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Energy functions (or characteristic functions) and basic equations for ferroelectrics in use today are given by those for ordinary dielectrics in the physical and mechanical communications. Based on these basic equations and energy functions, the finite element computation of the nonlinear behavior of the ferroelectrics has been carried out by several research groups. However, it is difficult to process the finite element computation further after domain switching, and the computation results are remarkably deviating from the experimental results. For the crack problem, the iterative solution of the finite element calculation could not converge and the solutions for fields near the crack tip oscillate. In order to finish the calculation smoothly, the finite element formulation should be modified to neglect the equivalent nodal load produced by spontaneous polarization gradient. Meanwhile, certain energy functions for ferroelectrics in use today are not compatible with the constitutive equations of ferroelectrics and need to be modified. This paper proposes a set of new formulae of the energy functions for ferroelectrics. With regard to the new formulae of the energy functions, the new basic equations for ferroelectrics are derived and can reasonably explain the question in the current finite element analysis for ferroelectrics.


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A new high-order finite volume method based on local reconstruction is presented in this paper. The method, so-called the multi-moment constrained finite volume (MCV) method, uses the point values defined within single cell at equally spaced points as the model variables (or unknowns). The time evolution equations used to update the unknowns are derived from a set of constraint conditions imposed on multi kinds of moments, i.e. the cell-averaged value and the point-wise value of the state variable and its derivatives. The finite volume constraint on the cell-average guarantees the numerical conservativeness of the method. Most constraint conditions are imposed on the cell boundaries, where the numerical flux and its derivatives are solved as general Riemann problems. A multi-moment constrained Lagrange interpolation reconstruction for the demanded order of accuracy is constructed over single cell and converts the evolution equations of the moments to those of the unknowns. The presented method provides a general framework to construct efficient schemes of high orders. The basic formulations for hyperbolic conservation laws in 1- and 2D structured grids are detailed with the numerical results of widely used benchmark tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A total of 61 specimens of Heterotis niloticus were evaluated by linear regression and correlation. The specimens had mean standard length of 27.09 plus or minus 4.73cm, total length of 33-49cm, mean weight of 2445,108.3g, mean snout length of 48 plus or minus 0.86cm, mean eye diameter of 1.30 plus or minus 0.15cm, mean head length of 6.29 plus or minus 1.75cm. There was a strong relationship between the length and the weight, the eye diameter and the standard length, snout length and the standard length, head length and the standard length, snout length and the weight, head length and the weight (P<0.05). But the correlation of the eye diameters and the weight was insignificant (P>0.05). The growth pattern analysis depicts that the growth was negatively allometric with a b value of 1.16


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Trata-se de estudo dirigido à afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade objetiva da Administração Pública por atos omissivos. Defende-se a correta aplicação do artigo 37 parágrafo 6 da Constituição da República, em que se fora estabelecida a responsabilidade objetiva da Administração em todas as hipóteses em que esteja configurado nexo causal entre sua atuação, comissiva ou omissiva, e um dano injusto ocorrido. É novo o enfoque que norteia a reparação civil, não mais a atividade realizada pelo agente, mas as conseqüências sofridas pela vítima deste dano injusto. Exercitada na seara da responsabilidade civil do Estado, considerado em sentido lato, parece ainda mais lógica a mudança de enfoque mencionada, em razão do princípio norteador do seu dever de reparar, que é o da repartição eqüitativa dos encargos da Administração. De fato, sempre que a atividade administrativa estatal, exercida em benefício de toda a coletividade, gerar dano injusto a um particular específico, configurar-se-á sua responsabilidade de reparar este dano, já que, se é em nome da coletividade que se adotou a conduta geradora do dano, esta a idéia principal daquela diretriz enunciada. Daí por que a verificação da presença do elemento subjetivo culpa, em sede de responsabilidade do Poder Público, fora tornada inteiramente estranho ao exame. A correta leitura do artigo constitucional, com reconhecimento da responsabilidade objetiva do Estado nas hipóteses de ato comissivo e omissivo da Administração Pública, realiza, ainda, o princípio da solidariedade social, que implica preponderância do interesse da reparação da vítima lesada sobre o interesse do agente que realiza, comissiva ou omissivamente, o ato lesivo. Essa a legitimidade da teoria do risco administrativo adotada, a adoção de coerente verificação do nexo causal, com admissão da oposição de excludentes de responsabilidade. Ademais, entre a vítima e o autor do dano injusto, a primeira não obtém, em geral, beneficio algum com o fato ou a atividade de que se originou o dano. Se assim é, a configuração do dever de indenizar da Administração Pública dependerá, apenas, da comprovação, no caso concreto, de três pressupostos que se somam: a atuação do Estado, a configuração do dano injusto e o nexo de causalidade. Será referida a jurisprudência espanhola consagrada à regra de responsabilidade objetiva da Administração Pública por atos omissivos, com considerações acerca da resposta da Jurisprudência daquele país ao respectivo enunciado normativo. Buscou-se, desta forma, elencar-se os elementos básicos à compreensão do tema, e também os pressupostos essenciais à afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade da Administração Pública por atos omissivos, que são, primordialmente, a compreensão do fundamento da regra constitucional, a correta delimitação do conceito de omissão e de causalidade omissiva. Destacados os pressupostos necessários à correta compreensão do tema, conclui-se pela afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade da Administração Pública por dano injusto advindo de ato omissivo, desde que assim o seja, querendo-se significar, desta forma, que a responsabilidade mencionada não prescinde da configuração do nexo causal entre o comportamento omissivo ocorrido e o dano injusto que se quer reparar.


