884 resultados para big-leaf mahogany


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ABSTRACT Leaves have a variety of morphological and anatomical characters mainly influenced by climatic, edaphic and biotic factors. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical leaf traits of Qualea parviflora from three phytophysiognomies. The studied phytophysiognomies were Amazon Savannah on rocky outcrops (ASR), Transition Rupestrian Cerrado (TRC), and Cerradão (CDA). Freehand sections of the leaf blade were made and stained with 0.5% astra blue and with basic fuchsin. From the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface, freehand paradermal sections were made for epidermis analysis. The Jeffrey´s method, with modifications, was used in the epidermis dissociation process. The samples from the TRC phytophysiognomy had relatively smaller ordinary epidermal cells, higher abundance of trichomes, and mesophyll with few intercellular spaces, in comparison to the other phytophysiognomies. The leaves from the ASR phytophysiognomy had higher stomatal index (SI = 21.02), and five to six layers of sclerenchyma surrounding the midrib vascular bundle. The secondary vascular bundles had thicker cell walls and the bundle sheath extended up to the epidermal tissue of both leaf sides. Leaves from the CDA phytophysiognomy had mesomorphic environmental traits, such as a thinner cuticle. It is concluded that trees from ASR and TRC phytophysiognomies have xeromorphic traits following the environmental conditions where they occur.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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A galactose-specific lectin from Bauhinia monandra leaves (BmoLL) have been purified through ammonium sulphate fractionation followed by guar gel affinity chromatography column. This study aimed to evaluate the potential anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity of pure BmoLL in mice. Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated by 1% carrageenan-induced inflammation in mice treated with BmoLL. Acetic acid-induced abdominal writhing and hot plate methods evaluated antinociceptive activity. BmoLL significantly inhibited the carrageenan-induced paw edema by 47% (30 mg/kg) and 60.5% (60 mg/kg); acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, 100 mg/kg) showed inhibition of 70.5%, in comparison to controls. Leukocyte migration, an immune response to the inflammation process, was significantly reduced in presence of BmoLL; in mice treated with \ASA\ the decrease in leukocyte migration was similar to 15 mg/kg of the lectin. BmoLL at doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg significantly reduced the number of animal contortions by 43.1, 50.1 and 71.3%, respectively.BmoLL leukocyte migration was significantly reduced; in mice treated with \ASA\ the decrease in leukocyte migration was similar to 15 mg/kg of the lectin. BmoLL at doses of 15, 30 and 60 mg/kg significantly reduced the number of animal contortions by 43.1, 50.1 and 71.3%, respectively. The lectin (30 and 60 mg/kg) showed a significant effect in the hot plate assay. BmoLL anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects were dose-dependent. The search for new and natural compounds, with minimal side effects, to control pain and inflammation, is constantly increasing. BmoLL has great potential as a natural anti-inflamatory product that can be explored for pharmacological purposes.


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FUNDAMENTO: O papel do estresse oxidativo em pacientes idosos hipertensos com síndrome de apneia-hipopneia obstrutiva do sono (SAHOS) é desconhecido. Objetivo: O objetivo foi avaliar os níveis de Big Endotelina-1 (Big ET-1) e Óxido Nítrico (NO) em pacientes idosos hipertensos com e sem SAHOS moderada a grave. MÉTODOS: Os voluntários permaneceram internados durante 24 horas. Obtivemos os seguintes dados: índice de massa corporal (IMC), Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial (MAPA) - 24 horas, e medicação atual. Sangue arterial foi coletado às 7:00 h e às 19:00 h para determinar níveis plasmáticos de NO e Big ET-1. A oximetria de pulso foi realizada durante o sono. A correlação de Pearson, Spearman e análise de variância univariada foram utilizadas para a análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 25 sujeitos com SAHOS (grupo 1) e 12 sem SAHOS (grupo 2), com idades de 67,0 ± 6,5 anos, 67,8 ± 6,8 anos, respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos em IMC; no número de horas de sono; PA diastólica e sistólica em 24 h; PA de vigília; PA no sono; ou medicamentos usados para controlar a PA. Não foram detectadas diferenças nos níveis de NO e Big ET-1 plasmáticos às 19:00 h, mas às 7:00 h os níveis de de Big ET-1 foram mais altos (p = 0,03). No grupo 1, correlação negativa também foi observada entre a saturação de oxihemoglobina arterial média e a PA sistólica - 24 horas (p = 0,03, r = -0,44), e Big ET-1 (p = 0,04, r = 0,41). CONCLUSÕES: Na comparação entre idosos hipertensos com e sem SAHOS com PA e IMC semelhantes, observou-se níveis mais elevados de Big ET-1 após o sono no grupo SAHOS. Os níveis de NO não diferiram entre os pacientes hipertensos com ou sem SAHOS.


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A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of ethephon and urea on ripening of fruits and leaf abscission of coffee plant. Ethephon (2-chloroethane phosphonic acid) sprays were applied to green Coffea arábica berries 26 days before counting date in concentrations of 0.5 and 0.25 ml/1 from Ethrel (240 a.i./l). The chemical accelerated the onset of fruit ripening at both concentrations. The efficacy of ethephon was increased adding urea. Ethephon 0.5 ml/1 promoted abscission of leaves and low concentration reduced shedding of leaves. The treatments did not affect the growth and production on the next harvest.


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Damage caused by leaf pests of soybean on five cultivars was evaluated. Afield experiment was carried out at the Piracicaba region, cultivars Davis, IAC 73-228, PI 227.687,PI 171.451, and PI 229.358 having been compared. Leaf damage was produced by natural infestation of Anticarsia gemmatalis and Plusia sp. Cultivar PI 171.451 showed lower comsumption of leaves in relation to control ('Davis') and other cultivars. Damage was more serious on IAC 73-228 than on PI 227.687 and PI 229.358.


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In this study we describe three new litter inhabiting species of Mesabolivar González-Sponga, 1998 from nine urban forest remnants in the metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo, Brazil: M. forceps, M. mairyara and M. cavicelatus. In three of these remnants, we conduced a three year sampling using pitfall traps. Mesabolivar forceps sp. nov. was the most abundant pholcid (n=273 adults), always present in the samples, but with highest numbers in spring and summer. Mesabolivar mairyara sp. nov. was the second most abundant species (n=32), but the majority of individuals were collected in March 2001. Only three individuals of M. cavicelatus sp. nov. were collected.