302 resultados para allergen


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Background Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacteria] lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. Lipopolysaccharides trigger immune responses through toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) that in turn activates two major signalling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. The LPS is a pro-Type 1 T helper cells (Th 1) adjuvant while aluminium hydroxide (alum) is a strong Type 2 T helper cells (Th2) adjuvant, but the effect of the mixing of both adjuvants on the development of lung allergy has not been investigated. Objective We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways, we used TLR4-, MyD88-, TRIF-, or IL-12/IFN-gamma-deficient mice. Methods Mice were sensitized with subcutaneous injections of ovalbumin (OVA) with or without TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed onto alum and challenged with intranasally with OVA. The development of allergic lung disease was evaluated 24 h after last OVA challenge. Results Sensitization with OVA plus LPS co-adsorbed onto alum impaired in dose-dependent manner OVA-induced Th2-mediated allergic responses such as airway eosinophilia, type-2 cytokines secretion, airway hyper-reactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, Th1 -affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. Lipopolysaccharides impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules and via the IL-12/IFN-gamma axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. Conclusion Toll-like receptor 4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto alum down-modulate allergic lung disease and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation.


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An aspartic endopeptidase was purified in our laboratory from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus eggs [Logullo, C., Vaz, I.S., Sorgine, M.H., Paiva-Silva, G.O., Faria, F.S., Zingali, R.B., De Lima, M.F., Abreu, L., Oliveira, E.F., Alves, E.W, Masuda, H., Gonzales, J.C., Masuda, A., and Oliveira, P.L., 1998. Isolation of an aspartic proteinase precursor from the egg of a hard tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Parasitology 116, 525-532]. Boophilus yolk cathepsin (BYC) was tested as component of a protective vaccine against the tick, inducing a significant immune response in cattle [da Silva, VI., Jr., Logullo, C., Sorgine, M., Velloso, F.F., Rosa de Lima, M.F., Gonzales, J.C., Masuda, H., Oliveira, P.L., and Masuda, A., 1998. Immunization of bovines with an aspartic proteinase precursor isolated from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus eggs. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 66,331-341]. In this work, BYC was cloned and its primary sequence showed high similarity with other aspartic endopeptidases. In spite of this similarity, BYC sequence shows many important differences in relation to other aspartic peptidases, the most important being the lack of the second catalytic Asp residue, considered to be essential for the catalysis of this class of endopeptidases. When we determined BYC cleavage specificity by LC-MS, we found out that it presents a preference for hydrophobic residues in P1 and P1` in accordance to most aspartic endopeptidases. Also, when analyzed by circular dicroism, BYC presented high beta sheet content, also a characteristic of aspartic endopeptidases. On the other hand, although both native and recombinant BYC are catalytically active, they present a very low specific activity, what seems to indicate that this peptidase will digest its natural substrate, vitellin, very slowly. We speculate that such a slow Vn degradative process might constitute an important strategy to preserve egg protein content to the hatching larvae. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mycobacterium bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has been shown to down-regulate experimental allergic asthma, a finding that reinforced the hygiene hypothesis. We have previously found that recombinant BCG (rBCG) strain that express the genetically detoxified Si subunit of pertussis toxin (rBCG-S1PT) exerts an adjuvant effect that enhances Th1 responses against BCG proteins. Here we investigated the effect of this rBCG-S1PT on the classical ovalbumin-induced mouse model of allergic lung disease. We found that rBCG-S1PT was more effective than wild-type BCG in preventing Th2-mediated allergic immune responses. The inhibition of allergic lung disease was not associated with increased concentration of suppressive cytokines or with an increased number of pulmonary regulatory T cells but was positively correlated with the increase in IFN-gamma-producing T cells and T-bet expression in the lung. In addition, an IL-12-dependent mechanism appeared to be important to the inhibition of lung allergic disease. The inhibition of allergic inflammation was found to be restricted to the lung because when allergen challenge was given by the intraperitoneal route, rBCG-S1PT administration failed to inhibit peritoneal allergic inflammation and type 2 cytokine production. Our work offers a nonclassical interpretation for the hygiene hypothesis indicating that attenuation of lung allergy by rBCG could be due to the enhancement of local lung Th1 immunity induced by rBCG-S1PT. Moreover, it highlights the possible use of rBCG strains as multipurpose immunomodulators by inducing specific immunity against microbial products while protecting against allergic asthma.


