923 resultados para bovine viral diarrhea
The relative ease to concentrate and purify adenoviruses, their well characterized mid-sized genome, and the ability to delete non-essential regions from their genome to accommodate foreign gene, made adenoviruses a suitable candidate for the construction of vectors. The use of adenoviral vectors in gene therapy, vaccination, and as a general vector system for expressing foreign genes have been documented for some time. In this study, the objective was to rescue a BAV3 E1 or E3 recombinant vector carrying the kanamycin resistant gene, a dominant selectable marker with useful applications in studying vectored gene expression in mammalian cells. To accomplish the objective of this study, more information about BAV3 DNA sequences was required in order to make the manipulation of the virus genome accessible. Therefore, sequencing of the BAV3 genome from 1 1 .7% to 30.8% was carried out. Analysis of the determined sequences revealed the primary structure of important viral gene products coded by E2 including BAV3 DNA pol and precursor to terminal protein. Comparative analysis of these proteins with their counterparts from human and non human adenoviruses revealed important insights as to the evolutionary lineage of BAV3. In order to insert the kanamycin resistance gene in either E1 or E3, it was necessary to delete BAV3 sequences to accommodate the foreign gene so as not to exceed the limit of the packaging capacity of the virus. To construct a recombinant BAV3 in which a foreign gene was inserted in the deleted E1 region, an E1 shuttle vector was constructed. This involved the deletion from the viral sequences a region between 1.3% to 9% and inserting the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deletion. The E1 shuttle vector contained the left (0%- 53.9%) segment of the genome and was expected to generate BAV3 recombinants that can be grown and propagated in cells that can complement the missing E1 functions. To construct a similar shuttle vector for E3 deletion, DNA sequences extending from 78.9% to 82.5% (1281 bp) were deleted from within the E3 region that had been cloned into a plasmid vector. The deleted region corresponds to those that have been shown to be non-essential for viral replication in cell culture. The resulting plasmid was used to construct another recombinant plasmid with BAV3 DNA sequences extending from 37.1% to 100% and with a deletion of E3 sequences that were replaced by kanamycin resistance gene. This shuttle plasmid was used in cotransfections with digested viral DNA in an attempt to rescue a recombinant BAV3 carrying the kanamycin resistance gene to replace the deleted E3. In spite of repeated attempts of transfection, El or E3 recombinant BAV3 were not isolated. It seems that other approaches should be applied to make a final conclusion on BAV3 infectivity.
The construction of adenovirus vectors for cloning and foreign gene expression requires packaging cell lines that can complement missing viral functions caused by sequence deletions and/or replacement with foreign DNA sequences. In this study, packaging cell lines were designed to provide in trans the missing bovine adenovirus functions, so that recombinant viruses could be generated. Fetal bovine kidney and lUng cells, acquired at the trimester term from a pregnant cow, were tranfected with both digested wild type BAV2 genomic DNA and pCMV-EI. The plasmid pCMV-EI was specifically constructed to express El of BAV2 under the control of the cytomegalovirus enhancer/promoter (CMV). Selection for "true" transformants by continuous passaging showed no success in isolating immortalised cells, since the cells underwent crisis resulting in complete cell death. Moreover, selection for G418 resistance, using the same cells, also did not result in the isolation of an immortalised cell line and the same culture-collapse event was observed. The lack of success in establishing an immortalised cell line from fetal tissue prompted us to transfect a pre-established cell line. We began by transfecting MDBK (Mardin-Dardy bovine kidney) cells with pCMV-El-neo, which contain the bacterial selectable marker neo gene. A series of MDBK-derived cell lines, that constitutively express bovine adenoviral (BAV) early region 1 (El), were then isolated. Cells selected for resistance to the drug G418 were isolated collectively for full characterisation to assess their suitability as packaging cell lines. Individual colonies were isolated by limiting dilution and further tested for El expression and efficiency of DNA uptake. Two cell lines, L-23 and L-24, out of 48 generated foci tested positive for £1 expression using Northern Blot analysis. DNA uptake studies, using both lipofectamine and calcium phosphate methods, were performed to compare these cells, their parental MDBK cells, 8 and the unrelated human 293 cells as a benchmark. The results revealed that the new MDBKderived clones were no more efficient than MDBK cells in the transient expression of transfected DNA and that they were inferior to 293 cells, when using lacZ as the reporter gene. In view of the inherently poor transfection efficiency of MDBK cells and their derivatives, a number of other bovine cells were investigated