214 resultados para anaemia
OBJECTIVES: This paper was meant to analyse distribution of HbS carriers in Brazil, comprising its regional prevalence and the relationship with racial settlement and age groups. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 67,667 blood samples from 48 Brazilian towns were analysed from 1976 to 1988. Such samples were classified as Caucasoid and Negroid. The diagnosis was defined by means of qualitative electrophoresis in alkaline and acid pH, quantification of haemoglobin fractions, cytological studies and some cases were confirmed after examination of the parents. RESULTS: The study of those 67,667 samples allowed us to detect 1,492 HbS carriers (2.2%). That frequency is higher among Negroids (5.16%) than among Caucasoids (1.22%): Z = 22.1397 (Zcritical; 0.05 = 1.9600). Taking the HbS carrier distribution into consideration, we noticed that it is relatively homogeneous among Negroids and higher than 5% in 9 out of the 16 areas involved in the study. By classifying the age group of the areas in the general sample and by comparing the proportions, we found out that there are significant differences (chi 2 = 50.88; chi 2 critical; 0.05; 5 gl = 11.070). CONCLUSIONS: Sickle-cell anaemia diseases play an important role among the pathologies found in several countries, including Brazil. This paper shows that the carriers prevalence varies in the several areas under study and is higher among Negroids in almost all of them. The decreasing frequency occurring from North to South in the general samples and among Caucasoids may be assigned to the contribution of the Negroes in the interracial crossing, particularly in the Northeast.
Dapsone (DDS) is useful in the treatment of a number of inflammatory conditions which are characterized by neutrophil infiltration. It is the drug of choice for the treatment of leprosy and prophylaxis of malaria. Haematological side effects of methaemoglobinaemia and haemolysis have been long recognized. However, the frequency and severity of these side effects in patients already treated with DDS as a single drug or as part of a multidrug therapy (MDT) have not been well documented. We report herein an investigation of the effect of dapsone long-term treatment on the haematological and biochemical alterations in leprosy patients undergoing dapsone as a single drug (DDS group) or as part of a multidrug therapy in combination with rifampin and clofazimine (MDT group). Methaemoglobinaemia and haemolytic anaemia were the principal side effects observed. Reticulocytes were found to be elevated (> 1.5%) in 90% of the patients. Heinz bodies were also detected (6.6% of the patients). The osmotic fragility test showed a reduction in cell resistance and in the evaluation of white cells a severe eosinophilia was found. Hepatic, pancreatic and renal evaluation by the determination of biochemical parameters showed rare and occasional changes of no apparent clinical significance. We conclude that haematological side effects of dapsone are significant even at doses currently used to treat leprosy (100 mg/day) and that rifampin and clofazimine do not increase the incidence of these effects during long-term treatment.
Erythrocytes and environmental interferences on sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell anaemia runs na extremely variable clinical course At one end of spectrum, it is characterized by a crippling haemolitic anaemia, interspersed with severe exacerbations, or crises, yet it may be an extremely mild disorder, which is found only by chance on rotine haematological examination. The reasons are only partly understood for these remarkable differences in phenotypic expression of what appears to be the same genetic defect: they include the level of Hb Fetal, coinheritance of the alpha thalassaemia and of other genetic variantsthat has influence as genetic modulation in sickle cell anaemia. However, other genetics abnormalities of erythrocytes: G-6PD deficiency, spherocytosis and deficiencies of anti-oxidant enzymes(SOD, GPx and Catalase) probably interfereon the clinical course of sickle cell anaemia. The haplotypes of the chromosome (Bantu, Benin, Camaroon and Arab-Indian) bearing the sickle gene is associated with assorted haematological and clinical features that are likely, at least in part, to be mediated throgh effects on Hb Fetal concentration. Beyond these factors characterizes as erythrocytes interferents, there are the environmental interferents. Between environmental interferents become detached the socio-economic and cultural situation of each patient. These aspects have influence on the life of affected individuals including social interactions, family relations, peer interaction, intimate relationships, education, enployment, violence, spiritual attitudes and navigating complexities of the health care system, providers and their ancillary functions. As a result of this article it is proposed a protocol of laboratorial management of sickle cell syndrome with detach to sickle cell anaemia.
