995 resultados para carbon exchange


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A mass budget was constructed for organic carbon on the upper slope of the Middle Atlantic Bight, a region thought to serve as a depocenter for fine-grained material exported from the adjacent shelf. Various components of the budget are internally consistent, and observed differences can be attributed to natural spatial variability or to the different time scales over which measurements were made. The flux of organic carbon to the sediments in the core of the depocenter zone, at a water depth of 1000 m, was measured with sediment traps to be 65 mg C m**-2 day**-1, of which 6-24 mg C m**-2 day**-1 is buried. Oxygen fluxes into the sediments, measured with incubation chambers attached to a free vehicle lander, correspond to total carbon remineralization rates of 49-70 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Carbon remineralization rates estimated from gradients of Corg within the mixed layer, and from gradients of dissolved ammonia and phosphate in pore waters, sum to only 4-6 mg C m**-2 day**-1. Most of the Corg remineralization in slope sediments is mediated by bacteria and takes place within a few mm of the sediment-water interface. Most of the Corg deposited on the upper slope sediments is supplied by lateral transport from other regions, but even if all of this material were derived from the adjacent shelf, it represents <2% of the mean annual shelf productivity. This value is further lowered by recognizing that as much as half of the Corg deposited on the slope is refractory, having originated by reworking from older deposits. Refractory Corg arrives at the sea bed with an average 14C age 600-900 years older than the pre-bomb 14C age of DIC in seawater, and has a mean life in the sediments with respect to biological remineralization of at least 1000 years. Labile carbon supplied to the slope, on the other hand, is rapidly and (virtually) completely remineralized, with a mean life of < 1 year. Carbon-14 ages of fine-grained carbonate and organic carbon present within the interstices of shelf sands are consistent with this material acting as a source for the old carbon supplied to the slope. Winnowing and export of reworked carbon may contribute to the often-described relationship between organic carbon preservation and accumulation rate of marine sediments.


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The Lena River Delta, which is the largest delta in the Arctic, extends over an area of 32 000 km**2 and likely holds more than half of the entire soil organic carbon (SOC) mass stored in the seven major deltas in the northern permafrost regions. The geomorphic units of the Lena River Delta which were formed by true deltaic sedimentation processes are a Holocene river terrace and the active floodplains. Their mean SOC stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 29 kg/m**2 ± 10 kg/m**2 and at 14 kg/m**2 ± 7 kg/m**2, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total SOC pool of the Holocene river terrace was estimated at 121 Tg ± 43 Tg, and the SOC pool of the active floodplains was estimated at 120 Tg ± 66 Tg. The mass of SOC stored within the observed seasonally thawed active layer was estimated at about 127 Tg assuming an average maximum active layer depth of 50 cm. The SOC mass which is stored in the perennially frozen ground at the increment 50-100 cm soil depth, which is currently excluded from intense biogeochemical exchange with the atmosphere, was estimated at 113 Tg. The mean nitrogen (N) stocks for the upper 1 m of soils were estimated at 1.2 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the Holocene river terrace and at 0.9 kg/m**2 ± 0.4 kg/m**2 for the active floodplain levels, respectively. For the depth of 1 m, the total N pool of the river terrace was estimated at 4.8 Tg ± 1.5 Tg, and the total N pool of the floodplains was estimated at 7.7 Tg ± 3.6 Tg. Considering the projections for deepening of the seasonally thawed active layer up to 120 cm in the Lena River Delta region within the 21st century, these large carbon and nitrogen stocks could become increasingly available for decomposition and mineralization processes.


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Transition of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb into solution is studied for experimental suspensions of coastal marine sediments with different degrees of pollution from the Amur Bay (Sea of Japan) over 30-70 days. Concentrations of dissolved metals were measured by a voltammetry method. Transition of Zn and Cd into solution was shown to be linearly dependent on initial pollution of sediments with these metals. Cadmium mobilization is due to gradual degradation of organic matter from sediments. Under degradation processes Zn quickly goes into solution during sedimentation and from silts, while in case of polluted sediments it is slowly mobilized during oxidation of sulfides. Behavior of Cu is complex because of binding of mobilized metal by dissolved organic compounds. Transition of lead into solution is negligible. Calculation of potential transition of metals from sediments into water on the basis of experimental data and its comparison with downward sedimentary flux showed that in the studied area secondary pollution of water by aerobic degradation of sediments is possible only for Cd.


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Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen isotope ratios determined on 32 squeezed interstitial fluid samples show remarkable variations with depth. For the most part these variations are related to diagenetic and alteration reactions taking place in the sediments, and in the underlying basalts. delta13C SumCO2 depth distributions at Sites 642 and 643 are the result of mixing of original SumCO2 of the paleo bottom water with SumCO2 released by remineralization of organic matter. At Site 644, where sulfate exhaustion occurs, the processes of methanogenesis by CO2 reduction and anaerobic methanotrophy strongly influence the delta13C SumCO2 distribution. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes roughly covary, and become enriched in 16O and1H with depth. This effect is most pronounced at Sites 642 and 643, possibly due to the influence of the directly underlying basalts. Isotope depletions at Site 644 are much lower, corresponding to the greater sediment depth to basement. The alternative, that the O, H isotope shifts are due primarily to autochthonous diagenetic and exchange reactions, is not supported by the data available.