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A cDNA coding for a Tenebrio molitor midgut protein named peritrophic membrane ancillary protein (PMAP) was cloned and sequenced. The complete cDNA codes for a protein of 595 amino acids with six insect-allergen-related-repeats that may be grouped in A (predicted globular)- and B (predicted nonglobular)-types forming an ABABAB structure. The PMAP-cDNA was expressed in Pichia pastoris and the recombinant protein (64 kDa) was purified to homogeneity and used to raise antibodies in rabbits. The specific antibody detected PMAP peptides (22 kDa) in the anterior and middle midgut tissue, luminal contents, peritrophic membrane and feces. These peptides derive from PMAP, as supported by mass spectrometry, and resemble those formed by the in vitro action of trypsin on recombinant PMAP. Both in vitro and in vivo PMAP processing seem to occur by attack of trypsin to susceptible bonds in the coils predicted to link AB pairs, thus releasing the putative functional AB structures. The AB-domain structure of PMAP is found in homologous proteins from several insect orders, except lepidopterans that have the apparently derived protein known as nitrile-specifier protein. Immunocytolocalization shows that PMAP is secreted by exocytosis and becomes entrapped in the glycocalyx, before being released into midgut contents. Circumstantial evidence suggests that PMAP-like proteins have a role in peritrophic membrane type 2 formation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva kunskapens betydelse för personer med födoämnesallergi, samt när det gäller förebyggande av anafylaxi. Den metod som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie, där totalt tretton kvantitativa och två kvalitativa artiklar användes i resultatet. De databaser som användes var Pubmed, Elin@dalarna och CINAHL. Resultatet visade att beträffande kunskapens betydelse var majoriteten av de medicinska frågorna i en studie som besvarades via Internet frågor som berörde födoämnesallergi och allergiska reaktioner. Över hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att deras livskvalitet och hälsa påverkades och ovissheten och okunskapen om allergin påverkade deras livskvalitet negativt. Det visade sig även att endast en fjärdedel av läkarna gav detaljerad undervisning och information om hur viktigt det var med undvikande av allergen vid födoämnesallergi. Beträffande kunskapens betydelse vid förebyggande av anafylaxi visade flera studier att anafylaxi var vanligt förekommande hos vuxna och ungdomar med födoämnesallergi. Ungdomar hade otillräcklig kunskap om anafylaxi och hälften av ungdomarna uppgav att de ätit de födoämnen de var allergiska emot. Anvisningar och information om akuta födoämnesreaktioner var låg hos vuxna och tonåringar upplevde ett stort behov av undervisning, då de tog mer risker än vuxna.


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Background: It has been argued that a reduction in the Western diet of anti-inflammatory unsaturated lipids, such as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, has contributed to the increase in the frequency and severity of allergic diseases.

: We investigated whether feeding milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acids (VAs) ('enriched' milk fat), produced by supplementing the diet of pasture-fed cows with fish and sunflower oil, will prevent development of allergic airway responses.

Methods: C57BL/6 mice were fed a control diet containing soybean oil and diets supplemented with milk lipids. They were sensitized by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin (OVA) on days 14 and 28, and challenged intranasally with OVA on day 42. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung tissues and serum samples were collected 6 days after the intranasal challenge.

: Feeding of enriched milk fat led to marked suppression of airway inflammation as evidenced by reductions in eosinophilia and lymphocytosis in the airways, compared with feeding of normal milk fat and control diet. Enriched milk fat significantly reduced circulating allergen-specific IgE and IgG1 levels, together with reductions in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IL-5 and CCL11. Treatment significantly inhibited changes in the airway including airway epithelial cell hypertrophy, goblet cell metaplasia and mucus hypersecretion. The two major components of enriched milk fat, cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid and VA, inhibited airway inflammation when fed together to mice, whereas alone they were not effective.

