987 resultados para air quality measurements
"December 1991."
Vol. 7: second ed., 1975.
Cover title.
Mode of access: Internet.
The growth performance and endocrine responses of male weaner pigs (3 to 8 weeks of age) was evaluated in two different environments (clean and dirty) and housing (single or groups of 10 pigs/pen) conditions. The dirty environment contained significantly elevated ammonia, carbon dioxide and dust levels compared with the clean environment. Pigs grew faster and consumed more feed in the clean environment and this was associated with reduced plasma cortisol concentrations compared with pigs in the dirty environment. Pigs housed in groups in the dirty environment had increased β-endorphin and decreased IGF-I concentrations compared to group housed pigs in the clean environment. Feed conversion efficiency did not differ due to environment or group housing. Plasma concentration of cortisol, p-endorphin, IGF-I and IGF-II did not differ between single and group housed pigs. Activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis was greater in response to environmental conditions than group housing, and this was associated with reduced growth in weaner pigs. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Widespread drought and record maximum temperatures in eastern Australia produced a large dust storm on 23 October, 2002 which traversed a large proportion of eastern Australia and engulfed communities along a 2000 km stretch of coastline from south of Sydney ( NSW) to north of Mackay ( Queensland). This event provided an opportunity for a study of the impacts of rural dust upon the air quality of four Australian cities. A simple model is used to predict dust concentrations, dust deposition rates and particle size characteristics of the airborne dust in the cities. The total dust load of the plume was 3.35 to 4.85 million tones, and assuming a ( conservative) plume height of 1500 m, 62 - 90% of this dust load was deposited in-transit to the coast. It is conservatively estimated that 3.5, 12.0, 2.1 and 1.7 kilotonnes of dust were deposited during the event in Sydney, Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay, respectively. In the South East Queensland region, this deposition is equivalent to 40% of the total annual TSP emissions for the region. The event increased TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and reduced the visibility beyond the health and amenity guidelines in the four cities. For example, the 24-h average PM10 concentrations in Brisbane and Mackay, were 161 and 475 mu g m(-3) respectively, compared with the Australian national ambient air quality standard of 50 mu g m(-3). The 24-h average PM2.5 concentration in Brisbane was 42 mu g m(-3), compared with the national advisory standard of 25 mu g m(-3). These rural dusts significantly increased PM10/TSP ratios and decreased PM2.5/PM10 ratios, indicating that most of the particles were between PM2.5 and PM10.
Local air quality was one of the main stimulants for low carbon vehicle development during the 1990s. Issues of national fuel security and global air quality (climate change) have added pressure for their development, stimulating schemes to facilitate their deployment in the UK. In this case study, Coventry City Council aimed to adopt an in-house fleet of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles to replace business mileage paid for in employee's private vehicles. This study made comparisons between the proposed vehicle technologies, in terms of costs and air quality, over projected scenarios of typical use. The study found that under 2009 conditions, the electric and hybrid fleet could not compete on cost with the current business model because of untested assumptions, but certain emissions were significantly reduced >50%. Climate change gas emissions were most drastically reduced where electric vehicles were adopted because the electricity supply was generated by renewable energy sources. The study identified the key cost barriers and benefits to adoption of low-emission vehicles in current conditions in the Coventry fleet. Low-emission vehicles achieved significant air pollution-associated health cost and atmospheric emission reductions per vehicle, and widespread adoption in cities could deliver significant change. © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
The first Air Chemistry Observatory at the German Antarctic station Georg von Neumayer (GvN) was operated for 10 years from 1982 to 1991. The focus of the established observational programme was on characterizing the physical properties and chemical composition of the aerosol, as well as on monitoring the changing trace gas composition of the background atmosphere, especially concerning greenhouse gases. The observatory was designed by the Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg (UHEIIUP). The experiments were installed inside the bivouac lodge, mounted on a sledge and put upon a snow hill to prevent snow accumulation during blizzards. All experiments were under daily control and daily performance protocols were documented. A ventilated stainless steel inlet stack (total height about 3-4 m above the snow surface) with a 50% aerodynamic cut-off diameter around 7-10 µm at wind velocities between 4-10 m/s supplied all experiments with ambient air. Contamination free sampling was realized by