399 resultados para anticoagulant lupique


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Argatroban has been introduced as an alternative parenteral anticoagulant for HIT-patients in several European countries in 2005. In 2009 a panel of experts discussed their clinical experience with argatroban balancing risks and benefits of argatroban treatment in managing the highly procoagulant status of HIT-patients. This article summarizes the main conclusions of this round table discussion. An ongoing issue is the appropriate dosing of argatroban in special patient groups. Therefore, dosing recommendations for different HIT-patient groups (ICU patients; non-ICU patients, paediatric patients, and for patients undergoing renal replacement therapies) are summarized in this consensus statement. Because of the strong correlation between argatroban dosing requirements and scores used to characterize the severity of illness (APACHE; SAPS, SOFA) suitable dosing nomograms are given. This consensus statement contributes to clinically relevant information on the appropriate use and monitoring of argatroban based on the current literature, and provides additional information from clinical experience. As the two other approved drugs for HIT, danaparoid and lepirudin are either currently not available due to manufacturing problems (danaparoid) or will be withdrawn from the market in 2012 (lepirudin), this report should guide physicians who have limited experience with argatroban how to use this drug safely in patients with HIT.


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Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are prescribed worldwide and remain the oral anticoagulant of choice. These drugs are characterized by a narrow therapeutic index and a large inter- and intra-individual variability. P-glycoprotein could contribute to this variability. The aim of this study was to investigate the involvement of P-gp in the transport of acenocoumarol, phenprocoumon and warfarin using an in vitro Caco-2 cell monolayer model. These results were compared with those obtained with rivaroxaban, a new oral anticoagulant known to be a P-gp substrate. The transport of these four drugs was assessed at pH conditions 6.8/7.4 in the presence or absence of the P-gp inhibitor cyclosporine A (10 μM) and the more potent and specific P-gp inhibitor valspodar (5 μM). Analytical quantification was performed by LC/MS. With an efflux ratio of 1.7 and a significant decrease in the efflux (Papp B-A), in the presence of P-gp inhibitors at a concentration of 50 μM, acenocoumarol can be considered as a weak P-gp substrate. Concerning phenprocoumon, the results suggest that this molecule is a poor P-gp substrate. The P-gp inhibitors did not affect significantly the transport of warfarin. The efflux of rivaroxaban was strongly inhibited by the two P-gp inhibitors. In conclusion, none of the three VKAs tested are strong P-gp substrates. However, acenocoumarol can be considered as a weak P-gp substrate and phenprocoumon as a poor P-gp substrate.


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Influenza vaccines are recommended for administration by the intramuscular route. However, many physicians use the subcutaneous route for patients receiving an oral anticoagulant because this route is thought to induce fewer hemorrhagic side effects. Our aim is to assess the safety of intramuscular administration of influenza vaccine in patients on oral anticoagulation therapy. Methods: Design: Randomised, controlled, single blinded, multi-centre clinical trial. Setting: 4 primary care practices in Barcelona, Spain. Participants: 229 patients on oral anticoagulation therapy eligible for influenza vaccine during the 20032004 season. Interventions: intramuscular administration of influença vaccine in the experimental group (129 patients) compared to subcutaneous administration in the control group (100 patients). Primary outcome: change in the circumference of the arm at the site of injection at 24 hours. Secondary outcomes: appearance of local reactions and pain at 24 hours and at 10 days; change in INR (International Normalized Ratio) at 24 hours and at 10 days. Analysis was by intention to treat using the 95% confidence intervals of the proportions or mean differences. Results: Baseline variables in the two groups were similar. No major side effects or major haemorrhage during the follow-up period were reported. No significant differences were observed in the primary outcome between the two groups. The appearance of local adverse reactions was more frequent in the subcutaneous administration group (37,4% vs. 17,4%, 95% confidence interval of the difference 8,2% to 31,8%). Conclusion: This study shows that the intramuscular administration route of influenza vaccine in patients on anticoagulant therapy does not have more side effects than the subcutaneous administration route


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Scénario: Une patiente de 45 ans vous consulte car sa jambe droite est bleue, cyanosée, avec une tension dans le mollet depuis cinq jours, qui s'est étendue progressivement jusqu'au haut de la cuisse. La circonférence du mollet droit est 4 cm plus grande que celle du mollet gauche. La patiente est en surpoids (IMC à 35 kg/m2) et suit depuis quelques années un traitement oestro-progestatif. Elle n'a pas d'anamnèse familiale ou d'antécédent de maladie thromboembolique. Un ultrason montre une thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) avec un thrombus s'étendant de la veine poplitée à la veine iliaque externe. Question: La patiente pourrait-elle bénéficier d'une thrombolyse? Contexte: Les complications de la TVP comprennent l'embolie pulmonaire et le syndrome post-thrombotique. Un syndrome post-thrombotique léger à modéré peut survenir chez 30-50% des patients malgré un traitement anticoagulant, qui prévient principalement l'embolie pulmonaire et la récidive de TVP. Cette mise à jour de revue systématique compare l'efficacité du traitement anticoagulant à celui combinant les anticoagulants et la thrombolyse (par streptokinase, urokinase ou activateur tissulaire du plasminogène).


