980 resultados para anterior commissure


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Donada la manca de consens davant el tractament de la uveítis crònica anterior (UCA) associada a la artritis idiopàtica juvenil (AIJ), aquest treball té com a objectiu valorar la possible eficàcia de la leflunomida (LFN) en aquesta malaltia. Per a això es va valorar la resposta al tractament de forma retrospectiva de 13 pacients amb UCA associada a AIJ de la cohort de 417 pacients de l'Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen que la LFN pot ser una alternativa vàlida en pacients amb AIJ no només com a tractament de l'afectació articular sinó també de l'afectació ocular.


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Purpose: Extension of retinoblastoma cells anterior to the vitreous surface is a criteria used to categorize retinoblastomas in Group E. In some cases, the assessment of anterior chamber invasion is readily visible by slit lamp examination, but in other cases, invasion of the posterior chamber is clinically difficult to determinate. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) allows high-resolution images of the anterior segment and structures normally hidden from clinical visualization such as ciliary body, zonule or posterior chamber. This prompted us to evaluate the value of UBM in the assessment of posterior and anterior chamber involvement in patients with peripheral extending retinoblastomas. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all retinoblastoma cases that underwent enucleation in our institution from 1.1996 till 12.2009 in which UBM ( 35-MHz or 50-MHz) evaluation was available. The UBM results were compared with the histopathological data. Results: From 1.1996 till 12.2009, 146 enucleations were performed in our institution. UBM information was available in 18 cases. There were 8 males and 10 females. The mean age was 4 years old. UBM allowed correct assessement of posterior chamber invasion in 15 cases (13 cases with retinoblastoma in the posterior chamber and 2 cases without retinoblastoma in the posterior chamber). There was a significant correlation between the presence of retinoblastoma cells in the posterior chamber detected by UBM and the histopathological confirmation of posterior chamber involvement (p=0,0008). The sensitivity of UBM in the assessment of posterior chamber invasion by retinoblastoma was 81% and the specificity 100%. UBM allowed correct assessment of anterior chamber invasion in 13 cases. The sensitivity of UBM for this purpose was 50% and the specificity 60 %. Conclusions: In selected cases of advanced retinoblastoma, UBM appears to represent a valuable tool in the evaluation of the precise extension of the disease. Although our series encompasses only a limited number of cases, the sensitivity and specificity of UBM in the assessment of retinoblastoma anterior extension is interesting. Further prospective multi-centered clinical studies would be necessary to better delineate the utility of this method in the precise categorization of retinoblastoma anterior extension


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Retinoids are effective and widely prescribed in the treatment of severe acne. However their use can be associated with numerous side effects. Some rare cases of premature epiphyseal closure were reported. We present the case of a sixteen-year-old soccer player referred for progressive anterior pain in both knees, evoking a patellar problem. Careful pharmacological questioning revealed use of isotretinoin for several months. MRI findings showed an irregularity of the growth plate and an important metaphyso-epiphyseal oedema, more noticeable in the left knee. Retinoid-induced premature epiphyseal closure was diagnosed. The treatment was stopped, with a resolution of pain within two months. After recovery a persisting small sequelar thumbprint-like growth plate lesion was observed on the control MRI. Retinoids induce an invasion of the growth plate by osteoclasts and a decrease in proteoglycans synthesis. It seems that the knee is the most affected joint. This complication being rare, a radiological follow-up of the young patients treated by retinoids is not proposed.


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PURPOSE: to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of low dose intraocular tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) in the treatment of traumatic hyphema and postoperative fibrinous membrane. METHODS: Six microg to 10 microg of rt-PA was injected into the anterior chamber to treat severe fibrinous postoperative membranes and total traumatic hyphemae. RESULTS: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients were treated. Four cases of traumatic hyphema and 9 cases of fibrinous membranes were included. Complete fibrinolysis within 24 hours was observed in 4 cases (30.8%). A partial success was noted in 7 eyes (53.8%). No beneficial effect was observed in two cases of traumatic hyphema associated with intravitreal hemorrhage after penetrating trauma. No side effect attributable to rt-PA occurred. CONCLUSION: Low dose intraocular rt-PA appears to be safe and effective in the treatment of postoperative fibrinous membrane and endocular hemorrhage limited to the anterior chamber.


