965 resultados para authors - practice


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This paper explores the non-adoption of an innovation via the concept of hybrid genres, that is digital genres that emerge from a non-digital material precedent. As instances of innovation these are often resisted because they disturb the order of activity and balance of power relations in a given situation, or require users to make conceptual and physical adaptation efforts that they consider too costly. The authors investigate such issues with a case study of the introduction of a hybrid digital genre, ODR or online dispute resolution, in legal practice


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Scott, Len, and Peter Jackson, 'The Study of Intelligence in Theory and Practice', Intelligence and National Security, (2004) 19(2) pp.139-169 RAE2008


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This Thesis is an exploration of potential enhancement in effectiveness, personally, professionally and organisationally through the use of Theory as an Apparatus of Thought. Enhanced effectiveness was sought by the practitioner (Subject), while in transition to becoming Chief Executive of his organization. The introduction outlines the content and the structure of the University College Cork DBA. Essay One outlines what Theory is, what Adult Mental Development is and an exploration of Theories held in the Authors past professional practice. Immunity to change is also reflected on. Essay Two looks at the construct of the key Theories used in the Thesis. Prof. Robert Kegan’s Theory of Adult Mental Development was used to aid the generation of insight. The other key Theories used were The Theory of The Business, Theory of the Co‐operative and a Theory of Organisational Leadership. Essay Three explores the application of the key Theories in a professional setting. The findings of the Thesis were that the subject was capable of dealing with increased environmental complexity and uncertainty by using Theory as an Apparatus of Thought, which in turn enhanced personal, professional and organisational effectiveness. This was achieved by becoming more aware of the Theories held by the practitioner, the experiences from the application of those Theories, which then led to greater insight. The author also found that a detailed understanding of the Theory of the Business and a Theory of Leadership would support any new CEO in the challenging early part of their tenure.


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The manual effort required to convert sequential computational mechanics programs into a useful, scalable parallel form is considerable. Tools that can assist in the conversion process are clearly required. Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools) have been developed to generate efficient parallel code for real world structured grid application codes such as Computational Fluid Dynamics. Automatable single-program multi-data (SPMD) overlapping domain decomposition (DD) techniques established for structured grid codes have been adapted by the authors to manually parallelise unstructured mesh applications. Inspector loops have been used to provide generic techniques for the run-time support necessary to extend the capabilities of CAPTools to automatic implementation of SPMD DD techniques in the parallelisation of unstructured mesh codes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Since 1984 David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) has been a leading influence in the development of learner-centred pedagogy in management and business. It forms the basis of Kolb’s own Learning Styles’ Inventory and those of other authors including Honey and Mumford (2000). It also provides powerful underpinning for the emphasis, nay insistence, on reflection as a way of learning and the use of reflective practice in the preparation of students for business and management and other professions. In this paper, we confirm that Kolb’s ELT is still the most commonly cited source used in relation to reflective practice. Kolb himself continues to propound its relevance to teaching and learning in general. However, we also review some of the criticisms that ELT has attracted over the years and advance new criticisms that challenge its relevance to higher education and its validity as a model for formal, intentional learning.


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Drawing on their experience of mental health social work in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, the authors examine the impact of current legislative and policy change in both jurisdictions. The paper applies Lorenz’s theoretical framework to develop a comparative analysis of how global and country specific variables have interacted in shaping mental health social work. The analysis identifies linkages between factors and indicates similarities and differences in mental health social work practice. The paper highlights emerging discourses in this field and explores the impact on practice of developments such as de-institutionalisation, community care, and ‘user rights’ versus ‘public protection’. The article concludes with a review of key challenges facing social workers in both jurisdictions and identifies opportunities for developing mental health social work in ways that can positively respond to change and effectively address the needs of mental health service users and their carers. The analysis provides an opportunity to evaluate Lorenz’s theoretical framework and the paper includes a brief critical commentary on its utility as a conceptual tool in comparative social work.