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The best time for administering anticoagulation therapy in acute cardioembolic stroke remains unclear. This prospective cohort study of patients with acute stroke and atrial fibrillation, evaluated (1) the risk of recurrent ischemic event and severe bleeding; (2) the risk factors for recurrence and bleeding; and (3) the risks of recurrence and bleeding associated with anticoagulant therapy and its starting time after the acute stroke. METHODS: The primary outcome of this multicenter study was the composite of stroke, transient ischemic attack, symptomatic systemic embolism, symptomatic cerebral bleeding and major extracranial bleeding within 90 days from acute stroke. RESULTS: Of the 1029 patients enrolled, 123 had 128 events (12.6%): 77 (7.6%) ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack or systemic embolism, 37 (3.6%) symptomatic cerebral bleeding, and 14 (1.4%) major extracranial bleeding. At 90 days, 50% of the patients were either deceased or disabled (modified Rankin score ≥3), and 10.9% were deceased. High CHA2DS2-VASc score, high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, large ischemic lesion and type of anticoagulant were predictive factors for primary study outcome. At adjusted Cox regression analysis, initiating anticoagulants 4 to 14 days from stroke onset was associated with a significant reduction in primary study outcome, compared with initiating treatment before 4 or after 14 days: hazard ratio 0.53 (95% confidence interval 0.30-0.93). About 7% of the patients treated with oral anticoagulants alone had an outcome event compared with 16.8% and 12.3% of the patients treated with low molecular weight heparins alone or followed by oral anticoagulants, respectively (P=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Acute stroke in atrial fibrillation patients is associated with high rates of ischemic recurrence and major bleeding at 90 days. This study has observed that high CHA2DS2-VASc score, high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, large ischemic lesions, and type of anticoagulant administered each independently led to a greater risk of recurrence and bleedings. Also, data showed that the best time for initiating anticoagulation treatment for secondary stroke prevention is 4 to 14 days from stroke onset. Moreover, patients treated with oral anticoagulants alone had better outcomes compared with patients treated with low molecular weight heparins alone or before oral anticoagulants.


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AIMS: The aims of the study are to compare the outcome with and without major bleeding and to identify the independent correlates of major bleeding complications and mortality in patients described in the ATOLL study. METHODS: The ATOLL study included 910 patients randomly assigned to either 0.5 mg/kg intravenous enoxaparin or unfractionated heparin before primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Incidence of major bleeding and ischemic end points was assessed at 1 month, and mortality, at 1 and 6 months. Patients with and without major bleeding complication were compared. A multivariate model of bleeding complications at 1 month and mortality at 6 months was realized. Intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed. RESULTS: The most frequent bleeding site appears to be the gastrointestinal tract. Age >75 years, cardiac arrest, and the use of insulin or >1 heparin emerged as independent correlates of major bleeding at 1 month. Patients presenting with major bleeding had significantly higher rates of adverse ischemic complications. Mortality at 6 months was higher in bleeders. Major bleeding was found to be one of the independent correlates of 6-month mortality. The addition or mixing of several anticoagulant drugs was an independent factor of major bleeding despite the predominant use of radial access. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that major bleeding is independently associated with poor outcome, increasing ischemic events, and mortality in primary percutaneous coronary intervention performed mostly with radial access.


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Question clinique : Une patiente de 43 ans connue pour un lupus érythémateux disséminé et une néphropathie lupique stable et traitée par hydroxychloroquine et mycophénolate mofétil vous rapporte avoir eu contact il y a quatre jours avec un enfant atteint de la rougeole. Elle ne présente aucun symptôme et son dernier bilan vaccinal montre un taux d'anticorps contre la rougeole non protecteur. La patiente devrait-elle recevoir une immunisation active ou passive contre la rougeole? Contexte En Suisse : la couverture vaccinale contre la rougeole n'est pas assez importante pour empêcher sa diffusion. L'immunisation passive avec des immunoglobulines est destinée aux personnes non immunes exposées à la rougeole, recommandée en Suisse aux personnes à haut risque. Cette revue visait à évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité de l'injection intramusculaire ou de la perfusion intraveineuse d'immunoglobulines pour prévenir la rougeole chez les personnes susceptibles avant l'apparition des symptômes.


