884 resultados para attract
This study aimed to identify 2,6-dichlorophenol (2,6-DCP) in Amblyomma cajennense and to evaluate its role in A. cajennense and Rhipicephalus sanguineus courtship. Hexanic extract from attractive females was purified by solid phase extraction and the phenol was identified by the single ion monitoring method using GC/MS. In an olfactometer, the responses of A. cajennense and R. sanguineus males to females, control rubber septa or rubber septa impregnated with 2,6-DCP at 50, 500, and 5000 ng, respectively, were studied. 2,6-DCP was identified in A. cajennense extract and the males oriented themselves toward the concentration of 500 ng. These septa and the females were recognized as copula partners. The septa treated with 2,6-DCP did not attract and were not even recognized by the R. sanguineus males, whereas the females were recognized. Due to the presence of 2,6-DCP in A. cajennense and the results of biological bioassays, it was concluded that this compound acts as an attractant and mounting sex pheromone in this tick, but it does not play any role in R. sanguineus courtship.
Phlebotomine sand flies are often captured with human bait and/or light traps, either with or without an animal bait. More recently, synthetic attractants have been used as bait in traps to improve the capture of phlebotomine sand flies as well as other insects of medical and veterinary importance. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the kairomone 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) and the synthetic human odor BG-Mesh LureTM (BGML - lactic acid, caproic acid and ammonia) baited in modified CDC light traps on the capture of phlebotomine sand flies. The experiments followed the 5x5 Latin square design. Among the species caught, Lutzomyia intermedia apparently presented a dose-dependent response to octenol. The response obtained with the BGML, alone or in combination with octenol (5 mg/h), indicated some degree of attractiveness of these baits to different phlebotomine sand fly species. Octenol seems to be more attractive to L. intermedia than to Lutzomyia longipalpis, while the BGML presented a higher success in capturing L. longipalpis. When the components of the BGML were used separately, there was no increase in catching the female of L. intermedia. Apparently, there was no synergistic effect between the octenol and the BGML. In conclusion, the octenol and the BGML were demonstrated to be possible baits to attract some phlebotomine sand fly species.
The calyptrate dipterans are the most important decomposers of human cadavers. Knowledge of their species and distribution are of great importance to forensic entomology, especially because of the enormous diversity in Brazil. Carcasses of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa, L) were the experimental models used to attract calyptrates of forensic interest during the winters of 2006 and 2007 and the summers of 2006 and 2008. A total of 24,423 specimens from 44 species were collected (19 Muscidae, 2 Fanniidae and 23 Sarcophagidae), three of which were new records of occurrence and 20 of which were new forensic records for the state of Rio de Janeiro. Fourteen of these species were newly identified as forensically important in Brazil.
The use of attractants and larvicides in oviposition traps is of practical interest for the surveillance and control of urban mosquitoes. In addition to increasing the safety of the traps, this combination is essential for an attract-and-kill control strategy based on trapping mosquito eggs. The combination of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) and grass infusion (GI) vs. GI alone were tested for their ability to attract in paired BR-OVT traps in the backyards of 10 houses in Recife, Brazil, for a period of 45 days. Results show that females prefer to oviposit in traps containing Bti (363 compared with 251 egg rafts over 45 days). Results from a one-year trial on the efficacy of BR-OVT traps loaded with GI and Bti as a sampling tool to monitor temporal fluctuations in the population densities of Culex quinquefasciatus in an urban environment are also reported. From December 2006-January 2007, one trap per home was installed and maintained for 348 consecutive days in 134-151 houses located in three urban blocks. Throughout the one-year field trial a total of 43,151 Culex egg rafts were collected in the traps. The data show that BR-OVT loaded with GI and Bti is sensitive enough to demonstrate continuous reproductive activity of Cux. quinquefasciatus in the study area throughout the year and to monitor temporal fluctuations in population density.
Overexpression of SMARCE1 is associated with CD8+ T-cell infiltration in early stage ovarian cancer.
