928 resultados para art, art-therapy, creation, creativity, sublimation, psychoanalysis, psychosis
Blending Art and Science in Nurse Education: The Benefits and Impact of Creative Partnerships
This paper presents the benefits of an innovative education partnership between lecturers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast and Arts Care, a unique Arts and Health Charity in Northern Ireland, to engage nursing students in life sciences
Nursing and Midwifery students often struggle to engage with life science modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science.This project was funded by a Teaching Innovation Award from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, to explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology. The project was facilitated through collaboration between Teaching staff from the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Arts Care, Northern Ireland. This unique Arts and Health Charity believes in the benefits of creativity to well being.
To explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology.
Students participated in a series of workshops designed to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through the medium of felt. Facilitated by an Arts Care artist, and following self-directed preparation, students discussed and translated their learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body into striking felt images. During the project students kept a reflective journal of their experience to document how participation in the project enhanced their learning and professional development
Creativity transformed and brought to life the students learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body.
The project culminated in the exhibition of a unique body of artwork which has been exhibited across Northern Ireland in hospitals and galleries and viewed by fellow students, teaching staff, nurses from practice, artists, friends, family and members of the public.
The impact of creativity learning strategies in nurse education should be further explored.
Bennett, M and Rogers, K.MA. (2014) First impressions matter: an active, innovative and engaging method to recruit student volunteers for a pedagogic project. Reflections, Available online at: QUB, Centre for Educational Development / Publications / Reflections Newsletter, Issue 18, June 2014.
Chickering,A.W. and Gamson,Z.F. (1987) Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education The American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, March. http://www.aahea.org/aahea/articles/sevenprinciples1987.htm, accessed 8th August 2014
Fell, P., Borland, G., Lynne, V. (2012) Lab versus lectures: can lab based practical sessions improve nursing students’ learning of bioscience? Health and Social Care Education 3:1, 33-38
Esta investigação pretende explorar a relação entre arte e tecnologia, focando a Internet como meio de criação artística através do exemplo da Internet Art (também denominada arte de Internet ou net art). Desenvolvendo-se através de dois núcleos centrais, que configuram os dois capítulos principais foca, respectivamente, a Internet enquanto meio e espaço de criação artística, e a arte de Internet. A Internet, rede de comunicação global e tecnológica, é apresentada enquanto meio de criação artística a partir de um interesse recorrente pelo desenvolvimento de ambientes e obras virtuais, imersivas, interactivas e ilusórias. A partir deste enquadramento, são apresentadas e analisadas as características deste meio de comunicação, exemplificando através de várias obras de net art a forma como os artistas apropriam estas mesmas características nos seus trabalhos, destacando desta forma a clara relação entre meio e prática artística. A arte de Internet é, por sua vez, apresentada através de um estudo das suas características e das suas particularidades no que respeita a tipologias, temáticas e principais questões no contexto do desenvolvimento de novas possibilidades para a obra, para o artista e para o público. A relação entre a Internet, enquanto meio de comunicação tecnológico, e a arte de Internet, enquanto expressão artística contemporânea, é compreendida através da análise da produção com base nas características que definem a rede. Procura-se, desta forma, destacar a importância da net art no seio da arte contemporânea, promovendo uma nova perspectiva para a compreensão da Internet enquanto meio e espaço de criação artística.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Encenação.
Cet essai envisage le deuil du point de vue d’un homme endeuillé. Sur la base de ma propre expérience de deuil, j’ai questionné les théories freudiennes sur le sujet. Face aux théories derridiennes sur l’archive, je me positionne non pas comme un archiviste professionnel mais comme une personne endeuillée trouvée engagée dans un processus d’archivage. Au regard de la psychanalyse et de l’archive, ce texte n’entend ni ne prétend avancer de nouvelles théories sans prendre en compte leurs histoires respectives. Ce texte propose une étude comparée pour une tentative de définitions à la lumière d’une expérience personnelle. Ces questions seront finalement mises à l’épreuve dans le monument performatif audio-visuel Dylan Walsh – dance.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise en recherche-création explore aussi bien la teneur populaire que l'aspect proprement théâtral associés aux figures narratives que sont les bonimenteurs. À partir d'une lecture critique des Nouvelles récréations et joyeux devis (1558) de Bonaventure Des Périers, le volet essai du mémoire tente de cerner quelle est la posture particulière que présente ce narrateur bonimenteur de la Renaissance française. Nous avons cette fois tenté de voir comment ce discours employé par Des Périers, grâce à une stylistique et une structure discursive qui lui sont propres, participe de la figure du bonimenteur s’adressant au lecteur comme il le ferait sur une place publique, usant de cette posture pour jouer avec son lecteur, grâce à des effets paradoxaux de rapprochement et de mise à distance. Cette façon ludique de se mettre en valeur propre aux bonimenteurs aura des échos jusque dans le volet création du mémoire. Propos et contes avinés est un recueil de nouvelles inspiré de la tradition boccaccienne dans lequel des protagonistes se racontent des histoires pour convaincre leurs interlocuteurs du bien-fondé de leur position. S’y juxtapose aussi bien la parole dialoguée (dans les « propos ») que la parole narrative (dans les « contes »), dans une atmosphère carnavalesque.
