780 resultados para avian vision


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The amount of sequence data available today highly facilitates the access to genes from many gene families. Primers amplifying the desired genes over a range of species are readily obtained by aligning conserved gene regions, and laborious gene isolation procedures can often be replaced by quicker PCR-based approaches. However, in the case of multigene families, PCR-based approaches bear the often ignored risk of incomplete isolation of family members. This problem is most prominent in gene families with highly variable and thus unpredictable number of gene copies among species, such as in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In this study, we (i) report new primers for the isolation of the MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) gene family in birds and (ii) share our experience with isolating MHCIIB genes from an unprecedented number of avian species from all over the avian phylogeny. We report important and usually underappreciated problems encountered during PCR-based multigene family isolation and provide a collection of measures to help significantly improving the chance of successfully isolating complete multigene families using PCR-based approaches.


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Gene duplication and neofunctionalization are known to be important processes in the evolution of phenotypic complexity. They account for important evolutionary novelties that confer ecological adaptation, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a multigene family crucial to the vertebrate immune system. In birds, two MHC class II β (MHCIIβ) exon 3 lineages have been recently characterized, and two hypotheses for the evolutionary history of MHCIIβ lineages were proposed. These lineages could have arisen either by 1) an ancient duplication and subsequent divergence of one paralog or by 2) recent parallel duplications followed by functional convergence. Here, we compiled a data set consisting of 63 MHCIIβ exon 3 sequences from six avian orders to distinguish between these hypotheses and to understand the role of selection in the divergent evolution of the two avian MHCIIβ lineages. Based on phylogenetic reconstructions and simulations, we show that a unique duplication event preceding the major avian radiations gave rise to two ancestral MHCIIβ lineages that were each likely lost once later during avian evolution. Maximum likelihood estimation shows that following the ancestral duplication, positive selection drove a radical shift from basic to acidic amino acid composition of a protein domain facing the α-chain in the MHCII α β-heterodimer. Structural analyses of the MHCII α β-heterodimer highlight that three of these residues are potentially involved in direct interactions with the α-chain, suggesting that the shift following duplication may have been accompanied by coevolution of the interacting α- and β-chains. These results provide new insights into the long-term evolutionary relationships among avian MHC genes and open interesting perspectives for comparative and population genomic studies of avian MHC evolution.


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Owing to its special mode of evolution and central role in the adaptive immune system, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has become the focus of diverse disciplines such as immunology, evolutionary ecology, and molecular evolution. MHC evolution has been studied extensively in diverse vertebrate lineages over the last few decades, and it has been suggested that birds differ from the established mammalian norm. Mammalian MHC genes evolve independently, and duplication history (i.e., orthology) can usually be traced back within lineages. In birds, this has been observed in only 3 pairs of closely related species. Here we report strong evidence for the persistence of orthology of MHC genes throughout an entire avian order. Phylogenetic reconstructions of MHC class II B genes in 14 species of owls trace back orthology over tens of thousands of years in exon 3. Moreover, exon 2 sequences from several species show closer relationships than sequences within species, resembling transspecies evolution typically observed in mammals. Thus, although previous studies suggested that long-term evolutionary dynamics of the avian MHC was characterized by high rates of concerted evolution, resulting in rapid masking of orthology, our results question the generality of this conclusion. The owl MHC thus opens new perspectives for a more comprehensive understanding of avian MHC evolution.


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The authors report the case of a 75-year-old man presenting with an exceptionally large giant posttraumatic mucocele of the frontal sinus years after a gunshot blast to the head. The lesion had grown so extensively that the right eye had shrunk and calcified, resulting in total monocular blindness, a complication that has been reported only once. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that a giant mucocele of such a large size is reported. We describe how the patient underwent surgical removal of this massive lesion, cranial base reconstruction, and a cosmetic oculoplastic procedure. The etiology, clinical presentation, and possible complications are reviewed, as well as the importance of a regular clinical follow-up and early surgical cure. Although the diagnosis and management of mucoceles are nowadays considered quite standard, the exceptional size of the lesion illustrated here emphasizes the destructive potential of such seemingly indolent lesions. Despite the benign histology of mucoceles, one should never underestimate their morbid potential or be lulled in delaying surgical cure. Large mucoceles should be removed as quickly as possible to prevent such unacceptable complications as permanent visual loss.


