241 resultados para breakfast
Contexte L’américanisation des habitudes de vie, notamment de l’alimentation, semble être en grande partie responsable de l’augmentation incessante de l’incidence élevée des maladies cardiovasculaires. La période postprandiale, où l’homéostasie vasculaire et métabolique est mise à l’épreuve, est d’une importance considérable dans le développement ou la prévention de l’athérosclérose et représente maintenant la majeure partie du temps d’éveil. La compréhension de l’influence de la composition d’un repas sur son impact postprandial est donc essentielle dans notre lutte dans la prévention de ces maladies. Objectifs L’objectif principal de ce projet de recherche était d’étudier les réponses endothéliale et métabolique à un repas de type méditerranéen mixte (MMM), puisqu’elles sont inconnues. Ce projet avait aussi pour objectifs d’évaluer l’impact microvasculaire d’un tel repas et de caractériser la composition postprandiale des acides gras plasmatiques. À titre comparatif, ces éléments ont aussi été étudiés suite à un repas riche en gras saturés (HSFAM). Méthodes Vingt-huit (28) hommes sains, exempts de facteurs de risque de maladies cardiovasculaires ont reçu de façon randomisée les deux repas à l’étude. Le MMM, composé de saumon frais et de légumes cuits dans l'huile d'olive, contenait 7.87g de SFA et 2.29g d’acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3, tandis que le HSFAM, composé d'un sandwich déjeuner avec œuf, saucisse et fromage, contenait 14.78g de SFA. Les mesures de la fonction endothéliale mesurée par échographie brachiale (FMD), de la fonction microvasculaire mesurée par spectroscopie proche de l’infrarouge (NIRS) et de la composition des acides gras plasmatique ont été effectuées à jeun et en période postprandiale. Résultats Deux sous-groupes de répondeurs aux repas à l’étude se sont dégagés de ces travaux. Un premier sous-groupe de sujets ayant une triglycéridémie à jeun élevée, mais normale (hnTG) a démontré des altérations endothéliales seulement suivant le repas HSFAM. Un second sous-groupe de sujets ayant une triglycéridémie plus faible et normale (lnTG) n’a quant à lui pas subi d’altérations endothéliales suivant les deux repas à l’étude. Les sujets hnTG ont aussi démontré une charge triglycéridémique postprandiale (iAUC) plus importante et qui était de surcroît enrichie en acide stéarique suivant la HSFAM et en acide gras polyinsaturés oméga-3 suivant le MMM. L’évaluation par NIRS de la fonction microvasculaire nous révèle un ralentissement de la réoxygénation post-ischémique qui suggère une altération postprandiale du recrutement capillaire chez les sujets hnTG seulement. De telles altérations, qui semblent être plus importantes suivant le HSFAM, pourraient être en partie responsables de l’impact endothélial de ce repas. Conclusions Cet essai clinique démontre donc de façon novatrice qu’un repas MMM n’a pas d’effet endothélial délétère et que cette neutralité est indépendante de la triglycéridémie à jeun. De plus, une triglycéridémie à jeun élevée mais normale semble indiquer des dysfonctions endothéliales et métaboliques à des épreuves nutritionnelles tel un repas HSFAM. La consommation de repas méditerranéens par des individus sains à la triglycéridémie marginale serait bénéfique, peut-être même davantage que pour des individus de triglycéridémie plus faible, dans la prévention de l’athérogénèse et des maladies cardiovasculaires.