: Milk fat enriched in conjugated linoleic and VAs suppresses inflammation and changes to the airways in an animal model of allergic airway disease.


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Background: Asthma incidence has long been linked to pollen, even though pollen grains are too large to penetrate into the airways where asthmatic responses originate. Pollen allergens found in small, respirable particles have been implicated in a number of asthma epidemics, particularly ones following rainfall or thunderstorms.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine how pollen allergens form the respirable aerosols necessary for triggering asthma.

Methods: Flowering grasses were humidified and then dried in a controlled-environment chamber connected to a cascade impactor and an aerosol particle counter. Particles shed from the flowers were analyzed with high-resolution microscopy and immunolabeled with rabbit anti-Phl p 1 antibody, which is specific for group 1 pollen allergens.

Results: Contrary to what has been reported in other published accounts, most of the pollen in this investigation remained on the open anthers of wind pollinated plants unless disturbed—eg, by wind. Increasing humidity caused anthers to close. After a cycle of wetting and drying followed by wind disturbance, grasses flowering within a chamber produced an aerosol of particles that were collected in a cascade impactor. These particles consisted of fragmented pollen cytoplasm in the size range 0.12 to 4.67 μm; they were loaded with group 1 allergens.

Conclusion: Here we provide the first direct observations of the release of grass pollen allergens as respirable aerosols. They can emanate directly from the flower after a moisture-drying cycle. This could explain asthmatic responses associated with grass pollination, particularly after moist weather conditions.


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Thunderstorms have often been linked to epidemics of asthma, especially during the grass flowering season; however, the precise mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are unknown. Evidence of high respirable allergen loadings in the air associated with specific meteorologic events combined with an analysis of pollen physiology suggests that rupture of airborne pollen can occur. Strong downdrafts and dry, cold outflows distinguish thunderstorm rain from frontal rain. The weather system of a mature thunderstorm likely entrains grass pollen into the cloud base, where pollen rupture would be enhanced, then transports the respirablesized fragments of pollen debris to ground level where outflows distribute them ahead of the rain. The conditions occurring at the onset of a thunderstorm might expose susceptible people to a rapid increase in concentrations of pollen allergens in the air that can readily deposit in the lower airways and initiate asthmatic reactions.


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A postembedding method has been developed for localizing water soluble allergens in rye-grass pollen. This uses dry fixation in glutaraldehyde vapour, followed by 2,2-dimethoxypropane, prior to a 100% ethanol series leading into embedment in LR Gold. This has allowed the attachment of specific monoclonal antibodies to the allergen, which are themselves probed with specific immunogold labels to the antibodies. Wall and cytoplasmic sites have been identified, representing an improvement of fixation and localization of allergens over previous studies employing polyclonal, broad spectrum antibodies.

Rye-grass allergens are labelled in mature pollen grains in the exine (tectum, nexine and central chamber), and in the electron opaque areas of the cytoplasm, especially mitochondria. The allergens are absent from the intine, polysaccharide (P) particles, amyloplasts, Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum. IgE antibodies derived from humans allergic to rye-grass pollen, bind to similar sites in the cytoplasm but only to the outer surface of the pollen grain wall. This method now provides a valuable tool for further developmental studies on the pollen grains, in order to establish the site/s of synthesis of the allergens.


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We have identified a major allergenic protein from rye-grass pollen, tentatively designated Lol pIb of 31kDa and with pI 9.0. A cDNA clone encoding Lol pIb has been isolated, sequenced, and characterized. Lol pIb is located mainly in the starch granules. This is a distinct allergen from Lol pI, which is located in the cytosol. Lol pIb is synthesized in pollen as a pre-allergen with a transit peptide targeting the allergen to amyloplasts. Epitope mapping of the fusion protein localized the IgE binding determinant in the C-terminal domain.


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Grass pollen allergens are the most important cause of hay fever and allergic asthma during summer in cool temperate climates. Pollen counts provide a guide to hay fever sufferers. However, grass pollen, because of its size, has a low probability of entering the lower airways to trigger asthma. Yet, grass pollen allergens are known to be associated with atmospheric respirable particles.