This is a case report of a 27-year-old white woman, nuliparous, single, who presented a heavy menstrual flow with clots, dysmenorrhoea and anaemia. Gynaecological examination of the uterus revealed anteverted position, mobility, no pain, slight enlargement and right displacement. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis showed a 29-mm submucous fibroid with intramural component more than 50%, type 2, in the posterior wall, with a 5-mm distance from serosa. In office hysteroscopy, a 30-mm submucous fibroid with an intramural component with more than 50%, type 2, near around 5 mm from left tubal ostia, classified in STEP-W submucous fibroids classification as score 6, group II, was noted. GnRH analogue was indicated for 3 months before intervention to treat anaemia. The patient was submitted to hysteroscopic myomectomy with direct mobilisation technique, with the fibroid completely removed without complications in a surgery which lasted for 52 min and 20 s. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.
Aim: To determine the potential aetiological factors related to molar-incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) in Brazilian children. Methods: A total of 1,151 children aged 7-12 years (mean 8.86 ± 1.28), born and living in the urban area of Araraquara, Brazil, were examined by two examiners evaluating the presence of MIH according to criteria suggested by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (2003). Their mothers completed a structured questionnaire about medical history, from pregnancy to the first 3 years of the children's life. Descriptive analyses of data and odds ratios (OR) with 95 % test-based confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the differences between groups. Results: The prevalence of MIH in the children was 12.3 %. The interviewing response rate was 90.4 %. The prevalence of miscarriage history (25 vs. 15.4 %; OR = 1.21; 95 % CI 0.30-4.92) and occurrence of anaemia (23 vs. 12.4 %; OR = 2.07; 95 % CI 0.50-8.63) were higher in mothers from MIH group than those from non-MIH group. However, these associations were not statically significant. In the children's medical history, rhinitis, bronchitis (56.5 vs. 52.5 %; OR = 1.17; 95 % CI 0.82-1.68), and high fever (20.4 vs. 18.2 %; OR = 1.14; 0.73-1.76) were more prevalent in MIH group, but there were no significant differences between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: No possible aetiological factor investigated was associated with MIH. Prospective studies are needed to define the aetiological factors involved with MIH. © 2013 European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Microbiologia Aplicada) - IBRC
Arrabidaea chica (Humb. & Bonpl.) B. Verlt. é uma Bignoniaceae amplamente utilizada na medicina popular como anti-inflamatório e adstringente, e para várias doenças como cólicas intestinais, diarréias, anemias e enfermidades da pele. Devido as suas propriedades biológicas e a produção de corante a espécie passou a ser utilizada pela indústria cosmética. A utilização de produtos naturais de origem vegetal implica no controle de qualidade farmacobotânico e em ensaios de pureza que compõem as especificações técnicas da espécie. Para isso foi realizada a descrição anatômica das folhas jovens e maduras de A. chica a partir de observações realizadas ao microscópio óptico, a partir de cortes histológicos. As folhas são hipoestomáticas e dorsiventrais com mesofilo heterogêneo. No pecíolo, a epiderme é uniestratificada contendo tricomas e dotada de cutícula delgada. Os testes farmacopéicos incluíram a determinação da distribuição granulométrica do pó da planta, determinação do teor de umidade e de cinzas totais, além da abordagem fitoquímica da tintura, visando estabelecer parâmetros para seu controle de qualidade.