several means: (i) The Air Chemistry Observatory was situated in a clean air area about 1500 m south of GvN. Due to the fact that northern wind directions are very rare, contamination from the base can be excluded for most of the time. (ii) The power supply (20 kW) is provided by a cable from the main station, thus no fuel-driven generator is operated in the very vicinity. (iii) Contamination-free sampling is controlled by the permanently recorded wind velocity, wind direction and by condensation particle concentration. Contamination was indicated if one of the following criteria were given: Wind direction within a 330°-30° sector, wind velocity <2.2 m/s or >17.5 m/s, or condensation particle concentrations >2500/cm**3 during summer, >800/cm**3 during spring/autumn and >400/cm**3 during winter. If one or a definable combination of these criteria were given, high volume aerosol sampling and part of the trace gas sampling were interrupted. Starting at 1982 through 1991-01-14 surface ozone was measured with an electrochemical concentration cell (ECC). Surface ozone mixing ratio are given in ppbv = parts per 10**9 by volume. The averaging time corresponds to the given time intervals in the data sheet. The accuracy of the values are better than ±1 ppbv and the detection limit is around 1.0 ppbv. Aerosols were sampled on two Whatman 541 cellulose filters in series and analyzed by ion chromatography at the UHEI-IUP. Generally, the sampling period was seven days but could be up to two weeks on occasion. The air flow was around 100 m**3/h and typically 10000-20000 m**3 of ambient air was forced through the filters for one sample. Concentration values are given in nanogram (ng) per 1 m**3 air at standard pressure and temperature (1013 mbar, 273.16 K). Uncertainties of the values were approximately ±10% to ±15% for the main components MSA, chloride, nitrate, sulfate and sodium, and between ±20% and ±30% for the minor species bromide, ammonium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.
The issue of sustainability is at the top of the political and societal agenda, being considered of extreme importance and urgency. Human individual action impacts the environment both locally (e.g., local air/water quality, noise disturbance) and globally (e.g., climate change, resource use). Urban environments represent a crucial example, with an increasing realization that the most effective way of producing a change is involving the citizens themselves in monitoring campaigns (a citizen science bottom-up approach). This is possible by developing novel technologies and IT infrastructures enabling large citizen participation. Here, in the wider framework of one of the first such projects, we show results from an international competition where citizens were involved in mobile air pollution monitoring using low cost sensing devices, combined with a web-based game to monitor perceived levels of pollution. Measures of shift in perceptions over the course of the campaign are provided, together with insights into participatory patterns emerging from this study. Interesting effects related to inertia and to direct involvement in measurement activities rather than indirect information exposure are also highlighted, indicating that direct involvement can enhance learning and environmental awareness. In the future, this could result in better adoption of policies towards decreasing pollution.
Poor hospital indoor air quality (IAQ) may lead to hospital-acquired infections, sick hospital syndrome and various occupational hazards. Air-control measures are crucial for reducing dissemination of airborne biological particles in hospitals. The objective of this study was to perform a survey of bioaerosol quality in different sites in a Portuguese Hospital, namely the operating theater (OT), the emergency service (ES) and the surgical ward (SW). Aerobic mesophilic bacterial counts (BCs) and fungal load (FL) were assessed by impaction directly onto tryptic soy agar and malt extract agar supplemented with antibiotic chloramphenicol (0.05%) plates, respectively using a MAS-100 air sampler. The ES revealed the highest airborne microbial concentrations (BC range 240-736 CFU/m(3) CFU/m(3); FL range 27-933 CFU/m(3)), exceeding, at several sampling sites, conformity criteria defined in national legislation [6]. Bacterial concentrations in the SW (BC range 99-495 CFU/m(3)) and the OT (BC range 12-170 CFU/m(3)) were under recommended criteria. While fungal levels were below 1 CFU/m(3) in the OT, in the SW (range 1-32 CFU/m(3)), there existed a site with fungal indoor concentrations higher than those detected outdoors. Airborne Gram-positive cocci were the most frequent phenotype (88%) detected from the measured bacterial population in all indoor environments. Staphylococcus (51%) and Micrococcus (37%) were dominant among the bacterial genera identified in the present study. Concerning indoor fungal characterization, the prevalent genera were Penicillium (41%) and Aspergillus (24%). Regular monitoring is essential for assessing air control efficiency and for detecting irregular introduction of airborne particles via clothing of visitors and medical staff or carriage by personal and medical materials. Furthermore, microbiological survey data should be used to clearly define specific air quality guidelines for controlled environments in hospital settings.