393 resultados para agitação


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute a family of compounds characterized by having two or more condensed aromatic rings and for being a class of substances that are widely distributed in the environment as a complex mixture, being very persistent in the environment due to its low solubility in water. The application of chemometric methods to analytical chemistry has provided excellent results in studying the solubility of PAHs in aqueous media in order to understand the mechanisms involved in environmental contamination. The method consists in analyzing the solubilization of PAHs from diesel oil in water varying parameters such as stirring time, volume of oil added and pH, using a full factorial design of two levels and three factors. PAHs were extracted with n-hexane and analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy because they have molecular characteristics fluorescent due to the large number of condensed rings and links, and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results of fluorescence analysis showed that only the stirring time and pH influenced the solubility of PAHs in diesel fuel. How is a non-selective technique for the study of fluorescence was performed on form and semi-quantitative. And for the chromatographic analysis the results showed that the solubility of the different PAHs is influenced differently so that you can classify them into groups by the results of the effects


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This study proposes to find a biodiesel through transesterification of rice bran oil with KI/Al2O3 checking the influence of two types of alumina (Amorphous and Crystalline) for conversion into methyl esters. The catalyst was synthesized by the wet impregnation method. Adding 30 mL of 35% KI(aq.) in 10 g of alumina, under stirring at 80 °C for 3 hours. The reaction conditions used in this study were optimized, with a molar ratio methanol:oil of 15:1, 8 h of reaction time and reflux temperature. The catalyst amount was varied in the range of 1 to 5 % wt. The solid catalysts materials were analyzed by: x-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetry (TG), N2 adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and basicity, for the identification of its structure and composition, verifying the presence of basic sites. The results showed that Al2O3(A) presents an amorphous structure, high surface area and a better catalytic activity, in relation to the catalyst synthesized with Al2O3(C) support that proved to have a more crystalline structure, having as well, a lesser surface area, enabling difficulties for the incorporation of active sites. The obtained biodiesel with 5% wt. KI/Al2O3(A) presented physicochemical properties within the standards specified by the Resolution No 7/2008 ANP and obtained the best reaction yield with 95.2%, according to quantitative measurement from the TG, which showed 96.2% conversion into methyl esters. It was furthermore found that with the increasing amount of the quantity of the catalyst in the reaction, there was also an increase in the ester content obtained. The specific mass and the kinematic viscosity were reduced with the increase of the amount of quantity of the catalyst, indicating an increase in the conversion of triglycerides


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Combating pollution of soils is a challenge that has concerned researchers from different areas and motivated the search for technologies that aim the recovery of degraded soils. Literature shows numerous processes that have been proposed with the intent of remediating soils contaminated by oils and other by-products of the oil industry, considering that the processes available have, generally, high operating costs, this work proposes a costeffective alternative to the treatment of Diesel-contaminated soils. The washing solutions were prepared using water as aqueous phase, the saponified coconut oil (OCS) as surfactant and n-butanol as co-surfactant. In this study, the soil was characterized by physical and chemical analyses. The study of diesel desorption from the soil was held in bath, using hexane and washing solutions, which had 10 and 20 wt.% active matter (AM - co-surfactant/surfactants) respectively. The study of the influence of active matter concentration and temperature in bath agitated used an experimental planning. The experiment also developed a system of percolation in bed to wash the soil and studied the influence of the concentration of active substance and volume of washing solution using an experimental planning. The optimal times to achieve hexane extraction were 30 and 180 min, while the best results using a 10% AM was 60 min and using a 20% AM was 120 min. The results of the experimental planning on bath showed that the maximum diesel removal was obtained when at a 20 wt.% of AM and under 50 °C, removing 99.92% of the oil. As for experiments in the system of percolation soil bed, the maximum diesel removal was high when the volume of the washing solution was of 5 L and the concentration of 20% AM. This experiment concluded that the concentration of AM and the temperature were vital to bath experiments for diesel removal, while in the system of percolation soil bed only concentration of AM influenced the soil remediation