Plusieurs études ont démontré que la consommation d’un repas à indice glycémique bas (LGI) avant un exercice physique favorisait l’oxydation des lipides, diminuait les épisodes d’hypoglycémie et améliorait la performance. Par contre, d’autres recherches n’ont pas observé ces bénéfices. Le but de cette étude consiste à démontrer l’impact de l’ingestion de déjeuners avec différents indices glycémiques (IG) sur la performance en endurance de cyclistes de haut niveau. Dix cyclistes masculins ont complété trois protocoles attribués de façon aléatoire, séparés par un intervalle minimal de sept jours. Les trois protocoles consistaient en une épreuve contre la montre, soit trois heures après avoir consommé un déjeuner à indice glycémique bas ou élevé contenant 3 grammes de glucides par kg de poids corporel, soit à compléter l’exercice à jeun. Les résultats obtenus pour le temps de course montrent qu’il n’y pas de différence significative entre les protocoles. Par contre, on observe que le nombre de révolutions par minute (RPM) est significativement plus élevé avec le protocole à indice glycémique élevé (HGI) (94,3 ± 9,9 RPM) comparativement au protocole à jeun (87,7 ± 8,9 RPM) (p<0,005). Au niveau de la glycémie capillaire, on observe que durant l’exercice, au temps 30 minutes, la glycémie est significativement supérieure avec le protocole à jeun (5,47 ± 0,76 mmol/L) comparé à HGI (4,99 ± 0,91 mmol/L) (p<0,002). Notre étude n’a pas permis de confirmer que la consommation d’un repas LGI avant un exercice physique améliorait la performance physique de façon significative. Cependant, notre recherche a démontré que la diversité des protocoles utilisés pour évaluer l’impact de l’indice glycémique sur la performance physique pouvait occasionner des variations positives dans les temps de courses. Par conséquent, il s’avère nécessaire de faire d’autres recherches qui reproduisent les situations de compétition de l’athlète soit la course contre la montre.
Presentation at the MLK Annual Unity Breakfast, Boston College, January 19, 2005.
Fish and fishery products are having a unique place in global food market due to its unique taste and flavour; moreover, the presence of easily digestible proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals make it a highly demanded food commodity.Fishery products constitute a major portion of international trade, which is a valuable source of foreign exchange to many developing countries.Several new technologies are emerging to produce various value added products from food; “extrusion technology” is one among them. Food extruder is a better choice for producing a wide variety of high value products at low volume because of its versatility. Extruded products are shelf-stable at ambient temperature. Extrusion cooking is used in the manufacture of food products such as ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, expanded snacks, pasta, fat-bread, soup and drink bases. The raw materialin the form of powder at ambient temperature is fed into extruder at a known feeding rate. The material first gets compacted and then softens and gelatinizes and/or melts to form a plasticized material, which flows downstream into extruder channel and the final quality of the end products depends on the characteristics of starch in the cereals and protein ingredient as affected by extrusion process. The advantages of extrusion process are the process is thermodynamically most efficient, high temperature short time enables destruction of bacteria and anti-nutritional factors, one step cooking process thereby minimizing wastage and destruction of fat hydrolyzing enzymes during extrusion process and enzymes associated with rancidity.
This PowerPoint can either be used by itself the first time you use zappers with your students, or you can copy the slides to your own presentation. Students are shown how to vote using the zapper handset, and it includes a sample question "what did you drink for breakfast this morning?" so they can see how it works and test that their handsets are working. Now updated for Office 2010.
El pasado Mundial de Fútbol Categoría Sub-20 fue una gran oportunidad que tuvo Colombia para seguir mostrándose a nivel internacional y para mejorar su imagen negativa de ser un país violento. Debido al éxito de este evento, y que estuvo a la altura de los de su tipo, ya que también superó en record de asistencia a los que se habían realizado anteriormente (FIFA.COM, 2011), y sumado a las declaraciones del presidente de la FIFA: "Colombia está preparada para la gran Copa Mundial de FIFA, pero de momento deberá esperar hasta el año 2026, porque las sedes de los años 2014 (Brasil), 2018 (Rusia) y 2022 (Qatar) ya están asignadas" (Semana, 2011); este trabajo pretende analizar con base en los principales indicadores (infraestructuras, movilidad, vías, ciudades, seguridad), si Bogotá podría ser sede principal del mundial de fútbol del 2026. Para lograr el objetivo se tomaron como referencia los diferentes mundiales anteriormente realizados. Se hizo un análisis comparativo entre Johannesburgo (sede principal del Mundial realizado en Suráfrica en el 2010) y Bogotá, en 5 factores que permiten visualizar las fortalezas y debilidades de la capital colombiana para poder ser sede principal de un Mundial. Se presentan conclusiones.
