188 resultados para cachexia


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Cachexia is very common among patients with advanced pancreatic cancer and is a marker of poor prognosis. Weight loss in cachexia is due to both adipose and muscle compartments, and sarcopenia (severe muscle depletion) is associated with worse outcomes. Curcumin has shown a myriad of biological effects, including anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. The ability of curcumin to attenuate cachexia and muscle loss has been tested in animal models, with conflicting results so far. The hypothesis of this study was that patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with curcumin for two months have less fat and muscle loss as compared to matched controls not treated with this compound. A matched 1:2 case-control retrospective study was conducted with 22 patients with pancreatic cancer who were treated with curcumin on a previous protocol and 44 untreated controls with the same diagnosis matched by age, gender, time from advanced cancer, body mass index, and number of prior therapies. Data was collected regarding oncologic treatment, medication use, weights, heights, and survival. Body composition was determined by computerized tomography analyses at two timepoints separated by 60±20 days. For treated patients, the first image was at the beginning of treatment and for controls it was determined by the matching time from advanced cancer. The evolution of body composition over time was quantitatively analyzed comparing both groups. All patients lost weight both due to fat and muscle losses, and patients treated with curcumin presented greater losses both in lean adipose body mass. Use of medications, chemotherapy, age, time from advanced cancer, baseline albumin, performance status, and number of prior therapies were not independently correlated with changes in body composition variables. Patients treated with curcumin had borderline shorter survival when compared with untreated patients. Sarcopenic treated patients had significantly shorter survival than non-sarcopenic counterparts, and sarcopenia status was not associated with survival among the controls. Treated patients with shorter survival showed a tendency to lose more lean and especially fat body mass as compared to untreated patients, maybe suggesting an effect of curcumin on shifting weight loss towards the end of life by impacting its mechanisms.


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Introduction. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the USA (2). Studies have shown a coexistence of cancer and hypogonadism (9,31,13). The majority of patients with cancer develop cachexia, which cannot be solely explained by anorexia seen in these patients. Testosterone is a male sex hormone which is known to increase muscle mass and strength, maintain cancellous bone mass, and increase cortical bone mass, in addition to improving libido, sexual desire, and fantasy (14). If a high prevalence of hypogonadism is detected in male cancer patients, and a significant difference exists in testosterone levels in cancer patients with cachexia versus those without cachexia, testosterone may be administered in future randomized trials to help alleviate cachexia. Study group and design The study group consisted of male cancer patients and non-cancer controls aged between 40 and 70 years. The primary study design was cross-sectional with a sample size of 135. The present data analysis is done on a subset convenience sample of 72 patients recruited between November 2006 and January 2010. ^ Methods. Patients aged 40-70 years with or without a diagnosis of cancer were recruited into the study. All patients with a BMI over 35, significant edema, non-melanomatous skin cancer, current alcohol or illicit drug abuse, concomitant usage of medications interfering with gonadal axis, and anabolic agents, patients on tube feeds or parenteral nutrition within 3 months prior to enrollment were excluded from the study. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Baylor College of Medicine and is being conducted at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center at Houston. My thesis is a pilot data analysis that employs a smaller subset convenience sample of 72 patients determined by using the data available for the 72 patients (of the intended sample of 135 patients) recruited between November 2006 and January 2010. The primary aim of this analysis is to compare the proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the male cancer and non-cancer control groups, and to evaluate if a significant difference exists with respect to testosterone levels in male cancer patients with cachexia versus those without cachexia. The procedures of the study relevant to the current data analysis included blood collection to measure levels of testosterone and measurement of body weight to categorize cancer patients into cancer cachexia and cancer non-cachexia sub-groups. ^ Results. After logarithmic transformation of data of cancer and control groups, the unpaired t test with unequal variances was done. The proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the male cancer and non-cancer control groups was 47.5% and 22.7% with a Pearson chi2 statistic of 1.6036 and a p value of 0.205. Comparing the mean calculated Bioavailable testosterone in male cancer patients and non-cancer controls resulted in a t statistic of 21.83 and a p value less than 0.001. When the cancer group alone was taken, the mean free testosterone, calculated bioavailable testosterone and total testosterone levels in the cancer non-cachexia sub-group were 3.93, 5.09, 103.51 respectively and in the cancer cachexia sub-group were 3.58, 4.17, 84.08 respectively. The unpaired t test with equal variances showed that the two sub-groups had p values of 0.2015, 0.1842, and 0.4894 with respect to calculated bioavailable testosterone, free testosterone, and total testosterone respectively. ^ Conclusions. The small sample size of this exploratory study, resulting in a small power, does not allow us to draw definitive conclusions. For the given sub-sample, the proportion of patients with hypogonadism in the cancer group was not significantly different from that of patients with hypogonadism in the control group. Inferences on prevalence of hypogonadism in male cancer patients could not be made in this paper as the sub-sample is small and therefore not representative of the general population. However, there was a statistically significant difference in calculated Bioavailable testosterone levels in male cancer patients versus non-cancer controls. Analysis of cachectic and non-cachectic patients within the male cancer group showed no significant difference in testosterone levels (total, free, and calculated bioavailable testosterone) between both sub-groups. However, to re-iterate, this study is exploratory and the results may change once the complete dataset is obtained and analyzed. It however serves as a good template to guide further research and analysis.^