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Research on the basic reproduction processes of Gammarus is summarized and reviewed, reproductive strategies in males and females being left to two later papers. The author describes the reproductive systems, the development of eggs (oocytes) in the ovaries, courtship and precopulatory amplexus, mating and the production of sperms, egg laying, mortality and diapause.


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This article is based on a survey of tarns conducted mainly in the summers of 1983 to 1985, plus a survey made in the winter of 1985, in which streams were sampled on the wide variety of rock-types occurring on the fringes of the Lake District. Differences in composition of major ions and their concentrations in the surface waters of Cumbria reflect the complex geological structure of the region. At altitudes above 300 m, on Borrowdale Volcanics and Skiddaw Slates, surface waters are derived from atmospheric precipitation, with additional inputs of some ions - especially calcium and bicarbonate - from catchment rocks and soils. In some of the low-lying large lakes on the fringes of the central fells, water composition is also dominated by inputs from upper catchments; examples are Wastwater, Ullswater and Haweswater. However in other lakes there is evidence (Derwentwater and Bassenthwaite Lake) of inputs from saline groundwater.


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I. The thermomagnetic behavior and infrared spectroscopic features of KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 (jarosite), (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2 (OH)6 (hydronium jarosite), KFe3(CrO4)2 (OH)6, Fe(OH)SO4 (basic iron sulfate), and Fe(OH)CrO4 (basic iron chromate) are reported. Fe(OH)CrO4 and KFe3(CrO4)2 (OH)6 are shown to be weak ferro magnets with Curie temperatures of 73 and 71 °K, respectively. This unusual magnetic behavior is rationalized in terms of the ionic spin configurations of the phases. Exchange coupling through chromate bridging groups is shown to be weak.

II. The magnetic behavior and the influence of preparative history on the magnetic behavior of δFeO(OH) is reported. δFeO(OH) is shown to be a fine-particulate, uniaxial, magnetic species. Magnetization data for this species are shown to be consistent with the existence of magnetically inactive layers surrounding magnetic particles.


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The aim of this work is to analyze the main characteristics of the current financial system and to investigate the arising of critical voices with respect this system. In particular, we analyze some historical facts that have been important in the creation of this financial order. We analyze the new digital currency, known as Bitcoin, as the basic ingredient in the formation of a new alternative and decentralized international financial system. In 10 years Bitcoin has expanded its influence to many economic activities. We also analyzed briefly the classic liberal theory that criticizes the intervention of governments in the markets. Finally, we consider relevant the arising of a group of countries (BRICS) that may challenge the current system where the position of USA is privileged.


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A general review of stochastic processes is given in the introduction; definitions, properties and a rough classification are presented together with the position and scope of the author's work as it fits into the general scheme.

The first section presents a brief summary of the pertinent analytical properties of continuous stochastic processes and their probability-theoretic foundations which are used in the sequel.

The remaining two sections (II and III), comprising the body of the work, are the author's contribution to the theory. It turns out that a very inclusive class of continuous stochastic processes are characterized by a fundamental partial differential equation and its adjoint (the Fokker-Planck equations). The coefficients appearing in those equations assimilate, in a most concise way, all the salient properties of the process, freed from boundary value considerations. The writer’s work consists in characterizing the processes through these coefficients without recourse to solving the partial differential equations.

First, a class of coefficients leading to a unique, continuous process is presented, and several facts are proven to show why this class is restricted. Then, in terms of the coefficients, the unconditional statistics are deduced, these being the mean, variance and covariance. The most general class of coefficients leading to the Gaussian distribution is deduced, and a complete characterization of these processes is presented. By specializing the coefficients, all the known stochastic processes may be readily studied, and some examples of these are presented; viz. the Einstein process, Bachelier process, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, etc. The calculations are effectively reduced down to ordinary first order differential equations, and in addition to giving a comprehensive characterization, the derivations are materially simplified over the solution to the original partial differential equations.

In the last section the properties of the integral process are presented. After an expository section on the definition, meaning, and importance of the integral process, a particular example is carried through starting from basic definition. This illustrates the fundamental properties, and an inherent paradox. Next the basic coefficients of the integral process are studied in terms of the original coefficients, and the integral process is uniquely characterized. It is shown that the integral process, with a slight modification, is a continuous Markoff process.

The elementary statistics of the integral process are deduced: means, variances, and covariances, in terms of the original coefficients. It is shown that an integral process is never temporally homogeneous in a non-degenerate process.