KFC, the chain fast-food restaurants in UK, planed to launched coffee products through campaigns. There are two main reasons for KFC to make the decision. The first one is KFC tried to promote its coffee products with KFC A.M. breakfast plan and it failed at last. The second reason is that KFC needs extension points of interest. The financial condition of KFC has been steady but no breakthrough growth. It has been showed that there is enormous potential of “fast-drink” market in UK. After the success of KFC “Krushems” series, it is reasonable for the company launched coffee products. However, KFC also faced to many challenges to win the market. Compare to the main competitor of McDonald’s, KFC’s quantity of restaurants is far too less. Moreover, KFC has a brand limitation that focuses more family than single urban. The dominant competitors are another challenge KFC need to manage. To sum up, KFC has to win these challenges to be a bigger player in UK coffee market.
O presente trabalho pretende caraterizar os hábitos alimentares, a prática de atividade física e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) dos alunos de Análises Clínicas e Saúde Pública, Enfermagem, Radiologia e Farmácia da ERISA e de Ciências Farmacêuticas da ULHT em Lisboa, no ano letivo 2010/2011.Através de um inquérito obtivemos uma amostragem de 134 alunos, estratificada por curso e ano curricular. Destes, 117 são do sexo feminino (87,3%) e 17 (12,7%) do sexo masculino, com idades entre os 18 e os 38 anos. Em relação ao IMC, verificou-se que na ERISAe na ULHTa maioria dos alunos se encontra dentro do peso normal (76% e 87,5% respectivamente). Em relação à prática de atividade física, a maior parte dos alunos (42,5%) pratica uma a três vezes por semana. Os hábitos alimentares destes alunos são adequados a uma vida saudável, uma vez que consomem sopa várias vezes por semana e fruta, água (acima de 1 L) e leite, diariamente. 51,5% (69/134) dos inquiridos reconheceram o pequeno-almoço como a sua refeição mais importante . Não consomem alimentos fritos nem “fast-food”. Em conclusão, a maioria dos alunos está sensibilizada para uma alimentação equilibrada e variada e pratica atividade física (58,9%).
The soil-plant transfer factors for Cs and Sr were analyzed in relationship to soil properties, crops, and varieties of crops. Two crops and two varieties of each crop: lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cv. Salad Bowl Green and cv. Lobjoits Green Cos, and radish (Raphanus sativus L.), cv. French Breakfast 3 and cv. Scarlet Globe, were grown on five different soils amended with Cs and Sr to give concentrations of 1 mg kg(-1) and 50 mg kg(-1) of each element. Soil-plant transfer coefficients ranged between 0.12-19.10 (Cs) and 1.48-146.10 (Sr) for lettuce and 0.09-13.24 (Cs) and 2.99-93.00 (Sr) for radish. Uptake of Cs and Sr by plants depended on both plant and soil properties. There were significant (P less than or equal to 0.05) differences between soil-plant transfer factors for each plant type at the two soil concentrations. At each soil concentration about 60% of the variance in the uptake of the Cs and Sr was due to soil properties. For a given concentration of Cs or Sr in soil, the most important factor effecting soil-plant transfer of these elements was the soil properties rather than the crops or varieties of crops. Therefore, for the varieties considered here, soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr would be best regulated through the management of soil properties. At each concentration of Cs and Sr, the main soil properties effecting the uptake of Cs and Sr by lettuce and radish were the concentrations of K and Ca, pH and CEC. Together with the concentrations of contaminants in soils, they explained about 80% of total data variance, and were the best predictors for soil-plant transfer. The different varieties of lettuce and radish gave different responses in soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr in different soil conditions, i.e. genotype x environment interaction caused about 30% of the variability in the uptake of Cs and Sr by plants. This means that a plant variety with a low soil-plant transfer of Cs and Sr in one soil could have an increased soil-plant transfer factor in other soils. The broad implications of this work are that in contaminated agricultural lands still used for plant growing, contaminant-excluding crop varieties may not be a reliable method for decreasing contaminant transfer to foodstuffs. Modification of soil properties would be a more reliable technique. This is particularly relevant to agricultural soils in the former USSR still affected by fallout from the Chernobyl disaster.