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BACKGROUND: There have been anecdotal reports of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (AION) occurring in eyes with optic disc drusen (ODD), but the clinical features of this condition have not been well characterized. OBJECTIVES: To better describe the clinical features of AION associated with ODD and to compare the clinical features of this condition with those of "garden variety" nonarteritic AION. METHODS: We reviewed the medical records of 20 patients who experienced an episode of AION in an eye with ODD. In 4 patients, both eyes were affected; thus, 24 eyes were studied. The diagnosis of ODD was made by ophthalmoscopic identification, orbital ultrasonography, or computed tomographic scanning. We recorded age, sex, vascular risk factors, symptoms, visual acuity, visual fields, and results of the follow-up examination in all patients. These findings were compared with data from previously reported series of patients with nonarteritic AION. RESULTS: Our 20 patients included 14 men and 6 women (age range, 18-69 years; mean, 49.4 years). Vascular risk factors were identified in 10 patients (50%). Three patients reported episodes of transient visual loss before their fixed deficit. The visual acuity at the initial examination was 20/60 or better in 15 (62%) of the 24 eyes; 8 had a visual acuity of 20/20. The predominant pattern of visual field loss was an altitudinal or arcuate defect in 19 (79%) and a centrocecal scotoma in 5 (21%) of the 24 eyes. There was subjective worsening of vision before the initial neuro-ophthalmic examination in 11 eyes (46%) and objective documentation of progression in 7 eyes (29%). The final visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 13 (62%) of 21 eyes and 20/200 or worse in 3 (14%) of 21 eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Our patients were strikingly similar to those with nonarteritic AION unassociated with drusen in regard to prevalence of vascular risk factors, pattern of visual field loss, and occurrence of a subsequent similar event in the fellow eye. In contrast, however, patients with ODD-AION were younger than those with nonarteritic AION, were more likely to report preceding episodes of transient visual obscuration, and enjoyed a more favorable visual outcome.


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Purpose: Elevated IOP is commonly associated with iris and ciliary body melanoma. Traditional management requires the majority of eyes to undergo enucleation. The authors describe the first series of Baerveldt aqueous shunts in eyes with uveal melanoma, treated by total anterior segment irradiation.Methods: 25 consecutive patients with unilateral iris melanoma were prospectively recruited after obtaining informed consent. All patients underwent anterior segment proton beam irradiation, corneal limbal autografts and Baerveldt tube implantation at Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne. Postoperative examinations were performed on day 1, weeks 1,3,6,9 and months 3,6,12 and annually thereafter. Success was defined as: IOP </=18mmHg (definition A); IOP </= 21mmHg and 20% reduction in IOP (definition B). All complications were recorded.Results: Mean age was 53; mean follow up, 10.3 months; mean interval to treatment following irradiation, 2.4 years; mean pre-op IOP was 29.9 mmHg; mean post-op IOP 14.1 mmHg; mean pre-op medications 3.0; post-op medications 1.3. Success rates were, definition A: 95%; definition B: 90%. Only11% had minor complications and there were no sight-threatening complications. Aggressive ocular hypertension was observed in the several eyes prior to shunt implantation. Two eyes were enucleated for non-glaucoma related sequelae.Conclusions: Baerveldt aqueous shunts are safe and efficacious following total anterior segment irradiation for uveal melanoma. The novel interdisciplinary approach improved ocular retention rates, offering a promising alternative to current management algorithms.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this work was to characterize the expression of drug and nutrient carriers along the anterior-posterior and crypt-villus axes of the intestinal epithelium and to study the validity of utilizing whole gut tissue rather than purified epithelial cells to examine regional variations in gene expression. RESULTS: We have characterized the mRNA expression profiles of 76 % of all currently known transporters along the anterior-posterior axis of the gut. This is the first study to describe the expression profiles of the majority of all known transporters in the intestine. The expression profiles of transporters, as defined according to the Gene Ontology consortium, were measured in whole tissue of the murine duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon using high-density microarrays. For nine transporters (Abca1, Abcc1, Abcc3, Abcg8, Slc10a2, Slc28a2, Slc2a1, Slc34a2 and Slc5a8), the mRNA profiles were further measured by RT-PCR in laser micro-dissected crypt and villus epithelial cells corresponding to the aforementioned intestinal regions. With respect to differentially regulated transporters, the colon had a distinct expression profile from small intestinal segments. The majority (59 % for p cutoff < or = 0.05) of transporter mRNA levels were constant across the intestinal sections studied. For the transporter subclass "carrier activity", which contains the majority of known carriers for biologically active compounds, a significant change (p < or = 0.05) along the anterior-posterior axis was observed. CONCLUSION: All nine transporters examined in laser-dissected material demonstrated good replication of the region-specific profiles revealed by microarray. Furthermore, we suggest that the distribution characteristics of Slc5a8 along the intestinal tract render it a suitable candidate carrier for monocarboxylate drugs in the posterior portion of the intestine. Our findings also predict that there is a significant difference in the absorption of carrier-mediated compounds in the different intestinal segments. The most pronounced differences can be expected between the adjoining segments ileum and colon, but the differences between the other adjoining segments are not negligible. Finally, for the examined genes, profiles measured in whole intestinal tissue extracts are representative of epithelial cell-only gene expression.