T-lymphocyte infiltration in ovarian tumors has been linked to a favorable prognosis, hence, exploring the mechanism of T-cell recruitment in the tumor is warranted. We employed a differential expression analysis to identify genes over-expressed in early stage ovarian cancer samples that contained CD8 infiltrating T-lymphocytes. Among other genes, we discovered that TTF1, a regulator of ribosomal RNA gene expression, and SMARCE1, a factor associated with chromatin remodeling were overexpressed in first stage CD8+ ovarian tumors. TTF1 and SMARCE1 mRNA levels showed a strong correlation with the number of intra-tumoral CD8+ cells in ovarian tumors. Interestingly, forced overexpression of SMARCE1 in SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells resulted in secretion of IL8, MIP1b and RANTES chemokines in the supernatant and triggered chemotaxis of CD8+ lymphocytes in a cell culture assay. The potency of SMARCE1-mediated chemotaxis appeared comparable to that caused by the transfection of the CXCL9 gene, coding for a chemokine known to attract T-cells. Our analysis pinpoints TTF1 and SMARCE1 as genes potentially involved in cancer immunology. Since both TTF1 and SMARCE1 are involved in chromatin remodeling, our results imply an epigenetic regulatory mechanism for T-cell recruitment that invites deciphering.
The amount of nitrogen required to complete an insect's life cycle may vary greatly among species that have evolved distinct life history traits. Myrmecophilous caterpillars in the Lycaenidae family produce nitrogen-rich exudates from their dorsal glands to attract ants for protection, and this phenomenon has been postulated to shape the caterpillar's host-plant choice. Accordingly, it was postulated that evolution towards myrmecophily in Lycaenidae is correlated with the utilization of nitrogen-rich host plants. Although our results were consistent with the evolutionary shifts towards high-nutrient host plants serving as exaptation for the evolution of myrmecophily in lycaenids, the selection of nitrogen-rich host plants was not confined to lycaenids. Butterfly species in the nonmyrmecophilous family Pieridae also preferred nitrogen-rich host plants. Thus, we conclude that nitrogen is an overall important component in the caterpillar diet, independent of the level of myrmecophily, as nitrogen can enhance the overall insect fitness and survival. However, when nitrogen can be obtained through alternative means, as in socially parasitic lycaenid species feeding on ant brood, the selective pressure for maintaining the use of nutrient-rich host plants is relaxed, enabling the colonization of nitrogen-poor host plants.
The primary function of secondary plant metabolites is thought to be defence against herbivores. The frequent occurrence of these same noxious compounds in floral nectar, which functions primarily to attract pollinators, has been seen as paradoxical. Although these compounds may have an adaptive purpose in nectar, they may also occur as a nonadaptive consequence of chemical defence in other plant parts. If nectar chemistry reflects physiological constraints or passive leakage from other tissues, we expect that the identity and relative concentration of nectar cardenolides to be correlated with those of other plant parts; in contrast, discordant distributions of compounds in nectar and other tissues may suggest adaptive roles in nectar. We compared the concentrations and identities of cardenolides in the nectar, leaves and flowers of 12 species from a monophyletic clade of Asclepias. To measure putative toxicity of nectar cardenolides, we then examined the effects of a standard cardenolide (digoxin) on the behaviour of bumblebees, a common generalist pollinator of Asclepias. We found that the average cardenolide concentrations in nectar, leaves and flowers of the 12 Asclepias species were positively correlated as predicted by nonadaptive hypotheses. However, significant differences in the identities and concentrations of individual cardenolides between nectar and leaves suggest that the production or allocation of cardenolides may be independently regulated at each plant part. In addition, cardenolide concentrations in leaves and nectar exhibited no phylogenetic signal. Surprisingly, bumblebees did not demonstrate an aversion to digoxin-rich nectar, which may indicate that nectar cardenolides have little effect on pollination. Although the idea that discordant patterns of secondary metabolites across tissue types may signal adaptive functions is attractive, there is evidence to suggest constraint contributes to nectar secondary chemistry. Further work testing the ecological impacts of such patterns will be critical in determining the functional significance of nectar cardenolides
Regional policies aiming to attract new firms are largely based on evidence that originates from Europe, the USA and Japan. This may raise doubts about the usefulness of such policies when applied to developing economies. This paper addresses this issue by providing estimates of the determinants of firm entry in the Argentinean provinces. We find that most of the determinants used in previous studies analysing developed countries are still relevant. However, there is a need for additional explanatory variables that reflect the specificities of developing economies. Key words: firm entry, regional economics, Argentina. JEL: R12; R30; C33
Politics must tackle multiple issues at once. In a first-best world, political competition constrains parties to prioritize issues according to the voters' true concerns. In the real world, the opposite also happens: parties manipulate voter priorities by emphasizing issues selectively during the political campaign. This phenomenon, known as priming, should allow parties to pay less attention to the issues that they intend to mute. We develop a model of endogenous issue ownership in which two vote-seeking parties (i) invest to attract voters with "better" policy proposals and (ii) choose a communication campaign to focus voter attention on specific issues. We identify novel feedbacks between communication and investment. In particular, we find that stronger priming effects can backfire by constraining parties to invest more resources in all issues, including the ones they would otherwise intend to mute. We also identify under which conditions parties prefer to focus on their "historical issues" or to engage in issue stealing. Typically, the latter happens when priming effects are strong, and historical reputations differentiates parties less.