for their potential as packaging cells. The cell line CCL40 was chosen for its high efficiency in DNA uptake and subsequently transfected with the plasmid vector pCMV El-neo. By selection with the drug G418, two cell lines were isolated, ProCell 1 and ProCell 2. These cell lines were tested for El expression, permissivity to BAV2 and DNA uptake efficiency, revealing a DNA uptake efficiency of 37 % , comparable to that of CCL40. Attempts to rescue BAV2 mutants carrying the lacZ gene in place of £1 or £3 were carried out by co-transfecting wild type viral DNA with either the plasmid pdlElE-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 0% to 40.4% with the lacZ gene in place of the £1 region from 1.1% to 8.25%) or with the plasmid pdlE3-5-Z (which contains BAV2 sequences from 64.8% to 100% with the lacZ gene in place of the E3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%). These cotransfections did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. The lack of mutant generation was thought to be caused by the relative inefficiency ofDNA uptake. Consequently, cosBAV2, a cosmid vector carrying the BAV2 genome, was modified to carry the neo reporter gene in place of the £3 region from 75.8% to 81.4%. The use of a single cosmid vector earring the whole genome would eliminate the need for homologous recombination in order to generate a viral vector. Unfortunately, the transfection of cosBAV2- neo also did not result in the generation of a viral mutant. This may have been caused by the size of the £3 deletion, where excess sequences that are essential to the virus' survival might have been deleted. As an extension to this study, the spontaneous E3 deletion, accidently discovered in our viral stock, could be used as site of foreign gene insertion.
Adenoviruses are nonenveloped icosahedral shaped particles. The double stranded DNA viral genome is divided into 5 major early transcription units, designated E1 A, E1 B, and E2 to E4, which are expressed in a regulated manner soon after infection. The gene products of the early region 3 (E3), shown to be nonessential for viral replication in vitro, are believed to be involved in counteracting host immunosurveillance. In order to sequence the E3 region of Bovine adenovirus type 2 (BAV2) it was necessary to determine the restriction map for the plasmid pEA48. A physical restriction endonuclease map for BamHl, Clal, Eco RI, Hindlll, Kpnl, Pstt, Sail, and Xbal was constructed. The DNA insert in pEA48 was determined to be viral in origin using Southern hybridization. A human adenovirus type 5 recombinant plasmid, containing partial DNA fragments of the two transcription units L4 and L5 that lie just outside the E3, was used to localize this region. The recombinant plasmid pEA was subcloned to facilitate sequencing. The DNA sequences between 74.8 and 90.5 map units containing the E3, the hexon associated protein (pVIII), and the fibre gene were determined. Homology comparison revealed that the genes for the hexon associated pV11I and the fibre protein are conserved. The last 70 amino acids of the BAV2 pV11I were the most conserved, showing a similarity of 87 percent with Ad2 pV1I1. A comparison between the predicted amino acid sequences of BAV2 and Ad40, Ad41 , Ad2 and AdS, revealed that they have an identical secondary structure consisting of a tail, a shaft and a knob. The shaft is composed of 22, 15 amino acid motifs, with periodic glycines and hydrophobic residues. The E3 region was found to consist of about 2.3 Kbp and to encode four proteins that were greater than 60 amino acids. However, these four open reading frames did not show significant homology to any other known adenovirus DNA or protein sequence.
Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV3) is a medium size DNA virus that causes respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders in cattle. The viral genome consists of a 35,000 base pair, linear, double-stranded DNA molecule with inverted terminal repeats and a 55 kilodalton protein covalently linked to each of the 5' ends. In this study, the viral genome was cloned in the form of subgenomic restriction fragments. Five EcoRI internal fragments spanning 3.4 to 89.0 % and two Xb a I internal fragments spanning 35.7 to 82.9 % of the viral genome were cloned into the EcoRI and Xbal sites of the bacterial vector pUC19. To generate overlap between cloned fragments, ten Hi n dIll internal fragments spanning 3.9 to 84.9 and 85.5 to 96% and two BAV3 BamHI internal fragments spanning 59.8 to 84.9% of the viral genome were cloned into the HindllI and BamHI sites of pUC19. The HindlII cloning strategy also resulted in six recombinant plasmids carrying two or more Hi ndII I fragments. These fragments provided valuable information on the linear orientation of the cloned fragments within the viral genome. Cloning of the terminal fragments required the removal of the residual peptides that remain attached to the 5' ends of the genome. This was accomplished by alkaline hydrolysis of the DNA-peptide bond. BamH I restriction fragments of the peptide-free DNA were cloned into pUC19 and resulted in two plasmids carrying the BAV3 Bam HI terminal fragments spanning 0 to 53.9% and 84.9 to 100% of the viral genome.