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Cutting fluids are lubricants used in metal-mechanical industries. Their complex composition varies according to the type of operation carried out, also depending on the metals under treatment or investigation. Due to the high amount of mineral oil produced in Northeastern Brazil, we have detected the need to better use this class of material. In this work, two novel formulations have been tested, both based on naphthenic mineral oil and additives, such as: an emulsifying agent (A), an anticorrosion agent (B), a biocide (C) and an antifoam agent (D). Each formulation was prepared by mixing the additives in the mineral oil at a 700-rpm stirring velocity for 10 min, at 25°C, employing a 24 factorial planning. The formulations were characterized by means of density, total acid number (TAN), viscosity, flash point and anticorrosion activity. In a subsequent study, oil-in-water emulsions were prepared from these novel formulations. The emulsions were analyzed in terms of stability, corrosion degree, percentage of foam formation, conductivity, accelerated stability and particle size. The samples were appropriately labeled, and, in special, two of them were selected for featuring emulsion properties which were closer to those of the standards chosen as references (commercial cutting oils). Investigations were undertaken on the ability of NaCl and CaCl2 to destabilize the emulsions, at concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10%, at an 800-rpm stirring velocity for 5 min and temperatures of 25º, 40º, 50º and 60ºC. The recovered oils were chemically altered by reincorporating the same additives used in the original formulations, followed by preparation of emulsions with the same concentrations as those of the initial ones. The purpose was to assess the possibility of reusing the recovered oil. The effluents generated during the emulsion destabilization step were characterized via turbidity index, contents of oil and grease, pH, and contents of anions and cations, observing compliance with the parameters established by the current environmental legislation (Brazil s CONAMA 357/05 resolution). It could be concluded that the formulations presented excellent physicochemical properties as compared to commercial cutting fluids, showing that the quality of the newly-prepared fluids is superior to that of the formulations available in the market, enabling technically and environmentally-safe applications


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The cultivation of microalgae biomass in order to produce biodiesel arises as an extremely promising aspect, in that the microalgae culture includes short cycle of reproduction, smaller areas for planting and residual biomass rich in protein content. The present dissertation evaluates the performance and features, through spectrometry in the region of infrared with transformed Fourier (FTIR) and spectrometry in the region of UVvisible (UV-Vis), of the extracted lipid material (LM) using different techniques of cell wall disruption (mechanical agitation at low and at high spin and agitation associated with cavitation). The technique of gas chromatography (GC) brought to light the success of alkaline transesterification in the conversion of oil into methyl monoesters (MME), which was also analyzed by spectroscopic techniques (FTIR, proton magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and carbon (13C NMR). Through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were analyzed the lipid material (LM), biodiesel and the microalgae biomass. The method which provided the best results concerning the efficiency in extraction of the LP of Monoraphidium sp. (12,51%) was by mechanical agitation at high spin (14 000 rpm), for 2 hours being the ideal time, as shown by the t test. The spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR) confirmed that the structure of methyl monoesters and the chromatographic data (CG) revealed a high content of saturated fatty acid esters (about 70%) being the major constituent eicosanoic acid (33,7%), which justifies the high thermal stability of microalgae biodiesel. The TGA also ratified the conversion rate (96%) of LM into MME, pointing out the quantitative results compatible with the values obtained through GC (about 98%) and confirmed the efficiency of the extraction methods used, showing that may be a good technique to confirm the extraction of these materials. The content of LM microalgae obtained (12,51%) indicates good potential for using such material as a raw material for biodiesel production, when compared to oil content which can be obtained from traditional oil for this use, since the productivity of microalgae per hectare is much larger and requires an extremely reduced period to renew its cultivation