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The ciliary body and iris are pigmented epithelial structures in the anterior eye segment that function to maintain correct intra-ocular pressure and regulate exposure of the internal eye structures to light, respectively. The cellular and molecular factors that mediate the development of the ciliary body and iris from the ocular pigmented epithelium remain to be fully elucidated. Here, we have investigated the role of Notch signaling during the development of the anterior pigmented epithelium by using genetic loss- and gain-of-function approaches. Loss of canonical Notch signaling results in normal iris development but absence of the ciliary body. This causes progressive hypotony and over time leads to phthisis bulbi, a condition characterized by shrinkage of the eye and loss of structure/function. Conversely, Notch gain-of-function results in aniridia and profound ciliary body hyperplasia, which causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like disease. Collectively, these data indicate that Notch signaling promotes ciliary body development at the expense of iris formation and reveals novel animal models of human ocular pathologies.


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Closed rupture of the tibialis anterior tendon is a rare injury, and it usually affects individuals older than 50 years of age. This rare injury tends to occur spontaneously, and this often delays diagnosis and adequate treatment. Although direct surgical repair of the ruptured tibialis anterior tendon is generally considered the treatment of choice, nonanatomic repair, tendon lengthening, or tendon transfer might be necessary in cases where shortening of the muscle-tendon unit has taken place. In this report, we describe 2 cases that involved the surgical repair of closed ruptures of the tibialis anterior tendon. In the first case, direct repair was undertaken at approximately 6 months after the onset of symptoms, and in the second case repair of the tibialis anterior tendon required augmentation tenodesis with the extensor retinaculum. Level of Clinical Evidence: 4.


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BACKGROUND: Extension of retinoblastoma cells into the posterior chamber is a criterion for group E according to the international classification of intraocular retinoblastoma. Currently, the anterior extension of retinoblastoma is based on the presence of tumour cells in the anterior chamber assessed by biomicroscopy. AIM: To determine the value of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) in the assessment of posterior chamber involvement in advanced retinoblastoma. METHODS: Retrospective review of all retinoblastoma cases enucleated at the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital from January 1996 to December 2009 for which UBM (35 MHz) evaluation was available. The patients' records were reviewed for patient and tumour features and histopathological findings. UBM findings were compared with histopathological features. RESULTS: UBM documentation was available in 31 cases. Retinoblastoma was detected by UBM in the posterior chamber in 18 cases and was absent in 13 cases while histopathological analysis demonstrated its presence in the posterior chamber in 22 cases and its absence in 9 cases. Among the 18 UBM-positive cases, 7 had biomicroscopic detectable involvement of the anterior chamber. There was a significant correlation between echodensities consistent with retinoblastoma on UBM in the posterior chamber and histopathological tumorous involvement of the posterior chamber (p=0.0001). The sensitivity of UBM in the assessment of posterior chamber invasion by retinoblastoma was 81% and the specificity was 100%. CONCLUSION: In selected cases of advanced retinoblastoma, UBM appears to represent a valuable tool in the precise evaluation of anterior extension of disease, with good sensitivity and specificity for the assessment of posterior chamber involvement. UBM may provide useful criteria governing the indication for enucleation.


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OBJECTIVE To better define the concordance of visual loss in patients with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). METHODS The medical records of 86 patients with bilateral sequential NAION were reviewed retrospectively, and visual function was assessed using visual acuity, Goldmann visual fields, color vision, and relative afferent papillary defect. A quantitative total visual field score and score per quadrant were analyzed for each eye using the numerical Goldmann visual field scoring method. RESULTS Outcome measures were visual acuity, visual field, color vision, and relative afferent papillary defect. A statistically significant correlation was found between fellow eyes for multiple parameters, including logMAR visual acuity (P = .01), global visual field (P < .001), superior visual field (P < .001), and inferior visual field (P < .001). The mean deviation of total (P < .001) and pattern (P < .001) deviation analyses was significantly less between fellow eyes than between first and second eyes of different patients. CONCLUSIONS Visual function between fellow eyes showed a fair to moderate correlation that was statistically significant. The pattern of vision loss was also more similar in fellow eyes than between eyes of different patients. These results may help allow better prediction of visual outcome for the second eye in patients with NAION.


