976 resultados para administrative procedure


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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K-means algorithm is a well known nonhierarchical method for clustering data. The most important limitations of this algorithm are that: (1) it gives final clusters on the basis of the cluster centroids or the seed points chosen initially, and (2) it is appropriate for data sets having fairly isotropic clusters. But this algorithm has the advantage of low computation and storage requirements. On the other hand, hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm, which can cluster nonisotropic (chain-like and concentric) clusters, requires high storage and computation requirements. This paper suggests a new method for selecting the initial seed points, so that theK-means algorithm gives the same results for any input data order. This paper also describes a hybrid clustering algorithm, based on the concepts of multilevel theory, which is nonhierarchical at the first level and hierarchical from second level onwards, to cluster data sets having (i) chain-like clusters and (ii) concentric clusters. It is observed that this hybrid clustering algorithm gives the same results as the hierarchical clustering algorithm, with less computation and storage requirements.


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In an earlier communication[l] we have indicated a general graphical design procedure for a sequence of sparger reactors in which a second order liquid phase reaction proceeds in a stagewise fashion. The prediction of the reactant concentration in each stage and hence the conversion depended on a search procedure initiated along a straight line representing the mass balance equation at the given stage and drawn from the known feed stage located on the abscissa in a E-IU diagram for the given system.


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In cases whazo zotatLon of the seoondazy pztncipal 8tzo,ae axes along tha light path ,exists, it is always poaeible to detezmlna two dizactions along which plane-polazlaad light ,antazlng the model ,amerCe8 as plene-pela~l,aed light fzom the model. Puzth,az the nat zstazdatton Pot any light path is dlff,azant Prom the lntsgtatad zetazd,ation Pat the l£ght path nogZsctlng the ePfsct or z,atation.


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This text provides a summary of Australian procedural law to its bare essence to assist students to rapidly come to grips with the main principles, theories and reality of civil litigation. The LexisNexis Study Guide series is designed to assist students in learning the foundations for effective, systematic exam preparation and revision. In each chapter of LexisNexis Study Guide - Civil Procedure, Stephen Colbran, Roger Douglas, Sheryl Jackson and Molly Townes O'Brien clearly identify and explain the pertinent and often difficult topics within civil procedure. The most important and recent cases are summarised to consolidate practical understanding of the theoretical concepts involved in civil procedure.


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A key issue on achieving sustainability and sustainable development is through administrative reforms. The book under review, a compilation of ‘good practices’, comes in at a time when the helm of affairs on governance and administrative practices is up for a thorough introspection. This book is a collection of papers presented at the ‘International Conference on Administrative Reforms, Good Practices and their Sustainability’ on 24–25th April 2003 at New Delhi.


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An easy and convenient one-step procedure for the conversion of alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds into their corresponding bromo-enones using NBS-Et3N center dot 3HBr in the presence of potassium carbonate in dichloromethane at 0 degrees C to room temperature under very mild conditions in high yields and significantly shorter times, is reported.


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Dehydroamino acids are important precursors for the synthesis of a number of unnatural amino acids and are structural components in many biologically active peptide derivatives. However, efficient synthetic procedures for their production in large amounts and without side reactions are limited. We report here an improved procedure for the synthesis of dehydroalanine and dehydroamino butyric acid from the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF. The antiselective E-2 elimination of the carbonate derivatives of serine and threonine using TBAF is milder and more efficient than other available procedures. The elimination reaction is completed in less than 10 min with various carbonate derivatives studied and the methodology is very efficient for the synthesis of dehydroamino acids and dehydropeptides. The procedure thus provides an easy access to key synthetic precursors and can be used to introduce interesting structural elements to designed peptides. Copyright


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Micromachined antennas are recieving great interest as carrier frequencies move higher into the frequency spectrum due to their superior performance and amenability for integration with active devices. However their design is cumbersome owing to the complexity of the structure. To overcome this, in this paper, an iterative procedure is suggested to facilitate fast design of micromachined patch antennas based on a simulation study. A microstrip line on a micromachined Silicon substrate is simulated in a full wave simulator by solving for the ports only. From the obtained propagation constant, the effective dilectric constant for the micromachined substrate is estimated. The process is repeated for a number of values of the width of the microstrip and a plot is made for the variation of the effective dielectric constant with the microstrip width. Then an iterative method in combination with the extrapolated permittivity which includes the effect of cavity extensions in all the directions, is used to obtain the width and the corresponding effective dielectric constant. This method has been verified to be quite accurate by comparison with full wave simulations and hence it can function as a good starting point for designers to design micromachined antennas.


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In this paper, we have first given a numerical procedure for the solution of second order non-linear ordinary differential equations of the type y″ = f (x;y, y′) with given initial conditions. The method is based on geometrical interpretation of the equation, which suggests a simple geometrical construction of the integral curve. We then translate this geometrical method to the numerical procedure adaptable to desk calculators and digital computers. We have studied the efficacy of this method with the help of an illustrative example with known exact solution. We have also compared it with Runge-Kutta method. We have then applied this method to a physical problem, namely, the study of the temperature distribution in a semi-infinite solid homogeneous medium for temperature-dependent conductivity coefficient.


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A simple and accurate method for the determination of 0.25 to 1.0 μg. of manganese (in samples containing 1 to 4 μg. of manganese) has been developed by modifying the conditions for the reaction between permanganate and benzidine. Manganese is oxidized with potassium periodate in orthophosphoric acid and selectively estimated in the presence of excess oxidant with benzidine in formic acid. The procedure is applicable for estimation of manganese in biological samples, with recoveries in the range 97.5 to 106.1%.