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Background. Cancer cachexia is a common syndrome complex in cancer, occurring in nearly 80% of patients with advanced cancer and responsible for at least 20% of all cancer deaths. Cachexia is due to increased resting energy expenditure, increased production of inflammatory mediators, and changes in lipid and protein metabolism. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), by virtue of their anti-inflammatory properties, are possibly protective against cancer-related cachexia. Since cachexia is also associated with increased hospitalizations, this outcome may also show improvement with NSAID exposure. ^ Design. In this retrospective study, computerized records from 700 non-small cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) were reviewed, and 487 (69.57%) were included in the final analyses. Exclusion criteria were severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, significant peripheral edema, class III or IV congestive heart failure, liver failure, other reasons for weight loss, or use of research or anabolic medications. Information on medication history, body weight and hospitalizations was collected from one year pre-diagnosis until three years post-diagnosis. Exposure to NSAIDs was defined if a patient had a history of being treated with NSAIDs for at least 50% of any given year in the observation period. We used t-test and chi-square tests for statistical analyses. ^ Results. Neither the proportion of patients with cachexia (p=0.27) nor the number of hospitalizations (p=0.74) differed among those with a history of NSAID use (n=92) and those without (n=395). ^ Conclusions. In this study, NSAID exposure was not significantly associated with weight loss or hospital admissions in patients with NSCLC. Further studies may be needed to confirm these observations.^


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) mediates a wide variety of disease states including septic shock, acute and chronic inflammation, and cachexia. Recently, a multivalent guanylhydrazone (CNI-1493) developed as an inhibitor of macrophage activation was shown to suppress TNF production and protect against tissue inflammation and endotoxin lethality [Bianchi, M., Ulrich, P., Bloom, O., Meistrell, M., Zimmerman, G. A., Schmidtmayerova, H., Bukrinsky, M., Donnelley, T., Bucala, R., Sherry, B., Manogue, K. R., Tortolani, A. J., Cerami, A. & Tracey, K. J. (1995) Mol. Med. 1, 254-266, and Bianchi, M., Bloom, O., Raabe, T., Cohen, P. S., Chesney, J., Sherry, B., Schmidtmayerova, H., Zhang, X., Bukrinsky, M., Ulrich, P., Cerami, A. & Tracey, J. (1996) J. Exp. Med., in press]. We have now elucidated the mechanism by which CNI-1493 inhibits macrophage TNF synthesis and show here that it acts through suppression of TNF translation efficiency. CNI-1493 blocked neither the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced increases in the expression of TNF mRNA nor the translocation of nuclear factor NF-kappa B to the nucleus in macrophages activated by 15 min of LPS stimulation, indicating that CNI-1493 does not interfere with early NF-kappa B-mediated transcriptional regulation of TNF. However, synthesis of the 26-kDa membrane form of TNF was effectively blocked by CNI-1493. Further evidence for the translational suppression of TNF is given by experiments using chloram-phenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) constructs containing elements of the TNF gene that are involved in TNF translational regulation. Both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of the TNF gene were required to elicit maximal translational suppression by CNI-1493. Identification of the molecular target through which CNI-1493 inhibits TNF translation should provide insight into the regulation of macrophage activation and mechanisms of inflammation.