En els últims 30 anys, el número d’incendis patits a Galicia han augmentat de manera important. En el Massís Central Ourensano l’home ha utilitzat el foc com a eina de gestió forestal per tal de permetre pasturar al bestiar i per tal de recuperar terres per a pastos i culius. Aquesta pràctica ha generat grans extensions de matollar sec europeu on hi hauria d’haver formacions boscoses. Partim de la necessitat de recuperar zones de bosc i ecosistema original i per això mesurem el comportament de les diferents espècies que trobem al matollar y al bosc en aquestes altituds davant la pertorbació que suposen els incendis recurrents. Per realitzar això s’ha mostrejat la vegetació de zones cremades en moments diferents o repetides vegades, mesurant superfície i alçades així com nombre d’individus de cada espècie. També s’han analitzat perfils del sòl per tal de conèixer amb més detall les característiques de cada zona. S’ha observat mitjançant el mostreig com per a la recuperació del matollar el factor determinant és el temps, encara que no trobem un sòl de bona qualitat i profund, en una mitjana de 8 anys trobem un matollar ben desenvolupat amb una bona diversitat d’espècies i grau de cobertura. En canvi, per tal d’arribar a un estat de la successió vegetal on trobem un bosc és necessari que existeixin comunitats arbòries a prop per tal de que arribin individus al matollar desenvolupat. Cal aleshores treballar en l’educació de la població i en la cerca d’alternatives a la gestió forestal vigent, donant èmfasi en la valoració econòmica dels ecosistemes en bon estat i facilitant que aquest bon estat proporcioni beneficis a la població local. Per això cal generar una infraestructura per atraure un turisme rural respectuós amb el medi al mateix temps que es duen altres iniciatives com la implantació de centrals de biomassa als pobles que puguin proporcionar calefacció o aigua calenta. Generant llocs de feina i estalvis a la població d’una zona on l’economia encara es basa potencialment en la ramaderia. Al mateix temps l’esforç monetari dedicat a les plantacions ha de dedicar-se a generar espais al territori amb espècies autòctones com el roure en aquells matollars que presentin condicions adients per a recuperar el bosc.
Summary : Antigen-specific T lymphocytes constantly patrol the body to search for invading pathogens. Given the large external and internal body surfaces that need to be surveyed, a sophisticated strategy is necessary to facilitate encounters between T cells and pathogens. Dendritic cells present at all body surfaces are specialized in capturing pathogens and bringing them to T zones of secondary lymphoid organs, such as the lymph nodes and the spleen. Here, dendritic cells present antigenic fragments and activate the rare antigen-specific T lymphocytes. This induction of an immune response is facilitated in multiple ways by a dense network of poorly characterized stromal cells, termed fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs). They constitutively produce the chemokines CCL21 and CCL19, which attract naïve T cells and dendritic cells into the T zone. Further, they provide an adhesion scaffold for dendritic cells and a migration scaffold for naïve T cells, allowing efficient screening of dendritic cell by thousands of T cells. FRCs also form a system of microchannels (conduits) that allows rapid transport of antigen or cytokines from the subcapsular sinus to the T zone. We characterized lymph node FRCS by flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy, real time PCR and functional assays and could show that FRCs are a unique type of myofibroblasts which produce the T cell survival factor IL-7. This function was shown to be critically involved in regulating the size of the peripheral T cell pool and further demonstrates the importance of FRCs in maintaining immunocompetence. As we observed that some dendritic cells also express the receptor for IL-7, we expected a similar function of IL-7 in their survival. Surprisingly, we found no role for IL-7 in their survival but in their development. Analysis of hematopoietic precursors suggested that part of the dendritic cell pool develops out of an IL-7 dependent precursor, which maybe shared with lymphocytes. During the induction of an immune response, lymph node homeostasis is drastically altered when the lymph node expands several-fold in size to accommodate many more lymphocytes. Here, we describe that this expansion of the T zone is accompanied by the activation and proliferation of FRCs thereby