We aimed (1) to determine the concentration of group 5 major allergens in (a) pollen grains of clinically important grass species and (b) atmospheric particles (respirable and nonrespirable) and (2) to compare the atmospheric allergen load with clinical data to assess different risk factors for asthma and hay fever.

We have performed a continuous 24 h sampling of atmospheric particles greater and lower than 7.2 μm in diameter during the grass pollen season of 1996 and 1997 (17 October 1996–16 January 1997) by means of a high volume cascade impactor at a height of about 15 m above ground in Melbourne. Using Western analysis, we assessed the reactivity of major timothy grass allergen Phl p 5 specific monoclonal antibody (MoAb) against selected pollen extracts. A MoAb-based ELISA was then employed to quantify Phl p 5 and cross-reactive allergens in pollen extracts and atmospheric particles larger and smaller than 7.2 μm.

Phl p 5-specific MoAb detected group 5 allergens in tested grass pollen extracts, indicating that the ELISA employed here determines total group 5 allergen concentrations. On average, 0.05 ng of group 5 allergens were detectable per grass pollen grain. Atmospheric group 5 allergen concentrations in particles > 7.2 μm were significantly correlated with grass pollen counts (rs = 0.842, P < 0.001). On dry days, 37% of the total group 5 allergen load, whereas upon rainfall, 57% of the total load was detected in respirable particles. After rainfall, the number of starch granule equivalents increased up to 10-fold; starch granule equivalent is defined as a hypothetical potential number of airborne starch granules based on known pollen count data. This indicates that rainfall tended to wash out large particles and contributed to an increase in respirable particles containing group 5 allergens by bursting of pollen grains. Four day running means of group 5 allergens in respirable particles and of asthma attendances (delayed by 2 days) were shown to be significantly correlated (P < 0.001).

Here we present, for the first time, an estimation of the total group 5 allergen content in respirable and nonrespirable particles in the atmosphere of Melbourne. These results highlight the different environmental risk factors for hay fever and allergic asthma in patients, as on days of rainfall following high grass pollen count, the risk for asthma sufferers is far greater than on days of high pollen count with no associated rainfall. Moreover, rainfall may also contribute to the release of allergens from fungal spores and, along with the release of free allergen molecules from pollen grains, may be able to interact with other particles such as pollutants (i.e. diesel exhaust carbon particles) to trigger allergic asthma.


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Allergenic proteins present in pollen grains, when inhaled, interact with the airways to cause an attack of asthma in susceptible humans. In one system, grass pollen grains rupture osmotically in rainfall, releasing allergen-containing inhalable particles into the atmosphere. In contrast, birch tree pollen grains do not rupture under these conditions, yet the major allergen, Bet v 1, has been detected in the atmosphere in inhalable particles of unknown origin. It is possible that Bet v 1 may diffuse from intact settled pollen grains and the allergenic material may again become airborne, interacting with settled fine particles from other sources prior to resuspension. This study investigates the mechanism for the release of birch pollen allergen-containing inhalable particles from pollen grains. We propose the hypothesis that (1) airborne birch pollen grains settle on nearby leaf surfaces; (2) then, following light rainfall, the grains germinate and, (3) later, pollen tubes burst, releasing inhalable particles carrying Bet v 1 into the atmospheric aerosol.   We used microscopic analyses of pollen behaviour following anther opening, a Burkard volumetric trap for pollen counts and a high volume air sampler with a two-stage cascade impactor for quantitative immunochemical analyses of Bet v 1. On dry days of high birch pollen count (48 grains/m3, 1.5 ng/m3 of Bet v 1), we found that the surfaces of birch leaves became coated with pollen. This ”pollen rain” is a source of secondary emission of allergens into the atmosphere. We observed that following light rainfall (<1 mm per day), about 80% of the birch pollen grains germinated, producing pollen tubes, especially in the sticky surface secretions of leaf glands. These pollen tubes may grow up to 300 μm in length prior to rupturing, each releasing about 400 starch granules coated with allergen molecules that may, after drying, be dispersed into the aerosol. On these days following light rainfall, the highest atmospheric levels of Bet v 1 (1.18 ng/m3) are associated with inhalable particles. Following heavy rainfall, both pollen and inhalable particles are washed from the atmosphere. Immunoprinting studies show that Bet v 1 is associated with starch granules rather than the smaller orbicules. Bet v 1 is present in the atmosphere in large particles, i.e. in particular pollen grains and in inhalable particles, i.e. in particular starch granules.


