906 resultados para autonomous vehicles


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Control laws to synchronize attitudes in a swarm of fully actuated rigid bodies, in the absence of a common reference attitude or hierarchy in the swarm, are proposed in [Smith, T. R., Hanssmann, H., & Leonard, N.E. (2001). Orientation control of multiple underwater vehicles with symmetry-breaking potentials. In Proc. 40th IEEE conf. decision and control (pp. 4598-4603); Nair, S., Leonard, N. E. (2007). Stable synchronization of rigid body networks. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2(4), 595-624]. The present paper studies two separate extensions with the same energy shaping approach: (i) locally synchronizing the rigid bodies' attitudes, but without restricting their final motion and (ii) relaxing the communication topology from undirected, fixed and connected to directed, varying and uniformly connected. The specific strategies that must be developed for these extensions illustrate the limitations of attitude control with reduced information. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd.


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A combination of scientific, economic, technological and policy drivers is behind a recent upsurge in the use of marine autonomous systems (and accompanying miniaturized sensors) for environmental mapping and monitoring. Increased spatial–temporal resolution and coverage of data, at reduced cost, is particularly vital for effective spatial management of highly dynamic and heterogeneous shelf environments. This proof-of-concept study involves integration of a novel combination of sensors onto buoyancy-driven submarine gliders, in order to assess their suitability for ecosystem monitoring in shelf waters at a variety of trophic levels. Two shallow-water Slocum gliders were equipped with CTD and fluorometer to measure physical properties and chlorophyll, respectively. One glider was also equipped with a single-frequency echosounder to collect information on zooplankton and fish distribution. The other glider carried a Passive Acoustic Monitoring system to detect and record cetacean vocalizations, and a passive sampler to detect chemical contaminants in the water column. The two gliders were deployed together off southwest UK in autumn 2013, and targeted a known tidal-mixing front west of the Isles of Scilly. The gliders’ mission took about 40 days, with each glider travelling distances of >1000 km and undertaking >2500 dives to depths of up to 100 m. Controlling glider flight and alignment of the two glider trajectories proved to be particularly challenging due to strong tidal flows. However, the gliders continued to collect data in poor weather when an accompanying research vessel was unable to operate. In addition, all glider sensors generated useful data, with particularly interesting initial results relating to subsurface chlorophyll maxima and numerous fish/cetacean detections within the water column. The broader implications of this study for marine ecosystem monitoring with submarine gliders are discussed.


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A micro-grid is an autonomous system which can be operated and connected to an external system or isolated with the help of energy storage systems (ESSs). While the daily output of distributed generators (DGs) strongly depends on the temporal distribution of natural resources such as wind and solar, unregulated electric vehicle (EV) charging demand will deteriorate the imbalance between the daily load and generation curves. In this paper, a statistical model is presented to describe daily EV charging/discharging behaviour. An optimisation problem is proposed to obtain economic operation for the micro-grid based on this model. In day-ahead scheduling, with estimated information of power generation and load demand, optimal charging/discharging of EVs during 24 hours is obtained. A series of numerical optimization solutions in different scenarios is achieved by serial quadratic programming. The results show that optimal charging/discharging of EVs, a daily load curve can better track the generation curve and the network loss and required ESS capacity are both decreased. The paper also demonstrates cost benefits for EVs and operators.


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Geostatistics has been successfully used to analyze and characterize the spatial variability of environmental properties. Besides giving estimated values at unsampled locations, it provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimate, which is a significant advantage over traditional methods used to assess pollution. In this work universal block kriging is novelty used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign, with the aim of distinguishing the effluent plume from the receiving waters, characterizing its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge and estimating dilution. The results demonstrate that geostatistical methodology can provide good estimates of the dispersion of effluents that are very valuable in assessing the environmental impact and managing sea outfalls. Moreover, since accurate measurements of the plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future to validate dispersion models.


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The use of unmanned marine robotic vehicles in bathymetric surveys is discussed. This paper presents recent results in autonomous bathymetric missions with the ROAZ autonomous surface vehicle. In particular, robotic surface vehicles such as ROAZ provide an efficient tool in risk assessment for shallow water environments and water land interface zones as the near surf zone in marine coast. ROAZ is an ocean capable catamaran for distinct oceanographic missions, and with the goal to fill the gap were other hydrographic surveys vehicles/systems are not compiled to operate, like very shallow water rivers and marine coastline surf zones. Therefore, the use of robotic systems for risk assessment is validated through several missions performed either in river scenario (in a very shallow water conditions) and in marine coastlines.


