, reduciendo, por tanto, las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera. Sin embargo, lo cierto es que hasta la fecha, no existen conclusiones claras o avances definitivos que permitan crear una estandarización para la comercialización del biochar, debido a la variabilidad de sus propiedades (considerando la materia prima de origen y las condiciones de reacción en la pirólisis). En este estudio, partiendo de un análisis exhaustivo de las distintas publicaciones existentes sobre la materia, se trata de dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre cuál sería el verdadero potencial de producción de biochar en España, al tiempo que se trata de cuantificar cuál sería la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera que conllevaría gestionar los residuos (industria papelera, lodos de EDAR, RSU y residuos ganaderos) a través de la pirólisis. En particular, se ha cuantificado la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera y se ha evaluado cuánto biochar se debería producir a partir de residuos papeleros, lodos de EDAR o residuos ganaderos para aumentar en un 1% la cantidad de materia orgánica en un suelo y para llevar el contenido en materia orgánica de los suelos agrícolas españoles a un 3,5%. En primer lugar, sobre la cuantificación de la reducción de las emisiones, cabe concluir que, en todos los residuos estudiados, y bajo todas las condiciones de reacción consideradas, la reducción de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera sería realmente notable, oscilando entre un 22,53% y un 96,12 %. En segundo lugar, para aumentar en un 1% el contenido medio en materia orgánica de la superficie agrícola española, sería necesario un aporte de 2,03816*108 t de materia orgánica, que supondría una demanda mínima de biochar de 255.408.361 t en el caso de la aplicación de biochar de estiércol de vacuno a Por otro lado, para llevar la materia orgánica de los suelos agrícolas a un 3,5%, la demanda de biochar variaría entre un mínimo de 158.937 t en el (Comunidad Autónoma con menor necesidad de aporte de materia orgánica) illa la Mancha (Comunidad Autónoma que, por el contrario, necesitaría mayor aporte). ABSTRACT Biochar is a carbon-rich material obtained after a biomass pyrolysis procedure. This material has aroused in recent years a great interest in the scientific community, mainly for its ability to improve the productivity of soils, influencing the physico-chemical properties of soils and as means of carbon storage, reducing emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere). Despite the interest that may raise this matter, the fact is that to date, no clear conclusions or definitive progress have been done to create a standardization for the commercialization of biochar, due to the variability of its properties (considering the raw material and the reaction conditions in the pyrolysis). This study, based on a thorough analysis of the various existing literature on the subject and, leaving other approaches that could have been taken of the interest of the subject in question, attempts to provide answers to the question about what would be the true potential production of biochar in Spain and what would be the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which would entail waste management through pyrolysis. In particular, this study has identified the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and has analyzed whether the production of biochar could increase the organic matter content of Spanish agricultural soils. Firstly, regarding the quantification of emissions reductions, by referring to the values contained in the work, it can be concluded that the reduction of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere would be really remarkable, ranging from 22.53% to 96.12%. Secondly, to increase by 1% the average content of organic matter in the spanish agricultural area would require a contribution of 2.03816*108 t of organic matter, which would demand a minimum of 255.408.361 t of cattle manure biochar and a maximum demand of 1.746.494.190 t of deinking sludge pyrolyzed at 500C. On the other hand, to reach a 3.5%, the demand for biochar would vary from a minimum of 158.937 t, in case of cattle manure biochar at C applied to the Canary Islands (Autonomous Community with less need for input of organic matter), and a maximum of 694.695.081 in case of applying deinking sludge biochar at C to Castilla la Mancha (Autonomous Region, which needs the highest contribution).


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Although the control of carbon fixation and nitrogen assimilation has been studied in detail, relatively little is known about the regulation of carbon and nitrogen flow into amino acids. In this paper we report our study of the metabolic regulation of expression of an Arabidopsis aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase (AK/HSD) gene, which encodes two linked key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway of aspartate family amino acids. Northern blot analyses, as well as expression of chimeric AK/HSD-β-glucuronidase constructs, have shown that the expression of this gene is regulated by the photosynthesis-related metabolites sucrose and phosphate but not by nitrogenous compounds. In addition, analysis of AK/HSD promoter deletions suggested that a CTTGACTCTA sequence, resembling the binding site for the yeast GCN4 transcription factor, is likely to play a functional role in the expression of this gene. Nevertheless, longer promoter fragments, lacking the GCN4-like element, were still able to confer sugar inducibility, implying that the metabolic regulation of this gene is apparently obtained by multiple and redundant promoter sequences. The present and previous studies suggest that the conversion of aspartate into either the storage amino acid asparagine or aspartate family amino acids is subject to a coordinated, reciprocal metabolic control, and this biochemical branch point is a part of a larger, coordinated regulatory mechanism of nitrogen and carbon storage and utilization.