preserving T zone architecture and function. This expansion of the FRC network is regulated by antigen-independent and -dependent events. It demonstrates the incredible plasticity of this organ allowing clonal expansion of antigen-specific lymphocytes. Résumé : Les lymphocytes T, spécifiques pour un antigène particulier, patrouillent constamment le corps à la recherche de l'invasion de pathogène. A cause des grandes surfaces externes et internes du corps, une stratégie sophistiquée est nécessaire afin de faciliter les rencontres entre les cellules T et les agents pathogènes. Les cellules dendritiques présentes dans toutes les surfaces du corps sont spécialisées dans la capture des agents pathogènes et dans le transport vers les zones T des organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphatiques et la rate. Dans ces organes, les cellules dendritiques présentent les fragments antigéniques et activent les lymphocytes T rares. L'induction de cette réponse immunitaire est facilitée de différentes manières par un réseau dense de cellules strornales mal caractérisé, appelées 'fibroblastic reticular tells' (FRCs). FRCs produisent constitutivement les chimiokines CCL21 et CCL19, qui attirent les lymphocytes T naïfs et les cellules dendritiques vers la zone T. En outre, elles donnent une base d'adhérence pour les cellules dendritiques et elles attirent les cellules T naïves vers les cellules dendritiques. Les FRCs forment des petits canaux (ou conduits) qui permettent le transport rapide d'antigènes solubles ou de cytokines vers la zone T. Nous avons caractérisé les FRCs par cytométrie en flux, immunofluorescence et par PCR en temps réel et nous avons démontré que les FRCs sont un type unique de rnyofibroblastes qui produisent un facteur de survie des cellules T, l'Interleukine-7. Il a été démontré que cette fonction est cruciale afin d'augmenter la taille et la diversité du répertoire de cellules T, et ainsi, maintenir l'immunocompétence. Comme nous avons observé que certaines cellules dendritiques expriment également le récepteur de l'IL-7, nous avons testé une fonction similaire dans leur survie. Étonnamment, nous n'avons pas trouvé de rôle pour l'IL-7 dans leur survie, mais dans leur développement. L'analyse des précurseurs hématopoïétiques a suggéré qu'une fraction des cellules dendritiques se développe à partir des précurseurs dépendants de l'IL-7, qui sont probablement partagés avec les lymphocytes. Au cours de l'induction d'une réponse immunitaire, l'homéostasie du ganglion lymphatique est considérablement modifiée. En effet, sa taille augmente considérablement afin d'accueillir un plus grand nombre de lymphocytes. Nous décrivons ici que cet élargissement de la zone T est accompagné par l'activation et 1a prolifération des FRCs, préservant l'architecture et la fonction de la zone T. Cette expansion du réseau des FRCs est régie par des évènements à la fois dépendants et indépendants de l'antigène. Cela montre l'incroyable plasticité de cet organe qui permet l'expansion clonale des lymphocytes T spécifiques.
The great majority of plant species in the tropics require animals to achieve pollination, but the exact role of floral signals in attraction of animal pollinators is often debated. Many plants provide a floral reward to attract a guild of pollinators, and it has been proposed that floral signals of non-rewarding species may converge on those of rewarding species to exploit the relationship of the latter with their pollinators. In the orchid family (Orchidaceae), pollination is almost universally animal-mediated, but a third of species provide no floral reward, which suggests that deceptive pollination mechanisms are prevalent. Here, we examine floral colour and shape convergence in Neotropical plant communities, focusing on certain food-deceptive Oncidiinae orchids (e.g. Trichocentrum ascendens and Oncidium nebulosum) and rewarding species of Malpighiaceae. We show that the species from these two distantly related families are often more similar in floral colour and shape than expected by chance and propose that a system of multifarious floral mimicry-a form of Batesian mimicry that involves multiple models and is more complex than a simple one model-one mimic system-operates in these orchids. The same mimetic pollination system has evolved at least 14 times within the species-rich Oncidiinae throughout the Neotropics. These results help explain the extraordinary diversification of Neotropical orchids and highlight the complexity of plant-animal interactions.