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OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly population. We evaluated the adequacy of prescribing (miss and under used) with respect to STOPP-START criteria. METHODS: A sample of 100 patients hospitalized in cardiovascular specialty divisions (medicine or surgery) or in the different sectors making up the geriatric network (day-care hospital, short or rehabilitation ward, nursing home) has been considered. Drug prescriptions at the admission time were analysed. RESULTS: Eight hundred and seventy-four prescriptions were analysed. In 65% of patients, from 5 to 10 medications were prescribed and in 28% over 10. Fifty-four percent of patients had, at least, one potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP) by STOPP. Among them, 48% of PIP prescriptions contained 1, 41% 2 and 11% 3 or more. The omission of one medication according to START criteria concerned 57% of the sample. Among them, 46% had one omission, 44% 2 to 3 and 10% 4 omissions or over. The cardiovascular system is the one most concerned by the PIP. Whether 28.1% of the PIP by STOPP criteria concerned cardiovascular drugs, the omission of prescription, according to START criteria, was 41.8%. There was no significant difference between the different settings studied. There was no effect of age or sex on the impact of PIP (P>0.20) or being polymédiqué (P=0.44). According to the criteria STOPP-A, the prescription of antiplatelet (indication and dose) was highlighted. Prescribing omission also concerned antiplatelet agents but also statins in patients with atherosclerosis as well as antiplatelet and anticoagulant in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) after myocardial infarction or with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: Potentially inappropriate prescribing medications were very common in elderly patients with cardiovascular conditions. They concerned as much as underusing of important drugs with potential benefits and prescribing commission of treatment that did not fit with patients' comorbidities and/or characteristics.


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The year 2014 was rich in significant advances in all areas of internal medicine. Many of them have an impact on our daily practice and on the way we manage one problem or another. From the use of the ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumonia to the choice of the site of venous access and the type of line, and the increasing complexity of choosing an oral anticoagulant agent, this selection offers to the readers a brief overview of the major advances. The chief residents in the Service of internal medicine of the Lausanne University hospital are pleased to share their readings.


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INTRODUCTION: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) carries a considerable risk of recurrence and anticoagulants should be administered for a minimum of three months. Since little is known about real life management of VTE, we aimed to describe current practice in the secondary prevention of VTE. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the database of an international, prospective registry on patients treated for VTE, RIETE, information was collected on risk factors for VTE and bleeding, anticoagulant treatment, and clinical outcomes during follow up. Multivariate analysis using logistic regression was performed to identify predictors of treatment duration. RESULTS: Of 6944 patients with a first episode of VTE 41.1% had unprovoked VTE, 31.8% had transient risk factors, 27.1% had cancer. After the exclusion of patients who died during the first year of observation, the rate of patients treated for >12 months was 55.1%, 41.9%, and 43.2%, respectively (p<0.001). Pulmonary embolism at presentation, recurrence while on treatment, chronic heart failure and age >65 years were independently associated with treatment for >12 months. Body weight <75 kg, anemia, cancer, and the presence of transient risk factors were associated with treatment for 12 months or less. Major bleeding occurred more frequently than recurrent VTE in patients with VTE secondary to transient risk factors and cancer; fatal bleeding was more frequent than fatal recurrent PE in all subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: We observed heterogeneous duration of anticoagulant treatment for the secondary prevention of VTE. A substantial proportion of patients, in particular those with VTE secondary to transient risk factors, may be exposed to a possibly unnecessary risk of bleeding.


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A prospective study of IgG and IgM isotypes of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) in a series of 100 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus was carried out. To determine the normal range of both isotype titres a group of 100 normal control serum samples was studied and a log-normal distribution of IgG and IgM isotypes was found. The IgG anticardiolipin antibody serum was regarded as positive if a binding index greater than 2.85 (SD 3.77) was detected and a binding index greater than 4.07 (3.90) was defined as positive for IgM anticardiolipin antibody. Twenty four patients were positive for IgG aCL, 20 for IgM aCL, and 36 for IgG or IgM aCL, or both. IgG aCL were found to have a significant association with thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, and IgM aCL with haemolytic anaemia and neutropenia. Specificity and predictive value for these clinical manifestations increased at moderate and high anticardiolipin antibody titres. In addition, a significant association was found between aCL and the presence of lupus anticoagulant. Identification of these differences in the anticardiolipin antibody isotype associations may improve the clinical usefulness of these tests, and this study confirms the good specificity and predictive value of the anticardiolipin antibody titre for these clinical manifestations.