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The ECHAM-1 T21/LSG coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (GCM) is used to simulate climatic conditions at the last interglacial maximum (Eemian. 125 kyr BP). The results reflect thc expected surface temperature changes (with respect to the control run) due to the amplification (reduction) of the seasonal cycle of insolation in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere. A number of simulated features agree with previous results from atmospheric GCM simulations e.g. intensified summer southwest monsoons) except in the Northern Hemisphere poleward of 30 degrees N. where dynamical feedback, in the North Atlantic and North Pacific increase zonal temperatures about 1 degrees C above what would be predicted from simple energy balance considerations. As this is the same area where most of the terrestrial geological data originate, this result suggests that previous estimates of Eemian global average temperature might have been biased by sample distribution. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the estimated global temperature increase of only 0.3 degrees C greater than the control run ha, been previously shown to be consistent a with CLIMAP sea surface temperature estimates. Although the Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon is intensified. globally averaged precipitation over land is within about 1% of the present, contravening some geological inferences bur not the deep-sea delta(13)C estimates of terrestrial carbon storage changes. Winter circulation changes in the northern Arabian Sea. driven by strong cooling on land, are as large as summer circulation changes that are the usual focus of interest, suggesting that interpreting variations in the Arabian Sea. sedimentary record solely in terms of the summer monsoon response could sometimes lead to errors. A small monsoonal response over northern South America suggests that interglacial paleotrends in this region were not just due to El Nino variations.


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High-resolution study of Antarctic planktonic foraminiferal assemblages (Ocean Drilling Program Site 690, Weddell Sea) shows that these microplankton underwent a stepwise series of changes during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). Initiation of this response coincides with the onset of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE) but precedes the benthic foraminiferal mass extinction. The "top-to-bottom" succession in the biotic response indicates that the surface ocean/atmosphere was affected before the deep sea. The earliest stage of the faunal response entailed a conspicuous turnover within the shallow-dwelling genus Acarinina and a succession of stratigraphic first appearances. The genus Morozovella, large (>180 µm) biserial planktonics, and A. wilcoxensis are all restricted to the lower CIE within this PETM section. Acarininid populations crashed as the ocean/climate system ameliorated during the CIE recovery, reflecting atypical surface water conditions. This transient decline in acarininids is paralleled by a marked increase in carbonate content of sediments. It is postulated that this interval of carbonate enrichment, and its unusual microfauna, reflects enhanced carbon storage within reservoirs of the global carbon cycle other than the marine carbonate system (sensu Broecker et al., 1993, doi:10.1029/93PA00423; Ravizza et al., 2001, doi:10.1029/2000PA000541).


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Incorporating the values of the services that ecosystems provide into decision making is becoming increasingly common in nature conservation and resource management policies, both locally and globally. Yet with limited funds for conservation of threatened species and ecosystems there is a desire to identify priority areas where investment efficiently conserves multiple ecosystem services. We mapped four mangrove ecosystems services (coastal protection, fisheries, biodiversity, and carbon storage) across Fiji. Using a cost-effectiveness analysis, we prioritised mangrove areas for each service, where the effectiveness was a function of the benefits provided to the local communities, and the costs were associated with restricting specific uses of mangroves. We demonstrate that, although priority mangrove areas (top 20%) for each service can be managed at relatively low opportunity costs (ranging from 4.5 to 11.3% of overall opportunity costs), prioritising for a single service yields relatively low co-benefits due to limited geographical overlap with priority areas for other services. None-the-less, prioritisation of mangrove areas provides greater overlap of benefits than if sites were selected randomly for most ecosystem services. We discuss deficiencies in the mapping of ecosystems services in data poor regions and how this may impact upon the equity of managing mangroves for particular services across the urban-rural divide in developing countries. Finally we discuss how our maps may aid decision-makers to direct funding for mangrove management from various sources to localities that best meet funding objectives, as well as how this knowledge can aid in creating a national mangrove zoning scheme.