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Some 10 years ago one of the authors embarked on a research study examining the potential for social workers to shift from a child protection to a child welfare practice orientation (Spratt, 2000; 2001; Spratt and Callan, 2004). The research reported here develops that work; examining how social workers respond to ‘child care problems’ (CCPs). The results indicate that Northern Irish Health and Social Services Trusts (equivalent to Local Authorities in England and Wales) have responded to social policy goals to balance the protection of a lesser number of children whilst meeting the welfare needs of the greater by reducing the number of referrals designated ‘child protection investigations’ (CPIs) and increasing the number of CCPs. Closer analysis reveals, however, that a filtering system has been developed by social workers to address perceived child protection risks within CCP cases. Paradoxically, this leads to early closure of the more concerning cases, with service provision largely confined to the least concerning. The authors argue that the ways in which social workers balance social policing and supportive functions in practice may indicate possible responses to an increase in referred families anticipated within Every Child Matters (Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 2003).


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Practice learning is viewed as one of the most important components of social work education wherever in the world social work is practised. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland provide an interesting case example of the educational impact on students resulting from their experience of different models of practice learning. Although sharing a common historical legacy, recent developments in policy in both jurisdictions have tended to engender greater divergences in how programmes organise and deliver social work education and practice learning. Drawing on findings from a joint-research project with students in Queen’s University, Belfast and Trinity College, Dublin, the authors highlight significant cross-border similarities as well as differences in the way practice learning is conceptualised, organised and delivered. Through comparing and contrasting student experiences, the authors reflect on how the findings might help to inform the future development of practice learning standards in both jurisdictions.


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Knowledge production in entrepreneurship requires inclusivity as well as diversity and pluralism in research perspectives and approaches. In this article, the authors address concerns about interpretivist research regarding validity, reliability, objectivity, generalizability, and communicability of results that militate against its more widespread acceptance. Following the nonfoundationalist argument that all observation is theory-laden, context specific, and that there are no external criteria against which to assess research design and execution and the data produced, the authors propose that quality must be internalized within the underlying research philosophy rather than something to be tested upon completion. This requires a shift from the notion of validity as an outcome to validation as a process. To elucidate this, they provide a guiding framework and present a case illustration that will assist an interpretivist entrepreneurship researcher to establish and demonstrate the quality of their work.


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This article results from an analysis of 95 studies of the effectiveness of social work. The good news from this research, which features a wide range of demanding social problems, is that 75 per cent of results are positive. In this article the authors present their findings and consider their implications for practice.


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This project set out to evaluate the effectiveness of social work education by analysing student perceptions of the strengths and limitations of their education and training on the Bachelor of Social Work, Queen’s University, Belfast (QUB) at different stages of their ‘learning journey’ through the programme.
The author’s primary aim in undertaking this study was to contribute evidence-based understanding of the challenges and opportunities students identified themselves within contemporary practice environments. A secondary aim was to test the effectiveness of key approaches, theories and learning tools in common usage in social work education. The authors believe the outcomes generated by the project demonstrate the value of systematically researching student perceptions of their learning experience and feel the study provides important lessons which should help to inform the future development of social work education not only locally but in other parts of the UK.


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In this article, the authors provide an overview on the development of a Long-Term Care Best Practise Resource Centre. The results of both a feasibility study and the outcomes of a 1-year demonstration project are presented. The demonstration project involved a hospital as the information service provider and two demonstration sites, a home care service agency and a nursing home that used the services of the Centre. The goals of the Centre were threefold: provide access to literature for staff in long-term care (LTC) settings; improve the information management skills of health care providers; and support research and the integration of best practices in LTC organizations. The results of the pilot study contributed to the development of a collaborative information access system for LTC clinicians and managers that provides timely, up-to-date information contributing to improving the quality of care for adults receiving LTC. Based on this demonstration project, strategies for successful innovation in LTC are identified.