Finally, in terms of the original class of admissible coefficients, the statistics of the integral process are explicitly presented, and the integral process of all known continuous processes are specified.


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A zone electrophoresis apparatus using ultraviolet optics has been constructed to study nucleic acids at concentrations less than 0.004%. Native DNA has a mobility about 15% higher than denatured DNA over a range of conditions. Otherwise, the electrophoretic mobility is independent of molecular weight, base composition or source. DNA mobilities change in the expected way with pH but the fractional change in mobility is less than the calculated change in charge. A small decrease in mobility accompanies an increase in ionic strength. RNA’s from various sources have mobilities slightly lower than denatured DNA except for s-RNA which travels slightly faster. The important considerations governing the mobility of nucleic acids appear to be the nature of the hydrodynamic segment, and the binding of counterions. The differences between electrophoresis and sedimentation stem from the fact that all random coil polyelectrolytes are fundamentally free draining in electrophoresis.


The basic protein, cytochrome c, has been complexed to DNA. Up to a cytochrome:DNA mass ratio of 2, a single type of complex is formed. Dissociation of this complex occurs between 0.05F and 0.1F NaCl. The complexing of cytochrome to DNA causes a slight increase in the melting temperature of the DNA, and a reduction of the electrophoretic mobility proportional to the decrease in net charge. Above a cytochrome:DNA mass ratio of 2.5, a different type of complex is formed. The results suggest that complexes such as are formed in the Kleinschmidt technique of electron microscopy would not exist in bulk solution and are exclusively film phenomena.


Electrophoresis studies on reconstituted nucleohistones indicate that the electrophoretic mobility for these complexes is a function of the net charge of the complex. The mobility is therefore dependent on the charge density of the histone complexing the DNA, as well as on the histone/DNA ratio. It is found that the different histones affect the transition from native to denatured DNA in different ways. It appears that histone I is exchanging quite rapidly between DNA molecules in 0.01 F salt, while histone II is irreversibly bound. Histone III-IV enhances the capacity of non-strand separated denatured DNA to reanneal. Studies on native nucleoproteins indicate that there are no gene-sized uncomplexed DNA regions in any preparations studied.


Calf thymus nucleoprotein was treated with varying concentrations of NaCl. The identity of the histones associated and dissociated from the DNA at each salt concentration was determined by gel electrophoresis. It was found that there is no appreciable histone dissociation below 0.4 F NaCl. The lysine rich histones dissociate between 0.4 and 0.5 F NaCl. Their dissociation is accompanies by a marked increase in the solubility of the chromatin. The moderately lysine rich histones dissociate mainly between 0.8 and 1.1 F NaCl. There are two arginine rich histone components: the first dissociates between 0.8 F and 1.1 F NaCl, but the second class is the very last to be dissociated from the DNA (dissociation beginning at 1.0 F NaCl). By 2.0 F NaCl, essentially all the histones are dissociated.

The properties of the extracted nucleoprotein were studied. The electrophoretic mobility increases and the melting temperature decreases as more histones are dissociated from the DNA. A comparison with the dissociation of histones from DNA in NaClO4 shows that to dissociate the same class of histones, the concentration of NaCl required is twice that of NaClO4.


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This paper studies the impact of "liberalizing " the cost-sharing of links on some basic models of network formation. This is done in a setting where both doubly supported and singly supported links are possible, and which includes the two seminal models of network formation by Jackson and Wolinsky and Bala and Goyal as extreme cases. In this setting, the notion of pairwise stability is extended and it is proved that liberalizing cost-sharing for doubly supported links widens the range of values of the parameters where the efficient networks formed by such type of links are pairwise stable, while the range of values of the parameters where the efficient networks formed by singly supported links are pairwise stable shrinks, but the region where the latter are e¢ cient and pairwise stable remains the same.


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Este trabalho aborda algumas questões relacionadas ao fracasso escolar no universo das escolas de ensino público municipal, em especial da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, partindo do pressuposto de que as dificuldades que os professores vêm encontrando atualmente em exercer suas funções interferem no desempenho acadêmico dos alunos. Estarão presentes os seguintes questionamentos: no que consiste ser aluno no Ensino Fundamental?; em que consiste ser professor no Ensino Fundamental?; como se explica a escola na pós-modernidade?; como explicar o sujeito contemporâneo?; como acontece a construção do conhecimento diante desses fatos?Para fundamentar teoricamente os temas da investigação, esta pesquisa se articula entre Piaget ao definir o sujeito cognoscente do processo ensino-aprendizagem, Vygotsky ao explicar o sujeito contemporâneo, Stuart Hall ao interpretar a identidade cultural na contemporaneidade e Luiz Antonio Gomes Senna em seus estudos e teorias sobre a escola pública contemporânea, os sujeitos que a habitam e de como ocorre a construção do conhecimento.A pesquisa envolveu levantamento de dados bibliográficos sobre os temas contemporaneidade, identidade, escola, sujeito contemporâneo, sujeito cognoscente, as relações professor/ aluno/ aprendizagem e a construção de conhecimentos.