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To determine the influence of fire and thermokarst in a boreal landscape, we investigated peat cores within and adjacent to a permafrost collapse feature on the Tanana River Floodplain of Interior Alaska. Radioisotope dating, diatom assemblages, plant macrofossils, charcoal fragments, and carbon and nitrogen content of the peat profile indicate ~600 years of vegetation succession with a transition from a terrestrial forest to a sedge-dominated wetland over 100 years ago, and to a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in approximately 1970. The shift from sedge to Sphagnum, and a decrease in the detrended tree-ring width index of black spruce trees adjacent to the collapse coincided with an increase in the growing season temperature record from Fairbanks. This concurrent wetland succession and reduced growth of black spruce trees indicates a step-wise ecosystem-level response to a change in regional climate. In 2001, fire was observed coincident with permafrost collapse and resulted in lateral expansion of the peatland. These observations and the peat profile suggest that future warming and/or increased fire disturbance could promote permafrost degradation, peatland expansion, and increase carbon storage across this landscape; however, the development of drought conditions could reduce the success of both black spruce and Sphagnum, and potentially decrease the long-term ecosystem carbon storage.


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Mesoproterozoic marine successions worldwide record a shift in average delta(13)C values from 0 to +3.5parts per thousand, with the latter value evident in successions younger than 1250 Ma. New carbon isotope data from the similar to 1300 to 1270 Ma Dismal Lakes Group, Arctic Canada, provide further insight into this fundamental transition. Data reveal that the shift to higher VC values was gradual and marked by occasional excursions to values less than 0 parts per thousand. When compared to records from older and younger marine successions, it is evident that the difference between isotopic minima and maxima increased with time, indicating that the marine system evolved to become isotopically more variable. We interpret these patterns to record an increase in the crustal inventory of organic carbon, reflecting eukaryotic diversification and a change in the locus of organic carbon burial to include anoxic deep marine sites where preservation potential was high. We speculate that the release of O-2 to Earth's surface environments associated with increased organic carbon storage induced irreversible changes in the Mesoproterozoic biosphere, presaging the more extreme environmental and evolutionary developments of the Neoproterozoic.


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This study documents relationships between plant nutrient content and rhizome carbohydrate content of a widely distributed seagrass species, Thalassia testudinum, in Florida. Five distinct seagrass beds were sampled for leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, and rhizome carbohydrate content from 1997 to 1999. All variables displayed marked intra- and inter- regional variation. Elemental ratios (mean N:P ± S.E.) were lowest for Charlotte Harbor (9.9 ± 0.2) and highest for Florida Bay (53.5 ± 0.9), indicating regional shifts in the nutrient content of plant material. Rhizome carbohydrate content (mean ± S.E.) was lowest for Anclote Keys (21.8 ± 1.6 mg g−1 FM), and highest for Homosassa Bay (40.7 ± 1.7 mg g−1 FM). Within each region, significant negative correlations between plant nutrient and rhizome carbohydrate content were detected; thus, nutrient-replete plants displayed low carbohydrate content, while nutrient-deplete plants displayed high carbohydrate content. Spearman's rank correlations between nutrient and carbohydrate content varied from a minimum in Tampa Bay (ρ = −0.2) to a maximum in Charlotte Harbor (ρ = −0.73). Linear regressions on log-transformed data revealed similar trends. This consistent trend across five distinct regions suggests that nutrient supply may play an important role in the regulation of carbon storage within seagrasses. Here we present a new hypothesis for studies which aim to explain the carbohydrate dynamics of benthic plants.


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Woody debris is abundant in hurricane-impacted forests. With a major hurricane affecting South Florida mangroves approximately every 20 yr, carbon storage and nutrient retention may be influenced greatly by woody debris dynamics. In addition, woody debris can influence seedling regeneration in mangrove swamps by trapping propagules and enhancing seedling growth potential. Here, we report on line-intercept woody debris surveys conducted in mangrove wetlands of South Florida 9–10 yr after the passage of Hurricane Andrew. The total volume of woody debris for all sites combined was estimated at 67 m3/ha and varied from 13 to 181 m3/ha depending upon differences in forest height, proximity to the storm, and maximum estimated wind velocities. Large volumes of woody debris were found in the eyewall region of the hurricane, with a volume of 132 m3/ha and a projected woody debris biomass of approximately 36 t/ha. Approximately half of the woody debris biomass averaged across all sites was associated as small twigs and branches (fine woody debris), since coarse woody debris >7.5 cm felled during Hurricane Andrew was fairly well decomposed. Much of the small debris is likely to be associated with post-hurricane forest dynamics. Hurricanes are responsible for large amounts of damage to mangrove ecosystems, and components of associated downed wood may provide a relative index of disturbance for mangrove forests. Here, we suggest that a fine:coarse woody debris ratio ≤0.5 is suggestive of a recent disturbance in mangrove wetlands, although additional research is needed to corroborate such findings.