The completion of the Single European Market was expected to create a large market that would enable firms to capture economies of scale that would in turn result in lower prices to European consumers. These benefits are only likely to be realised if consumers in the various countries of the EU wish to consume the same products and respond to similar marketing strategies (with respect to promotion, distribution etc). This study examines, through a model of yoghurt consumption, whether cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the EU. The model is derived from the marketing literature and views the consumption decision as the outcome of a multi-stage process in which yoghurt knowledge, attitudes to different yoghurt attributes (such as bio-bifidus, low-fat, organic) and overall attitude towards yoghurt as a product all feed into the frequency with which yoghurt is consumed at breakfast, as a snack and as a dessert. The model uses data collected from a consumer survey in I I European countries and is estimated using probit and ordinal probit methods. The results suggest that important cultural differences continue to determine food-related behaviour in the I I countries of the study. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Prolonged and exaggerated postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations are considered as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Western populations eat many meals at regular intervals, and can be in a postprandial state for at least 17h of a 24h period. After consuming 2 meals an early plasma TAG peak has been observed after the second meal, the origin of which is unclear. Aim of the study: To test the hypothesis that the early TAG peak observed following sequential meals was of intestinal origin and represented fat derived from the previous meal. Methods: Postprandial plasma lipaemic responses of 17 healthy postmenopausal women were studied by giving a test breakfast followed by a lunch. Watermiscible retinyl palmitate (RP) was added to the breakfast, but not the lunch test meal. Plasma TAG, retinyl esters (RE) and apo B-48 were determined for a 10h period following breakfast. Results: In response to the test meals, RE, apo B-48 and TAG showed multiple peaks. Despite omission of RP from the lunch, RE showed an early peak response after ingestion of lunch in 15 of 17 subjects. The peak response after lunch of all three markers appeared significantly earlier compared with their respective peak responses after the breakfast (P < 0.0001). The area of RE response after lunch was significantly correlated with the RE lipaemic response to the breakfast (r = 0.67; P < 0.004) and to the fasting TAG concentration (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Since the lunch did not contain RP, the distinctive second influx of RE after lunch was believed to have originated from the breakfast. This, together with the fact that all three markers showed an earlier response to the lunch than the breakfast, supports the view that ingestion of a second meal provokes entry of fat from the previous meal, from an as yet unidentified site (gut, enterocytes, lymph). The results indicate that the degree of TAG "storage" from previous meals might be a function of TAG tolerance and provide a possible site of regulation of the entry of fat into the systemic circulation.
Objective The influences of genetic determinants on the magnitude of postprandial lipaemia are presently unclear. Here the impact of the common apolipoprotein (apo)E epsilon mutation on the postprandial triglyceride (TG) response is determined, along with an assessment of genotype penetrance according to age, body mass index and gender. Methods and results Healthy adults (n = 251) underwent a postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (0 min, 49 g fat) and lunch (330 min, 29 g fat) until 480 min after the test breakfast. There was a significant impact of apoE genotype on fasting total cholesterol (TC), (P = 0.027), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), (P = 0.008), and %LDL3 (P = 0.001), with higher and lower levels in the E4 and E2 carriers respectively relative to the E3/E3 genotype. Reflective of a higher fasting TG (P = 0.001), a significantly higher area under the curve for the postprandial TG response (TG AUC) was evident in the E4 carriers relative to the E3/E3 group (P = 0.038). In the group as a whole, a significant age × genotype interaction was observed for fasting TC (P = 0.021). In the participants >50 years there was a significant impact of genotype on TC (P = 0.005), LDL-C (P = 0.001) and TAG AUC (P = 0.028). Conclusions It is possible that an exaggerated postprandial lipaemia contributes to the increased coronary heart disease risk associated with carriers of the E4 allele; an effect which is more evident in older adults.