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A ausência de terapias eficazes para a caquexia permanece como um problema central para o tratamento do câncer no mundo. Em contrapartida, o treinamento de força (i.e. também conhecido como treinamento resistido) tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma estratégia não farmacológica anticatabólica, prevenindo a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética. Entretanto, o papel terapêutico do treinamento de força na caquexia do câncer permanece apenas especulativo. Portanto, nesse estudo avaliamos se o treinamento de força poderia atenuar a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética em um severo modelo de caquexia do câncer em ratos. Para isso, ratos machos da linhagem Wistar foram randomizados em quatro grupos experimentais: 1) ratos sedentários injetados com solução salina na medula óssea (Controle); 2) ratos injetados com solução salina na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Controle + T); 3) ratos sedentários injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea (Tumor); e 4) ratos injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Tumor + T). Foram avaliados a massa e a área de secção transversa da musculatura esquelética, marcadores de disfunção metabólica e do turnover proteico, a função da musculatura esquelética in vivo e ex vivo, o consumo alimentar, o crescimento tumoral e a sobrevida dos grupos experimentais com tumor. O grupo Tumor apresentou atrofia muscular após quinze dias da injeção das células tumorais como pode ser observado pela redução na massa dos músculos Plantaris (- 20,5%) e EDL (-20%). A atrofia no músculo EDL foi confirmada por análises histológicas, demonstrando uma redução de 43,8% na área de secção transversa. Embora o treinamento de força tenha aumentado o conteúdo proteico da lactato desidrogenase e revertido totalmente o conteúdo da forma fosforilada de 4EBP-1 (i.e. repressor da transcrição de mRNA), ele não atuou na morfologia da musculatura esquelética nos animais com tumor. Além disso, o treinamento de força não atenuou a perda de função da musculatura esquelética, a anorexia, o crescimento tumoral ou a taxa de mortalidade. Contudo, a força muscular, avaliada pelo teste de 1RM, apresentou uma correlação negativa com a sobrevida dos animais (p = 0,02), sugerindo que a perda de força prediz a mortalidade nesse modelo experimental de caquexia do câncer. Em suma, a injeção de células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea induz caquexia do câncer em ratos. O treinamento de força não foi eficaz em atenuar a perda de massa e função da musculatura esquelética nesse modelo. Entretanto, a força muscular prediz a sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que novos estudos são necessários para elucidar o possível efeito terapêutico do treinamento de força para atenuar a caquexia do câncer e a progressão tumoral


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Muscular weakness and muscle wasting may often be observed in critically ill patients on intensive care units (ICUs) and may present as failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. Importantly, mounting data demonstrate that mechanical ventilation itself may induce progressive dysfunction of the main respiratory muscle, i.e. the diaphragm. The respective condition was termed 'ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction' (VIDD) and should be distinguished from peripheral muscular weakness as observed in 'ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW)'. Interestingly, VIDD and ICU-AW may often be observed in critically ill patients with, e.g. severe sepsis or septic shock, and recent data demonstrate that the pathophysiology of these conditions may overlap. VIDD may mainly be characterized on a histopathological level as disuse muscular atrophy, and data demonstrate increased proteolysis and decreased protein synthesis as important underlying pathomechanisms. However, atrophy alone does not explain the observed loss of muscular force. When, e.g. isolated muscle strips are examined and force is normalized for cross-sectional fibre area, the loss is disproportionally larger than would be expected by atrophy alone. Nevertheless, although the exact molecular pathways for the induction of proteolytic systems remain incompletely understood, data now suggest that VIDD may also be triggered by mechanisms including decreased diaphragmatic blood flow or increased oxidative stress. Here we provide a concise review on the available literature on respiratory muscle weakness and VIDD in the critically ill. Potential underlying pathomechanisms will be discussed before the background of current diagnostic options. Furthermore, we will elucidate and speculate on potential novel future therapeutic avenues.