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Vegetation patterns of mangroves in the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) result from the interaction of environmental gradients and natural disturbances (i.e., hurricanes), creating an array of distinct riverine and scrub mangroves across the landscape. We investigated how landscape patterns of biomass and total net primary productivity (NPPT), including allocation in above- and below-ground mangrove components, vary inter-annually (2001–2004) across gradients in soil properties and hydroperiod in two distinct FCE basins: Shark River Estuary and Taylor River Slough. We propose that the allocation of belowground biomass and productivity (NPPB) relative to aboveground allocation is greater in regions with P limitation and permanent flooding. Porewater sulfide was significantly higher in Taylor River (1.2 ± 0.3 mM) compared to Shark River (0.1 ± 0.03 mM) indicating the lack of a tidal signature and more permanent flooding in this basin. There was a decrease in soil P density and corresponding increase in soil N:P from the mouth (28) to upstream locations (46–105) in Shark River that was consistent with previous results in this region. Taylor River sites showed the highest P limitation (soil N:P > 60). Average NPPT was double in higher P environments (17.0 ± 1.1 Mg ha−1 yr−1) compared to lower P regions (8.3 ± 0.3 Mg ha−1 yr−1). Root biomass to aboveground wood biomass (BGB:AWB) ratio was 17 times higher in P-limited environments demonstrating the allocation strategies of mangroves under resource limitation. Riverine mangroves allocated most of the NPPT to aboveground (69%) while scrub mangroves showed the highest allocation to belowground (58%). The total production to biomass (P:B) ratios were lower in Shark River sites (0.11 yr−1); whereas in Taylor River sites P:B ratios were higher and more variable (0.13–0.24 yr−1). Our results suggest that the interaction of lower P availability in Taylor River relative to Shark River basin, along with higher sulfide and permanent flooding account for higher allocation of belowground biomass and production, at expenses of aboveground growth and wood biomass. These distinct patterns of carbon partitioning between riverine and scrub mangroves in response to environmental stress support our hypothesis that belowground allocation is a significant contribution to soil carbon storage in forested wetlands across FCE, particularly in P-limited scrub mangroves. Elucidating these biomass strategies will improve analysis of carbon budgets (storage and production) in neotropical mangroves and understanding what conditions lead to net carbon sinks in the tropical coastal zone.


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The age of organic material discharged by rivers provides information about its sources and carbon cycling processes within watersheds. While elevated ages in fluvially-transported organic matter are usually explained by erosion of soils and sediments, it is commonly assumed that mainly young organic material is discharged from flat tropical watersheds due to their extensive plant cover and high carbon turnover. Here we present compound-specific radiocarbon data of terrigenous organic fractions from a sedimentary archive offshore the Congo River in conjunction with molecular markers for methane-producing land cover reflecting wetland extent in the watershed. We find that the Congo River has been discharging aged organic matter for several thousand years with increasing ages from the mid- to the Late Holocene. This suggests that aged organic matter in modern samples is concealed by radiocarbon from nuclear weapons testing. By comparison to indicators for past rainfall changes we detect a systematic control of organic matter sequestration and release by continental hydrology mediating temporary carbon storage in wetlands. As aridification also leads to exposure and rapid remineralization of large amounts of previously stored labile organic matter we infer that this process may cause a profound direct climate feedback currently underestimated in carbon cycle assessments.


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Peatland ecosystems store about 500-600 Pg of organic carbon, largely accumulated since the last glaciation. Whether they continue to sequester carbon or release it as greenhouse gases, perhaps in large amounts, is important in Earth's temperature dynamics. Given both ages and depths of numerous dated sample peatlands, their rate of carbon sequestration can be estimated throughout the Holocene. Here we use average values for carbon content per unit volume, the geographical extent of peatlands, and ecological models of peatland establishment and growth, to reconstruct the time-trajectory of peatland carbon sequestration in North America and project it into the future. Peatlands there contain ~163 Pg of carbon. Ignoring effects of climate change and other major anthropogenic disturbances, the rate of carbon accumulation is projected to decline slowly over millennia as reduced net carbon accumulation in existing peatlands is largely balanced by new peatland establishment. Peatlands are one of few long-term terrestrial carbon sinks, probably important for global carbon regulation in future generations. This study contributes to a better understanding of these ecosystems that will assist their inclusion in earth-system models, and therefore their management to maintain carbon storage during climate change.


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A compilation of basal dates of peatland initiation across the northern high latitudes, associated metadata including location, age, raw and calibrated radiocarbon ages, and associated references. Includes previously published datasets from sources below as well as 365 new data points.