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OBJECTIVE Endogenous uveitis is a major cause of visual loss mediated by the immune system. The protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene encodes a lymphoid-specific phosphatase that plays a key role in T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling. Two independent functional missense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located within the PTPN22 gene (R263Q and R620W) have been associated with different autoimmune disorders. We aimed to analyze for the first time the influence of these PTPN22 genetic variants on endogenous non-anterior uveitis susceptibility. METHODS We performed a case-control study of 217 patients with endogenous non-anterior uveitis and 718 healthy controls from a Spanish population. The PTPN22 polymorphisms (rs33996649 and rs2476601) were genotyped using TaqMan allelic discrimination assays. The allele, genotype, carriers, and allelic combination frequencies were compared between cases and controls with χ(2) analysis or Fisher's exact test. RESULTS Our results showed no influence of the studied SNPs in the global susceptibility analysis (rs33996649: allelic P- value=0.92, odds ratio=0.97, 95% confidence interval=0.54-1.75; rs2476601: allelic P- value=0.86, odds ratio=1.04, 95% confidence interval=0.68-1.59). Similarly, the allelic combination analysis did not provide additional information. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that the studied polymorphisms of the PTPN22 gene do not play an important role in the pathophysiology of endogenous non-anterior uveitis.


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Today, reconstructive arthroscopic knee surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament is a widely used technique. In addition to the usual complications of arthroscopic techniques, the extraction of the piece must be taken into consideration, with vascular complications being the rarest and most serious of them all. We present the case of a patient who suffered an arterial pseudoaneurysm during this procedure. The management and treatment are discussed and the current bibliography reviewed.


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OBJECTIVE: STAT4 and IL23R loci represent common susceptibility genetic factors in autoimmunity. We decided to investigate for the first time the possible role of different STAT4/IL23R autoimmune disease-associated polymorphisms on the susceptibility to develop non-anterior uveitis and its main clinical phenotypes. METHODS Four functional polymorphisms (rs3821236, rs7574865, rs7574070, and rs897200) located within STAT4 gene as well as three independent polymorphisms (rs7517847, rs11209026, and rs1495965) located within IL23R were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination in a total of 206 patients with non-anterior uveitis and 1553 healthy controls from Spain. RESULTS No statistically significant differences were found when allele and genotype distributions were compared between non-anterior uveitis patients and controls for any STAT4 (rs3821236: P=0.39, OR=1.12, CI 95%=0.87-1.43; rs7574865: P=0.59 OR=1.07, CI 95%=0.84-1.37; rs7574070: P=0.26, OR=0.89, CI 95%=0.72-1.10; rs897200: P=0.22, OR=0.88, CI 95%=0.71-1.08;) or IL23R polymorphisms (rs7517847: P=0.49, OR=1.08, CI 95%=0.87-1.33; rs11209026: P=0.26, OR=0.78, CI 95%=0.51-1.21; rs1495965: P=0.51, OR=0.93, CI 95%=0.76-1.15). CONCLUSION Our results do not support a relevant role, similar to that described for other autoimmune diseases, of IL23R and STAT4 polymorphisms in the non-anterior uveitis genetic predisposition. Further studies are needed to discard a possible weak effect of the studied variant.


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OBJECTIVE Interferon (IFN) signaling plays a crucial role in autoimmunity. Genetic variation in interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a major regulator of the type I interferon induction, has been associated with risk of developing several autoimmune diseases. In the current study we aimed to evaluate whether three sets of correlated IRF5 genetic variants, independently associated with SLE and with different functional roles, are involved in uveitis susceptibility and its clinical subphenotypes. METHODS Three IRF5 polymorphisms, rs2004640, rs2070197 and rs10954213, representative of each group, were genotyped using TaqMan® allelic discrimination assays in a total of 263 non-anterior uveitis patients and 724 healthy controls of Spanish origin. RESULTS A clear association between two of the three analyzed genetic variants, rs2004640 and rs10954213, and the absence of macular edema was observed in the case/control analysis (P FDR =5.07E-03, OR=1.48, CI 95%=1.14-1.92 and P FDR =3.37E-03, OR=1.54, CI 95%=1.19-2.01, respectively). Consistently, the subphenotype analysis accordingly with the presence/absence of this clinical condition also reached statistical significance (rs2004640: P=0.037, OR=0.69, CI 95%=0.48-0.98; rs10954213: P=0.030, OR=0.67, CI 95%=0.47-0.96), thus suggesting that both IRF5 genetic variants are specifically associated with the lack of macular edema in uveitis patients. CONCLUSION Our results clearly showed for the first time that two functional genetic variants of IRF5 may play a role in the development of macular edema in non-anterior uveitis patients. Identifying genetic markers for macular edema could lead to the possibility of developing novel treatments or preventive therapies.