Adenoviruses are non-enveloped icosahedral-shaped particles which possess a double-stranded DNA genome. Currently, nearly 100 serotypes of adenoviruses have been identified, 48 of which are of human origin. Bovine adenoviruses (BAVs), causing both mild respiratory and/or enteral diseases in cattle, have been reported in many countries all over the world. Currently, nine serotypes of SAVs have been isolated which have been placed into two subgroups based on a number of characteristics which include complement fixation tests as well as the ability to replicate in various cell lines. Bovine adenovirus type 2 (BAV2), belonging to subgroup I, is able to cause pneumonia as well as pneumonic-like symptoms in calves. In this study, the genome of BAV2 (strain No. 19) was subcloned into the plasmid vector pUC19. In total, 16 plasmids were constructed; three carry internal San fragments (spanning 3.1 to 65.2% ), and 10 carry internal Pstl fragments (spanning 4.9 to 97.4%), of the viral genome. Each of these plasmids was analyzed using twelve restriction endonucleases; BamHI, CiaI, EcoRl, HiOOlll, Kpnl, Noll, NS(N, Ps~, Pvul, Saj, Xbal, and Xhol. Terminal end fragments were also cloned and analyzed, sUbsequent to the removal of the 5' terminal protein, in the form of 2 BamHI B fragments, cloned in opposite orientations (spanning 0 to 18.1°k), and one Pstll fragment (spanning 97.4 to 1000/0). These cloned fragments, along with two other plasmids previously constructed carrying internal EcoRI fragments (spanning 20.6 to 90.5%), were then used to construct a detailed physical restriction map using the twelve restriction endonucleases, as well as to estimate the size of the genome for BAV2(32.5 Kbp). The DNA sequences of the early region 1 (E1) and hexon-associated gene (protein IX) have also been determined. The amino acid sequences of four open reading frames (ORFs) have been compared to those of the E1 proteins and protein IX from other Ads.
Infection of hUlnan cells by bovine adenovirlls type 2 (BAV2) is abortive. To obtain a better understanding of this pllenomel1011, and in particular to identify Wllich steps in the viral replicative cycles are altered dllring this virlls-host cells interaction, we have llndertaken a detailed study of BAV2 infections of the nonpennissive hUlnan IIeLa cells. Using autoradiography and 3H-thymidine-labeled vvhole virus particles for infection of HeLa cells, vve determined that viral attachluent appears normal. Furthermore, Southern analysis revealed that internalization and transport to the nuclells occurs in BAV2 infected HeLa cells. To investigate viral DNi\ synthesis, infectivity assays involving hydroxyllrea, a viral DN-A synthesis inhibitor, were carried out. The results revealed that Bft:LV2 DNA synthesis does not occur in HeLa cells. Fllrtller investigations into viral early gene expression by northern blotting analyses indicated that HeLa cells fail to support expression of EIA. This suggested that abortive infection by BAV2 could be attributed to faiiure of EIA to express. To test the possibility that the failure to express ElA was due to the inability of the host cell to recognize the E lA prOlTIoter, ,ve carried out transient expression transfection experiments using plaslnids \vith the bacterial lacZ linder the control of either BAV2 or i\d5 EIA promoter. X-gal histochelIlical assays sho\ved expression of lacZ from the Ad5 ElA prOlnoter but no expression of lacZ [rOln the BAV2 EIA prOlTIoter. This further suggests that the abortive infection b:y BAV2 could be attributed to failure of EIA to express dlle to a nonfllnctional prOlTIoter in hlunan cells. Thus we speClllated that abortive infection of HeLa cells by adenoviruses may be averted by providing EtA functions in trans. To demonstrate this, we coinfected HeLa cells with Ad5 and BAV2, reasoning that Ad5 could cOlnpensate for EIA deficiency in BAV2. OUf results showed that BAV2 DNA synthesis was indeed Sllpported in HeLa cells coinfected with Ad5dlE3 as revealed by Southern analysis. In contrast, coinfection of HeLa cells \vith BAV2 and Ad5dlElE3 mutallt did not support BLt\V2 DNA synthesis. Interestingly, BAV2 failed to replicate in 293 cells which are constitlltively expressing the El genes. This could ilnply that El is necessary but not sufficient to avert the failllre ofBAV2 to undergo productive infection ofhulnan cells.