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Along a transatlantic section from 57°N to 60°S that was carried out from November 7 till December 19, 2000 on board R/V Horizont II concentrations of CO2 were measured in the near-water layer of the air and differences between partial pressures in water and air in various climatic zones were calculated. It was shown that variations of CO2 concentrations in the near-water layer of air and those of values of water-air partial pressure difference were from 324x10**-6 to 426x10**-6 and from 150x10**-6 to 100x10**-6 atm, respectively. Maximum value of CO2 partial pressure in air in the near-water layer (426x10**-6 atm) was noted at 45°-47°N; minimum of 324x10**-6 atm was found in Antarctica at 59°S. During measurenents maximum value of CO2 partial pressure difference in water and air (150 x10**-6) was observed at 45°-48°N; maximum flux in this case was directed from the atmosphere to water. Maximum value of CO2 partial pressure difference in water and air for flux directed from the ocean to air (100 x10**-6) was observed at 59°-60°S. Comparison of calculated values of partial pressure difference in water and air with previous data points to more intense exchange of CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere during the survey period was considered. According to values of CO2 partial pressure difference in air and water as compared to 1975, exchange intensity in the Northern Hemisphere (absorption from the atmosphere) increased. A well-pronounced latitudinal effect of distribution of CO2 partial pressure in air was observed. Along the route variations in CO2 concentrations in zones of water divergence and convergence were registered.


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Seasonal patterns in hydrography, partial pressure of CO2, fCO2, pHt, total alkalinity, AT, total dissolved inorganic carbon, CT, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in surface waters on monthly cruises at the European Station for Time Series in the Ocean at the Canary Islands (ESTOC) located in the northeast Atlantic subtropical gyre. With over 5 years of oceanographic data starting in 1996, seasonal and interannual trends of CO2 species and air-sea exchange of CO2 were determined. Net CO2 fluxes show this area acts as a minor source of CO2, with an average outgassing value of 179 mmol CO2/m**2 yr controlled by the dominant trade winds blowing from May to August. The effect of short-term wind variability on the CO2 flux has been addressed by increasing air-sea fluxes by 63% for 6-hourly sampling frequency. The processes governing the monthly variations of CT have been determined. From March to October, when CT decreases, mixing at the base of the mixed layer (11.5 ± 1.5 mmol/m**3) is compensated by air-sea exchange, and a net organic production of 25.5 ± 5.7 mmol/m**3 is estimated. On an annual scale, biological drawdown accounts for the decrease in inorganic carbon from March to October, while mixing processes control the CT increase from October to the end of autumn. After removing seasonality variability, fCO2sw increases at a rate of 0.71 ± 5.1 µatm/yr, and as a response to the atmospheric trend, inorganic carbon increases at a rate of 0.39 ± 1.6 µmol/kg yr.


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In the lower part of DSDP core 53.0, partly recrystallized carbonate sediments and well recrystallized limestone breccias of Oligo-Miocene age are associated with altered volcanic flows, lithified tuffs, and tuff breccias, suggesting that carbonate alteration was the result of thermal metamorphism. However, the oxygen isotope compositions of these carbonates (-3.4 to +0.6 per mil rel. PDB) are not compatible with recrystallization and isotope exchange with sea water at high temperatures. Evaluating the effects of the composition of the water which exchanged with the carbonates and of carbonate-water isotope exchange in closed systems yields the following approximate maximum temperature of recrystallization: limestone breccias, 100°C; calcite veins rimming breccia clasts, 30°C; and unconsolidated sediments overlying the breccias, 20°C. Therefore, the volcanics at site 53.0 must have been emplaced into the primary carbonate sediments at relatively low temperatures. Subsequent carbonate alteration was probably a consequence of chemical changes in ambient pore waters resulting from the submarine weathering of volcanic material.


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The Tibetan highlands host the largest alpine grassland ecosystems worldwide, bearing soils that store substantial stocks of carbon (C) that are very sensitive to land use changes. This study focuses on the cycling of photoassimilated C within a Kobresia pygmaea pasture, the dominating ecosystems on the Tibetan highlands. We investigated short-term effects of grazing cessation and the role of the characteristic Kobresia root turf on C fluxes and belowground C turnover. By combining eddy-covariance measurements with 13CO2 pulse labeling we applied a powerful new approach to measure absolute fluxes of assimilates within and between various pools of the plant-soil-atmosphere system. The roots and soil each store roughly 50% of the overall C in the system (76 Mg C/ha), with only a minor contribution from shoots, which is also expressed in the root:shoot ratio of 90. During June and July the pasture acted as a weak C sink with a strong uptake of approximately 2 g C/m**2/ in the first half of July. The root turf was the main compartment for the turnover of photoassimilates, with a subset of highly dynamic roots (mean residence time 20 days), and plays a key role for the C cycling and C storage in this ecosystem. The short-term grazing cessation only affected aboveground biomass but not ecosystem scale C exchange or assimilate allocation into roots and soil.