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During the storage of oil, sludge is formed in the bottoms of tanks, due to decantation, since the sludge is composed of a large quantity of oil (heavy petroleum fractions), water and solids. The oil sludge is a complex viscous mixture which is considered as a hazardous waste. It is then necessary to develop methods and technologies that optimize the cleaning process, oil extraction and applications in industry. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the composition of the oil sludge, to obtain and characterize microemulsion systems (MES), and to study their applications in the treatment of sludge. In this context, the Soxhlet extraction of crude oil sludge and aged sludge was carried out, and allowing to quantify the oil (43.9 % and 84.7 % - 13 ºAPI), water (38.7 % and 9.15 %) and solid (17.3 % and 6.15 %) contents, respectively. The residues were characterized using the techniques of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Xray diffraction (XRD) and transmission Infrared (FT-IR). The XRF technique determined the presence of iron and sulfur in higher proportions, confirming by XRD the presence of the following minerals: Pyrite (FeS2), Pyrrhotite (FeS) and Magnetite (Fe3O4). The FT-IR showed the presence of heavy oil fractions. In parallel, twelve MES were prepared, combining the following constituents: two nonionic surfactants (Unitol L90 and Renex 110 - S), three cosurfactants (butanol, sec-butanol and isoamyl alcohol - C), three aqueous phase (tap water - ADT, acidic solution 6 % HCl, and saline solution - 3.5 % NaCl - AP) and an oil phase (kerosene - OP). From the obtained systems, a common point was chosen belonging to the microemulsion region (25 % [C+S] 5 % OP and AP 70 %), which was characterized at room temperature (25°C) by viscosity (Haake Rheometer Mars), particle diameter (Zeta Plus) and thermal stability. Mixtures with this composition were applied to oil sludge solubilization under agitation at a ratio of 1:4, by varying time and temperature. The efficiencies of solubilization were obtained excluding the solids, which ranged between 73.5 % and 95 %. Thus, two particular systems were selected for use in storage tanks, with efficiencies of oil sludge solubilization over 90 %, which proved the effectiveness of the MES. The factorial design delimited within the domain showed how the MES constituents affect the solubilization of aged oil sludge, as predictive models. The MES A was chosen as the best system, which solubilized a high amount of aged crude oil sludge (~ 151.7 g / L per MES)


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To overcome the challenge of meeting growing energy demand in a sustainable way, biodiesel has shown very promising as alternative energy can replace fossil fuels, even partially. Industrially, the biodiesel is produced by homogeneous transesterification reaction of vegetable oils in the presence of basic species used as catalysts. However, this process is the need for purification of the esters obtained and the removal of glycerin formed after the reaction. This context, the alternative catalysts have that can improve the process of biodiesel production, aiming to reduce costs and facilitate its production. In this study, the AlSBA-15 support with Si / Al ratio = 50 was synthesized, as like as the heterogeneous catalysts of zinc oxide and magnesium supported on mesoporous AlSBA-15 silica, in the concentrations of 5, 10, 15 and 30 %, relative to the support. The textural properties and structural characterization of catalysts and supports were determined by techniques: X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) coupled to the chemical analyzer, adsorption / desorption of N2, thermal analysis (TG / DTG), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Characterization results indicated that the support AlSBA-15 retained the hexagonal ordered after the incorporation of zinc oxide and magnesium oxide in the holder. For heterogeneous catalysts, ZnO-AlSBA-15, that was observed the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles dispersed in the surface and interior channels of the mesoporous and microporous support. The catalytic activity was evaluated by the transesterification reaction of sunflower oil via methylic route, and some reaction parameters were optimized with the most active catalyst in biodiesel production by sunflower oil. For the series of heterogeneous catalysts, the sample with 30 % ZnO supported on AlSBA-15 showed a better conversion of triglyceride to methyl esters, about 95.41 % of reaction conditions: temperature 175 °C, with molar ratio of 42:1, stirring at 200 rpm and under a pressure of 14 bar for 6 h. The catalyst MgO-AlSBA-15 showed no catalytic activity in the studied reactions