Recombinant Adenoviruses (Ads) have been shown to have potential applications in three areas: gene therapy, high level protein expression and recombinant vaccines.' At least three different locations within the Ad genome can be deleted and subsequently used for the insertion of foreign sequences. These include the Early 3 (E3), Early 1 (E1) and Early 4 (E4) regions. Viral vectors of this type have been well studied in Human Ads 2 and 5, however one has not yet been constructed for Bovine Adenovirus Type 2 (BAV2). The E3 region is located between 76.6 and 86 m.u. on the r-strand and is transcribed in a rightward direction. The gene products of the Early 3 region (E3) have been shown to be non-essential for viral replication, in vitro, but are required for host immunosurveillance. This study represents the cloning and reconstitution of a BAV2 E3 deletion mutant. A deletion of 1800bp was made within the E3 region of BAV2 and the thymidine kinase gene was subsequently inserted in the deleted area . . The plasmid pdlE3-4tk1 (23.4Kbp) was constructed and used to to facilitate homologous recombination with the wild type BAV2 to produce a mutant. Southern Blotting and Hybridization results suggest the presence of a BAV2 E3 deletion mutant with thymidine kinase sequences present. The E4 region of Human Adenovirus types 2 and 5 is located at the extreme right end of the genome (91.3 map units - 99.1 map units) and is transcribed in a leftward direction giving rise to a complicated set of differentially spliced mRNAs. Essentially there are 7 open reading frames (ORFs) encoding for at least 7 polypeptides. The gene products encoded by the E4 region have been shown to be essential for the expression of late viral genes, host cell shutoff and normal viral growth. We have cloned and sequenced the right end segment between 90.5 map units and 100 map units of the BAV2 genome. The results show several open reading frames which encode polypeptides exhibiting homology to three polypeptides encoded by the E4 region of human adenovirus type 2. These include the 14kDa protein encoded by ORF1, the 34kDa protein encoded by ORF6 and the 13kDa protein encoded by ORF3. The nucleotide sequence, restriction enzyme map, and ORF map of the E4 region could be very useful in future molecular manipulation of this region and could possibly explain the slow growth rate of BAV2 in MDBK cells.
Human adenoviruses (Ads), members of the family adenoviridae, are medium-sized DNA viruses which have been used as valuable research tools for the study of RNA processing, oncogenic transformation, and for the development of viral vectors for use in gene delivery and immunization technology. The left 12% of the linear Ad genollle codes for products which are necessary for the efficient replication of the virus, as well as being responsible for the forlllation of tumors in animallllodels. The establishlllent of the 293 cell line, by immortalization of human embryonic kidney cells with th~ E1 region of Ad type S (AdS), has facilitated extensive manipulation of the Ads and the development of recombinant Ad vectors. The study of bovine adenoviruses (BAVs), which cause mild respiratory and gastrointestinal infections in cattle has, on the other hand, been limited primarily to that of infectivity, immunology and clinicallllanifestations. As a result, any potential as gene delivery vehicles has not yet been realized. Continued research into the molecular biolo~gy of BAVs and the development of recolllbinant vectors would benefit from the development of a cell line analogous to that of the 293 cells. In an attelllpt to establish such a cell line, the recombinant plaslllid pKC-neo was constructed, containing the left 0-19.7% of the BAV type 3 (BAV3) genome, and the selectable marker for resistance to the aminoglycoside G418, a neomycin derivative. The plasmid construct was then used to transfect both the Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) -iicell line and primary bovine lung cells, after which G418-resistant foci were selected for analysis. Two cell lines, E61 (MDBK) and E24 (primary lung), were subsequently selected and analysed for DNA content, revealing the presence of the pKC-neo sequences in their respective genomes. In addition, BAV3 RNA transcripts were detected in the E61 cells. Although the presence of E1 products has yet to be confirmed in both cell lines, the E24 cells exhibit a phenotype characteristic of partial transformation by E1. The apparent immortalization of the primary lung cells will permit exploitation of their ability to take up exogenous DNA at high efficiency.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fifteen cases of viral meningoencephalitis in Colombian cattle were tested by nested PCR analysis for the detection of bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5). All fatal cases had shown severe neurological signs and had occurred following natural outbreaks of the disease. The neurological infection was histologically characterized by mild to moderate inflammatory changes in the brain and cerebellum, including meningitis, mononuclear perivascular cuffing, gliosis, haemorrhage, and the presence of Gitter cells (macrophages) accompanying large areas of malacia. No intranuclear inclusion bodies were seen in any of the cases. Results from BoHV-5 molecular extraction analyses showed there were five positive cases thus confirming the presence of the virus in Colombia.