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Background: Cachexia in both mice and humans is associated with tumour production of a sulphated glycoprotein called proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). In mice PIF binds with high affinity to a surface receptor in skeletal muscle, but little is known about the human receptor. This study compares the human PIF receptor with the murine. Methods: Human PIF was isolated from the G361 melanoma and murine PIF from the MAC16 colon adenocarcinoma. The human PIF receptor was isolated from human skeletal muscle myotubes. Protein synthesis and degradation induced by human and murine PIF was studied in human and murine skeletal muscle myotubes. Results: Both the human and murine PIF receptors showed the same immunoreactivity and Mr 40 000. Both murine and human PIF inhibited total protein synthesis and stimulated protein degradation in human and murine myotubes to about the same extent, and this was attenuated by a rabbit polyclonal antibody to the murine PIF receptor, but not by a non-specific rabbit antibody. Both murine and human PIF increased the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in both human and murine myotubes, as evidenced by an increased 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity, protein expression of the 20S and 19S proteasome subunits, and increased expression of the ubiquitin ligases MuRF1 and MAFbx, and this was also attenuated by the anti-mouse PIF receptor antibody. Conclusions: These results suggest that the murine and human PIF receptors are identical. © 2014 Cancer Research UK.


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Zinc-alpha(2)-glycoprotein (ZAG) is an adipokine associated with fat loss in cancer cachexia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of recombinant human ZAG to attenuate type 2 diabetes in the ob/ob mouse model. ZAG (50 microg daily, iv) induced a progressive loss of body weight (3.5 g in 5 d), without an effect on food or water intake but with a 0.4 C rise in body temperature, suggesting an increased energy expenditure. Despite an increased plasma glycerol, indicative of increased lipolysis, levels of glucose, triglycerides, and nonesterified fatty acids were decreased by 17, 25, and 62%, respectively, due to an increased use of both glucose and lipids by muscle and brown adipose tissue. The weight of the latter increased 2-fold, and there was increased expression of uncoupling proteins-1 and -3. Plasma insulin levels were reduced by 36%, whereas pancreatic insulin was increased 4-fold, and there was a 53% decrease in the total area under the glucose curve in the glucose tolerance test and reduced insulin requirement. There was an increase in skeletal muscle mass due to an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in protein degradation. These results suggest that ZAG may potentially be effective in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


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Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) is a sulfated glycoprotein produced by cachexia-inducing tumors, which induces atrophy of skeletal muscle. PIF has been shown to bind specifically with high affinity (Kd, in nanomolar) to sarcolemma membranes from skeletal muscle of both the mouse and the pig, as well as murine myoblasts and a human muscle cell line. Ligand binding was abolished after enzymatic deglycosylation, suggesting that binding was mediated through the oligosaccharide chains in PIF. Chondroitin sulfate, but not heparan or dermatan sulfate, showed competitive inhibition (Kd, 1.1 × 10-7 mol/L) of binding of PIF to the receptor, suggesting an interaction with the sulfated oligosaccharide chains. Ligand blotting of [ 35S]PIF to triton solublized membranes from C2C 12 cells provided evidence for a binding protein of apparent M r of ∼40,000. Amino acid sequence analysis showed the PIF receptor to be a DING protein. Antisera reactive to a 19mer from the N-terminal amino acid residues of the binding protein attenuated protein degradation and activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway induced by PIF in murine myotubes. In addition, the antisera was highly effective in attenuating the decrease in body weight in mice bearing the MAC16 tumor, with a significant increase in muscle wet weight due to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis, together with a reduction in protein degradation through attenuation of the increased proteasome expression and activity. These results confirm that the PIF binding protein has a functional role in muscle protein atrophy in cachexia and that it represents a potential new therapeutic target. ©2007 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Both proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) and angiotensin II have been shown to produce a depression in protein synthesis in murine myotubes concomitant with an increased phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2α). Both PIF and angiotensin II were shown to induce autophosphorylation of the RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR), and an inhibitor of this enzyme completely attenuated the depression in protein synthesis and prevented the induction of eIF2α phosphorylation. The PKR inhibitor also completely attenuated the increase in protein degradation induced by PIF and angiotensin II and prevented the increase in proteasome expression and activity. To confirm these results myotubes were transfected with plasmids that express either wild-type PKR, or a catalytically inactive PKR variant, PKRΔ6. Myotubes expressing PKRΔ6 showed no increase in eIF2α phosphorylation in response to PIF or angiotensin II, no depression in protein synthesis, and no increase in protein degradation or increase in proteasome expression. Induction of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway by PIF and angiotensin II has been linked to activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB). Inhibition of PKR prevented nuclear migration of NF-κB in response to both PIF and angiotensin II, by preventing degradation of the inhibitor protein I-κB. Phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2α was also significantly increased in the gastrocnemius muscle of weight losing mice bearing the MAC16 tumor, suggesting that a similar process may be operative in cancer cachexia. These results provide a link between the depression of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and the increase in protein degradation. © 2007 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.