Objective: To examine the impact of age and the natural menopause on the postprandial triacylglycerol (TAG) response in healthy women. Methods and results: Thirty-seven premenopausal and sixty-one postmenopausal women underwent a sequential meal postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast and lunch given at 0 and 330 min respectively. Lipids and glucose were measured in the fasting sample, with TAG analysed in the postprandial samples. Postmenopausal women were shown to have higher fasting total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and glucose (P < 0.02). Marked differences in the postprandial TAG response were evident between the groups, with a greater incremental area under the curve (IAUC) and maximum TAG concentration in the postmenopausal women (P < 0.04). Multivariate regression analysis revealed both age and fasting TAG to be independently associated with the summary measures of the postprandial TAG response in the premenopausal women only. Interestingly, sub-division of the women into both younger and older pre- and postmenopausal subgroups, showed the most marked difference in TAG-IAUC to be between the younger and the older premenopausal women, whereas differences in fasting LDL-C were most evident between the older premenopausal and the younger postmenopausal women. Conclusions: Our results suggest a divergence in the relationship of age and menopausal status with fasting LDL-C and postprandial TAG which may reflect differences in the metabolic effects of age and the menopause on these lipid risk markers or a greater impact of early oestrogen decline on pathways of TAG rather than LDL metabolism.
Acute effects of meal fatty acid composition on insulin sensitivity in healthy post-menopausal women
Postprandial plasma insulin concentrations after a single high-fat meal may be modified by the presence of specific fatty acids although the effects of sequential meal ingestion are unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of altering the fatty acid composition in a single mixed fat-carbohydrate meal on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity of a second meal eaten 5 h later. Insulin sensitivity was assessed using a minimal model approach. Ten healthy post-menopausal women underwent four two-meal studies in random order. A high-fat breakfast (40 g fat) where the fatty acid composition was predominantly saturated fatty acids (SFA), n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), long-chain n-3 PUFA or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was followed 5 h later by a low-fat, high-carbohydrate lunch (5.7 g fat), which was identical in all four studies. The plasma insulin response was significantly higher following the SFA meal than the other meals after both breakfast and lunch (P<0.006) although there was no effect of breakfast fatty acid composition on plasma glucose concentrations. Postprandial insulin sensitivity (SI(Oral)) was assessed for 180 min after each meal. SI(Oral) was significantly lower after lunch than after breakfast for all four test meals (P=0.019) following the same rank order (SFA < n-6 PUFA < n-3 PUFA < MUFA) for each meal. The present study demonstrates that a single meal rich in SFA reduces postprandial insulin sensitivity with 'carry-over' effects for the next meal.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate relationships between body fat and its distribution and carbohydrate and lipid tolerance using statistical comparisons in post-menopausal women. DESIGN: Sequential meal, postprandial study (600 min) which included a mixed standard breakfast (30 g fat) and lunch (44 g fat) given at 0 and 270 min, respectively, after an overnight fast. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight post-menopausal women with a diverse range of body weight (body mass index (BMI), mean 27.2, range 20.5-38.8 kg/m2) and abdominal fat deposition (waist, mean 86.4, range 63.5-124.0 cm). Women with BMI <18 or >37 kg/m2, age>80 y and taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were excluded. MEASUREMENTS: Anthropometric measurements were performed to assess total and regional fat deposits. The concentrations of plasma total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triacylglycerol (TAG), glucose, insulin (ins), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 were analysed in plasma collected at baseline (fasted state) and at 13 postprandial time points for a 600 min period. RESULTS: Insulin concentrations in the fasted and fed state were significantly correlated with all measures of adiposity (BMI, waist, waist-hip ratio (W/H), waist-height ratio (W/Ht) and sum of skinfold thickness (SSk)). After controlling for BMI, waist remained significantly and positively associated with fasted insulin (r=0.559) with waist contributing 53% to the variability after multiple regression analysis. After controlling for waist, BMI remained significantly correlated with postprandial (IAUC) insulin (r=0.535) contributing 66% of the variability of this measurement. No association was found between any measures of adiposity and glucose concentrations, although insulin concentration in relation to glucose concentration (glucose-insulin ratio) was significantly negatively correlated with all measures of adiposity. A significant positive correlation was found between fasted TAG and BMI (r=0.416), waist (r=0.393) and Ssk (r=0.457) and postprandial (AUC) TAG with BMI (r=0.385) and Ssk (r=0.406). A significantly higher postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 response was observed in those women with high BMI (>27 kg/m2). Fasting levels of NEFA were significantly and positively correlated with all measures of adiposity (except W/H). No association was found between cholesterol containing particles and any measure of adiposity. CONCLUSION: Hyperinsulinaemia associated with increasing body fat and central fat distribution is associated with normal glucose but not TAG or NEFA concentrations in postmenopausal women.