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The design and development of the swordfish autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) system is discussed. Swordfish is an ocean capable 4.5 m long catamaran designed for network centric operations (with ocean and air going vehicles and human operators). In the basic configuration, Swordfish is both a survey vehicle and a communications node with gateways for broadband, Wi-Fi and GSM transports and underwater acoustic modems. In another configuration, Swordfish mounts a docking station for the autonomous underwater vehicle Isurus from Porto University. Swordfish has an advanced control architecture for multi-vehicle operations with mixed initiative interactions (human operators are allowed to interact with the control loops).


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This work presents a hybrid coordinated manoeuvre for docking an autonomous surface vehicle with an autonomous underwater vehicle. The control manoeuvre uses visual information to estimate the AUV relative position and attitude in relation to the ASV and steers the ASV in order to dock with the AUV. The AUV is assumed to be at surface with only a small fraction of its volume visible. The system implemented in the autonomous surface vehicle ROAZ, developed by LSA-ISEP to perform missions in river environment, test autonomous AUV docking capabilities and multiple AUV/ASV coordinated missions is presented. Information from a low cost embedded robotics vision system (LSAVision), along with inertial navigation sensors is fused in an extended Kalman filter and used to determine AUV relative position and orientation to the surface vehicle The real time vision processing system is described and results are presented in operational scenario.


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ACCURATE sensing of vehicle position and attitude is still a very challenging problem in many mobile robot applications. The mobile robot vehicle applications must have some means of estimating where they are and in which direction they are heading. Many existing indoor positioning systems are limited in workspace and robustness because they require clear lines-of-sight or do not provide absolute, driftfree measurements.The research work presented in this dissertation provides a new approach to position and attitude sensing system designed specifically to meet the challenges of operation in a realistic, cluttered indoor environment, such as that of an office building, hospital, industrial or warehouse. This is accomplished by an innovative assembly of infrared LED source that restricts the spreading of the light intensity distribution confined to a sheet of light and is encoded with localization and traffic information. This Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) developed for mobile robot is a high resolution absolute localization system which is simple, fast, accurate and robust, without much of computational burden or significant processing. Most of the available beacon's performance in corridors and narrow passages are not satisfactory, whereas the performance of DISLiB is very encouraging in such situations. This research overcomes most of the inherent limitations of existing systems.The work further examines the odometric localization errors caused by over count readings of an optical encoder based odometric system in a mobile robot due to wheel-slippage and terrain irregularities. A simple and efficient method is investigated and realized using an FPGA for reducing the errors. The detection and correction is based on redundant encoder measurements. The method suggested relies on the fact that the wheel slippage or terrain irregularities cause more count readings from the encoder than what corresponds to the actual distance travelled by the vehicle.The application of encoded Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) system can be extended to intelligent control of the public transportation system. The system is capable of receiving traffic status input through a GSM (Global System Mobile) modem. The vehicles have infrared receivers and processors capable of decoding the information, and generating the audio and video messages to assist the driver. The thesis further examines the usefulness of the technique to assist the movement of differently-able (blind) persons in indoor or outdoor premises of his residence.The work addressed in this thesis suggests a new way forward in the development of autonomous robotics and guidance systems. However, this work can be easily extended to many other challenging domains, as well.


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A new localization approach to increase the navigational capabilities and object manipulation of autonomous mobile robots, based on an encoded infrared sheet of light beacon system, which provides position errors smaller than 0.02m is presented in this paper. To achieve this minimal position error, a resolution enhancement technique has been developed by utilising an inbuilt odometric/optical flow sensor information. This system respects strong low cost constraints by using an innovative assembly for the digitally encoded infrared transmitter. For better guidance of mobile robot vehicles, an online traffic signalling capability is also incorporated. Other added features are its less computational complexity and online localization capability all these without any estimation uncertainty. The constructional details, experimental results and computational methodologies of the system are also described


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Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) represent a challenging control problem with complex, noisy, dynamics. Nowadays, not only the continuous scientific advances in underwater robotics but the increasing number of subsea missions and its complexity ask for an automatization of submarine processes. This paper proposes a high-level control system for solving the action selection problem of an autonomous robot. The system is characterized by the use of reinforcement learning direct policy search methods (RLDPS) for learning the internal state/action mapping of some behaviors. We demonstrate its feasibility with simulated experiments using the model of our underwater robot URIS in a target following task


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This paper presents a novel technique to align partial 3D reconstructions of the seabed acquired by a stereo camera mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle. Vehicle localization and seabed mapping is performed simultaneously by means of an Extended Kalman Filter. Passive landmarks are detected on the images and characterized considering 2D and 3D features. Landmarks are re-observed while the robot is navigating and data association becomes easier but robust. Once the survey is completed, vehicle trajectory is smoothed by a Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter obtaining an even better alignment of the 3D views and yet a large-scale acquisition of the seabed


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The presented work focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the design and development of a formal method to build a mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles bringing systematic design principles for the formal description of missions using Petri nets. The proposed methodology compounds Petri net building blocks within it to de_ne a mission plan for which it is proved that formal properties, such as reachability and reusability, hold as long as these same properties are also guaranteed by each Petri net building block. To simplify the de_nition of these Petri net blocks as well as their composition, a high level language called Mission Control Language has been developed. Moreover, a methodology to ensure coordination constraints for teams of multiple robots as well as the de_nition of an interface between the proposed system and an on-board planner able to plan/replan sequences of prede_ned mission plans is included as well. Results of experiments with several real underwater vehicles and simulations involving an autonomous surface craft and an autonomous underwater vehicles are presented to show the system's capabilities.