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The health care field is a new arena for collaborative research carried out by practitioner-researcher teams. Although the current literature discusses factors supportive of such teams, most evidence is anecdotal or descriptive of pilot projects. In this article, the authors use survey and interview data to document health care practitioners' views on collaborative research with an experienced researcher/ mentor. Topics covered include a description of the research project and process, positive and negative aspects of doing research, expectations, recommendations to colleagues starting research, and desirable characteristics in practitioners and researchers on collaborative research teams. Of all attributes mentioned, personal traits and skills were among the most frequently mentioned for both practitioners and researchers, followed by research knowledge and attitudes for practitioners, and teaching skills for researchers. The article also addresses factors important to the success of collaborative research: how to develop a project, characteristics of collaborative team members, team functioning, and institutional support. Copyright © 2000 Taylor & Francis.


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We read with interest the comments offered by Drs. Hughes and Bradley (1) on our systematic review (2). Four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs9332739 and rs547154 in the complement component 2 gene (C2) and rs4151667 and rs641153 in the complement factor B gene (CFB), were pooled. Hughes and Bradley point out that we omitted the most common variant, rs12614. In fact, rs12614 is in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs641153, which was included, and the major allele of both of these SNPs is in the range of 90% (population code, CEU, in the International HapMap Project (http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)). Moreover, our review was initiated in September 2010, at which point only 4 studies had published associations with rs12614, whereas 14 studies (n = 11,378) were available for rs641153. While it is true that both SNPs are better analyzed as a haplotype, these data were simply not available for pooling.
Hughes and Bradley also point out that we obtained and pooled new data that were not previously published. While it is recommended that contact with authors be completed as part of a comprehensive meta-analysis, we acknowledge that these additional data were not previously published and peer reviewed and, hence, do not have the same level of transparency. However, given that sample collections often increase over time and that the instrumentation for genotyping is continually improving, we thought that it would be advantageous to use the most recent information; this is a subjective decision.
We also agree that the allele frequencies given by Kaur et al. (3) were exactly opposite to those expected and were suggestive of strand flipping. However, we specifically queried this with the lead author on 2 separate occasions and were assured it was not.
Hughes and Bradley do make an interesting suggestion that SNPs in high LD should be used as a gauge of genotyping quality in HuGE reviews. This is an interesting idea but difficult to put into practice as the r2 parameter they propose as a measure of LD has some unusual properties. Although r2 is a measure of LD, it is also linked to the allele frequency; even small differences in allele frequencies between 2 linked SNPs can reduce the r2 dramatically. Wray (4) explored these effects and found that, at a baseline allele frequency of 10%, even a difference in allele frequency between 2 SNPs as small as 2% can drop the r2 value below 0.8. This degree of allele frequency difference is consistent with what could be expected for sampling error. Furthermore, when we look at 2 linked dialleleic SNPs, giving 4 possible haplotypes, the absence of 1 haplotype dramatically reduces r2, despite the 2 loci being in high LD as measured by D'. In fact, this is the situation for rs12614 and rs641153, where the low frequency of 1 haplotype means that the r2 is 0.01 but the D' is 1.
Hughes and Bradley also suggest consideration of genotype call rate restrictions as an inclusion criterion for metaanalysis. This would be more appropriate when focusing on genetic variants per se, as considered within the context of a genome-wide association study or other specific genetic analysis where large numbers of SNPs are evaluated (5).
The concerns raised by Hughes and Bradley reflect the limited ability of a meta-analysis based on summary data to tease out inconsistencies best identified at the individual level. We agree that SNPs in LD should be evaluated, but this will not necessarily be straightforward. A move to make genetic data sets publicly available, as in the Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ gap), is a step in the right direction for greater transparency.


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This article considers the trajectory and effectiveness of policy, procedures and practice in the UK since the early 1990s in responding to young people who display problematic and harmful sexual behaviours. It draws on data from three publications in which research, policy and practice in the last 20 years have been reviewed. Key themes raised by Masson and Hackett are revisited including: denial and minimisation; terminology and categorisation; similarities with other young offenders; the child protection and youth justice systems; and assessment and interventions. The authors find that there is improvement in recognition of, and practice in response to, this group of young people, but good practice standards are inconsistently applied. With devolution of political powers, Scotland and Northern Ireland are now embarking on a more strategic response than England. The absence of a public debate and prioritising of primary prevention of child sexual abuse is noted.