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Gastro-oesophageal cancer is associated with a high incidence of cachexia. Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) has been identified as a possible cachectic factor and studies suggest that PIF is produced exclusively by tumour cells. We investigated PIF core peptide (PIF-CP) mRNA expression in tumour and benign tissue from patients with gastro-oesophageal cancer and in gastro-oesophageal biopsies for healthy volunteers. Tumour tissue and adjacent benign tissue were collected from patients with gastric and oesophageal cancer (n = 46) and from benign tissue only in healthy controls (n = 11). Expression of PIF-CP mRNA was quantified by real-time PCR. Clinical and pathological information along with nutritional status was collected prospectively. In the cancer patients, PIF-CP mRNA was detected in 27 (59%) tumour samples and 31 (67%) adjacent benign tissue samples. Four (36%) gastro-oesophageal biopsies from healthy controls also expressed PIF-CP mRNA. Expression was higher in tumour tissue (P = 0.031) and benign tissue (P = 0.022) from cancer patients compared with healthy controls. In the cancer patients, tumour and adjacent benign tissue PIF-CP mRNA concentrations were correlated with each other (P<0.0001, r = 0.73) but did not correlate with weight loss or prognosis. Although PIF-CP mRNA expression is upregulated in both tumour and adjacent normal tissue in gastro-oesophageal malignancy, expression does not relate to prognosis or cachexia. Post-translational modification of PIF may be a key step in determining the biological role of PIF in the patient with advanced cancer and cachexia. © 2006 Cancer Research.


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Loss of skeletal muscle in cancer cachexia has a negative effect on both morbidity and mortality. The role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in regulating muscle protein degradation and expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway in response to a tumour cachectic factor, proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF), has been studied by creating stable, transdominant-negative, muscle cell lines. Murine C2C12 myoblasts were transfected with plasmids with a CMV promoter that had mutations at the serine phosphorylation sites required for degradation of I-κBα, an NF-κB inhibitory protein, and allowed to differentiate into myotubes. Proteolysis-inducing factor induced degradation of I-κBα, nuclear accumulation of NF-κB and an increase in luciferase reporter gene activity in myotubes containing wild-type, but not mutant, I-κBα, proteins. Proteolysis-inducing factor also induced total protein degradation and loss of the myofibrillar protein myosin in myotubes containing wild-type, but not mutant, plasmids at the same concentrations as those causing activation of NF-κB. Proteolysis-inducing factor also induced increased expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, as determined by 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity, the predominant proteolytic activity of the β-subunits of the proteasome, protein expression of 20S α-subunits and the 19S subunits MSSI and p42, as well as the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, E214k, in cells containing wild-type, but not mutant, I-κBα. The ability of mutant I-κBα to inhibit PIF-induced protein degradation, as well as expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, confirms that both of these responses depend on initiation of transcription by NF-κB. © 2005 Cancer Research UK.