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Building on an evolutionary approach to outgroup avoidance, this study shows relations between perceived disease salience and beliefs in the efficacy of avoiding foreigners as protective measures, in the context of a real-life pandemic risk; i.e., avian influenza. People for whom avian influenza was salient and who held unfavourable attitudes toward foreigners were more likely to believe that avoiding contact with foreigners protects against infection. This finding suggests that individual differences in social attitudes moderate evolved mechanisms relating threat of disease to outgroup avoidance.


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Cancer chemoprevention is defined as the use of natural or synthetic agents to reverse, suppress or prevent carcinogenic progression to invasive cancer. The success of several clinical trials within high-risk patients suggests that chemoprevention is a rational and promising strategy. This review will resume the principal molecular mechanisms of chemoprevention and discuss results and clinical outcome of selected clinical trials. The difficulties in clinical application and future directions will be highlighted.


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PURPOSE: To report a series of patients with cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion, and to quantify their visual impairment in motion with a simple clinical test. METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients suffering from cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion were examined between 1994 and 2007. A control group consisted of 20 age- and sex-matched healthy people. All patients had a full neuro-ophthalmic examination. Near visual acuity (NVA) was measured at rest (static NVA) and during chair rotation (dynamic NVA). Distance visual acuity (DVA) was measured at rest (static DVA) and during rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA). RESULTS: Only four of the 20 patients reported altered vision during motion spontaneously. The remaining 16 patients admitted this unusual visual disturbance only when asked specifically. All patients exhibited abnormal eye movements, including saccadic smooth pursuit (20/20), dysmetric saccades (15/20), nystagmus (19/20) and impaired suppression of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) (20/20). During rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), the drop in NVA averaged 5.6 lines (range 1-10 lines). During rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA), the drop in DVA averaged only 2.5 lines (range 0-10 lines). For the control group, there was no significant drop in NVA under dynamic conditions. CONCLUSION: Patients with cerebellar dysfunction rarely complain spontaneously of altered vision during motion. However, specific questioning may bring up this unusual symptom. The use of a simple clinical test, consisting of NVA measurement during rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), allows practitioners to quantify the level of visual impairment in patients presenting altered VOR modulation.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this pilot study is to compare the efficacy and tolerance of azithromycin alone as opposed to standard treatment with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine for active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. MATERIAL/METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, institutional clinical study comparing azithromycin to sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine for active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Nineteen out of 75 patients fulfilled inclusion criteria and were randomized into 2 treatment regimens. Nine patients were treated with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine and 10 patients with azithromycin at a dose of 500 mg qd. Main outcome measures assessed were time to sharpening of lesion borders, time to lesion scarring, time to disease inactivity, and treatment tolerance. RESULTS: Azithromycin monotherapy achieved lesion scarring and disease inactivity in all but 1 patient. Although no statistically significant difference was found between the 2 patient groups as regards main outcome measures for treatment efficacy, all median times to endpoints (days) were longer for the azithromycin group - time to sharpening of lesion borders on clinical evaluation (25.5 vs. 24) and masked evaluation of photographs (30.5 vs. 24), time to lesion scarring on clinical evaluation (73 vs. 47) and masked evaluation of photographs (71.5 vs. 36) and time to disease inactivity (73 vs. 49). Treatment tolerance was significantly better for the azithromycin group (p=0.0005). ConcluSIONS: Azithromycin monotherapy at a dose of 500 mg per day was shown to be effective and well-tolerated for the treatment of active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Duration of treatment was clinically longer for the azithromycin group.


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Doctoral dissertation, University of Tampere


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Switching from one functional or cognitive operation to another is thought to rely on executive/control processes. The efficacy of these processes may depend on the extent of overlap between neural circuitry mediating the different tasks; more effective task preparation (and by extension smaller switch costs) is achieved when this overlap is small. We investigated the performance costs associated with switching tasks and/or switching sensory modalities. Participants discriminated either the identity or spatial location of objects that were presented either visually or acoustically. Switch costs between tasks were significantly smaller when the sensory modality of the task switched versus when it repeated. This was the case irrespective of whether the pre-trial cue informed participants only of the upcoming task, but not sensory modality (Experiment 1) or whether the pre-trial cue was informative about both the upcoming task and sensory modality (Experiment 2). In addition, in both experiments switch costs between the senses were positively correlated when the sensory modality of the task repeated across trials and not when it switched. The collective evidence supports the independence of control processes mediating task switching and modality switching and also the hypothesis that switch costs reflect competitive interference between neural circuits.