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Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús d'un seguit de tècniques pel control a alt nivell d'un robot autònom i també per l'aprenentatge automàtic de comportaments. L'objectiu principal de la tesis fou el de dotar d'intel·ligència als robots autònoms que han d'acomplir unes missions determinades en entorns desconeguts i no estructurats. Una de les premisses tingudes en compte en tots els passos d'aquesta tesis va ser la selecció d'aquelles tècniques que poguessin ésser aplicades en temps real, i demostrar-ne el seu funcionament amb experiments reals. El camp d'aplicació de tots els experiments es la robòtica submarina. En una primera part, la tesis es centra en el disseny d'una arquitectura de control que ha de permetre l'assoliment d'una missió prèviament definida. En particular, la tesis proposa l'ús de les arquitectures de control basades en comportaments per a l'assoliment de cada una de les tasques que composen la totalitat de la missió. Una arquitectura d'aquest tipus està formada per un conjunt independent de comportaments, els quals representen diferents intencions del robot (ex.: "anar a una posició", "evitar obstacles",...). Es presenta una recerca bibliogràfica sobre aquest camp i alhora es mostren els resultats d'aplicar quatre de les arquitectures basades en comportaments més representatives a una tasca concreta. De l'anàlisi dels resultats se'n deriva que un dels factors que més influeixen en el rendiment d'aquestes arquitectures, és la metodologia emprada per coordinar les respostes dels comportaments. Per una banda, la coordinació competitiva és aquella en que només un dels comportaments controla el robot. Per altra banda, en la coordinació cooperativa el control del robot és realitza a partir d'una fusió de totes les respostes dels comportaments actius. La tesis, proposa un esquema híbrid d'arquitectura capaç de beneficiar-se dels principals avantatges d'ambdues metodologies. En una segona part, la tesis proposa la utilització de l'aprenentatge per reforç per aprendre l'estructura interna dels comportaments. Aquest tipus d'aprenentatge és adequat per entorns desconeguts i el procés d'aprenentatge es realitza al mateix temps que el robot està explorant l'entorn. La tesis presenta també un estat de l'art d'aquest camp, en el que es detallen els principals problemes que apareixen en utilitzar els algoritmes d'aprenentatge per reforç en aplicacions reals, com la robòtica. El problema de la generalització és un dels que més influeix i consisteix en permetre l'ús de variables continues sense augmentar substancialment el temps de convergència. Després de descriure breument les principals metodologies per generalitzar, la tesis proposa l'ús d'una xarxa neural combinada amb l'algoritme d'aprenentatge per reforç Q_learning. Aquesta combinació proporciona una gran capacitat de generalització i una molt bona disposició per aprendre en tasques de robòtica amb exigències de temps real. No obstant, les xarxes neurals són aproximadors de funcions no-locals, el que significa que en treballar amb un conjunt de dades no homogeni es produeix una interferència: aprendre en un subconjunt de l'espai significa desaprendre en la resta de l'espai. El problema de la interferència afecta de manera directa en robòtica, ja que l'exploració de l'espai es realitza sempre localment. L'algoritme proposat en la tesi té en compte aquest problema i manté una base de dades representativa de totes les zones explorades. Així doncs, totes les mostres de la base de dades s'utilitzen per actualitzar la xarxa neural, i per tant, l'aprenentatge és homogeni. Finalment, la tesi presenta els resultats obtinguts amb la arquitectura de control basada en comportaments i l'algoritme d'aprenentatge per reforç. Els experiments es realitzen amb el robot URIS, desenvolupat a la Universitat de Girona, i el comportament après és el seguiment d'un objecte mitjançant visió per computador. La tesi detalla tots els dispositius desenvolupats pels experiments així com les característiques del propi robot submarí. Els resultats obtinguts demostren la idoneïtat de les propostes en permetre l'aprenentatge del comportament en temps real. En un segon apartat de resultats es demostra la capacitat de generalització de l'algoritme d'aprenentatge mitjançant el "benchmark" del "cotxe i la muntanya". Els resultats obtinguts en aquest problema milloren els resultats d'altres metodologies, demostrant la millor capacitat de generalització de les xarxes neurals.