As crianças, assim como os adultos, são susceptíveis em adquirir malária, apresentando manifestações clínicas de intensidade variável na dependência do seu grau de imunidade e da espécie de plasmódio causadora da infecção. Com o objetivo de traçar o perfil epidemiológico, clínico e laboratorial da malária por P. vivax foram avaliadas 100 crianças entre 0 - 14 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico positivo para P. vivax (gota espessa), no Ambulatório do Programa de Malária do Instituto Evandro Chagas, Belém - Pará, no período de janeiro de 1995 a novembro de 1996. Em relação à faixa etária, os adolescentes foram os mais acometidos pela doença (37,0%). Os casos autóctones representaram 34,0% da casuística, evidenciando a presença do paludismo nos núcleos urbanos da Região Amazônica. A febre, em 88,0% das crianças se constituiu na principal manifestação clínica inicial da doença. No 1º dia de atendimento (D0), a febre, o calafrio e a cefaléia (tríade malárica) ocorreram respectivamente em 97,0%, 91,0% e 85,0%, enquanto que a hepatomegalia em 29,0% e a esplenomegalia em 46,0% das crianças. Entre palidez e anemia, avaliada pela taxa de hemoglobina, houve uma correlação significativa (p < 0,05), verificando-se que entre as crianças pálidas, 89,2% eram anêmicas. A hemólise parece ter sido a causa básica da anemia, tendo também contribuído para sua instalação o retardo no diagnóstico (média de 12,5 dias) e o parasitismo intestinal por ancilostomídeos. Neste estudo, a desnutrição parece não ter exercido qualquer influencia sobre a anemia. Com a terapêutica, observou-se um declínio tanto no percentual de crianças com tríade malárica como no percentual de crianças com parasitemia assexuada, sendo este declínio de maior intensidade na tríade malárica. Outros sinais e sintomas (palidez, astenia, artralgia, cefaléia, colúria) ocorreram por um período de tempo maior do que o da tríade malárica, em geral, persistindo até 14 dias. As complicações presentes durante ou imediatamente após o tratamento, em 5,0% das crianças, foram pneumonia, broncopneumonia, impetigo generalizado, gastroenterite e exantema de etiologia não definida. Em relação à metodologia empregada para avaliação da hepatoesplenomegalia, a ultrassonografia abdominal mostrou-se mais sensível do que a palpação abdominal. Com o tratamento instituído, as taxas de : hemoglobina, os reticulócitos e o volume corpuscular médio (VCM) tiveram um aumento significativo de D0 (primeiro dia de terapêutica) para D7 (oitavo dia de terapêutica). Entretanto, em relação à concentração da hemoglobina corpuscular média (CHCM) houve uma diminuição significativa nos valores encontrados em D7 quando comparados aos valores de D0, possilvemente às custas de uma menor oferta de ferro para a medula óssea.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
BackgroundRetinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a complex condition of the developing retinal blood vessels and is one of the leading causes of preventable childhood blindness. Several risk factors for ROP have been studied over the past 50 years. Among them, general immaturity (low birth weight and low gestational age) and prolonged oxygen therapy have been consistently related to disease onset. However, it is understood that the progression of the disease is multifactorial and may be associated with others risk factors, such as multiple gestation, apnoea, intracranial haemorrhage, anaemia, sepsis, prolonged mechanical ventilation, multiple transfusions and light exposure. Furthermore, the precise role of these individual factors in the development of the disease has not yet been well established.ObjectivesTo determine whether the reduction of early environmental light exposure reduces the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) or poor ROP outcomes among very low birth weight infants.Search methodsWe searched the following databases: the Cochrane Neonatal Group Specialised Register, CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library), MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, HealthSTAR, Science Citation Index Database, CANCERLIT, the Oxford Database of Perinatal Trials and www.clinicaltrials.gov. We also searched previous reviews including cross-references, abstracts, conference and symposia proceedings, and contacted expert informants. This search was updated in October 2012.Selection criteriaRandomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials that reduced light exposure to premature infants within the first seven days following birth were considered for this review. We also considered cluster-randomised controlled trials.Data collection and analysisData on clinical outcomes including any acute ROP and poor ROP outcome were extracted by both review authors independently and consensus reached. We conducted data analysis according to the standards of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group.Main resultsData from four randomised trials with a total of 897 participants failed to show any reduction in acute ROP or poor ROP outcome with the reduction of ambient light to premature infants' retinas. The overall methodological quality of the included studies was about evenly split between those in which the classification was unclear and those in which the studies were categorised as low risk of bias. There was no report on the secondary outcomes considered in this review: quality of life measures; and time of exposure to oxygen.Authors' conclusionsThe evidence shows that bright light is not the cause of retinopathy of prematurity and that the reduction of exposure of the retinas of premature infants to light has no effect on the incidence of the disease.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)