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Exposure to airborne pollen from certain plants can cause allergic disease, leading to acute respiratory symptoms. Whole pollen grains, 15–90 μ m-sized particles, provoke the upper respiratory symptoms of rhinitis (hay fever), while smaller pollen fragments capable of depositing in the lower respiratory tract have been proposed as the trigger for asthma. In order to understand factors leading to pollen release and fragmentation we have examined the rupture of Chinese elm pollen under controlled laboratory conditions and in the outdoor atmosphere. Within 30 minutes after immersion in water, 70% of fresh Chinese pollen ruptures, rapidly expelling cytoplasm. Chinese elm flowers, placed in a controlled atmosphere chamber, emitted pollen and pollen debris after a sequential treatment of 98% relative humidity followed by drying and a gentle disturbance. Immunologic assays of antigenic proteins specific to elm pollens revealed that fine particulate material (D p < 2 μ m) collected from the chamber contained elm pollen antigens. In a temporal study of the outdoor urban atmosphere during the Chinese elm bloom season of 2004, peak concentrations of pollen and fine pollen fragments occurred at the beginning of the season when nocturnal relative humidity (RH) exceeded 90%. Following later periods of hot dry weather, pollen counts decreased to zero. The Chinese elm pollen fragments also decreased during the hot weather, but later displayed additional peaks following periods of more moderate RH and temperature, indicating that pollen counts underestimate total atmospheric pollen allergen concentrations. Pollen fragments thus increase the biogenic load in the atmosphere in a form that is no longer recognizable as pollen and, therefore, is not amenable to microscopic analysis. This raises the possibility of exposure of sensitive individuals to pollen allergens in the form of fine particles that can penetrate into the lower airways and pose potentially severe health risks.


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The prevalence of food allergic diseases is rising and poses an increasing clinical problem. Peanut allergy affects around 1% of the population and is a common food allergy associated with severe clinical manifestations. The exact route of primary sensitization is unknown although the gastrointestinal immune system is likely to play an important role. Exposure of the gastrointestinal tract to soluble antigens normally leads to a state of antigen-specific systemic hyporesponsiveness (oral tolerance). A deviation from this process is thought to be responsible for food-allergic diseases. In this study, we have developed a murine model to investigate immunoregulatory processes after ingestion of peanut protein and compared this to a model of oral tolerance to chicken egg ovalbumin (OVA). We demonstrate that oral tolerance induction is highly dose dependent and differs for the allergenic proteins peanut and OVA. Tolerance to peanut requires a significantly higher oral dose than tolerance to OVA. Low doses of peanut are more likely to induce oral sensitization and increased production of interleukin-4 and specific immunoglobulin E upon challenge. When tolerance is induced both T helper 1 and 2 responses are suppressed. These results show that oral tolerance to peanut can be induced experimentally but that peanut proteins have a potent sensitizing effect. This model can now be used to define regulatory mechanisms following oral exposure to allergenic proteins on local, mucosal and systemic immunity and to investigate the immunomodulating effects of non-oral routes of allergen exposure on the development of allergic sensitization to peanut and other food allergens.


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The increase in the incidence of food allergy is a growing problem for the western world. This review will focus on the findings from several macromolecular epithelial transport experiments and drug permeability studies to provide a recent comprehension of food allergen intestinal epithelial cell transport and the allergen-epithelial relationship. Specifically, this review will aim to answer whether allergens can permeate the intestinal barrier directly via intestinal epithelial cells, and whether this mode of transport affects downstream immune reactions. By improving our understanding of the interactions which take place during exposure of food allergens with the intestinal epithelium, we can begin to understand whether the epithelial barrier plays a major role in the allergic sensitization process rather than simply restricting the entry of allergens to the underlying lamina propria.