Many animals attract mating partners through the release of volatile sex pheromones, which can convey information on the species, gender and receptivity of the sender to induce innate courtship and mating behaviours by the receiver. Male Drosophila melanogaster fruitflies display stereotyped reproductive behaviours towards females, and these behaviours are controlled by the neural circuitry expressing male-specific isoforms of the transcription factor Fruitless (FRU(M)). However, the volatile pheromone ligands, receptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that promote male courtship have not been identified in this important model organism. Here we describe a novel courtship function of Ionotropic receptor 84a (IR84a), which is a member of the chemosensory ionotropic glutamate receptor family, in a previously uncharacterized population of FRU(M)-positive OSNs. IR84a-expressing neurons are activated not by fly-derived chemicals but by the aromatic odours phenylacetic acid and phenylacetaldehyde, which are widely found in fruit and other plant tissues that serve as food sources and oviposition sites for drosophilid flies. Mutation of Ir84a abolishes both odour-evoked and spontaneous electrophysiological activity in these neurons and markedly reduces male courtship behaviour. Conversely, male courtship is increased--in an IR84a-dependent manner--in the presence of phenylacetic acid but not in the presence of another fruit odour that does not activate IR84a. Interneurons downstream of IR84a-expressing OSNs innervate a pheromone-processing centre in the brain. Whereas IR84a orthologues and phenylacetic-acid-responsive neurons are present in diverse drosophilid species, IR84a is absent from insects that rely on long-range sex pheromones. Our results suggest a model in which IR84a couples food presence to the activation of the fru(M) courtship circuitry in fruitflies. These findings reveal an unusual but effective evolutionary solution to coordinate feeding and oviposition site selection with reproductive behaviours through a specific sensory pathway.
For self-pollinating plants to reproduce, male and female organ development must be coordinated as flowers mature. The Arabidopsis transcription factors AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 6 (ARF6) and ARF8 regulate this complex process by promoting petal expansion, stamen filament elongation, anther dehiscence, and gynoecium maturation, thereby ensuring that pollen released from the anthers is deposited on the stigma of a receptive gynoecium. ARF6 and ARF8 induce jasmonate production, which in turn triggers expression of MYB21 and MYB24, encoding R2R3 MYB transcription factors that promote petal and stamen growth. To understand the dynamics of this flower maturation regulatory network, we have characterized morphological, chemical, and global gene expression phenotypes of arf, myb, and jasmonate pathway mutant flowers. We found that MYB21 and MYB24 promoted not only petal and stamen development but also gynoecium growth. As well as regulating reproductive competence, both the ARF and MYB factors promoted nectary development or function and volatile sesquiterpene production, which may attract insect pollinators and/or repel pathogens. Mutants lacking jasmonate synthesis or response had decreased MYB21 expression and stamen and petal growth at the stage when flowers normally open, but had increased MYB21 expression in petals of older flowers, resulting in renewed and persistent petal expansion at later stages. Both auxin response and jasmonate synthesis promoted positive feedbacks that may ensure rapid petal and stamen growth as flowers open. MYB21 also fed back negatively on expression of jasmonate biosynthesis pathway genes to decrease flower jasmonate level, which correlated with termination of growth after flowers have opened. These dynamic feedbacks may promote timely, coordinated, and transient growth of flower organs.
P>1. Entomopathogenic nematodes can function as indirect defence for plants that are attacked by root herbivores. By releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), plants signal the presence of host insects and thereby attract nematodes.2. Nonetheless, how roots deploy indirect defences, how indirect defences relate to direct defences, and the ecological consequences of root defence allocation for herbivores and plant biomass are essentially unknown.3. We investigate a natural below-ground tritrophic system, involving common milkweed, a specialist root-boring beetle and entomopathogenic nematodes, and asked whether there is a negative genetic correlation between direct defences (root cardenolides) and indirect defences (emission of volatiles in the roots and nematode attraction), and between constitutive and inducible defences.4. Volatiles of roots were analysed using two distinct sampling methods. First, we collected emissions from living Asclepias syriaca roots by dynamic headspace sampling. This method showed that attacked A. syriaca plants emit five times higher levels of volatiles than control plants. Secondly, we used a solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) method to sample the full pool of volatiles in roots for genetic correlations of volatile biosynthesis.5. Field experiments showed that entomopathogenic nematodes prevent the loss of biomass to root herbivory. Additionally, suppression of root herbivores was mediated directly by cardenolides and indirectly by the attraction of nematodes. Genetic families of plants with high cardenolides benefited less from nematodes compared to low-cardenolide families, suggesting that direct and indirect defences may be redundant. Although constitutive and induced root defences traded off within each strategy (for both direct and indirect defence, cardenolides and VOCs, respectively), we found no trade-off between the two strategies.6. Synthesis. Constitutive expression and inducibility of defences may trade off because of resource limitation or because they are redundant. Direct and indirect defences do not trade off, likely because they may not share a limiting resource and because independently they may promote defence across the patchiness of herbivore attack and nematode presence in the field. Indeed, some redundancy in strategies may be necessary to increase effective defence, but for each strategy, an economy of deployment reduces overall costs.