Several diseases involve the nervous system of cattle, among which infections with Rabies Virus and Bovine Herpes Virus 5 (BoHV-5) are noteworthy. In order to detect seropositive animals to BoHV-5, 156 Brahman-Zebu bovines blood samples from Colombia's eastern plains were analyzed through seroneutralization assay; the area has a history of animals dying with nervous symptoms and which rule out the disease of rabies. All animals were over one year old and randomly selected from two different herds reporting no vaccination for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in a period exceeding one year. Results indicated seropositivity for BoHV-5 in 91 cases (58.4%), of which 88 were also seropositive for bovine herpes virus 1 (BoHV-1), while 41 were seronegative for both agents. 22/64 seronegative cases for BoHV-5 were seropositive for BoHV-1 and 2/43 seronegative cases for BoHV-1 were seropositive for BoHV-5, and consequently, these animals could be only infected by encephalitis herpes virus. With these initial findings, emphasis its placed on the need establish the true impact of the disease in Colombia and proposes the epidemiological surveillance of cattle in the region studied in order to establish mechanisms for control of viral infection.
Crude extract (CE) and aqueous (AqF) and ethyl acetate (EtOAcF) fractions of Guazuma ulmifolia LAM., Sterculiaceae and the corresponding AqF, EtOAcF of Stryphnodendron adstringens (MART.) COVILLE, Leguminosae were tested for their antiviral activity against poliovirus 1 (P-1) and bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) in HEp2 cultured cells. The antiviral activity was monitored by plaque assay and immunolluorescence assay (IFA) under virucidal and therapeutic protocols. The therapeutic protocol demonstrated statistically significant positive results with both plants and for both virus strains. The highest percentages of viral inhibition were found for G. ulmifolia EtOAcF which inhibited BHV-1 and P-1 replication by 100% and 99%, respectively (p < 0.05, Student's t-test). For S. adstringens, AqF was the most efficient, inhibiting BHV-1 and P-1 by 97% and 93%, respectively (p < 0.05). In the virucidal protocol, G. ulmifolia CE inhibited the replication of BHV-1 and P-1 by 60% and 26%, respectively (p < 0.05), while, for S. adstringens, inhibition of 62% (p < 0.05) was demonstrated only with EtOAcF for P-1. IFA demonstrated that the greatest reduction in fluorescent cell number occurred with G. ulmifolia, under the therapeutic protocol for both virus strains. However, AqF and EtOAcF of S. adstringens were most efficient with the virucidal protocol for P-1 In conclusion, we demonstrated that G. ulmifolia and S. adstringens inhibited BHV-1 and P-1 replication, as well as, blocked the synthesis of viral antigens in infected cell cultures.
Amostras fecais de 203 bezerros com diarréia, idade inferior a 30 dias, de ambos os sexos e de diferentes propriedades do Estado de São Paulo foram examinadas num período de dois anos. Cultivos para pesquisa bacteriana foram feitos em agar acrescido de 10% de sangue bovino e agar Levine. As placas foram incubadas por até 96 horas, em condições aeróbias, a 37°C, com observação dos aspectos de colônia e estudos morfológicos, bioquímicos e realização de outros testes, quando pertinentes. O teste de ELISA foi aplicado para pesquisa de Rotavirus. Cryptosporidium spp. também foi pesquisado e identificado. Resultados revelaram envolvimento de vários patógenos de forma isolada, assim como associados. Rotavirus foi encontrado em 51 (25,1%) das amostras, sendo em 58,8% só, em 41.7% associado a outros microrganismos. Cryptosporydium spp foi isolado em 43 (21.3%) das amostras, sendo só em 65,1% delas e associado a outros enteropatógenos em 34,9%. No exame parasitológico foram encontrados ovos de estrongilídeos em 5 (2,5%) das amostras, não excedendo mais de dois ovos por campo examinado. Ao exame microbiológico, um ou mais microrganismos foram isolados. Escherichia coli foi encontrada em 100% das amostras. As pesquisas de toxina termoestável e do antígeno de aderência K99 realizada nas 73 amostras de E.coli foram negativas, e o grupo sorológico das mesmas foi determinado, sendo 34,2%, 17,8% e 47,9% das amostras pertencentes aos sorogrupos O8, O11 e O101, respectivamente. Salmonella Dublin e Salmonella typhimurium foram isoladas em 5,4% e 6,1% das amostras examinadas, respectivamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)