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A number of malignant tumors interact with the host to cause a syndrome of cachexia, characterized by extensive loss of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle mass, but with preservation of proteins in visceral tissues. Although anorexia is frequently present, the body composition changes in cancer cachexia cannot be explained by nutritional deprivation alone. Loss of skeletal muscle mass is a result of depression in protein synthesis and an increase in protein degradation. The main degradative pathway that has been found to have increased expression and activity in the skeletal muscle of cachectic patients is the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. Cachexia-inducing tumors produce catabolic factors such as proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF), a 24 kDa sulfated glycoprotein, which inhibit protein synthesis and stimulate degradation of intracellular proteins in skeletal muscle by inducing an increased expression of regulatory components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. While the oligosaccharide chains in PIF are required to initiate protein degradation the central polypeptide core may act as a growth and survival factor. Only cachexia-inducing tumors are capable of elaborating fully glycosylated PIF, and the selectivity of production possibly rests with the acquisition of the necessary glycosylating enzymes, rather than expressing the gene for the polypeptide core. Loss of adipose tissue is probably the result of an increase in catabolism rather than a defect in anabolism. A lipid mobilizing factor (LMF), identical with the plasma protein Zn-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG) is found in the urine of cachectic cancer patients and is produced by tumors causing a decrease in carcass lipid. LMF causes triglyceride hydrolysis in adipose tissue through a cyclic AMP-mediated process by interaction with a β3-adrenoreceptor. Thus, by producing circulating factors certain malignant tumors are able to interfere with host metabolism even without metastasis to that particular site. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: n-3 fatty acids are increasingly being administered to cancer patients for the treatment of cachexia, and it is thus important to know of any potential interactions with ongoing cytotoxic drug therapy. Materials and methods: For this reason eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were administered to mice bearing the cachexia-inducing MAC16 colon adenocarcinoma, and the effect of epothilone, gemcitabine, 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide on tumour growth and body weight determined. Results: Epothilone alone had a minimal effect on tumour growth rate, but this was potentiated by DHA, while for 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide tumour growth inhibition was enhanced by EPA. The antitumour effect of gemcitabine was not altered by either fatty acid. EPA arrested the development of cachexia, while DHA had no effect and the same was true for their effect on tumour growth rate. The anticachectic effect of EPA was only seen in combination with 5-fluorouracil. Conclusion: These results suggest that n-3 fatty acids do not interfere with the action of chemotherapy and may potentiate the effect of certain agents.


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Atrophy of skeletal muscle reduces both the quality and quantity of life of patients with cancer cachexia. Loss of muscle mass is thought to arise from a reduction in protein synthesis combined with an enhanced rate of protein degradation, and few treatments are available to counteract this process. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) has been shown to attenuate the enhanced protein degradation, but to have no effect on protein synthesis. This study examines the effect of EPA combined with a protein and amino-acid supplementation on protein synthesis and degradation in gastrocnemius muscle of mice bearing the cachexia-inducing MAC16 tumour. Muscles from cachectic mice showed an 80% reduction in protein synthesis and about a 50-fold increase in protein degradation compared with muscles from nontumour-bearing mice of the same age and weight. Treatment with EPA (1 g kg-1) daily reduced protein degradation by 88%, but had no effect on protein synthesis. Combination of EPA with casein (5.35 g kg-1) also had no effect on protein synthesis, but when combined with the amino acids leucine, arginine and methionine there was almost a doubling of protein synthesis. The addition of carbohydrate (10.7 g kg-1) to stimulate insulin release had no additional effect. The combination involving the amino acids produced almost a doubling of the ratio of protein synthesis to protein degradation in gastrocnemius muscle over that of EPA alone. No treatment had a significant effect on tumour growth rate, but the inclusion of amino acids had a more significant effect on weight loss induced by the MAC16 tumour than that of EPA alone. The results suggest that combination therapy of cancer cachexia involving both inhibition of the enhanced protein degradation and stimulation of the reduced protein synthesis may be more effective than either treatment alone. © 2004 Cancer Research UK.