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A sedação de dependentes de álcool e drogas em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um desafio pela elevada incidência de tolerância às drogas sedativas e da elevada freqüência de síndromes de abstinência. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de paciente jovem admitido na UTI que desenvolveu síndrome de abstinência alcoólica e tolerância às drogas sedativas, solucionadas somente após o uso de clonidina. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 18 anos, dependente de álcool, tabaco, cocaína e maconha, vítima de acidente por arma de fogo, foi admitido na UTI no 1º dia de pós-operatório de enterectomia, após aspiração de conteúdo gástrico durante reintubação traqueal. Evolução clínica: drogas vasoativas até o 4º dia de internação e broncopneumonia bilateral com derrame pleural e necessidade de ventilação artificial até o 15º dia. O esquema de sedação inicial utilizado foi a associação de midazolam e fentanil. A partir do 4º dia, o paciente apresentou vários episódios de agitação psicomotora, mesmo com a associação de lorazepam no 6° dia. No 9° dia, o paciente recebeu as maiores doses dos fármacos, mas permanecia agitado. Optou-se pela associação de dexmedetomidina, que reduziu as doses das outras drogas em 35% e diminuiu a agitação. No 12° dia, o midazolam e a dexmedetomidina foram substituídos pela infusão de propofol, com piora do quadro. No 13° dia, foi associada clonidina ao esquema de sedação, com resolução do quadro de agitação. No 14° dia, o propofol foi suspenso, sendo mantida a infusão de fentanil e reintroduzida a infusão de midazolam, com doses respectivamente 75% e 65% menores em relação ao pico de uso destas drogas. No 15° dia, o paciente foi extubado e teve alta da UTI. CONCLUSÕES: A droga de escolha para o tratamento da síndrome de abstinência alcoólica é o benzodiazepínico. Entretanto, no presente relato, somente o uso adjuvante de clonidina conseguiu proporcionar tratamento adequado ao paciente.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Injeção inadvertida de medicamentos de uso não espinhal nos espaços peridural e subaracnóideo é uma complicação anestésica passível de ocorrer. Este relato apresenta um caso de injeção inadvertida de metoclopramida no espaço subaracnóideo. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, 69 kg, IMC de 26.2, estado físico ASA I, 36 semanas e 4 dias de gestação, com diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal agudo, e indicação de cesariana. Apresentava freqüência cardíaca de 82 bpm, pressão arterial de 130 x 70 mmHg, SpO2 de 97%, ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular. A anestesia foi por via subaracnóidea com a associação de anestésico local e opióide, 15 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% e 25 µg de fentanil. Após 5 minutos da instalação do bloqueio, a paciente referiu mal estar inespecífico. Aferidas pressão arterial, 190 x 120 mmHg, freqüência cardíaca, 145 bpm, e SpO2, 95%. Verificando-se as ampolas cujos conteúdos foram administrados encontrou-se uma de bupivacaína e uma de metoclopramida. O quadro se apresentou com cefaléia frontal intensa, visão turva, náuseas, vômitos e agitação inicial, que evoluiu para sonolência e torpor, além de hipertensão arterial e taquicardia. Foram administrados tramadol, dipirona, ondansetron e medidas de suporte. Após 30 minutos, a paciente apresentava-se assintomática, com PA de 150 x 100 mmHg e FC de 120 bpm. Recebeu alta para a enfermaria 140 minutos após permanência na SRPA, com total reversão dos bloqueios motor, sensitivo e autonômico, e normalização dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos. Recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após, sem apresentar seqüelas neurológicas, juntamente com o recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Máxima atenção deve ser dada a qualquer medicamento administrado, seja qual for à via utilizada. Padronização de cores de ampolas, e dos locais de depósito, com o intuito de diminuir este tipo de acidente é recomendável.


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The current environmental crisis demands transformations in the relations among society, nature and development, considering sustainability. In this context, an important theme is replacing fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Moringa oleifera Lam. is a species that can be used as a raw material to produce biodiesel. Besides, it is a multiple purposes plant, which can be used also in water treatment. Thus, the aims of this work were to analyze the anatomical adaptations found in the stem and in the leaf and the seed s oil stores of M. oleifera., to investigate chemical characteristics of M. oleifera s seed oil, considering biodiesel production, and to evaluate the coagulation activity of these seeds in water treatment. Semipermanent histological laminas were made and it follows that the stem has thick cuticle, stomata whose cells guard are below the epidermis line, hollow medulla, druses and tector trichomes as adaptations to climate and soil conditions in which the species is found and the leaf is dorsiventral and it has thick cuticle, tector trichomes and druses. The seed has great reserves of oil. These features favor the use of Moringa oleifera Lam. as a raw material to produce biodiesel in Brazil s Northeast semiarid region. Chemical analysis were made through oil solvent extraction using mechanic stirrer. The oil was analyzed in UV spectrophotometer. A transesterification was made and biodiesel was analyzed in gas chromatography. Oil yield was high and good quality biodiesel was obtained. To evaluate seeds coagulantion activity, coagulation and flocculation essays in jartest were made, using seed extract to treat raw water. Seeds were efficient in cogulation process to treat water. So, they can be used in rudimentary systems or as a raw material to coagulant proteins extraction, as an alternative to traditional coagulants. M. oleifera has characteristics that favor its use to biodiesel production and water treatment