Cotutelle de thèse France-Québec : Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 et Université de Montréal. Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
En el presente trabajo se realiza una exploración de la posible relación que existe entre la psicosis y el proceso creativo desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica, ilustrando esta relación con el análisis de casos específicos. Con base en una revisión de la literatura sobre los conceptos de psicosis, sublimación y creatividad desde el enfoque psicodinámico, se hace un acercamiento a la teoría de arte Outsider, puntuando algunos aspectos relativos a las obras de determinados artistas en relación con los conceptos revisados.
In the last 50 years science has provided new perspectives on the ancient art of herbal medicine. The present article discusses ways in which the evidence base for the professional use of 'Western' herbal medicine, as therapy to treat disease, known as phytotherapy, can be strengthened and developed. The evidence base for phytotherapy is small and lags behind that for the nutritional sciences, mainly because phytochemicals are ingested as complex mixtures that are incompletely characterised and have only relatively recently been subject to scientific scrutiny. While some methodologies developed for the nutritional sciences can inform phytotherapy research, opportunities for observational studies are more limited, although greater use could be made of patient case notes. Randomised clinical trials of single-herb interventions are relatively easy to undertake and increasing numbers of such studies are being published. Indeed, enough data are available on three herbs (ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)) for meta-analyses to have been undertaken. However, phytotherapy is holistic therapy, using lifestyle advice, nutrition and individually-prescribed mixtures of herbs aimed at reinstating homeostasis. While clinical experience shows that this approach is applicable to a wide range of conditions, including chronic disease, evidence of its efficacy is scarce. Strategies for investigating the full holistic approach of phytotherapy and its main elements are discussed and illustrated through the author's studies at the University of Reading.
The exhibition presents the full Future Trilogy which was completed in 2009. The trilogy is based on the opening of a new IKEA store in Edmonton, London in November 2005. IKEA celebrated with a twenty-four hour launch accompanied by significant price reductions on leather sofas. But when six thousand people arrived to compete for the discount a riot ensued which injured sixteen shoppers and required the store to be closed after just thirty minutes. The Future Trilogy takes this event as the starting point to speculate on a future where the popular fascination with modern designer furniture has morphed into state religions underpinned by the ideals of the early twentieth century avant-garde. The exhibition also presents their 2010 work Co-Operative Explanatory Capabilities in Organizational Design and Personnel Management which narrates a fictional story of a company that adopts highly experimental approaches to achieving worker productivity. The project investigates the place of creativity in efficiency management and the operation of bureaucratic systems in a post-industrial work environment. The Kollectiv's pseudo documentary creates a careful blend of fact and fiction through the combination of a distinctive BBC narrator's voice with imagery sourced from an online photographic archive for an early computing company. The story becomes increasingly provocative as more and more of the bizarre antics of the company employees are revealed, leading to the members of the company eventually forming a religious cult.
Mulsemedia—multiple sensorial media—captures a wide variety of research efforts and applications. This article presents a historic perspective on mulsemedia work and reviews current developments in the area. These take place across the traditional multimedia spectrum—from virtual reality applications to computer games—as well as efforts in the arts, gastronomy, and therapy, to mention a few. We also describe standardization efforts, via the MPEG-V standard, and identify future developments and exciting challenges the community needs to overcome.