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Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for the largest number of deaths among humans worldwide, including heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis. The treatment of thrombosis is generally through the administration of anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet drugs, which have some clinical limitations. Plants synthesize a wide variety of bioactive metabolites in response to different stimuli. This review focuses on a number of molecules of vegetal origin belonging to different chemical classes, with significant anticoagulant and antiplatelet effects. Their promising antithrombotic profile confirms the potential of natural products as a source of lead molecules for drug development in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis.


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This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different conditions of collection, transport and storage on the quality of blood samples from normal individuals in terms of the activity of the enzymes ß-glucuronidase, total hexosaminidase, hexosaminidase A, arylsulfatase A and ß-galactosidase. The enzyme activities were not affected by the different materials used for collection (plastic syringes or vacuum glass tubes). In the evaluation of different heparin concentrations (10% heparin, 5% heparin, and heparinized syringe) in the syringes, it was observed that higher doses resulted in an increase of at least 1-fold in the activities of ß-galactosidase, total hexosaminidase and hexosaminidase A in leukocytes, and ß-glucuronidase in plasma. When the effects of time and means of transportation were studied, samples that had been kept at room temperature showed higher deterioration with time (72 and 96 h) before processing, and in this case it was impossible to isolate leukocytes from most samples. Comparison of heparin and acid citrate-dextrose (ACD) as anticoagulants revealed that ß-glucuronidase and hexosaminidase activities in plasma reached levels near the lower normal limits when ACD was used. In conclusion, we observed that heparin should be used as the preferable anticoagulant when measuring these lysosomal enzyme activities, and we recommend that, when transport time is more than 24 h, samples should be shipped by air in a styrofoam box containing wet ice.


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Metastasis is a multistep cascade initiated when malignant cells penetrate the tissue surrounding the primary tumor and enter the bloodstream. Classic studies indicated that blood platelets form complexes around tumor cells in the circulation and facilitate metastases. In other work, the anticoagulant drug heparin diminished metastasis in murine models, as well is in preliminary human studies. However, attempts to follow up the latter observation using vitamin K antagonists failed, indicating that the primary mechanism of heparin action was unrelated to its anticoagulant properties. Other studies showed that the overexpression of sialylated fucosylated glycans in human carcinomas is associated with a poor prognosis. We have now brought all these observations together into one mechanistic explanation, which has therapeutic implications. Carcinoma cells expressing sialylated fucosylated mucins can interact with platelets, leukocytes and endothelium via the selectin family of cell adhesion molecules. The initial organ colonization of intravenously injected carcinoma cells is attenuated in P-selectin-deficient mice, in mice receiving tumor cells pretreated with O-sialoglycoprotease (to selectively remove mucins from cell surfaces), or in mice receiving a single dose of heparin prior to tumor cell injection. In each case, we found that formation of a platelet coating on cancer cells was impeded, allowing increased access of leukocytes to the tumor cells. Several weeks later, all animals showed a decrease in the extent of established metastasis, indicating a long-lasting effect of the short-term intervention. The absence of obvious synergism amongst the three treatments suggests that they all act via a common pathway. Thus, a major mechanism of heparin action in cancer may be inhibition of P-selectin-mediated platelet coating of tumor cells during the initial phase of the metastatic process. We therefore suggest that heparin use in cancer be re-explored, specifically during the time interval between initial visualization of a primary tumor until just after definitive surgical removal.


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The venom of Lonomia obliqua caterpillar may induce a hemorrhagic syndrome in humans, and blood incoagulability by afibrinogenemia when intravenously injected in laboratory animals. The possible antithrombotic and thrombolytic activities of L. obliqua caterpillar bristle extract (LOCBE) were evaluated in this study. The minimal intravenous dose of the extract necessary to induce afibrinogenemia and anticoagulation was 3.0 and 10.0 µg protein/kg body weight for rabbits and rats, respectively. In rabbits, this dose induced total blood incoagulability for at least 10 h and did not reduce the weight of preformed venous thrombi, in contrast to streptokinase (30,000 IU/kg). In rats, pretreatment with 5.0 and 10.0 µg/kg LOCBE prevented the formation of thrombi induced by venous stasis or by injury to the venous endothelium. The dose of 5.0 µg/kg LOCBE did not modify blood coagulation assay parameters but increased bleeding time and decreased plasma factor XIII concentration. When the extract was administered to rats at the dose of 10.0 µg/kg, the blood was totally incoagulable for 6 h. These data show that LOCBE was effective in preventing experimental venous thrombosis in rats, justifying further studies using purified fractions of the extract to clarify the mechanisms of this effect.