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A composição química e a qualidade biológica da torta de colza obtida da semente, variedade CTC-4, foram determinados. A farinha foi preparada me diante prensagem da semente e extração da gordura com solvente, lixiviada durante 2 horas, com água corrente na proporção de 1:5, e agitação constante, a fim de reduzir os níveis de glicosinolatos. O efeito tóxico foi observado através do peso dos órgãos e da histopatologia dos órgãos em experimento de 60 dias. A qualidade biológica da torta desintoxicada, ao nível de 5% e 10%, foi semelhante ao da caseína (PER controle 3,18 vs 3,08, 5% e 2,98, 10%). O PER da torta crua foi de 2,28. Os ratos que receberam a farinha crua tiveram órgãos maiores. As tireóides dos ratos submetidos as dietas 2 e 3, não demonstraram alterações que suspeitassem de um efeito bociogênico e as alterações ocorridas nas tireóides dos animais que receberam, D-4 foram semelhantes àquelas ocorridas nos grupos 2 e 3. Não houve danos célulares graves em relação ao fígado, os rins, o coração, baço e supra-renais para todos os grupos observados. O método de extração dos fatores tóxicos da colza foi eficiente de acordo com os resultados obtidos para o presente estudo.


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Relatamos dois pacientes epilépticos que manifestaram quadro psicótico agudo induzido por topiramato (TPM). Um paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora grave, heteroagressividade, alucinações auditivas e visuais, e delírios de conteúdo paranóide e místico. O outro paciente apresentou agitação psicomotora, despersonalização, desrealização, ansiedade intensa e delírio de que estava perdendo a memória. Ambos os pacientes foram conduzidos ao serviço de emergência e, após a interrupção do TPM em um deles e redução da droga em outro, houve remissão total dos sintomas psicóticos sem necessidade de medicação antipsicótica. Alertamos os clínicos para o risco de surgimento de sintomas psicóticos em pacientes em uso do TPM.


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Is common the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease (AD), this is resulted of anatomical and biochemical changes in the brain. The objective of present study was to look for papers relating physical activity and neuropsychiatric symptoms through a systematic review. The following data bases was accessed: Academic Search Premier, Biological Abstracts, Medline, PsycINFO, Pubmed, Scielo, Science direct on line, Sport Discus and Web of Science, using the following key-words: (Neuropsychiatric disturbances OR Neuropsychiatric symptoms OR Neuropsychological disturbances OR Aberrant behavior OR Aberrant behaviour OR Behavior disturbances OR Behaviour disturbances OR Behavior management OR Behaviour management OR Disruptive behavior OR Disruptive behaviour) and (Alzheimer) and (Exercise OR Motor intervention OR training OR Physical activity OR fitness), besides crossing the references in the selected articles. Eight studies had filled the inclusion criteria. It was possible to conclude there are evidences of positive results for agitation and sleep disturbances in patients with AD. However, there's no consensus of what kind of activity is better for these patients.


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O processo de co-cristalização consiste na concentração de um xarope de sacarose até a supersaturação, quando então é adicionado o material a ser encapsulado. A partir daí, a mistura é submetida a uma intensa agitação que induz à nucleação e à aglomeração do produto. Neste trabalho, a encapsulação de suco concentrado de maracujá em sacarose por co-cristalização foi avaliada, determinandose o efeito da fração de suco adicionada e do pH do suco sobre a umidade, solubilidade, densidade aparente e ângulo de repouso do produto final e acompanhando-se a cinética de cristalização em um reo-reator, constituído de um cristalizador acoplado a um reômetro rotacional de cilindros concêntricos, cujo cilindro interno foi substituído por um agitador. A cinética de co-cristalização foi representada por um modelo empírico ajustado aos dados obtidos. A co-cristalização foi acelerada em função do aumento do pH e da redução da porcentagem de suco. Os produtos co-cristalizados apresentaram menor umidade e maior solubilidade em baixas concentrações de suco. A densidade aparente e o ângulo de repouso foram similares aos da matriz encapsulante e situaram-se na faixa em que se encontram a maioria dos pós alimentícios.


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The aim of this work was to characterize jambolan seeds regarding its centesimal composition, and also to evaluate its antioxidant potential and fatty acid profile. To obtain the extract, dehydrated and grinded seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 minutes, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant subjected to a rotoevaporator at 40 degrees C aiming to determine, by direct weighing, the extract's dry matter yield. According to the results of centesimal composition, higher values were found for total carbohydrates. Ethanolic extract from jambolan seeds exhibited antioxidant potential, given by the EC(50) value, as well as by the amount of total phenolic compounds. In the oil studied, higher percentage of unsatured fatty acids stood out, being linoleic acid the main component, considered an essential fatty acid.