Studiens syfte var att undersöka byråanställda art directors och originalares olika perspektiv på och förhållningssätt till sin yrkesroll med särskilt fokus på kreativitet och kundrelationer.Nio semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes med sex art directors och fyra originalare. Respondenterna valdes ut genom ett kombinerat strategiskt bekvämlighetsurval från nio reklambyråer.Professionalism inom yrkesrollen visade sig vara något som respondenterna inte reflekterat över men det framkom att det främst handlar om hur art directors och originalare förhåller sig till kunden. Dessutom framkom det att respondenterna såg variation i arbetet som en positiv aspekt av yrket medan de såg prestationsångest och utomståendes oförståelse av yrket som negativa.Det framkom även att art directors och originalare i första hand ser på kreativitet som problemlösning, dock såg de olika på problemlösning i sina respektive roller. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspirationsamt hanterade ångest på liknande sätt.Studien visade även att kunden och kundrelationen spelade en stor roll för yrket och ämnet berördes återkommande i respondenternas svar under intervjuernas gång. De använde sig av samma metoder för att finna inspiration
The purpose of this project is to understand, under a social constructionist approach, what are the meanings that external facilitators and organizational members (sponsors) working with dialogic methods place on themselves and their work. Dialogic methods, with the objective of engaging groups in flows of conversations to envisage and co-create their own future, are growing fast within organizations as a means to achieve collective change. Sharing constructionist ideas about the possibility of multiple realities and language as constitutive of such realities, dialogue has turned into a promising way for transformation, especially in a macro context of constant change and increasing complexity, where traditional structures, relationships and forms of work are questioned. Research on the topic has mostly focused on specific methods or applications, with few attempts to study it in a broader sense. Also, despite the fact that dialogic methods work on the assumption that realities are socially constructed, few studies approach the topic from a social constructionist perspective, as a research methodology per se. Thus, while most existing research aims at explaining whether or how particular methods meet particular results, my intention is to explore the meanings sustaining these new forms of organizational practice. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 25 people working with dialogic methods: 11 facilitators and 14 sponsors, from 8 different organizations in Brazil. Firstly, the research findings indicate several contextual elements that seem to sustain the choices for dialogic methods. Within this context, there does not seem to be a clear or specific demand for dialogic methods, but a set of different motivations, objectives and focuses, bringing about several contrasts in the way participants name, describe and explain their experiences with such methods, including tensions on power relations, knowledge creation, identity and communication. Secondly, some central ideas or images were identified within such contrasts, pointing at both directions: dialogic methods as opportunities for the creation of new organizational realities (with images of a ‘door’ or a ‘flow’, for instance, which suggest that dialogic methods may open up the access to other perspectives and the creation of new realities); and dialogic methods as new instrumental mechanisms that seem to reproduce the traditional and non-dialogical forms of work and relationship. The individualistic tradition and its tendency for rational schematism - pointed out by social constructionist scholars as strong traditions in our Western Culture - could be observed in some participants’ accounts with the image of dialogic methods as a ‘gym’, for instance, in which dialogical – and idealized –‘abilities’ could be taught and trained, turning dialogue into a tool, rather than a means for transformation. As a conclusion, I discuss what the implications of such taken-for-granted assumptions may be, and offer some insights into dialogue (and dialogic methods) as ‘the art of being together’.
A proposta deste estudo é relatar a utilização da arte e seus segmentos, como recurso para inclusão da criança portadora de necessidades especiais ao ambiente odontológico. Foi utilizado como método a aplicação da arte em atividades de socioterapia e oficinas, divididas em módulos: sessão de socialização, oficinas de arte e atividades complementares, visando à elaboração de uma anamnese cultural por meio de questionários e a obtenção das preferências artísticas dos 313 participantes, previamente às suas assistências odontológicas no CAOE (Centro de Assistência Odontológica a Portadores de Necessidades Especiais) FOA/Unesp. de acordo com os questionários respondidos, a música e a pintura, segundo a preferência dos participantes, são os segmentos artísticos que mais auxiliam nas atividades de inclusão e adaptação. Concluímos que a utilização da arte na adaptação e inclusão ambiental do paciente, previamente à assistência odontológica, é favorável e eficaz.
Hand deformities affect aesthetics function of hand severely compromised and also cause psychological disturbances. This report describes the fabrication of a silicone finger prosthesis for a patient after an accident at work. The finger prosthesis was retained by a vacuum effect on the stump. The silicone material Silastic-MDX 44210 was used to provide function and aesthetics. The finger prosthesis offered psychological, functional and rehabilitative advantages for the patient. Restoring the natural appearance with the prosthesis eliminated the trauma generated by the dysfunction and represented an efficient psychological therapy.